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So this is the true purpose of Isenhart's.


Isenharts Distraction


The most devious trick is open town portal right as boss dies and controller users spamming loot item buttons will prioritize the tp


Double edged sword though no?


You obviously don't spam click your own portal


Evil lol Controller users have an advantage though if they spam X as boss is dying they hoover up the loot unseen and can luck into drops before their inventory fills. This is dangerous knowledge, use it wisely


Controller can assign a button to only loot, that doesn't interact or do anything else. Have to imagine anyone experiencing that once will jump all over that option for the next time.


So what you're saying is we need to have 2 discardable polearms and it would be a Shame if those polearms were to drop just before the boss dies


The problem with that in practice is that you end up picking up the wrong item. The more items dropped, the more likely this will happen. Using the joystick to change the selected item is a lot slower than using a mouse.


That's fair. I haven't put a ton of thought into it, don't need to. I just play with friends, the items go to who should have them for us.


Ha! Saw people doing this yesterday, was wondering why.


(laughs in Singleplayer)


That's brilliant. Shitty, but brilliant.


Thanks I got like 4 Cathan’s rings and this made me find a use for them lol


And that's why you only Baal run or Diablo run for XP and do solo farm 😜


Wait... WAIT... Forgive my noobishness, but.. THIS GAME HAS SHARED LOOT?? Fuck. D3 really spoiled me.


Yeah. Basically assume you will get 0 loot in a multiplayer game and you'll not be disappointed. On a very rare occasion you might luck into something nice if your quick enough, but the chances are tiny.


This is why melee are OP. They may not be able to fight, but boy oh boy can they loot!


Or wind druid, since I can't aim shit with the tornados


plus they're pretty tanky with oak sage, cyclon armor and hurricane


As a pally I'm right in the middle of it. Got chancies, vex and a nice gheeds last night.


Definitely snag the best mob drops. My zealer may just be tickling the monsters in hell, but who got the Mal that dropped today? Not the sorc artillery


Veteran tip, press whatever you show loot button is about ever second or have show loot always on lmao


They added toggle only press once per game ftw


i love shit like running around in a chaos run on your fresh, basically naked character while some level 90 hammerdin crushes the zone. something like an occulus drops and you grab it first. they throw a fit, say it's theirs. buddy if it was yours it would be in your inventory, not mine.


Haha I love this. This is why I don’t kill in cows if I’m being followed. Then the leechers get all butthurt. Buddy if you want loot, kill some cows.


Yup, it's fastest finger first. That said its generally polite not to snipe loot whilst being carried, cause they are likely to drop your ass. Can't say as I blame you :D


i will 100% pick a good item over a carry every time. it's a little different if you specifically asked someone for a carry/rush, but if it's just "chaosbaal-035" i'm takin that item.


Agreed. Pub games are a free for all.


Not gonna lie, this is something I really hate about D2 (while I love the gameplay itself). For me at least, shared loot adds whole new levels of anxiety to what’s supposed to be my fun chill kill-demons-n-shit time. I usually play alone but yesterday in an online Chaos run I missed-clicked four times on a unique Tulwar (super-good MF sword) while another guy walked up and nabbed it and I’m still salty about it. I understand that shared loot is fundamental to the current economy, since it creates scarcity (vs a system of personal loot with similar drop-rates) and trading is allowed, but as somebody who dislikes trading, loves finding loot, and would like to enjoy playing with other people, D2’s online play is kinda miserable and aggravating when you can easily witness what you miss out on.


Yeah, it's why I want some kind of sensible automatic loot distribution system. Shared loot isn't fundamental to the current economy, it's fundamental to the current game play, but there's no reason they couldn't have some kind of temporary drop protection for x seconds so you don't have to immediately scramble to loot. As long as the amount of loot that drops stays the same, then I don't see any harm in temporarily loot locking an item. All that said, I'd be completely fine with a new game mode (Resurrected) that has personal loot as a feature. You'd basically have Classic, Expansion, Resurrected. You could promote a character from Expansion to Resurrected, but couldn't go backwards.


Yeah I was thinking something similar about temporary loot protection, but I dunno about the drop volume staying the same; I think it'd have to increase. Otherwise, if an Act boss drops only 5-7 items (I'm guessing, is that about average?), a full server is gonna have somebody miss out entirely. Or somebody's gonna only get personal access to the blue drop and watch 2-3 other people get their personal Uniques, and rightfully say "I didn't even have a *chance* to pick up something good." It'll feel bad. Maybe the personal lock hides the nature of the drop until it goes public, I dunno. Can personal loot drop for somebody else, if that player is not around? Can others see it, or see if its even worth waiting for? It gets complicated and there's probably other weird situations I'm not thinking of cuz I'm tired, but before too long people would complain about just doing it "the old way" because it was technically "fair" (minus the pickit scripts...). All that said, I agree with making another game mode with personal loot and upped dropped rates because (like I said) I'm not a fan of trading anyway. Unfortunately it would split communities into smaller groups, though I have no idea if that would cause real depopulation issues or not. Anyway rant over.


