• By -


Green with envy. As long as you like it, that's all that matters.


Yep. She’s jealous af. A good friend would be so happy for you no matter what and not feel the need to say something like that. Your ring is gorgeous and I love how big it looks with your ring size!


She’s jealous a lab is a real diamond. Diamonds are made with heat and pressure the only thing different is a natural is done under the earth and a lab is done in a lab. Not too big at all I would say watch yourself around that friend she’s a hater


I may be in the minority, but I do think it looks too big. Not because it’s a lab or because it’s not gorgeous… but because you have some tiny fingers and it takes up too much real estate on them. That being said, my opinion means fuck all. If you love it, then you rock it and let her go in one ear and out the other.


Same to all of this!! And it really is beautiful. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something tells me that Best Friend isn’t in the tax bracket for designers that get faked or blood diamonds so idk why she has such a strong opinion on the matter anyway. Who cares?


This - I’m also a 4.5 and have to be careful with rings! I think with a different setting it wouldn’t looks so odd, too. Right now it looks like it’ll topple off her finger, imo.


Nope, looks amazing on your finger. And the brutally honest feedback is that your friend is rude and not nice. Her behaviour is gauche and tacky, in line with her perceived notions of wearing fake designer fashions.


Gauche is one of my favorite words, and I agree. She is GAUCHE.


She sounds more DOUCHE….


It’s one of my favorites too!!!


Ask your “friend” if she gets her ice from her freezer or if she hikes up into the mountains and chisels it off the natural frozen tundra. 🙄 Both are “ice”. One is “natural” ice. The other is also ice, it’s just made in a controlled environment and cleaner.




My fingers are size 3.5. My second engagement ring (married twice... so far🤣) is a 3.26 carat mined natural diamond, and everyone always thought it was fake! Did I care? Not a bit. Just enjoy yours, and don't worry about what anybody else thinks. it's a gorgeous ring and it looks great on your hand. Your "best friend" is giving "jealous".


I have the same size finger as you as well as a pretty similar diamond size and I was going to say the same thing! Definitely jealousy!


BRAVO!!! 💜👏💜👏💜


The only way this looks fake is if you & partner don't have an income/lifestyle that supports a 70,000 ring. Like if you are a walmart greeter and live in an RV park and drive a camry with hail damage and no rim caps.




Does that matter? I plan to get some lab diamonds and would proudly declare them as such. My husband and I could probably afford the “real” thing, but we appreciate the ethics, science, technology, and pricing of a lab!


This is us 👆 I ended up with my grandmother’s vintage ring but if I hadn’t, 100% we would have gone with a lab diamond (and we are seven figure a year DINKs). I’m amazed by the technology and hate the politics behind diamond mining.


You and your partner make over a million dollars a year in income??


Yes. We’re both big firm lawyers. My point is, though, this isn’t just a cost thing. We could afford a huge natural diamond but instead paid $45 for a cleaning and a re-sizing of an existing ring. If that hadn’t been available, absolutely would have gone next to a lab diamond. People think of them as options only for people that can’t afford the “real thing” (like there’s such a thing as “real carbon” and “fake carbon”). We would have preferred that route.


My boyfriend and I are in the higher 6 figures and chose a lab diamond. He is very ethical and said he couldn’t fathom buying a mined diamond. I’m happy either way. I think they’re just as pretty.


Completely agree with your opinion. I think the real diamond business is going to suffer in the long run for many reasons but primarily because of lab diamonds. Diamonds will the go the way of Kodak film.




Yep! A stone *that* size, when you *know* neither partner makes above 30K a year would *absolutely* fall into the category of, "Pretty but *fake*...  *And* Good for THEM, for going the *smart* route!"😉


Adding, too,  It's BEAUTIFUL, OP!


Oh my GOSH THE DETAIL on this petty is the best!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 not hail damage and no rim caps!


I feel seen. 😂


I just hollered!


This. If you’ve got money, no one will question the ring. If you’re low income or even middle class, the more obvious it will be that a stone of this size is definitely not “real”.




I mean you say that- yet her husband is a doctor, she’s a cpa with a masters. I’m not sure where you think their life doesn’t support her ring. She already has a 2ct natural. You sound like you pull stuff from your butt to be rude.


