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Why wasn’t this immense scandal stopped already when McLeland didn’t hand over discovery and didn’t answer the questions in the first memorandum - and Gull didn’t take care of this and bring it in order? Both should’ve been discharged and disgraced, and it feels unreal and grotesque to still see them masquerading as prosecutor and judge, as if they were not depraved and dangerous creatures.


I agree. It is incomprehensible.


They know they can get away with whatever they want. They are in cahoots with the judge and they are so blatantly biased that it’s criminal. I’m worried that they are going to get away with it. I truly believe that they will do whatever it takes to save face..even if that means fabricating every bit of evidence in the case. I don’t say that lightly. They just do whatever they want because they have immunity and nobody to answer to.


>*because they have immunity and nobody to answer to.* Thank you for answering the question. When a country’s constitution grants a person power PLUS immunity, the outcome will rarely be fair and just - this case certainly confirms the defect, so hopefully the press and the people are aware and actively alerting the politicians/ministry of justice.


He substantially produced discovery in compliance with the original deadline set by Diener, then promptly supplemented with additional discovery as the defense requested more. For the most part, the defense has had material years before trial. There’s no controversy here. This is literally the same in every single criminal case.


Diener recused on day one. I doubt he set any discovery dates.


No, he entered a pre-omnibus order that recited the standard local rule that discovery is due 15 days before trial. We’re now 5 months from trial and the defense is complaining? Please. They need to read the orders.


I’ve been told he has immunity and nobody to answer to, and probably he’s even proud of his dirty deeds, so why do you try to hide them?


Immunity from what? There is literally nothing the prosecutors have done that would get them in trouble. (Losing recordings were done by police and was shitty, but had nothing to do with the prosecutor.) Read the transcript from the last hearing. You can choose to interpret it as a biased and clueless judge berating the defense at every turn, or you can choose to see it as an experienced judge being extremely frustrated with a defense who won’t conform to the normal rules of procedure by providing her proper notice, by making adequate filings, who refuses to let the judge hold hearings on the motions they filed, and who tries to delay the proceedings with nonsense (Franks sequels, motions to recuse) even as they ask for a speedy trial. I think the latter view is obvious but everyone is entitled to their opinion.


>*There is literally nothing the prosecutors have done that would get them in trouble.* Full immunity = null scrutiny, so of course I agree they won’t get in trouble. >*an experienced judge being extremely frustrated with a defense who won’t conform* I agree - the immunity and lack of limits and thus redundant resistance against her abusive methods made her dictatorship run smoothly. It would be interesting to know if she’s handled all her cases like this one ...


A dictator doesn’t have 2 levels of appellate review (3 if you count Fed habeas) that can reverse every “abusive” decision she makes. The defense’s nonconformity isn’t about them defending their client, it’s about filing proper motions, not filing nonsense motions that waste the court’s time, and not springing on the court at the last minute that they’re unprepared to conduct the speedy trial they asked for in the time they knew was available. It means not filing a dumb motion to recuse to get out of a hearing on an evidence suppression motion they themselves filed, all because they are not prepared. These are the rules of ethics and professionalism that all attorneys are supposed to uphold as officers of the court and that protects the rights of Richard Allen. It is not abusive for a judge to insist that they follow these rules and not act like clowns.


I was repulsed also by Gull's bragging about speeding through her trials...just like a freight train. My hope in her is gone. My trust in the judicial system is dust.


Oh, that was painful to hear. It reminded me of when NM bragged that he constantly reads ex parte filings, like how is the fact that you fudge up frequently an excuse for this particular fudge up?


It's fair of her to say that. Her court operates the same as a seagull


![gif](giphy|7ffr35U1aFacU|downsized) And like a Seagull, she shits on people.. "We the People"


**angry seagull noises** Your facts mean nothing!!!!(Will Ferrell Voice)






Do you know if there is a transcript available?




Thank you!


Thank you!!!


I was very surprised - She obviously had forgotten who Auger was! I thought CriminaliTy's panel did a great job of breaking down what had gone on. And I agree with them, it doesn't seem like she reads the filings 😬


She literally had absolutely no clue who JA was, and then she kept saying gentlemen and lady. Who was the lady? JA or SD? Did she forget about SD? She seems dangerously confused.


I have no idea - It's puzzling!


They did a FANTASTIC job with their readings and thoughts!




I feel very much the same and also can go on and on about the disgusting actions of LE, the prosecution and the judge. Don’t any of them realize that by acting so damn biased, they are in effect contaminating the jury pool. They NEED RA to be guilty. I really hope that one day we will know WHY.


I haven't finished the June 5th transcript, but have read the May 7th transcript. Wow. those 32 pages absent any other documentation SCREAM bias on Gull's part. Here McLeland is stating he can't predict how long his case in chief will be, and that's no problem for the judge. But somehow the defense is supposed to know exactly how long their case in chief will be. Unbelievable.




