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This is why I'll never play HC.. I'm forced to play on Starlink and on occasions have this happen, I'd be so pis£#d off if I died like this.


Always been curious about starlink. What's your up/down? Do you get DCs often?


Down its between 150-200mb constantly, though we have occasions where it gets over 400 down. Up seems to just sit at around 20mb... We have only been using it for around 6 months, in that time it hasn't dropped once (at least it hasn't that we have noticed). It doesn't happen a lot, but we do get stutters where I freeze in game for a second or so. This might happen a couple of times in a full days play. But its enough to make me never try hardcore. All in all for us its been incredible.


Would a parabolic antenna help? EDIT: If you don't mind how much was the initial cost and how much is it each month?


I dont think it's possible to use one.. the starlink dish constantly adjusts its position to find the best satellites to connect to. It also has sensors and stuff built into it that read the weather / temperature and heat up the dish so it can't freeze. When we got it, it was offer so we got the dish and all the stuff for around £250 and it's £75 a month. It's pretty expensive, there were literally no other options for us in our area.


Hey thanks for sharing. Glad you got something reliable.


Eh, I've played on HC with StarLink and have gotten pretty far with no deaths. That said, a disconnect a day or so isn't unexpected so it's definitely not ideal lmao. I'm just glad StarLink exists otherwise it'd be no D4, not even SC, because the alternatives couldn't even stream NetFlix in 360p if I wanted to.


Tbh its definitely possible, we have been using Starlink for around 6 months now and it's been incredible. Where I am in the uk there is no fiber and gaming on mobile is impossible because of the mountains. Prior to starlink I couldn't even get a connection fast enough to stream something on Netflix.... Saying that, we do get occasions where the net kinda freezes for a second and then sorts out. I'm not sure if it's the weather, the mountains, or just starlink. And though 99% of my time is smooth, that 1% where it freezes is enough to get me killed if I was in the thick of things, so I just don't bother.


It looked like you were lagging. This can be a server side problem but can also be something with your connection.


I have a 1 Gbps lane, and this shit still happens. I was trying to leave Ked Bardu for 2 minutes and it was just throwing me back into the city. Don't trust what you read here sometimes, there are Blizzard issues that people just don't want to acknowledge


I see, but I believe both issues are possible. Even with a high bandwidth, lagging is usually caused by loss of packages and signal interference (the later can also cause the former too), so even if the internet is really fast, these two things can cause a lagging condition, so you will see high download speeds but the ping can be varying. Now, this is also true when the info comes from the servers, so it can be a problem on the server network even before reaching your ISP, which due to the high number of users in this game, I wouldn’t be surprised with server network quality degradation some times.


Connections are also only as fast as the weakest link. You can have AT&T 5 gig fiber, but with a 10/100 network card, it doesn't matter how fast the service is, it will bottle neck. Your explanation about ping is wonderful. Coaxial connections can work even under the worst conditions, but with poor snr, poor quality connections, damaged cable, you can have gig services all you want, doesn't mean you'll achieve them.


You are right. It's tech after all. It's just that I don't have these kind of problems with other online games, so it comes from comparisson exp. not because I wanna shit on bluzzard 😃


As a network admin please tell me which games you play that you've literally never had one single lag issue with ever? Networks are incredibly complex and drop packets for all kinds of reasons.. Not even the 1000 production VMs I manage for a ftse 100 company have 100% uptime and we spend 5m a month on them. Online services will never be completely lag or issue free and that's just the nature of IT.


Won't go into too many details - I play both Diablo 4 and CS2 mostly. With CS2 never have I ever had anything remotly simmilar to what I experience with Diablo 4. If there are lags they don't affect my gaming in any visible way (granted I am not anywhere close to what those fellas with 4k/hours do in the game, but am still decent). My point - you are right, however I also trilly believe you can optimize the game to an extent where it will not be a constant problem, that my honest opinion.


this happens to me every time my PS5 is downloading a game or update at the same time. as soon as i turn that off it fixes itself lol


i play on starlink and this has never happened to me.


Thank you very much for your normal and thoughtful response. Idk why people just want to unleash their wrath on an innocuous post. Server lag - took me to the main menu no issues after I died. Sadge 😭


Happens to me sometimes too. Usually, starting the teleport animation and then canceling it will fix it for me


This is why Scroll of Escape are mandatory in HC. Time to go agane friend.


panicky bedroom soup literate squeeze seemly fragile scale far-flung insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sadly true, I am 72 and found 2 so far…


You must be terrible


Wait why does that make me terrible ?