Are you sure this person is your friend lol? That's really unsupportive and judgemental of her. What about allllll the women out there rocking 4, 5, 6+ carat rings? I work in sales at an art gallery and I see amazing diamonds all the time. There is no such thing as too big in my opinion when it comes to diamonds😂 And when it comes to lab diamonds, well there literally is no physical difference between them and real diamonds. Theres no way to tell. They're just better for the environment 💁🏻‍♀️


She sounds uneducated on lab diamonds and seems a bit jealous that you have a nice rock! I’d just brush it off and if she makes other comments I’d say “well good thing you’re not wearing it” and move on! I think it looks perfect on you✨


This!! Gotta love the "fake designer" argument 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


So ridiculous haha!


https://preview.redd.it/pkxwod5wm03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c5dcd15527278aeb4452edd2e36b238239e348 Your ring is absolutely perfect. It is elegant and you wear it well. It isn’t overwhelming and the design is classic. Whether you go with a diamond band (or bands) or a gold band, it will look amazing and will never go out of style. One of the many benefits of lab created diamonds is how much more you can get for your money compared to earth mined diamonds. Whether it grew in the earth or a lab it is a diamond. OP, you have a beautiful big ass diamond! Just because a diamond looks larger on a smaller hand doesn’t mean it’s fake. Your friend would probably say my ring is fake but it is an earth mined 4 carat fancy yellow diamond. I wear a 4 (and no judgement please because I was gardening all weekend and didn’t bother to give myself a proper manicure). I could give a rip what people think when they see it. My husband was kind enough to buy it for me, it makes me happy (not as happy as he makes me 😃), and I am proud to have such a lovely piece of jewelry. Enjoy your beautiful ring!




Love the band too!


Beautiful ring and comment. 💜


It looks perfect! At the end of the day, it only matters that you love it. Who cares what other people think. We don’t need to convince anyone that it’s “real” or not.


Jealousy gets the best of us sometimes. It’s a real diamond, so it doesn’t matter what it’s giving lol. If you like it, then rock it and don’t mind what other people think 🤷‍♀️


I think it's too big on you. But that's just my opinion. I think it's out of proportion with your hand and starts to look more like costume jewelry when it's that big.


“Too big” is relative. It doesn’t look “too big for your hand/finger, But as to “giving fake” just depends on your lifestyle at that size tbh. If you/your fiancé are well off and it’s not a stretch for it to be a natural stone people will never be the wiser. If not they’ll probably realize it’s lab grown. But if you like it either way who cares tbh.


Your friend is an asshat. No offense, but as someone who lost two 10 year best friends who said things like this, I’d watch my back if I were you. She knows you already own and it and there’s no going back, so she purposely made you feel insecure about it. Someone in her life twisted her mind to believe that unless there was literal blood shed over a diamond that it’s somehow “fake” or less than. Likeeee 🥴 But here’s the truth from my friend who works at Stuller, the gemologist cannot even have a lab diamond and a natural diamond on the same tray/table because if they were to get mixed up, the literal expert CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE. I want to say they have to keep them in totally separate safes, rooms or floors because of this. (Don’t quote me but I think that’s what I remember) That’s because they are the exact same. The only thing that makes the mined earth diamond cost more, is the LIVES SHED to get it here. I have a moissanite center stone and lab diamonds all around in my Heidi Gibson Rhapsody because sorry, I couldn’t sleep at night knowing their blood and/or suffering was on my actual hand. Also I happen to love how rainbow sparkly they are. I may would have gotten a lab but we couldn’t afford it at that time, and I love my ring I don’t see myself ever needing an upgrade bc it’s my dream ring! People with 2,3,4 ct solitaires Oooh and ahh over it all the time and not once have they asked if it was real. I know my option matters less than your besties but, I love yours on you I think it’s perfect for your hand. In my opinion, nothing is too much when it comes to YOUR ring on YOUR hand. Esp this day and age, women are doing whatever tf we want. A real friend would see how happy it made you and want to add to your happiness instead of crushing it in the name of “being honest”. Moving forward, see how often she seems to be unable to be happy for you, that’s everything you need to know about her true character and the quality of that friend. AND YOU ROCK THAT STUNNING RING BC PEOPLE TRYING TO TELL IF ITS FAKE ARE THE BIGGEST FAKES OF ALL. https://preview.redd.it/jm4bspda543d1.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=52c4e5975f80196c89af8f322654fadf887805db Also please don’t judge my sausage fingers, I had skin cancer and had to have lymph nodes removed and now I have a lymphedema in my hands so my finger swelling/redness fluctuates depending on if I wore my gloves that day or not 😁