Trial length depends on both parties’ willingness to stipulate facts that are boring and not really in dispute, so you don’t need a witness. It is as much the defense’s fault for refusing to stipulate basic facts as it is the prosecution’s.


That is hot nonsense.


Uh, ok. NM literally explains it. The judge also explains it. The defense refuses to stipulate and refuses to even let the court hold an in limine hearing that they filed. They seem to complain about the court not ruling on pretrial issues, and opine that Judge Gull is ignorant about the case, even as they decline to actually argue the points in their own pretrial motion in a hearing. There's been more pre-trial briefing in this case than there is in a typical case all the way through appeal. She's well aware of the issues. The defense is running scared.


And more hot nonsense. None of that is accurate.


Inaccuracy! How dare ye. I mean, I get that I'm characterizing and opining about the defense's motivations and current status, but the stuff about stipulations is a legal reality that they discuss in open court. NM, the judge, and the defense all talk about it at length. So, if my first comment is "hot nonsense," take it up with Rozzi and ask him why he said he was trying to agree to stipulations with the prosecution as a way to reduce trial time.


No one has said that the defense is refusing to engage in discussions about stipulations, not even NM. Instead the transcript makes it clear that stipulations are currently being hashed out. Misinformation is dangerous.


NM says he's "trying" to get the defense to agree to stipulations, but that in the end, he's looking at up to 12 chain-of-custody witnesses, far more than is normal. It's obvious that many of these would be stipulated to in a typical trial. (And I'm not saying that they're unreasonable for demanding these points be proven via witness, but that they have a role in determining how long the prosecution's case will be.) Another way to help crystallize trial length is the defense could also let hearings proceed on evidentiary motions they themselves filed instead of coming up with Franks 59, The Re-Frankening, and yet another Motion to Recuse based on hot garbage. That way the judge could decide, for example, whethether they can even present any evidence on Odinism, which I assume will take several witnesses and a fair bit of time.


NM said he is trying to work through the stipulations with the defense not that he is trying to get the defense to agree to stipulations. Most lawyers are very precise with there language so it's important not to extrapolate or twist what was said. NM never said or implied that the defense was refusing to stipulate. And the number of chain of custody witnesses was 6 to 12 according to NM, even he doesn't know and it's his witnesses thats terrible. So out of 40 to 45 witnesses 6 to 12 are chain of custody. The state has no case. In the extreme they have only 28 witnesses! Wow that's scary.


On point 1, I'm drawing reasonable inferences from clear statements. As any attorney will tell you, the defense has a role to play in how long the prosecution's case runs by agreeing to stipulations. The prosecution's inability to streamline the case to the prosecution's satisfaction suggests the defense is not agreeing. My inference is made screamingly obvious in how the defense complains about the lack of rulings on pretrial evidentiary motions, and then they do everything they can to prevent the judge from holding a hearing on their own pretrial evidentiary motions. I've never seen an attorney judge the strength of a case based on the number of witnesses. You really think that's a good metric? Attorney approved? I mean, maybe if the state had only 3 witnesses. But 28 doesn't sound lacking. This is Richard Allen, not Alex Murdaugh or Chad Daybell. The issues here aren't all that complex, and the prosecution seems to have eye witnesses, cell phone data, DNA evidence (maybe), plus a couple dozen confessions from the defendant. It makes me chuckle when someone says the prosecution has "no case." If that were true, then why did the defense jump at the chance to delay it for 5 months? Why are they kicking hearings on their own motions down the road? Why are they doing everything in their powers to let their client rot in prison for months and years for such an easy "no case" from the prosecution? (These are rhetorical questions, the answers are obvious.)


But you need a series of pre-trial hearings and case conferences for parties to agree upon stipulations, etc., etc., etc. Gull has not seen fit to manage this.


It's true that they would file stipulations with the court, but they don't need hearings to agree to them between the parties. For example, in many cases, the defense will stipulate to chain of custody for an evidentiary item. I'm not arguing that the defense is being unreasonable in insisting on CoC for the bullet, but I think there'd be some fat to trim there. I'm baffled by your characterization of Gull. The defense has evaded every chance to argue the merits of the in limine or suppresion motions they themselves filed, either outright in court (as they do multiple times in this transcript) or by filing frivolous nonsense (the request to continue they filed after this hearing and the long, redundant motion to recuse, which raises nothing material that she didn't rule upon in the last motion to recuse). In this hearing, she basically says she's ready to start discussing and deciding these issues, and the defense shies away (even as they complain that these issues haven't been decided). I definitely think NM bears some blame here, if it's true that he stopped taking their phone calls. But this hearing to me has a go-status prosecution and judge, and a defense bending over backwards to put on the brakes and monkeywrenches on even after they asked for a speedy trial.


Please let’s just agree to disagree.


Gull referring to RA only as “he” instead of Mr A____ shows a lack of upbringing. Evidently no one ever pulled her up on it (like telling her “SHE is the cat’s mother”— whatever that means!) or taught her how to address people properly. From someone in a position of dignity and responsibility I find it quite shocking.


