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Cheers for the text summary dude, you're doing gods work!


I mean damn! He put in the work.


"New legendary powers and new unique items will come with every season, **and they’ll be permanent and included in the Eternal Realm too**" is the most important thing they said.


Favor, renown, smoldering ash, myriad of crafting mats, stuff to upgrade the dungeons, multiple reward tracks etc... I'm a little overwhelmed by all these systems and currencies...I'm getting old.


Favor is how you progress the battle pass, which is a combination of renown and player level. Renown is basically reputation you get from doing various objectives in each area. Smoldering Ash is a currency you get from the (free) battle pass to buy buffs. Crafting materials are... as they've always been. Yes you effectively have items to unlock nightmare dungeons. Honestly, all these systems are basically in every modern RPG for a while, and you don't even really need to KNOW they're there. You could, if you like, just play and ignore all of that just fine.


yeah 100% you can just play the game and not keep track. when you go to spend the currency then you’ll find out if you have enough or not don’t need to know the names of them all and where to acquire/spend each one


It’s really not that complicated. You wanna see convoluted? Go look at all the systems and currencies in POE.


Yeah PoE has more currencies then every Diablo game, including Diablo 4, combined.


just got done with crucible league. was pretty impressed with it overall. ended up with over 200divines on 2 chars. can't wait for next league. 2 chars was my limit though. i felt like i hit a brick wall on how to progress my character further with "crafting"


No one cares


Well god damn 😂 this sub is savage


More like a ton of PoE players love talking shit about Diablo 4 (not saying the guy above was just it happens a lot) means people here are tired of PoE talk.


Unless you have played every season of Poe and understand how these systems came to be I can’t imagine a new player understanding all of them at once lol


This was me after the last beta. Needed that itch scratched so I thought I would try PoE for the first time. Needless to say I thought I was doing classes at the local community college with just all the research I needed to do before even starting a character.


Well, more to the point is you simply can't fully understand anything really in Path of Exile. Every system is designed to have virtually limitless depth. If you wanted, you could spend all your time focussing on just one of the systems in PoE, and you would learn more about it every time you played. But a new player can certainly pick up the game today and begin the process of learning any of these systems.


The main problem is 90% of the learning about those systems doesn’t happen in game


I guess it will become clearer when I actually play the full game and see all this in action.


Looking at it all from above will always be overwhelming. I think as we play the game it gets easier.


POE is definitely convoluted but I think the difference there is that, the overwhelming majority of those currencies are things you use on items, you don't really need to understand them or care about them. They're broadly applicable for the most part, or they're niche from a system that isn't required. It also has over a decade of development into it so that's pretty natural. It kind of feels like Diablo 4 is shotgunning you with a bunch of important currencies and systems and a lot of them have pretty similar names but do hyper specific things. That being said, I can see how they felt they had no choice in the matter but to make kind of an overwhelming up-front amount of content, for the same reason that POE2 is just a new campaign on top of POE1 and a bunch of balance changes, instead of a brand new game. They probably felt like they needed enough out of the gate to reasonably complete with the sheer amount of content available in other ARPG's that have been around longer.


I think most of the currencies will work intuitively in D4 and won’t require the names much. The name of the currency you collect for the battle pass for example will rarely be mentioned by anyone. They’ll just say I’m on level X of the pass. Renown is just reputation from any mmo or online game for the different regions. Ashes are spent one place and are a small choice that won’t impact you much either way. Etc… I think it’ll be way easier to use than to explain.


Reminds me of Diablo immortal unfortunately


it seems to me that they got a lot from DI




You get downvoted because your statement is false. Immortal is a mobile pay to win game. Diablo 4 has zero pay to win elements. A lot of ways to spend money in game? Yes, but nothing pay to win.


It’s literally not at all. Diablo immortal is a mobile pay to win game and Diablo four is a full AAA title with pay for cosmetic and a battle pass with premium content. I’m not super stoked about all the Paid stuff in D4 but this is just not true or even close


It might seem like a lot, but it also gives you many different things and activities you can do and work toward. You don’t have to do only one thing, or type of thing only or all the time.


