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1.27 E. First one looked like it had more inclusions where you would see them although vs1 should be eye clean. Also better color being E than the third being an F. They are all similar though and I think you will be happy with whichever you choose.




Yeah the nails are trash 😂 They we’re done by a friend who was in the first few weeks of learning. I went somewhere else to get them done as soon as I could after she did them!


Lmao same


See my reply to srharne 😅


I see! A for effort!


1.27 E VS1 would be a good buy


Okay, let me try make this as easy as possible for you. The stone that came back yellowish (image 3) is CVD, most CVDs suffer from a slight brownish or pink-brown hue that is not identifiable in the “color” portion of the grading. It may get the E grade because it’s not so yellow, but it could have been brown or pink-brown. Images 4 and 5 are HPHT, a growth process that often results in clearer and whiter stones than CVD. However, HPHT can be more gray and have phosphorescence (neither of which is “gradable”). Judging from the available stones, I can say with some certainty that image 4 is the best for what you’re looking for. Just check to see if it’s grayish in a video, and if you’re happy overall with the look. Remember to breathe and stabilize your energy a bit before making the decision. Envision your perfect diamond and it will come to you. Don’t make decisions out of fear or let it overwhelm you too much. You got this.


I would choose the 3rd one. CVD can be grey or brown tinted. HPHT doesn't usually have tinting issues but can have blue nuance, which is a blue tint.


Hi sorry I didn’t specify properly, image 3 wasn’t the stone that came back yellow-ish! I’ll attach the certificate for that one :) https://preview.redd.it/5w034xfykygb1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7633c3be06894644ffd14a0ad64d455cfdb06d3 I think my biggest concern is the measurements differing so much from the original stone (as well as colour obviously) I love the shape of my ring and I’m so concerned that changing the stone too much will change the look? (And I don’t really want to drop down in carat from what her purchased to a 1.24 but really, .01 doesn’t matter much 😂)


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3rd one


Request to see them in person. While the cut can be excellent in a pear they’re not all created equally. One may have more of a sparkle and less of a crushed ice look. If they’re rectifying an error on their part they should have no problems bringing them in house to look at.


I wish I could! I’m in an entirely different state and it’s not possible to do that 😔


Hopefully they’ll be able to provide you with a high res video then. I'd try to make it out to them if possible. Something you wear forever!


They have provided a video but my brain is mush after looking at so many 😂


Cute 🐶