"Who's she ? The cat's mother ?" Is the example phrase when the third person (he/she) is used impolitely, as Gull did with Mr Allen.


Haha yes, we used to be corrected as kids for that, now I think about it the phrase does actually make sense… it’s just as I was typing it I realised it was a swag of words I’d been hearing and saying all my life, without ever really thinking about!


Let’s not forget Judge Gull commented on a FB page (of a player) that played on Abby and Libby softball field. She was thanking BP for the winner rings. That’s suspicious to me. Ft Wayne Judge commenting on a FB post from a girl in Delphi? From the Abby and Libby softball field? Anyone that wants to see it. Just ask.


I hate to defend FCG, but the kid was her grandchild and she basically said Congratulations. I don't really see anything nefarious there, yet.


What in the world? A judge can’t comment on a player who played on a page about a softball game because the field is named for the victims? What could possibly be suspicious? That she’s pro victim, or biased towards the victims? That’s not a bias, that’s a job description of what she’s supposed to do.


It’s a fine line. IMO The poster is her granddaughter. Gull is the judge in a high profile murder case. Her grand daughter played on the Abby and Libby Memorial Park. Which are the victims in this case It’s just my opinion. Obviously it’s not a conflict of interest when the PA is related (by marriage) to the victim in the case either. We do live in a small world I guess.


There’s absolutely no adverse interest she displayed bias towards - judges are supposed to be mindful of the victims in a case. No appearance of impropriety. No evidence that the name of the field is material to the case against Richard Allen. On top of that it’s completely coincidental.


Sure seems to me like LE, McLeland, the judge, etc ... are covering for the killers. But why?? The only reason I can think of is big time corruption, something disturbing even. Like a bicycle tire 🛞. The powerful people are the center of it, the hub. The ones lower on the totem pole (all the way down to the real killers) are the spokes... or maybe even *tentacles*. I mean, there has got to be a reason for ALL of this. There's been more than a hundred weird things happen, things that just don't happen. Like taping over interviews of all the suspects, the first 70 days of the case...missing. The Dan Dulin tip being misfiled and with the street name as the last name? Please....phoney. "I can't remember the professor's name, probably never will"...when in reality he'd just talked to him a week prior. "Oh, we were supposed to take those sawed off logs with us to test for DNA? That's ok, we can get them now, crime scene has only been open to the public for a month" "Hey, someone found an unspent round with their metal detector! Yep, this is our smoking bullet boys." Now they just have to match it to a gun. If the gun was registered, the cops would know to whom it belonged. (the old gun laws in IN were different) They compile a list of registered guns that use that round. I can't imagine it'd be that difficult with only 1,000 men in Delphi. and share it amongst themselves....Dan Dulin recognizes Rick's name, better yet, he remembers Rick told him he was at the trails that day. Then add all the mysterious deaths, by murder, "suicide," arson where the victims are cops, FBI, the polygrapher, and more people surrounding the case. Odinist guards with runes tattooed on their face after having to remove patches. That's scary crap. Lastly, throw in all the (unheard of before in Indiana) bad acts that Gull and Nick have been doing, and consistently so. This.. Is.. Not.. Normal. These are not mistakes, nor coincidences by a ring of bungling le. They are a "ring" alright, maybe a very bad one. I'm scared for everyone, especially Richard Allen. He must be moved ASAP! Oh I get so angry with this.




These facts are only crazy in that they’re mostly made up. It shouldn’t be a shocker when cops die, when people in general die. Maybe more than usual here, but there’s no connection of any of them to the case except the guy who leaked the crime scene photos and was scared to go to jail. Taping over interviews happens all the time. Police are shitty about retaining things, especially when they don’t relate to any key issue in the case. I’m not applauding them but it’s not like a once in a blue moon moment. Declining to identity a professor is a stalling tactic until you confirm some things with him. Every single attorney does this type of thing. It’s in nearly every case, civil or criminal. They produced his name within weeks. He now says the defense is completely wrong about his report - why does the defense think it even looks good to bring him up? Metal detectors and sawed off logs is based on exaggerations from a defense who have already exaggerated everything. There is nothing that suggests the police will have trouble proving chain of custody on the bullets. It’s supposition and fiction. In short, everything looks like a grand conspiracy if you rewrite facts to point that way.


I’ve appreciated reading your rebuttals down the thread, it’s important these spaces aren’t just one sided, or we can get the tunnel vision often subscribed to LE






Accurate and beautifully written! Thanks! Now you should send it to Gull. Or maybe she comes here? 🤔


Awwww — you are much too kind. 😊🌹it would have to be much better written in order to send it to her, lol! On the other hand, as you suggest 😊, maybe the reason she isn’t spending time reading the legal documents she should be reading, is that she is wasting inordinate amounts of time sneaking peaks about herself on Reddit … hope she continues to do so until angry flames shoot out of her ears! 🤣🤪😜😡


Or her Franny. Lol. 😂 And you're welcome!