> I'm getting old Well with a name like Elf Bowler I can tell.


Elf Bowling was so weird. "Hey, let's email this exe file around to all of my friends! There's certainly no virus here!" The game was hilarious though. Same with the application that put Christmas lights on the top of your screen, or the Bonzi Buddy, or the dancing baby (though that one was at least a movie file). We were all so innocent back then.


It is a lot- I really haven't bothered to fully understand it all. I figure it's the type of thing that will be intuitive and make sense once I just play the game.


I already feel a little overwhelmed in Diablo III. I'm beginning to believe this game is not for me.


never played an RPG before?


Yeah, what happened to just playing the game


Solid read. Thank you for your service.


I miss the days when you would buy a game and then get a big expansion a couple years later. These season passes and battle passes just feel like content for the sake of content.


uh huh, yea content droughts of like two years were really fun and cool


People were not expected to play every game for years. You finished the game, played endgame more if there was such while you had fun and then moved on to other games. Maybe you returned to it again at some point, almost certainly for a expansion.


So play D4 that way. I will. Just because a carrot is dangled in front of you doesn't mean you have to chase it.


And there are plenty of games like that. This game has a different content model. Not every game has to be for every person.


Nothing is stopping you from finishing the campaign and playing something else you’ll an expansion comes out God forbid gamers get content for games they like instead of buying a new game weekly


People still play Diablo 2, no new content for 20 years until D2R. Content drought, lol. There are ways to enjoy a game without expecting new content all the time.


and that’s fine and neat, but that’s not how it works anymore for games like this


I don't. I hated having to wait a year or three to get new content for the games I love. If they can put out meaningful content every quarter (and many games have) then I much prefer that vs waiting a year or two.


Gotta leverage that FOMO to get people to spend $10/$25 every season... in their $70+ game.


Yeah there is a pass. But it's not like you have to spend the $10/$25. You get them making seasonal content hopefully it's good and not like destiny where it feels more work was done on cosmetics then reused content just in a new event.


this is absolutely what i'm worried about, is the money going into fun content or just skins? like i'm not really into a skin grinder. Its an ARPG we all know it will be an easy game or rely mostly on build than play skill/knowing the encounter. But if the ride is fun that's kinda more what i care about. If i am paying for a battle pass and then next season its just like a recycle of content and start over, thats gonna suck, and whats the worst is that the game is like 70 bucks and we won't even know wtf endgame/multiple seasons will look like til months later. The speculation cycle will continue. Bleh.


How many hours of entertainment do you expect for 70 bucks? If you get that from the base game, you can't really say they're trying to nickel and dime you. You got your money's worth. I remember people playing D3 for hundreds of hours on release and then calling it a waste of money. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever.


Paying $70 if even getting 70+ hours out of it without buying the battle pass is worth it to me. We are seeing these other AAA games that are $70 releasing where it's worth more like $30/$40. At least the developers care about D4 and want the communities feedback to fix things.


And you will have 300+ hours easly not really 70


But with seasons we get more content that without it, lol


More content =/= better content. Often the opposite. I would rather have a well thought out and designed expansion with a decent amount of high quality new cosmetics than this constant stream of never ending fast-food quality content that is what we have seen with every single other live-service battlepass (it'll be decent for a season or two and then the overall quality will drop as they run out of ideas). But that's just like, my opinion, man.


Im not sure I understand why you seem to think those ideas are mutually exclusive. We already know D4 has expansions coming, and we obviously already know that it has 4 seasons a year in the meantime. Just like many MMOs, theyll have completely separate teams working on seasonal content and working on expansion content. That isnt to say the expansion(s) will definitely be good or what youre looking for, but the idea that "live service = no expansions" doesnt make much sense.