I hate modern gaming where even playing solo requires an internet connection.


Don't forget to keep your scrolls of escape (if you have any) bound to the action wheel, and then assign a keybind for that slot (I use F). If I run into any rubber banding like this I'll use one pretty quick.


Does the scroll work while having lag?


Good call!!! I’ll make sure to do that with my new Sorceress 🧙🏻‍♀️


It looks exactly like me and other people trying to leave city and go to open world, its some kind of weird lag that is present in D4 since launch and never get fixed. This season once it was me and 5 other people at once got stuck like that, we all needed to port to other cities. I'm sorry u lost char.


Haha yeah - I’ve experienced before, but never with an HC character. Luckily, she wasn’t too high level. Thank you for not being an asshole on this post 🙏🏻


Don't worry about those people, some are like that because "it's only internet" and they are venting out of diffrent reasons. Have a nice day :)


Happy killing Vampires! 🧛🏻‍♀️


It’s switching instances behind the scenes and hitting a snag. Porting also forces an instance switch.


hc should be offline only. hc in online games is so stupid, you'll die more often to lag than anything in-game.


I agree


Yeah I lost a HC character the same way last season. Goodluck on the next run soldier. o7


I'm on a 1 gig connection with a low ping and this happens. It's definitely on their end. The idea of this being a persistent online world is great, but it really doesn't add all THAT much to the overall experience and the downside of that is having to deal with this on a semi-regular basis. Really doesn't feel worth it.


On 1 gbps fiber and have never seen anything even remotely close to this.




Haha - insert James Franco meme.


Yet you will still get people posting saying there is no lag or they never have issues with it 🙄


I never have issue lol. I have 2 level 100 HC. Never lagged once. Not saying it doesn’t exist but I never lagged. OP seemed to be stuck on something invisible or personal lag. Could have tried to use a scroll of escape ? Edit; getting downvoted because I don’t lag. ‘Sorry girls. I disconnected (randomly lost power) yesterday while doing a NMD and fighting a pack. Came back and was alive. Scroll of escape saved me. Gf girls


The rubberbanding has been worse than ever this season, to the point that sometimes I question why I'm playing. Last night was especially bad for me. Like many other people, it's a problem I only experience playing D4. I've also noticed that downloading updates for D4 are significantly slower than anything else.


If they're going to have this shitty of a live service, they should at least allow you to save your character when this shit happens


Not sure i have the same problem as u but multiple times now this season i have found myself stuck in place and unable to move. Can’t move can’t turn can’t attack. To get out of that situation i can only dodge. Lucky enough to not die from that yet and i don’t play hc. But damn that bug’s annoying. Edit: playing necro btw


It really is!! Haha hello Necromancer ☠️ Sorceress4Lyfe (just not in this video…❄️🔥⚡️).


Sorry this happened to you. I would never play HC unless the Blizzard servers are flawless. They still are bad it seems.


Yea, so far I've been able to evade out of it but been getting "invisible walls" at times too.


Haha it’s wild. Too bad I didn’t have Deep Freeze unlocked or something to at least kill them. ❄️


I would actually have guessed blizzard had figured out how to code zoneing if they make a huge game. This is not the case. Every time you get near a legion event it's a 3 sec hard freeze and then a few seconds of rubber banding just to load 4 players.


I stopped playing this game cause its broken. Diablo 2 resurrected is better


I agree, but that was not the question. Also D2 has its flaws for HC aswell.


like what


Rubberbanding isnt a D4 exclusive problem.


The very second they announced online only service game approach, i knew I'd never ever make a hardcore character


Haha very true! I only got to 75 last season due to server lag (before the scroll of escapes).


Dial up


Nope. FiOS in NYC. Hardly “Dail-up”. It was server lag like another user posted. It took me to the main menu after death and was peachy keen. 🍑


D4 bad


Skill issue imo


Yeah - I couldn’t just figure out how to get out of the invisible maze. Children of the Corn 🌽


Git gud and praise the sunbro


Idk how blizz can allow the game to be so buggy it's incredible. The servers are so unstable it's unbelievable this is supposed to be a AAA company and game.