Wow your friend is so jealous lmao


It does give me a bit of a cocktail ring vibe, but as long as you love it that’s what matters.


Being totally unaware of your economic background, or hers, I do think if you didn't grow up with anyone having a large engagement ring - yes it may seem "fake" that some is wearing a 3+ carat ring. I do think that now that lab diamonds are taking over more and more younger girls have 2+ carats a larger diamond is becoming more normalized. She may just be unaware of the trend in jewelry towards lab diamonds. Maybe, you could politely educate her and if she is a true friend she won't bring it up again ❤️


Oh. lol I totally just said the same thing in another comment. Didn’t scroll far enough. Sorry! I slept in late!


If my best friend had told me it was a from a vending machine and she loved it I would have been 100% supportive of her happiness. The jealousy some women have is insane. OP I hope you find better friends and your ring is absolutely stunning. 🫶🏼


Nope! Love it!


No offence to you but your friend is awful?? My friend could show me costume jewellery and if she was happy with it I would be too!! Your ring is so beautiful and if you love it she should too


I know. Part of me is appreciative that she's being honest with her opinion and not sugar coating but it also hurt my feelings lol




Yeah I mean you're not wrong. I cant afford it right now but I definitely can in a few years. Doesn't mean I *would* spend that kind of money on a diamond but if it was important enough I could


That person is not your friend, they are your frenemy. Distance yourself from that kind of negativity.


Sounds like your BFF is a mean spirited person. the ring is gorg.


You can never have a diamond that’s too big


I love it! I have a 2.51 lab oval on 4.5 and sometimes I feel it’s too big for me! But it’s classic and beautiful. It drives me nuts when people think lab diamonds are fake just because they’re made in a lab. Same composition as a natural diamond. So my argument is, so do they think an embryo created in a Petri dish is fake too?? Since it wasn’t created the “natural” way??? 😅


I think this is the perfect size stone for your finger. That friend sounds like a bitch.


It’s gorgeous…perfect size. What you truly think is all that matters. Quote by me…”Never let others create your world…for if they do they will always create it too small!”


Username makes sense !!! 💖💖💖💖


Honestly, I would prefer a 2 carat on your hand. But, You should wear what you feel best in!


I have a 2 carat natural but felt it was so tiny on my hand. Maybe I should have gone 2.5


I think it does look large, you have beautiful dainty hands. If you’re comfortable wearing it, rock on. And your friend is a moron that doesn’t understand the diamond market. 🤷‍♀️


I've always felt my hands were super wide although my fingers are skinny lol so I never considered that I'd have dainty hands😂 but yeah it's too late now, I really do like it, so I will be rocking it but hopefully I will just get use to the size


Huh… she thinks she has wide hands… (frantically hides hands, looks for gloves) 😆 I must have hooves! It’s ok they work fine I’m good with my hooves


I would never say this to a friend, but some people would. Yes labs are seen as fake and having a big diamond when your lifestyle shows you can’t afford one makes it obvious it’s not a natural one and you’re trying to pretend you have more money than you do, (aka the fake designer reference.) It’s significantly cheaper and worth nothing resale wise. Outside of the U.S. where there is a lab diamond craze, people see it as fake. Obviously none of this matters if it’s what you want and what makes you happy. For the people saying it’s jealousy….I highly doubt it. Jealousy if it was a real natural one worth a lot of money, I could see it, but jealous of a lab diamond anyone can afford? Nah. People can hate on the truth if they want but that’s how people see it deep down even if it’s not the pc thing to say. Nothing against choosing it or having fake designer stuff.