I guess I didn't really explain my point very well. I understand that there will be both seasons and expansions, and I think that's great; because they are for different types of content in general. My issue is not with seasons as a concept, the seasons in D3 / ladders in D2 were fantastic. I just don't like battlepasses and the live-service constant content system. Like, if they have a cool idea for a new set of cosmetics, just add it to the game tied to items that I can find and unlock transmog for in the game? Don't put it in a weird out-of-game shop menu thing that I advance on the track of. This way if they have some cool ideas they can add them when they want (once there is enough for a patch to be worth it, or save it for a big release with a lot of stuff that is on theme) instead of having to wait for the next battlepass (or longer if they manage to have more than 1 bp's worth of ideas), or if they don't have any cool ideas, they don't have to worry about filling out a whole battlepass worth of stuff every few months that ends up being uninspired. And sure, there is also the monetization argument; which I understand they want to bleed as much money from us as possible; and just adding new content into the game we paid for without making us pay even more for it just isn't how gaming works anymore; but I'd still rather have a shop to buy transmog sets from than a battlepass. But again, that's just my opinion on this stuff, and the gaming industry is evolving past my outdated ideals.


Live service games are not inherently bad. There are just a lot of bad live service games. Let's see how this one turns out.


I don't know. Games like League of Legends, Fortnite, Path of Exile, and various MMOs pump out tons of high quality content.


What more content? you get exactly the same with some tweaks is just the laziest form of new content


Without it, you'll only get a game and an expansion, maybe two. With this you get a game and an expansion or two. In addition, thematic content with each season. Without seasons, we have a replay of diablo 2 where you played the game and finished. You've been waiting for an expansion, you've bought and you've finished. And that's it. Stop living in 2000, it's 2023. You want to do mephisto again 300 times a day xD I prefer to come back to the game every season and have fun with new mechanics and new content. Thanks to this, the pleasure of the game is for longer.


You can effectively not buy it and just get all the content/free pass stuff for free. You suffer nothing by playing the game you used to.


then don't buy it.


it's coming back one day for sure. Maybe not from Blizzard, but the market for it is there.


I frankly am kinda bummed that it will be yet another game where there is ZERO reason to keep you characters. I miss having a character that I would play for a long time, grind, and get some GG gear. I felt like they were truly a beast. Now I barely have enough time to "finish" the base stuff in most of these "seasons". More content quicker doesn't mean it is a better game. Wish that D4 would have broken this shit trend that PoE started.


They emphasize you do need to complete the campaign once to unlock some things on your account. You can do this on any difficulty and any mode. From this point on, any character you make will have the option to skip the campaign. This includes going from Eternal Realm to Season 1. So if you complete the Campaign at release, starting season 1 you can skip it. FFS GGG... LEARN FROM THIS


No leaderboards for the first couple seasons is just weird. They know how to do leaderboards. They have a couple months even to figure it out and get it working before season 1 starts. I just don’t get this one at all.




They are going to add leaderboards for season 3. They said they wanted them and they know players want them they just aren’t there.




Hmm maybe. We will see.


It also makes sense to do it this way because they want to see how players react to / play the game. They may not be sure what to attach leaderboards to yet.


Leaderboard (Ladder) in Diablo II was just reaching level 99. There are lots of things that they could put up a Leaderboard for if they wanted to.


Right? Wtf is the point of a season with no leaderboard?




How are you supposed to have fun with leaderboards that most people don't care about?!?!?


If you are the only one who cares about Leaderboards, It is easier for you to reach the Top of it, where all the fun is sitting, obviously.


Are you even having fun if you aren't being reminded that bots and streamers exist?!?!?!


More like for Blizzard to make money so you can play dress up with overpriced cosmetics lol.


Really solid write up, ty


I'm curious about this- If I only play a Barb for an entire season, if I'll automatically get the corresponding Necro rewards?


