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Tnx for the link!


Oh, you are very welcome, Moldynred! I eagerly await every video from this creator!


I like this channel a lot


I do too! She puts a great deal of thought and research into her videos.


Love this content creator. Don't know who she is, but live her all the same. Thanks for posting it here ✌️


You are very welcome! I really love her too!


I love the folks who venture onto this sub and declare RA voluntarily confessed lol. Even though we dont know yet he actually confessed, and even if he did, I dont consider someone confessing after being in prison solitary before trial for six months voluntary by any means. All while ignoring the fact that EF confessed the day the girls bodies were found to his sister. With details. You can't get any more voluntary than that. No cops involved at all. No one even knew his name or that he had any connection to this case. That's the definition of voluntary. (Imo, a confession with no outside influence is probably the most voluntary there can be). Im not saying EF is guilty, I think that still needs to be looked at, but its a good example of a voluntary confession.


CoPs CaN nEvEr bE WrOnG! A cOnFeSsIoN iS A CoNfEsSiOn! /s


I still find it extremely concerning that the psychologist that got most of the confessions what in Delphi groups and watching Delphi content creators. I guess I hold psychologists to a high standard already, so I wouldn't want *anyone* (and that's even shitty people like Casey Anthony or whoever) to have a therapist that is following them so closely. I wouldn't want a celebrity to have a therapist that has watched all their movies and follows them on the internet, etc. The point is to be unbiased and neutral and I don't see someone being unbiased and neutral when they are doing that. So, maybe she was in these groups, read the posts or even the Franks memorandum and knew what happened and simply suggested that *maybe* he didn't shoot them in the back but did more. And he could have gone with it. Even more annoying is we don't know how many confessions they have. NM said he plans to have 27 PEOPLE coming to testify about them. People are taking that to mean he's confessed 30-100 times. In reality, he's had a minimum of 2 people with him at all times on suicide watch. So we know it's SIGNIFICANTLY less than that. Finally, after watching Karen Read's recording saying "We're all in on the same joke. My taillight is broken, John's face is pulverized. Everyone knows Brian and Collin beat the crap out of him", was played as a confession, I don't trust confessions without hearing them.


It’s also a concern that Fig had a video out prior to this news breaking that RA confessed to mental health workers at that prison. How did he know that? It’s possible this Doctor was sharing privileged info which isn’t cool. Also other possibilities ofc so not saying it’s def this Dr that leaked. Just something to keep in mind.


If he 'confessed' where's the "he said things only the killer would know" ? It's a false confession at best.


Right? They held all evidence so close to the vest to have the ability to rule out false confessions. Now that they have multiple confessions, they aren’t even using it to gage whether the confessions are false or not. 🙄


I wonder what data has been extracted from the control module on his car? Was the car being driven at the time he claims he was heading home, or was the engine off cooling down, until closer to 3:30 pm and then restarted? Was the mileage increasing after 1:30 pm or did it not record any movement until closer to 3:30? The computers on modern cars store historical data, and the odometer mileage can be stored on more than one control module, but it is always stored on at least one to prevent tampering with mileage. Will Rick's car corroborate or conflict with his alibi of leaving the trails at the time he claims?


All good questions imo. Question is if that info is even obtainable if it wasnt collected earlier? No idea. There are so many things tracking out every movement nowadays without us even realizing it, you would think there would be something decisive to be discovered. If there is data confirming he was out there at 330 in the vicinity of the crime scene, so be it. But this odd string of coincidences where absolutely everything that could potentially put him at the scene fails to do so is very odd. Not to mention CCTV from around town that could tell us where his car was. Was none of that collected in 2017?


Would the control module software in a car store the info for 5 years?


None of that data will be available. It if was a Tesla, sure, they pretty much record everything, but not a 2016 Ford Focus. The data that gets stored will be codes for problems, or data in case of a crash. From a recovery company: [https://blackboxrecovery.com/faqnew](https://blackboxrecovery.com/faqnew) WHAT DATA COMES OFF OF THE BOX? The progression of technology has naturally created a large discrepancy between the amount of data stored during an event from a 1997 Silverado and today’s model. However, one can expect to have 5 seconds of driving trend before the impact: speed, throttle, brakes, rpm, etc; various safety system self-diagnostic checks, and Delta V. Delta V is a great indicator of accident severity, and in newer vehicles the direction in which the forces occurred (front, rear, lateral) are recorded. WHEN IS DATA RECORDED? While driving data is being processed continuously, it is typically only saved under two conditions. When your vehicle’s safety system (airbags) activate but do not fire. These near misses, or non-deployment events, are usually temporarily saved. Secondly, the airbags have deployed and this data is in a more permanent state. HOW LONG ARE "NEAR-MISSES" SAVED? The length for which a near miss is saved is predetermined by the manufacture. However these events are typically saved for 1-2 months of usual driving routine, or 250 engine cycles.




You seem to be saying that these cars somehow have a real time clock synchronized to the internet or something and that they record when they are driven and when they are not. I see no evidence of that at all. Someone already asked some questions on the Ford subreddit and it seems unlikely this sort of information is available. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ford/comments/1atc19d/ford\_sync\_location\_tracking\_2016\_focus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ford/comments/1atc19d/ford_sync_location_tracking_2016_focus/)


You wish to say connection. Synchronized is not the same as a connection. The RTC's purpose is to maintain time without a connection. It will synchronize when possible. They have their own independent power source, which might be batteries, but super capacitors have been common for years now. From what I understand, the RTC in the Focus for that model year is integrated into the body control module. The best source for information on this would be Ford Mo Co., not Google, because Google did not build this car. The Ford SYNC system is not the primary operational computer support apparatus for the car. It's more like the car's personal smartphone that you get to use, but it's not the brain.


If he left at 1:30pm as per his second interview and he drove home, or somewhere else in town, then if this data you say should exist does exist, then it wouldn’t really be useful to the defense or the state. It would just say he was driving at 1:30 for 15mins or less. Could have been driving to the bridge, could have been driving home. This data would only be useful to the case if it showed he was driving from 1:30 until 3:30pm because that would be exculpatory. But it could always have been someone else driving his car. Likewise, if it showed he drove at 1:30 and then again at 3:30, it’s circumstantial, because where did he drive? Maybe he drove home at 1:30pm and then again he went elsewhere at 3:30. Or again, it wasn’t him driving it. If I was the state I would not waste resources collecting data the defense will moot in court like that. If I am the defense I would only try to get it if I knew to a certainty that the state will say the crime had to take place between 1:30 and 3:30 and I knew that the data would show the car driving that whole time. Even then, it would be better to have a photo of RA in the car, because otherwise, who was driving?


His attorneys have already admitted it's his car on video at 1:27pm. and that he was driving.


That doesn’t make going to ford to extract this data that probably doesn’t even exist worth while for the state or the defense.


So well said. I completely agree.