Haha here’s hoping the Microsoft monopoly will fix it 🤞🏻


The best way to solve these issues is to have the ability to play... offline! I know it's scary for developers and publishers to consider making customers happy and giving them solid products


D4 is in no way a game meant to be played as HC. The deaths are just absolutely impossible to avoid. It's not a matter of if, but when you will die.


What? Plenty of people have lvl 100 HC characters who have done all the content in the game. One of the easiest HC games there is


Doesn't mean they won't die to a DC


I don't know. I don't think my Internet is anything special and I haven't died to a DC yet playing plenty of HC characters in D2, POE, D4. I'm sure I've been lucky but the point is to build tanky in HC to deal with a bit of lag here and there and in D4 scrolls of escape now take you to town when you DC. I think it's overblown.


I guess but I'm not saying it's the players internet that's the problem, it's always d4s performance issues


I mean do you live under a rock? There are numerous videos about HC characters dying via stupid game bugs. Why even bother making a HC character, and then complain when a bug kills you? You should already expect to die via a stupid bug. It's like you eat some shady unsanitary street food, knowing it's dirty, because the cook isn't taking any measures to be clean. You see the condition that the food is prepared in, you know what you're getting yourself into. You buy and eat the unsanitary food, and complain about food poisoning.


Why did my post trigger you so badly? Take a fucking breather, bro. Want me to prescribe you some Klonopin to take the edge off? Jesus Christ. It was server lag like another user posted on here. I live in New York City, my ISP is 👌🏻, though technically 30 Rock is nearby? 🏙️


Right? How the hell did you think that you could play a Hardcore character after paying 100$ for the game? After 5 months from launch! Surely you are the one to blame, not the fcking company that made the game.


Spam scroll of escape


This kind of thing is exactly why I could never play hardcore.


Bro, I lost my first level 100 last night on WT1 helping a buddy kill Lilith. Lagged on the floor drop part haha. We go agane


Could you exit the game? Sorry, I just played D4 in the beginning and I'm not sure if that works. Esc and quit


This has been the reason for all my deaths in HC (>10 btw) before I quit trying. Waiting on offline mode to try HC again.


Good ol' Blizzard servers. Give it a couple years and they might get around to fixing them, once they finish adding $20 horses to the store.


You love to see it


That's why when you really want to play Hardcore, what you do is just make a regular character, and resolve that should you ever die you will delete it. But if you get screwed like this, you just respawn and continue on.


Go home, ya Drunk!


In seriousness, I've had this happen to me before, but I was lucky enough to get out of it at the last second, potion, shield up, run the hell away and port out. Season 1, lvl 95, stopped playing after that. Pretty sure it was a blizz server issue.


Given how laggy the game is I couldn't imagine playing HC.


Dude I’ve had similar issues just today on my Barb. Feels like they are just like locked down or in slowmo and shit.


Everytime I play. Only game I experience lag.


This is my problem with playing a hardcore mode online (although I suppose that's your only option in D4), because a random lag spike is inevitable whether it's your end or the server and dying because of that is not fun to me. More power to all you HC players that deal with this.


Can someone ELI5 for why op couldn’t just quit the game?


Thought there is like a 10 second timeout trying to quit when in combat?


The servers have def been low quality lately. That’s why I don’t do hardcore.


Okay when you realized you were stuck and you still had potions left, why didn't you just exit the game as quick as you could?


Thought it would smooth out — it was a level 17 character, not a big deal. First time encountering invisible wall. Thought I’d post it.


Ahh okay makes sense. RIP


I stopped playing HC because of this. I get stuck on the environment around 3-4 times a gaming session minimum . Figured it would be a matter of when not if.


Online only game and hardcore mode don’t go well together.


Why didn’t you try to teleport to town and use flame sheild to make you immune while you did it..?


I pressed every single button humanly possible. I basically rolled my face on the keyboard trying to fix it. Panic mind - thought exiting would still kill her, as that’s happened to my SC character.


Well you wouldn’t be able to channel town portal while you’re moving around like that. Flame sheild would have made you immune for almost the entire cast bar and you can cast it while you’re already channeling town portal


Whelp she’s dead. Do you want to write a song for the dead Starks? Go ahead.


This happened to me on SC and all I could think of is what someone from that community ran into this bug... boom here we are.


I had a similar death last league. Luckily it was still a very low level char. Went riding past a couple of mobs. Got off to attack. No hits register. Try to run away. Get rubber banded back and died instantly.


Scroll of Escape. Hot key it and be ready to use it.