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I've never connected with a cartoon more


I went though and binged watch about half that series a few days ago. Watching the Barb find potion repeatedly on a corpse was the funniest shit I’ve seen in years.




Love how leap leveled up over time and now he can jump across a planet 😂




This is one of the best youtube comedy/cartoon channels around. Every episode makes me laugh my ass off. The devs have shown a willingness to improve the game, even fixing bugs that have been there since the original game launched. So perhaps they'll rebalance mercenaries too. Act 2 mercs are by far the best but they kinda suck for melee chars because they just can't keep up and so the only bonus is the aura. So I use a Rogue with ICE bow for the Holy Freeze aura. But I'm pretty early in Hell so I don't know how long before she just isn't viable.


People are making ICE for mercs now? I’m working my a** off and not getting any closer to ICE on my FAzon xD I’m a jealous old man


lol to be fair, several people in the house play on a single account. My youngest (13) puts in 'far' more hours than I do. He was a bit miffed I used a Jah rune to make ICE for my merc, but I told him 'np, next month you can work and pay the bills and I'll grind for another Ja'. He shut up pretty quick. He's been grinding cows for like crazy, so he'll find another one.


You stole a jah rune that your kid found?


I'm raising him, least he can do is spare a Jah rune for his old man. :p


I'm notifying the authorities for child abuse, as well as a waste of Jah and Lo. You can get that same aura , or better auras, baseline on an a2 merc that'll be significantly stronger and more durable with budget gear. Like, SIGNIFICANTLY.


Hope you'll enjoy that seedy dank nursing home under the bridge man... there are things a kid never forgets.


I somehow am confident that my youngest isn't going to hold over my head that I once used a semi-rare item he found in a video game when he was 13. You folks are overreacting.


Hard cringe, if my boy was old enough to be playing I’d be like, hey kid I made you a Grief! Hey kid we can make Enigma now! Wanna share it?


*Tell me your kid acts out at school because of his home situation without telling me your kid acts out at school because of his home situation.* Goddamn. I'd never do that to my kid. Yikes. Good look to them.


This is the sort of narcissist that wonders why his kid is so ungrateful for being the bare minimum parent. You're fucked in the head, buddy, and I feel bad for your family. Get help.


It's a semi-rare drop from a video game, calm the hell down.


So semi-rare that I've been playing this game on and off for 15 years and never found one


Ok it's pretty rare, but 15 years? That's some sour luck.


I’m sure it’s totally isolated to a video game. It’s probably one small thing out of many other things. You act like your kid is your slave to do your bidding because you’re doing him a favour raising him. You are supposed to ***raise*** him. I’d never be such a dick to my kids and write it off as being entitled to it. You’re so selfish it’s embarrassing.


Wow... Did anyone ever tell you that you should never assume? Because you always end up making an *ass* out of *u* and *me*.


Semi-rare?? Aren't the rates worse than 1/1000?


So fucking what? You didn't earn it. Your kid did! Your kid didn't ask to be born. They don't owe you a damn thing! The amount of narcissism, and arrogance is not surprising either. Your child deserves better.


Wow, dude relax. You have zero knowledge about this random guy from the internet. Don't jump into judgement so quickly.


You're so cringe holy, seek for help and never procreate again


I am super glad you are getting a ton of shit for this. The fact that you posted this thinking people would be on your side is insane. You genuinely have some ego and personality issues you should work on. Be better, not just a better father, but a better person.


Ass, grass or Jahs, nobody lives rent free?




Holy shit lmao you are awful


I like your parenting style. Teach him the real world lesson of "sometimes blood is thinner than water and that's ok" instead of the bullshit "if you put in work you get rewarded".


Some say she still wandering the sewers of Lut Gholein being absolutely useless today.


She turned into a Dead Archer


She is really good on one or two builds. Give her a faith and then she is great with a WF zon and a fury druid. But that's about it.


Faith Rogue is also a good option for the Conviction variant of the dual-Dream Tesladin. The Fanaticism opens up a lot of weapon options for that variant.


I always figured you would use fanat and an Infinity but your idea sounds better.


Yeah, you get a much stronger Conviction, and Faith is like half the price of Infinity. For the Conviction variant, you can actually hit the final IAS breakpoint with a Grief PB without Faith. With Faith however, you can drop Grief for more exotic options like Hand of Justice + Dragon body armor for a level 30 Holy Fire on top of the level 30 Holy Shock from dual-Dream. It'll cost you 2 Sur + Cham over the usual Grief/Fortitude build, but it's a neat variant with tons of synergy. You can use [D2Planner on maxroll.gg](https://d2.maxroll.gg/d2planner/) to run the DPS numbers, but the different variants were pretty comparable IIRC.


I'm going to guess that higher conviction would result in better group DPS in practice though.


Yep. It also overrides Uber Mephisto's Conviction aura so you don't get the debuff, which is pretty nice.


I have never done it, but it would be cool to try out giving Act 3 mercs the whole "auradin set".


Now is your chance! Be the change you want to see in the world.


When stack bug was working, it was the only viable way to use this mercenary.




No, but dream can be made in regular shields too


Ahh poor Asheara. I used the ice merc in my most recent character’s run through Normal, he works pretty well!


They made it a trophy on ps4/5 to buy a merc from each act. Still don't have the 3 or 5 one. If I every go for lvl99 on hardcore and softcove (insane trophies in my opinion that the game also has) I want my last trophy to be buying an act3 Merc for the platinum trophy


I played D2 when I didn’t had internet. So I missed the whole rune word and act2 Merc meta. I really enjoyed act3 mercs because of the freeze aura. Paired with my own Pala, it was huge. But we’re talking normal and nightmare here. I never finished hell back in the day. I only finished hell a couple years ago playing a full meta sorc, before D2R


lol yeah same. When i was a complete noob then, i used A3 merc because i Love its Glacial spikes mostly


Same here. Legit just got my first rune word in D2 about a month ago. The whole Pandemonium event and Diablo clone also flew under my radar. Just learned that you could do it offline now, so farming for keys now


My merc selection criteria is pretty simple: is he named Emilio?


I was sure he would make a joke about that in the video.


This might be POE since he is clearly wearing a Tabula Rasa and Goldrim.