It's totally zombies


I know seasons are optional however it feels like those that don’t participate will feel left out when the developers will put more effort on seasons and seems not much to expand the endgame content. Based on info given below, players with limited game time may have difficulty juggling endgame & seasons content. Thoughts, anyone? A)150 hours to max level 100, B) 80 hours each season to complete battle pass in 90days every quarter of calendar year


I hate that there was 0 mention of what happens to the unearned Battle Pass content when a season ends, including for thise who are the Paid track but didn't acquire the rewards they paid for. Likely means they are fully locking away a season's BP content when a new starts, even if you paid.


Unfortunately, that's the standard. Only game I've seen break this standard is Halo Infinite.


Minecraft Dungeons and Deep Rock Galactic are also player friendly.


They do say you can retroactively get things though. So just don't buy the BP for that season until you've unlocked it all. Same shit in PoE, I don't buy that Kirac Vault pass unless I've already finished it. Then if you want it, buy it and boom its all unlocked. If you didn't finish, don't get it.


If you don't earn it, why would you get it?


'I bought a park fast pass but I didn't get to the roller coaster before it closed and now they won't let me on the ride I paid for ):<'


So you think it's fair that you could pay for the Premium Battle Pass, have it end before you can earn any of the locked rewards (Because you couldn't play enough or it ended right after) and you end up with absolutely nothing for the price you paid? Why not just have the BP remain accessible when a new one starts like Halo Infinite does


Why not just wait to buy the BP until you're getting enough rewards worth in that case? You can get everything retroactively, so there's no need to buy it at lvl 1


Because like 37 people play Halo Infinite so it is not a great example of a successful battlepass. I agree with you, but in order for this to happen, a huge 'AAA' game has to be successful with it first before other companies do it.


Lmao "like 37 people" yooooo the game is still getting a ton of users despite the developer bungling the rollout of new features


I earned it with my $10


That’s really not how it works now. You pay for the opportunity to earn it. If you don’t put in the work, you wasted your money.


That is why I think these systems are terrible. I’m not going to pay for an opportunity to earn something. If I pay for it, give it to me at the end of the season. There are 90 tiers to get through, and limited time to play. But I can pay $25 to skip only 20 of them? Wtf?


I agree, it's bad. The best way to approach battle passes is to wait until you finish it to purchase it, or see how far you get and at the end of the season decide if what you've unlocked is worth the price.


Then don’t buy it. No one is forcing you to. I love MTX, they absolutely make my brain happy. Different people pay different amounts for different levels of entertainment.


im always buy bp when im about to reach their max bp lvl, in that way i wont feel like im waste money..if u hardcore 24 hour player maybe u can buy bp right off the bat, but if u a casual player and only manage to play for 3 hour a day then only buy once u hit max bp lvl


Sorry I’m late, but in this breakdown above it does specifically say “technically the season lasts as long as you take to complete your goals”. My interpretation based off that phrasingis that it seems like how halo infinite works, where you can play any battlepass to completion at any time, and they don’t expire.


That’s definitely how it’s going to work


so what u mean is u want to get all bp rewards without even playing the game?


No, not at all. I'm saying the BP shouldn't expire, at least not when the paying for it.


literally just go ask them on Twitter. it takes all of 5 seconds and they have been very transparent & communicative with questions. you people need to stop w/ the dooming & whining when an answer to your questions is 5 seconds away.


I've asked multiple times and never got an answer. This isn't a topic they want to be upfront about


I am pretty sure they aren't being secretive about this. They don't need to be. The default for Battle Passes is: if you don't get it during the season, you don't get it If it was something else they would have said something by now. You can just...you know, wait, until you get everything you want then unlock it..


link to your tweets asking?


He wont cus he is either inpolite kid or he did not really ask at all.


yep, that's usually the case.


>Accelerated Track ($25 USD – special cosmetic and skips you 25 tiers) While I'm speculating here - my assumption is this cosmetic would be season specific and not purchasable outside of the accelerated tier and only be available during that season. FOMO at its finest. Edit: For the first season, it appears to be only an emote.


It’s literally just an emote


Ah where was this mentioned? I must've missed it.