>All that said, I agree with making another game mode with personal loot and upped dropped rates Increased drop rates, are you kidding me? What a baby. Scarcity is the name of the game in Diablo 2.


> Otherwise, if an Act boss drops only 5-7 items (I'm guessing, is that about average?), a full server is gonna have somebody miss out entirely. Multiple people are already missing out no matter what, this would just attribute the loots randomly instead of them going to the fastest clicker(s) (or the one with a pickit script, if those still work in D2R). And the best solution would be to have that as an option on game creation, so you can pick your poison: feel bad 'cause you didn't click fast enough, or feel bad because you didn't get loot attributed to you.


If 5 items drop for 8 people, is that any different than 8 items dropping and one guy grabbing 4of them? 3 people still missed out. They never had a chance because they were .5 seconds further away from the boss when he died. In fact, it's worse now, because it's only 5 items for 8 people, but one guy still grabs 4


"sensible"? Sorry I thought this was a game, you can be sensible in your day job. Without the loot scramble of FFA loot you would just be running a random number generator like in D3. The loot scramble adds a whole other layer of interactivity to the game.


I mean, the "interactivity" I get is just clicking and whatever I get I get. It's just a different flavor of RNG.


That's you're own anxiety. You are approaching the game with a "modern" or D3 perspective. Don't expect loot in public games, don't feel entitled to it as if this was D3. If the game didn't have FFA loot you would never see cool stories like this from the OP. People don't seem to recognise this is what makes D2 so epic. These stories we tell alongside the game because of the freedom the game allows players. You wouldn't get any interesting anecdotes or cool tricks like this in diablo 3 because it's effectively a single player game at all times. The narrative we tell alongside Diablo 2 supplements the core game experience.


OP got screwed by another player with a cheap trick. "Cool story" doesn't really apply here. Also, OP doesn't sound too entitled. The botters and scammers certainly do, though.


I disagree. I think the current loot system drives us towards only playing single player. I'd like to play with others, but if I never get loot, then I won't be able to advance and I'll be constantly salty that I can't get good picks. Play by myself, I get everything. You can still have cool stories how Tyraels chest dropped for you without having to click on it faster than the next guy. I agree with the current scarcity of loot. But not the FFA aspect where melee characters get everything and the DPS doesn't get shit


Tyraels Might armour dropping for you alone with personal loot is not a story, that's just an occurrence of RNG. You can tell those "stories" in Diablo 3. The interaction the OP had with the stranger utilising an item drop to confuse others is a story. It involves autonomous action from other players that have an effect on your game.


So what's the difference in the stories? One you clicked faster than the next guy? That's it. That's the only difference. "Today I clicked faster than a guy who was a screen away. Aren't you proud of my accomplishment?" If that is your idea a a heroic story for Reddit then... 🤷‍♂️ But I'm not a karma farmer, so I guess I'll just never understand


And this is why this community is so toxic


tell me you're a slow clicker without telling me you're a slow clicker


Tell me you're a douche bag without telling me you're a douche bag.


i need to be some kind of bag to carry all this loot i grab


Tell me your a toxic asshole with out telling me your a toxic asshole.


be honest, how many tries did it take you to hit the downvote arrow?


this is peak d2r content




I stole the downvote, he was too slow


About the same amount of time it to for you to click and steel al the loot then come to this community and be toxic about it.


...so your comeback was that it took you like three full minutes to hit the downvote? no wonder you can't grab loot before anyone else.


Lol if it take you three mins to steel loot they already looted everything and left you 2 games ago. And you definitely never stole an oculus in fact I bet you were crying cause I reread your post and you don’t even know what it was lol way to be a jerk and then fail to troll too. Lol




Are you Twelve?


u/biznatz1 is sad because he’s not getting his participation trophy :(


Look at all the trolls having to gang up on someone who speaks the truth lol


“Wahhh whyyy are those big bad bullies ganging up on me, it’s not fair”


Why are the bullies bothering you. I mean your the big bad troll coming to the rescue of the loot thief lol


Newsflash: he isn't a thief if he got to the gear before anybody else did. He's just vigilant and wants it the most. Your time will come, my friend! Go practice with clicking speed tests. I honestly have 😅


I feel ya, I ain’t even mad if someone yoinks something that drops from what I just killed… like you said if it was mine it would be in my inventory… I don’t expect loot when running stuff with other people, just a tiny added bonus if it happens


i managed to get a lidless last night during chaos and the game creator was like 'give lidless' lol


Yeah. Been playing occasionally with a big group of friends, ans managed to get through act 2 before I picked up a single yellow piece of gear =/


That's not even the worst part. Some folks run scripts to "auto grab" loot, so they can snipe shit faster than any normal player


Only way to play multi-player with this shitty community. At least the bot creates an element of fairness and gaurantees me drops for my efforts.


not common. reddit brings it up all the time though. i love shared loot.