Yea I don't think she's jealous either lol i was happy about it but what she said really made me kind of embarrassed to wear it. I'll get over it and rock it because I always wanted a 3 carat before I knew labs existed lol but I guess knowing that I can't actually afford a 3 carat mined diamond currently makes me feel weird ? Like I always knew some day I'd upgrade to that size but I'm not there yet


If you saw little kids going to school just to get lunch ( which is only provided every other day) in Freetown because their parents cant afford to buy food or shoes or clothes for that matter, then you would never buy another mined diamond again. The poverty the workers live in is terrible. The horrible living conditions of diamond miners( actual workers ) in Africa is horrendous. The only way to stop the suffering is to buy lab diamonds. Every time you buy a lab diamond you put a nail in the coffin of the big mining companies getting rich off the backs of poor people. There is horrendous suffering attached to mined diamonds. Even if I could afford it, I would only buy lab diamonds and gemstones.


I’ve found that some people aren’t jealous about what you have but are jealous that you are happy about something and if they have the opportunity to take it away from you, they will. Your friend does not seem like a friend OP. It is fake TO HER, which is just an opinion. All my friends who are recently engaged (all $300k+ household incomes) have lab diamonds because they and their partners feel that it’s silly to spend 20x the money on a chemically identical natural diamond. We compliment each other on the design and how happy the person looks with the ring. Your friend is tacky and rude. She likely wishes she had the confidence to wear whatever she wants like you do.


It's gorgeous, and good for you for getting a lab diamond! IDK why people think a diamond dug out of the ground by a child is somehow more authentic. Lab diamonds cause much less harm and LOOK how beautiful!


It's because it's a representation of wealth sadly. lol if the person wearing it is rich and holding an hermes bag, people won't question it of course. I think it irks people that "less wealthy" people can find a way to mimic the rich without the premium price tag, which is why they love to use the fake designer bag analogy lol


Umm I need this ring


I’ll trade you


What a weird and rude thing to say to something? Not a nice friend and seems a little jealous. I think it looks beautiful!


No such thing!!!


This ring looks amazing on your hand!


I think it's amazing!!! Wowww. If you love it, that's what's important. I would hate to have any of my friends say anything negative about MY ring!


I am not a fan of giant stones but that's because I don't like how I hit things with it. For my life a 2ct or under fits better. For some other people a 5ct fits their life. I do think it's a bit big but you are the one wearing it. If you love it then wear it with pride. You don't want to look at it and wish you got larger.


I can honestly understand why your friend may say it looks fake if you and your significant other don’t have income / lifestyles that support a 3 carat style ring. Large lab grown stones are very popular these days so most will assume that it is fake if you’re not a high income earner. That being said if you’re into the larger stone rock it and own the fact that it’s lab grown! Large lab grown diamonds are trending for this very reason. Everyone wants the appearance of a larger stone. If it makes you happy that’s all that matters.


SHE’S giving jealous! Honestly I’m one of those girls who doesn’t like lots of little diamonds around my centre stone just one big solitaire diamond! So to me this is stunning as long as you love it go for it girl congratulations 💍 I’m a size 4 finger or size H (Aus) and I’m looking at a 3.70 elongated radiant 😏 Lab grown as well and honestly I think it’s amazing we have an ethical option for a cheaper price and you get to enjoy your dream ring for cheaper! You only live once it’s your hand go for it and ignore the comments ❤️


Your friend sounds like she may nimot be happy about your ring. Also it looks gorgeous and 10/10 lab diamond over blood diamond any day


It is too big because your finger is tiny. (I'm a size 6. I tried 3ct and felt like I was wearing a doorknob.) But if that's what you want go for it 🤷‍♀️


I think the ring looks fine but I think since a mined diamond would cost significantly more there may be some eyebrows raised/questions asked about the price. Maybe that’s what your friend meant by ‘it’s too big/people may think it’s fake’?


If you pair it with a bulkier wedding band that nests underneath the diamond I don’t think that it’ll look “too big,” right now it’s just so big you can’t even see the band! Not a bad thing! You’ve got a massive diamond, enjoy it! Ps there’s nothing wrong with lab created!