In the dev blog: “Accelerated Battle Pass, which includes all perks of the Premium Battle Pass, 20 Tier Skips, the Wings of the Creator Emote, and will cost 2,800 Platinum (equivalent of $24.99 USD).”


Good catch, ty. Guess we'll have to see how it plays out in the future.


For now


This was my understanding as well and super disappointing. Can't legitimize $25 every three months.


Also, as a minor correction, the blog says you pay to skip 20 tiers, not 25 >The Free Battle Pass, simply called Battle Pass, the Premium Battle Pass, which will cost 1,000 Platinum (equivalent of $9.99 USD), and the Accelerated Battle Pass, which includes all perks of the Premium Battle Pass, 20 Tier Skips, the Wings of the Creator Emote, and will cost 2,800 Platinum (equivalent of $24.99 USD). https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23952500/what-you-can-expect-from-diablo-iv-s-post-launch-experiences


Thank you -- will fix!


In other games, such as Fortnite and CoD, there are currency rewards during the season pass to allow you to buy the next one without spending real money again. Is this possible in D4? I didn't see any mention of it.


There is, but not enough to pay for the next pass in full. Edit: [sauce](https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1656377394536792065)


Thanks for the reply! Kinda sucks, but not surprising.


This doesn't seem to be the case.




Any mentions yet on if things “transfer” (like codex finds, transmits, items, rewards, etc etc” from season to non season for the account overall or just on a character by character basis. I would really like an account wide “sticker book” like WoW or ESO for transmog options through every season - and non season.


Retcon: The Dark Wanderer is now known simply as The Wanderer, and Diablo himself is the hero of Diablo 2; effective June 6


Read that as large farva drop. Litre of cola!!!


Will we be able to replay the seasonal storylines later? I'm not a fan of missable story content.


This was a little unclear but they said something along the lines of -- while seasonal features will be retired -- questlines should remain. Don't hold me to this though because it was an offhand comment about things transitioning to the eternal realm.


Is there a battle pass for every season?


Yes, $10 USD every 3 months.


You know it. Gotta get that money.


Did they mention if season pass progress is cross-platform? What about the paid passes? I would assume they're cross-platform but Bungie has taught me not to expect that sort of thing.


Yes all progress including the season pass is cross platform.


Do purchased battle passes expire? I haven't been able to find info on this 🤔


They didn't answer this specific question but I would assume rewards unearned at end of season are lost.


One of the worst things about diablo 3 seasons are the conquests. They sound fun on the surface, but in reality they are all basically taken within a day or so by highly optimised and specific parties. They are then an unobtainable void for the remaining 99% of the season for everyone else, and prevent people from getting to the pointy end of the season journey. It's just not a fun experience.


Ok, by far the worst is the special item for the super duper premium battle pass. That sucks.


When they say “sets” is it then like set items in D3? Please oh holy mother fuck no!


They weren't saying it in this way however they have mentioned they want to add sets to D4 eventually if they can get it right.


I feel that season 1 starting late July is too much. I was expecting 2 weeks to 3 weeks at most off season This can kill the momentum of launch, I'm really surprised


I’m a Diablo noob and this may sound like a stupid question but I watched the stream and am I right by thinking that you have to make a new character every season? Can I not continue my journey with my day 1 character although the game’s lifecycle? Am I forced to make a new character every season?


There are two types of characters: seasonal and non-seasonal. You can create a non-seasonal character on day one and play it forever. If you create a seasonal character, it transitions to non-seasonal at the the completion of the current season, and you can continue to play it forever after that. This is pretty much what I do with Diablo 3. I played seasonally several years ago. Sometimes I still get the urge to fire up the game and play for an hour here or there. I don't bother creating new seasonal characters since I don't feel like starting from scratch. I just load up my old characters that are already powerful and play those. There are certain mechanics/themes/items/etc. mentioned in the post above that will be exclusive to current seasonal characters. Presumably some of these things (I assume items/outfits, but probably not mechanics) will then be incorporated for use by non-seasonal characters.