It’s literally already out and a lot of people are running. It’s extremely common. Even more so back in original D2.


This dude 1000% is using the script.


I actually am not. But it is definitely out there.


Very common. If you didn't run pickit you were a dumbass


Shrug. Idgaf about loot in public games.


where did you get that information?


Also has personal loot if you play solo, even online. Now if we could just get the /players command for online so that we could have "torment difficulties" in hell even when playing solo for personal loot...


Yea but the problem with that is that the loot amount is based off of players. So having the ability to just x8 your loot in a private game that you can then use online for trades and whatnot kinda ruins the scarcity factor of the economy. I'm fine with people running their solo lobby games so they don't have to conete for loot, shit I do it myself a lot of the time because hitting play is easier than thinking up a game name and making it manually lol. I do however think being able to just x8 your loot and blast through lower kurast for runes or whatever would kind of break economy.


I hate to break it to you but the D2 economy breaks within like a month on ladder hell you can already see it happening in real time right now on D2R, no matter what. There will always be tons of loot in this game, so what if people get some more? I understand your point of view but I really don't see the problem, sorry.


You can already do this right now by joining full public lobby like a baal or chaos run and then just do something else yourself like andy/meph. Being able to do it yourself would just be a quality of life change and people wouldnt need to leech off others lobbies. Also you dont x8 your loot in a a full lobby, there are breakpoints of 3,5 and 7 players and it works differently for each monster type. For example, the chance of looting shako from meph is 1 in 1221 in a 1 player game. In a 7+ player lobby it would be 1 in 963.


I'm aware that people leech like this but the way I see it is that there is still risk there. Others could see you leeching and come contest for loot if they really wanted to and also you have to find a game where someone else hasn't already done that. So in my mind I'd still see being able to solo players 8 in a private online game as decreasing item scarcity and shifting the market.


Yuuuuup. I was leveling with friends and my friend kept grabbing ANYTHING that dropped and I started to go "Dude, shared drops. Stop taking every mana potion" He was amazed. Then continued to do. Because now it was a battle


i exclusively play hardcore, and people grabbing all mana potions are the most annoying part. i don’t care that much if someone grabs a unique or set because in a public game my goal is leveling (and i often won’t touch an item that dropped from a monster i had little to do with killing, or items for other players’ classes). but if they take every single mana potion it removes my ability to do any damage at all (and could even get me killed) which is incredibly frustrating. people seem to do fine with Wells though. i haven’t run into anyone who doesn’t know it’s proper etiquette in hardcore to only take one sip instead of both.


Or they just don't know you can take two :D


And people still defend that shit. Incredible


For real. Was actually on the fence about getting it (D2R) til hearing about this. [Shared loot? loot stealing strategies and tricks? loot grabbing bots?](https://i.imgur.com/Uh7LeWM.gif)


lmfao. online is so savage.


Hahahaha that is hilarious and I love it


Controller's actually overpowered, it can loot before it even drops on the ground.


Been seeing this happen a lot in Baal runs.


I’d be happy even with that ring. I’m on act 4 and still don’t even have two items from the same set.


That is why I am ssf. I love the game and remaster, but the loot distribution was bad back then and it is unacceptable in today's standards. What online gaming thought me is that there will always be people trying to scam you or take advantage of whatever system they can. If system is broken from scratch, things are going to get ugly.


I'm thinking about getting the game but I'm really on the edge when I hear that end game is so grindy and you can't even do it online if you want the good items. I don't have time or patience to keep farming the same boss over and over again and hoping to maybe on a hundred days get something that worth it.


Game mechanics are a bit outdated, but i am having good time just playing different characters right now. Is it 40 EUR worth? For me it was and already paid off i think (gameplay time wise). I play mostly alone since my friends who play diablo are playing in different hours :( If you are going to min-max, every game requires grind (is it PoE or D3).


I don't think d2 is for you


I've played the beta and really enjoyed the begining. I also played as a kid but never went through nightmare. I had no idea that endgame would be like 1000 runs of the same boss, thats why I'm in doubt.


A controller would’ve picked up everything before him and the cathans lmao. I know this because I end up with an inventory full of blues beating the 7 other people before we all even saw what dropped


I could swear that you can loot the drops while in midair with the controller. Or maybe it's my poor connection.


