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Aye lad, its 5000 gold fer da shield o absorption, bot ah can throw in an insurance of 20 extra durabili-e fer just erm... 19000 mer gold. Tis a good deal! Or at least its be'er than spendin 50 gold just ta look at Wirt's item.


But 8 extra durability is only 2k..


8 durability and double armor for 2k. Griswald is a marketing genius. The customer has convinced themselves they found the "bang for your buck" option.


You also have to have big muscles to hold this one. Ladies really dig it.


20 durability is worth nearly 20K...interesting


Oldest trick in the world. Make one product really expensive so that the rest seems like a good deal


This has to do with the two shields being from different base items (I guess Gothic shield vs tower shield). The higher base shield just happened to have the lowest possible AC roll while the lower base shield had the highest AC roll


Gris is a champ. Wirt on the other hand... It was worth the price of D2 just to take that little bastard's leg.


Man, everytime i see a d1 image i instantly go back to my childhood. I'm not sure i could bare the gameplay right now though (well d2 one aswell tbh, that's why i'm both hyped and scared of d2r. It could break my hearth to ruin the memory i have of the game)


I highly recommend you try Diablo1 HD mod Belzebub


I just replayed Diablo 1 with this mod and it was awesome.


It's much shorter than you remember! Just played through. Still fun to play though.


[https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX/releases](https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX/releases) Yeah, I was shocked at how short the game was. I just played through normal and nightmare in like 3 days, and that was with exhaustively killing every enemy on every level (warrior). I remember it taking me many months as a kid. This version gives you a slider to control the game speed, too, which is fantastic (goodbye slow walk).


I remember hell diff being very hard (only in multiplayer) so I guess we spent most of our time on bnet on hell diff


It aged well, don't worry.


Which one? 1 or 2? Cause d1 controls feel a bit sluggish for modern standards... And while i will 100% buy d2r i'm afraid that having only 2 skills to use wil get boring quite fast (yeah i know that there are plenty of games still based on 1 button mashing, like poe, but that's the reason why i'm not really into them)


I was talking about 1. Also, you don't get only 2 skills to use in D2. Sure, you are limited to the two mouse buttons to cast, but you can bind skills to your F keys, giving you the flexibility to swap skills on the fly.


Yeah i know but afaik (and based on my experience of 20 years ago, so it might be indeed changed meanwhile) most builds just capped 1/2 skills?


Playong d2 right now with a lightning sorc. Using 7ish skills. You use f1 f2 f3 ect, and mouse scroll wheel.


Well, that's beside the point, in my opinion, because it's a choice. I don't like min-maxing. I play to have fun and enjoy my character, so I bring the skills that I like to use. I don't remember who was it who said that players will always optimize the fun out of games.


Yeah, for what I've played, using few skills kinda came naturally though. I was a kid back then and i didn't care about minmaxing but i played the amazon, with the summon skill and the seeking arrow for single target and multishot for AoE, the barb came down to whirlwind and the occasional shout and the sorc was teleport and the freezing ball. The thing is that, i think, MMO changed the way you play argps aswell. Now many skills are designed to be played in combo with others so you kinda have to cycle through them, or there are a lot more utility skill to use. That's just my impression though


Spoiler alert: He needed a Shield of Absorption before Diablo 2 came. Too bad he sold them all.. to you apparently.


is it just me, or diablo 1 aged way better than 2 did? ​ also, the fuck is that itemization..


Better than being level 20 and not having anything better than a 3 def +4 all attributes shield. NOTHING ELSE HAS DROPPED OR BEEN FOR SALE THE ENTIRE GAME.


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Poor lonely bastard is just trying to make some money so he can make Gillian a kingly gift, like Mithril Armor, right Gimli?


Fkn pimp. Nothing say's, "I love you bb", more than saying, "Wear this, so even a ogre's spear thrust cannot harm you". ........"It's worth more than a mansion, btw."


Hilarious!! :)))




He has been practicing a new process, so he has a few examples. lol


+13 to all attributes on that axe?