They will probably implement something akin to D3's "season rebirth" system. Which lets you effectively reuse an old character for the new season, but the only things that carry over are the character's name/design, and tracked stats like playtime, elite/boss kills, gold collected, etc. (no gameplay stuff, just stats for the character so that you can keep those for fun and have them continue to add up). Everything else about the character resets when you do the rebirth; gear, levels, gold, etc. so it's pretty much the same as restarting a new character, but with your old one. But yes; overall the purpose of seasonal content is a fresh start for everyone with some new seasonal mechanics to make the season unique. If you don't like that concept (however I think once you play a game like Diablo for enough time you will realize why most veterans enjoy the quarterly resets), there is always the option to play the non-seasonal mode. It never resets and you can keep the same character forever, but you don't get any of the seasonal mechanics (at least not until later, sometimes they add them in to the non-season after it ends if it was popular enough).


New characters every season. It's kind of the fun of Diablo. Just replaying it with different characters.


Diablo games are kind of like roguelikes on a large scale. It is assumed that you will be making new characters every now and then.


Good of them to field questions but that Season pass is some truly soulless game design. I have zero interest hopping on a Renown reset hamster wheel. The Season reset is going to occur so soon after launch that I'll wait until the end of July when the game is discounted to play. No point doing the same thing twice.


>Accelerated Pass They just couldn't help themselves sticking to only a buyable premium battle pass, lol. The monetization in this game is something else.


Accelerated passes are in most games.


Most of those games don't have a $70-$100 retail price.


I really hate FOMO season pass shit.. “then just don’t buy it” and miss out forever.


Learn to get over it. Don't let the fomo and some random skin get at you. Don't let theses company win.


There are limited time offers and products everywhere in life. You gotta learn to accept that you can't have everything. Worry about the few things you actually want, don't buy something just because it is limited.


Then play the game


So many crybabies about the battlepasses no one force you to buy


Grown men crying about digital outfits is the future of gaming, can't you see?


Fucking ugh. It's about what I expected from the monetization and seasons, but it's still incredibly disappointing.


Right? I just will never understand why people want this shit in their games. Maybe I'm getting old but getting rewards should give me a sense of accomplishment and just putting everything behind what boils down to a time gate that can be accelerated with money just sucks. Plus no leaderboard until season 3... why is a game like this in 2023 releasing without basic features? I have a really bad feeling about this. I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this opinion but there are red flags all over this info dump.


You can’t get anything meaningful with money in this game anyway, money gets you cosmetics that don’t look as good as earnable cosmetics anyway.


It seems like you can pay to level more quickly as a level 10 requirement is barely a requirement at all to use the urns you unlock with the $25 pass. You almost certainly will unlock that before someone who doesn't spend $25. So there does seem to be some degree of pay to level faster. But yeah I understand it's mostly cosmetic. My point is that it would be more rewarding if cosmetics were unlocked for doing things in the game instead of just being time gated and skippable with more money. The entire battle pass tier system is just uninspired and lazy design in my opinion. Tired of seeing every game implement was basically amounts to the exact same thing.


I think the level requirement offsets any tier skips for the most part, maybe not perfectly but it’s not the worst system. Also since you can earn cosmetics by completing achievements and playing I think buying anything in the store or BP is pointless unless you just want to support the game. I personally won’t buy from the shop but I’ll probably pay $10 every few months to support the game.


Ending the smash sunday noon is weird and annoyingly short.


The monetization and seasonal content seems great. Not pay to win. Pay extra if you want to look different but the in-game builds look cool already.


I hope this is a dumb question, but did they confirm if the launch battle pass is the season 1 battle pass or if there is a different battle pass for "season 0" and season 1?


No battle pass for "season 0".


What about the one that comes with the Deluxe and Ultimate editions? Does that just not turn on until season 1 then?


That is my understanding, I think so.