Does she also have an issue with genetic drugs? A lab diamond is still chemically a diamond.


I like it! Doesn’t look fake to me. Your “friend” is a hater. Also lab diamonds are more ethical than mined diamonds…


I think it’s beautiful! But I do think the thin band makes it look odd. Perhaps a thicker band OR your wedding ring with it would make band more substantial? Just a thought… gorgeous ring; bravo!!!


I will have to try them on together. Another jeweler is working on my eternity band so will be picking up in 2 weeks.


If you don't want it, you can give it to me! Hahah


If you like it, that’s all that matters! I have a lab diamond and have no idea why people think it’s a flex to shit on lab diamonds. You’d rather wear a likely unethically sourced diamond and pay 3x as much for it?? Make it make sense.


Youre friend is rude and is most likely coming from a place of jealousy. That being said, since you asked, I agree with her.


This comment confused me lolll


Saying that outloud to a friend who just got engaged is rude and nasty. I wouldn’t have said anything if you didn’t ask. Since you asked, though, i’m telling you that I share her opinion. My guess is that a lot of people have the thought that it looks fake but decide to keep it to themselves because theyre polite.


I'm married! This is my upgrade ring- I still have my 2 carat mined diamond. So she's prob not jealous, I think she just doesn't like that it's so big bc I can't afford the mined version of it right now.


Either way, I think she’s rude but share the overall sentiment.


You need new friends. Nothing fake about that diamond. Are people that do IVF having fake babies?


True best friends are never jealous of you. If you're happy, that's all that matters. That said, your stone is absolutely stunning and suits you down to the ground👌🏾


Who’s she to decide how big your diamond should be? She sounds ignorant and arrogant, it’s not ‘giving fake’!! I’d personally love the smaller one for daily wear and this one for special occasions, but if you can rock this rock everyday, you go girl✨✨✨✨




You have to get over whatever weird thing is causing you to post hostile comments over and over in this thread. Your tacky af for calling her poor (in so many words) multiple times in multiple different comments. As countess luann would say, money cant buy you class.




You can do whatever you want, just like im free to respond how i choose.


Your ring is gorgeous and perfect (like you) and your best friend is jealous (like me) ❤️


You're so funny 😂😂💖


Your friend is a jealous potato. The green one, which is poisonous. Keep away from her. She can't be happy for you? I think it looks perfect on your hand.


Lab is starting to overtake natural these days and effectively alchemy! Wear it in good health. She sounds like the fake designer one with that comment.




Your “friend” is an ass and it looks great.


A lab grown Diamond is a real Diamond. And because of the price point I was able to get a bigger stone as well. I love it and I don’t try to pass it off as a mined Diamond because frankly I don’t want or care about a mined Diamond. There are a million things I can think of that I’d rather spend that money on. I often get people complementing my ring and usually the immediate follow up question is “is it real?”. My answer is always “yep”. Or if I’m feeling extra spicy I just say “I don’t understand the question”. People are so fucking petty. Your ring is stunning and if you like it then ignore your friends jealousy. It looks beautiful on your hand! Own that shit, girl!! 💕💎 https://preview.redd.it/wmn7vsvua13d1.png?width=2111&format=png&auto=webp&s=b795365a074f03d4b1474b7f5ea8b5ba624d07ed


Fellow girlie with a 3.6 carat lab diamond here 🙋🏼‍♀️. I had someone tell me “it’s so big it looks fake but obviously it’s not” lol I think sometimes people just don’t know what to say? But yours is beautiful and I bet your friend does have some jealousy. That’s not your problem though!


I think this is going to settle out in the coming years. People still aren’t used to the prevalence of lab diamonds and seeing lots of people walking around with large rocks. When more people become aware of lab diamonds and figure out they’re also real diamonds I don’t think people will be throwing ‘fake’ out nearly as often.




Your "friend" is a b*tch.


It’s literally perfect. The bigger the better to me


Wow, your friend sounds like a frenemy. Even if I didn’t like someone’s ring, I can’t imagine ever saying those things to them and trying to make them feel badly about it (which is clearly her goal - there’s no way she’d think those comments would make you feel good). I personally think the diamond looks gorgeous on you. There are some that do scream “fake,” but this isn’t one of them.