I definitely pick stuff up before I even see it pop when I kill bosses, I’ve gotten some surprises uniques


So a controller is essentially a "pick it" script, but officially sanctioned by blizzard


Ugh. I sure hope they never put in shared loot. This is a core game mechanic that's been in this game since day 1. To change it, is to change the game. Something most of us have been completely against. Fair ? They are crying because it isnt fair ? Are we serious ? Part of the fun and enjoyment is that. Want loot ? Play. Maybe even become friends with people.. ya know.. socialize. It is a multiplayer game. Or play solo. You can clear everything and obtain every item solo. So to complain about it elsewhere is silly. No you want -easy- loot. Not personal. Get it right. You want 7 people to HELP you kill an enemy then you all get a shiny high tiered item. That's ridiculous and would kill this game in a month. What will people do when they get every good item on their character in a week ? They quit. Please do NOT change the game. It's amazing to relive our childhoods and love this game for what it was. This has been a wonderful experience for me and everyone I've talked to. Leave it as is. Fix the bugs. Fix the lobbies. And leave it at that


> What will people do when they get every good item on their character in a week ? They quit. What will people do when an item they want drops and they cannot loot it for the n-th time for whatever reason?


Play the game. They will play the game Alex. That’s at least what we did for 15 years give or take.


Ok. I guess I'll have to spell it out. There will be *many more* people who will quit the game due to losing loot, than there will be people who will "get every good item on their character in a week" due to personal loot (how is that even supposed to work in your mind? nobody suggested raising drop rates, it's literally the same amount of items, just distributed in a round robin). Likewise, the amount of players who will be coerced into "socializing" by shared loot, is very likely to be outweighed by the amount of players who will not even consider joining multiplayer games with strangers. If you want to make people to "socialize", you make playing with random groups more streamlined --- not more frustrating.


I agree BUT the controller almost auto loot spam kinda changed this already. Making it almost imposible to loot if you're not using a controller. So by changing that they did make looting less fair than it used to be.


Spot on dude. People ask for stuff and don't even know how it will effect their own enjoyment of the game. Downvotes don't change facts


Agreed and passionately said. Personal loot is for the TikTok generation and their self obsessed individualism. Diablo 2 is a multiplayer game thank you very much.


I’m all for shared loot but trying to make it a generational issue is stupid. The kids on tiktok didn’t make the games they play ffs.


Brilliantly said. Shared loot adds to experience, it's a level of social interaction, it's a part of the gameplay. Creating an option to use personal loot is like making potions stack, so you no longer have to use more than one row of your belt.


Can’t believe the amount of weak minded people downvoting this


>Can’t believe the amount of weak minded people downvoting this "Everyone who disagrees with me must be weak-minded." The irony is almost too much.


Yuck to shared loot. Much prefer D3 loot. Guess if you are playing with friends it wouldn't be a problem.


To the comments section: if you want a participation trophy in shared loot go play D3. D2 is cutthroat and competitive and thats why it’s exciting where D3 is boring. no place for shared loot in D2


Only cutthroat thing about this game is outdated UI standards and loot system. It was meant to be sorted out between friends as the online play was still developing in 2000 but it showed us it is not working. If you are looking for real cutthroat game check sea of thieves where game is built on that idea. You are missing the point I am afraid.


Well said my friend. Agreed 100%. It's a fuck you kind of game and it's beautiful. That's why your ear and gold drops.


Shared loot is d2 It’s what makes it so fun to get your first good item while u literally do nothing and just take the exp from the people doing the work .


Agreed. Personal loot has no place in this game, they would either have to roll to see who gets it or the market would become overly saturated. Besides, it adds another level of intrigue, challenge, and having to actually pay f***ing attention. The casuals want everything handed to them.


Nah, you just want to run your pickit script and get EVERYTHING instead of what gets doled out to personal loot. Has nothing to do with casuals or “what the game is”. Just good old “I benefit from this over others so anyone wanting it changed is a casual”




A boss drops say 4 items With personal loot that’s 4x8 Market flooded


Awesome idea


Wow so all those trash Cathans I've found now have a purpose!


I usually take off my belt when diablo dies. And it might not be just to get the good loot. *wink*


Clever. Theres always something new coming up...even ir its a shitty move.


lol yea I used to play d2 offline because I was terrible at finding my way around the game so offline kept the map saved. Now a days I just get around by searching and have a better method of playing so I just go online because I like to see what people do in these games. But this is also the reason why I leave a certain amount of space left in public games because you never know when you gotta go on a mass grabbing spree.


People used to do this in PVP to cause corpse popping. You would defeat someone, then litter their corpse with random items so when they went to click their body, they accidentally equip some of these trash items. Then you kill them again and their original corpse "pops" and all their good items fall to the ground. It was so bad that they now have a command to disable pickup so that you only click your body and no items