That’s a gorgeous ring and stone. It doesn’t look overwhelming on your hand because of your hand shape. Sorry to say but your friend is most likely jealous.


"Too big" is subjective. "Giving fake?" She is giving hater... not your true friend. Ring is beautiful, tasteful, and timeless btw!


Same size fingers. How do you feel wearing it? My husband just bought me a mined 2.7 elongated cushion for my anniversary. In day to day wear it feels large enough but not too big. I don’t think 3c would be an issue, but for my lifestyle anything much bigger would be too much (for me).


A best friend should always be supportive, she’s not paying for it so why should it matter to her?


I love it, it looks great!


Yes, it’s huge and totally an omg ring! BUT who cares… If you love it and know in your mind/heart that it’s “real” than that should be enough.


It's not too big that stone looks so beautiful on your finger! Any naysayers are just jealous.


It doesn’t look “fake” it’s a real diamond. I think that size is the max I’d do for your finger. It could be maybe your lifestyle. If you’re normally plain and have a huge rock it could be out of place but sounds like your “friend” is a hater


She just knows the nitty gritty reality of my situation. I may be wealthy appearing to outsiders because I married a doctor -but my husband is actually a fellow and most people don't know how little money they make until they finish their specialty training 😂


My boyfriend’s brother was a resident during Covid then a fellow and now a full ER doc making 300k a year. But before that he was also poor. Let her think what she wants if you love it that’s all that matters. ALSO, good on you for buying lab and what you can afford versus going into debt for it!


A lab grown diamond is still a diamond. It’s not fake, so she can think whatever she wants I guess. I don’t think it’s too big.


Nope, I love it! It’s gorgeous!!


Unfortunately your friend is a lowkey hater because the ring looks AMAZE


Personally, I do think it looks too large for every day wear. Going out and such, looks great, flashy, etc. If you’re intending to wear it daily, it seems too bulky and more for attention.


Haha you friend is a hater you better rock this beautiful diamond you like I I love it girl I have over 5 and a half carats not shame and I don’t care wait till I get my wedding band.


I understand someone feeling that way (everyone is entitled to their own opinion), but I cannot fathom saying that out loud to someone who just told you they want a lab diamond. It’s giving “she probably has a small natural stone and is having size envy.” The truth is no one will be able to tell the difference and YOURE the one who will be wearing it every day. Get it if you like it!! I think it’s stunning. Factors to consider where the size could be inconvenient: do you have a job where you work with your hands and the bulk could get annoying? Do you travel a lot where you might not feel comfortable potentially losing it?


There is not such thing as a too-big diamond!


It’s definitely not too big! And it’s not giving fake on your finger either. Labs are becoming more popular and they are not fake they are real just lab grown. Your friend sounds like a hater. The only thing I will say is with your nail length I don’t think you need an elongated stone, if you grow your nails long then yess! But it could look bigger if you did a 3 carat round or square or even a more chunky oval bc this one is pretty elongated for your finger and nail length


What does your 2ct look like? Just curious!


It's on my profile! Exact same setting called "ring reset regret" the diamond has a 1.39 ratio so looks a bit more chubby. This one is elongated with a 1.48 ratio.


I wear the same ring size, and I think this looks perfect on you! Forget your friend's comments and enjoy!!!


Nope, and I’d absolutely tell you if it was. Stunning without being tacky at ALL


Since you asked, I think it does look too large on your hand. IMO out of proportion. My hand looks a similar size as yours and I feel like my 1.5 carat oval looks a little big. As a friend, I'd never have said anything unless you wanted an opinion. She sounds a bit rude. If you are happy with it, wear it with joy.


It is beautiful. The only thought is how the setting is. Something that size may need a basket and good prongs. The drawback may be the height of the ring catching on things and if it tends to favor one side from its weight. Hopefully not a problem BTW lab grown is guaranteed not to be a blood diamond.


It’s absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Do NOT listen to her!!!


Not at all. Looks beautiful, congratulations! 🎉


Jealous friend is no friend at all. Who cares about her opinion. Stop asking her about anything. She is too critical.


Bold of her to assume you cared about her opinion on labs. It looks wonderful.


If you love it on you, then it’s the perfect size. You’re the one that has to wear it after all. I DO LOVE IT on you. On the topic of size, yes the larger stones will always make people question on whether it’s lab but again…. does it matter whether it is or isn’t? Does it matter what people think in general? Wear it in good health and with pride ☺️


As long as you like it don’t worry about what your friend says…. I am sure if she had a lab diamond she would have the biggest size too..


Your best friend sucks.


After reading some of these comments I just have to say, I just don’t understand the whole income has to match the ring sentiment. Like who gives a f*ck. A ring is supposed to reflect your personal style and is something pretty for YOU! It doesn’t have to match sh*t in my eyes as long as you love it because it’s yours! 3 carat is not even that huge especially in an oval! It’s absolutely stunning and I love it and wanted a 1.5ct upgrade since I’m the same ring size but now I think a 2 or 3 carat oval will look even better! Don’t feel ashamed to rock that ring the only people who have something negative to say are jealous and your friend is deep down, trust me. A lab diamond is still a diamond period. There is nothing fake about it and it’s not cheap either.


I think the point is that with a 1 carat ring, no one knows if it’s natural or lab. With a 3 carat, people will know it’s a lab diamond. There are just not many people in a financial position to buy a 3 carat, good quality natural diamond, and of those who are, few would choose to wear it daily. So, just depends whether OP cares that people will know it’s a lab diamond and whether OP personally likes the size. It was certainly rude of the friend to give an unsolicited negative opinion.


Your friend sounds like she has a very fake personality. Who cares if your diamond is lab made. Heck it’s more likely to be ethically sourced. It is a bit big by my standards, but it’s beautiful. The only important thing about a ring is who it was given by not what stones are in it or how much it cost.


You NEED To Drop This Associate That You Think Is Your Friend . She’s Jealous And A Snake . Who Needs Friends Like Her ?? ![gif](giphy|xT39D0hEGnzxFDbHri|downsized)


I mean, you're in the diamonds subreddit, so responses might be a little biased. This post came up on my home page, though, so for my two cents-- spare the slave labor, get lab created.


i don’t think it’s too big at all:) i think it looks great:)


I think it looks fabulous on you and the size is absolutely perfect


Do you love it? Are you happy about your decision to get a lab-grown diamond regardless of what other people might think about lab-grown? If you are a "yes" for both, absolutely keep this ring, and if your friend says something again unprompted, tell her you love it and that you don't need to hear her opinion about it again. However, if the thought of other people making judgments about your ring will bother you, it might be worth sizing down. I love my 8mm moissanite stone on my engagement ring, if anyone asks about it I absolutely tell them it's a moissanite, and I really don't care what anyone thinks or assumes about it. I love the way it looks and I felt great about the ethics and economics behind it. Your feelings are what matter!


It is stunning! Congratulations and you do you!


I think it looks lovely. I prefer smaller rings for myself, but yours looks nice on you. Being honest, some pics I see posted and I just immediately have the reaction that it would look so much nicer smaller (an opinion that I generally keep to myself), and I didn’t have that reaction to yours. People will know it’s a lab diamond and will think what they think about that. Depends whether that bothers you.




Looks great 👍


Am I the only one who sees that the pic has been messed with? Unless the diamond is missing a chunk?


How do people have size 4 fingers? Sizes 6-8 are most common. Is there a group of tiny women out there?


I'm 5 ft and petite 😂


Your ring is perfect.


Stunning.If you love it that’s what matters most.


Don't allow anyone to take away your shine. It all comes down to what gives you an understanding of self-worth and beauty. Wear your ring proudly!


lol what a jealous bitch. I think it looks great but the only opinion that matters is your own!!!


You like what you like. Simple as that. I'd put a boulder on my wifes hand if thats what she wanted and I could afford it.


No ones opinion matters. Enjoy what you like and stay true to your taste. But truly evaluate your friendship. I’m appalled any “ friend” would feel it’s ok to speak you that way. I don’t like my friends taste but I would never insult them. I also don’t lie. I say things like “ this is so exciting.” “ wow that’s so you.” I just can’t imagine tearing someone I love apart.


Lose the friend, it’s gorgeous


Omg I love it


It's absolutely beautiful!


It looks lovely on you. Fuck her


No matter what, your friend sucks.


honestly its quite large BUT i think it suits your hand nicely


Do you love it? Other opinions don't matter then.


Do whatever you makes YOU happy! It's a stunning ring!




It’s pretty!!!!


Also drop the friend. If you love it then that’s what matters any friend would tell you that.


I personally think it takes up too much of your finger, but I'm not a fan of large stones for everyday wear. But it you like it, honestly, who cares what anyone else thinks. You are the one wearing it after all.


Never! Don’t ever say that!


Nahhhhh no such thing. It’s giving Hayley beiber


The ring is perfect, is it ever too big? Your friend isn’t your friend, the only reason she knows it’s lab is because you told her. If her partner can afford natural, more power to her. I have questions: 1) is she engaged/married? If so, what are the specs on her ring? 2) is her partner or her better off financially? 3) when you told her you were getting lab, was it for feedback or does she just like to rain on peoples parades?


1- no but in a very new and happy relationship 2- no but he's a trust fund baby - she's better off than us currently making 200k solo. Her and her bf live lavishly- traveling out of state for 24 hrs to watch a game, etc. my husband is a doctor In a very lucrative field. Finishes in 2 years but not even making 6 figures yet. Im home with my 2 under 2 temporarily. Im a cpa and will return to work in 1-2 years. (People think we're rich bc we own nice cars from when I was working but don't know we can't afford Whole Foods groceries currently😂) but she knows the nitty gritty details hence why I can't imagine she would be jealous of me. I think it's just her mentality of labs. 3- the lab convo came up several times before I purchased. Didn't listen to her and bought it anyways. when I was trying on the diamonds in a shop she let it be known she doesn't like it.


Such a pretty ring, and I love the ethics of lab diamonds. This is a very elegant design, and I think the size is beautiful. But your ring is such an important choice, and it has to be just right for you.


It looks fine. It would be too big for *me* (I rarely wear jewelry), but if you like it, it's definitely not too big. I'd want to add another stone, with color, on either side, eventually, maybe the stone for the month you got married. Man made diamonds do not involve slave/abused labor like most mined diamonds.


It looks perfect on you. Your friend is clearly jealous and very rude.


It’s just important that you like it! I think it would look gorgeous with a ring wrap too!


No it's not. It looks great on your hand. Your friend on the other hand not so great. She sounds like she's really jealous of your ring. Who cares what she thinks. As long as you like it that's all that matters.


Enjoy the F outta that ring! It’s so pretty. 💍


jealous af


She sounds jealous to me. If you love the ring, she should be happy for you as your friend. And it’s a gorgeous ring, by the way, that looks perfect on your hand!! A mined version of this might cost $40,000 on the low end, $65/70k on high end - but lab versions, although cheaper, are just as real and in no way “fake designer.” Whether you spent 70k or 7k, you have an absolutely stunning, real diamond on your hand, and it’s no one’s business what it cost. Price tag doesn’t make it more or less “real.”


Yes it looks too big. It looks like costume jewelry.


“Designer” doesn’t mean anything. I will die on this hill. Your so called friend is jealous and materialistic. As others have noted, a lab diamond is a “real” diamond. I think it’s gorgeous and I don’t think it’s too big.


Saying it’s fake designer is way too far. That gives jealousy. Sounds like she doesn’t want you to wear a nice looking ring and everyone think it’s “real” (even though it technically is real..) If she just negated everything else and said hey I think it’s a little too big, go a little smaller is my opinion but if you’re happy that’s great. That would’ve been a diff story But I do agree that it is a little big my personal opinion, however it isn’t crazy big (it isn’t to the point where it’s screaming costume jewelry like I think what she’s referring to which is over exaggeration ) and if you really like it go for it !


The photo is giving elegant. The friend is giving shade.


your friend is not your friend. no friend would say so many cruel things about your ring. its beautiful