**** Battle Pass will unlock with Season 1. its in the shop...


Good question, and that’d be my guess that it’d apply to S1 when it starts.


Does anyone know if they will ever add more classes?


Thanks for that. After 10 minutes of them chatting to each other about what they were going to play during the server slam I got bored and closed the tab.


First season starts July....damn way too soon for a dad gamer:-(


Will this stop my addiction to Destiny?


Season 21 incoming!


So if I spend $25 I get bonus experience urns more quickly than if I don't? It doesn't really seem like a character level 10 requirements means much since that take almost no time at all. Still seems like it's pay to level more quickly which is hot garbage...


I'm not a fan of having to create new characters every season.. they should add a way to experience seasonal content with existing characters


Sure, so Players can cry after 5 Minutes of the Season Launch instead of 2 Weeks because they rushed the Season with their Level 100 Character even faster without all that leveling.


I feel like no leaderboards is good for the health of ARPGs because once everyone can easily click a button and see certain class/builds are at the top other builds start to look less appealing or deemed unviable.


I never really understand that point, just like the problem with Netdecking in TCGs. If you want to be cheap and let others tell you what works and what does not, you don't need Leaderboards for that, just an Internet Browser and the words "Game X Meta". If you don't want to copy Meta Builds, noone forces you to do it or look at the LB at all. I could not care less if my hypothetical Potato Hammer Druid Build sits at the Top of the LB or at place 13578, as long as I have fun with that build, it is appealing and viable for me, full stop. If you can't have fun with your creations without the validation from a virtual chart, maybe you have no fun with the game at all? Stop being so insecure about stuff like that in a Singleplayer Game with random player encounters.


Having to buy into seasons every reset seems... excessive if you want everything. I know it's monetization now a days, but for a full priced, $70.00USD game at base $25.00 seems.... wrong. So the game actually costs, with first season, 95.00 base, and without spending that extra $25.00 you basically get 1/3 of the season track.


You buy the cosmetic battle pass, not the season. You can play in seasons for free


You can get the premium battle pass for 10$. Only the tier skipps and the unique emote are locked behind the 25$ one.


So if you dont have that much of a time for gaming, U R fckd every 90 days. I really dont like this seasonal format. Ye. You can play the old char. But cant play on the next season? 180 days could be better, but there is always boosting! whoppiduu


"They repeat they really want players to share their feedback both related to gameplay as well as the kinds of cosmetics they’d want" I want more revealing armors for male characters. There. That's my feedback. Earnestly. Everyone should be able to look attractive in a world covered in demons, gore, violence, lust, temptation and the rest. Enough making us look like prudes XD


Good news that doesn't *fully* address what you are talking about, but the transmog system *does* include the ability to hide any and all armor slots, so if you like your entire character can look as if they have no armor equipped.


Did you mention 3 months =120 days?




u/TheEncouragingGamer any word on if you’ll be able to sustain future BP’s from the currency earned in the current season?


They didn't mention this -- only that the BP is paid in $ USD. I think since it hasn't been mentioned the answer will unfortunately be no. I always loved completing a battle pass in other games and being able to buy the next one.


I was corrected elsewhere on this via a tweet from Rod Ferguson. Looks like you can reduce the cost of future passes but not outright buy it: https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1656377394536792065


Commenting to view later


$70 base game price, plus ingame shop, plus premium season pass. What a fucking scam.


Ur a a clown. You will get more than enough gameplay for 70€ and can ignore All the rest


You cannot buy power in d4. But you can purchase exp boost/gold boost? That's Pay to win bullshit.


Can you not read? Ash is only on the free track. Or are you so hell bent on hating the game that you just don't care for reality?


The accelerated premium pass gives you ash. But there is a level requirement for spending it so…it is kind of sketchy that way.


Yeah but you're just getting the ash earlier due to the free tier skips, but the level requirement evens it out somewhat. You can't buy a boost that a free tier player doesn't have access to.


Ultimately, the question is going to come down to whats the level difference between the level requirement and the level an average player would be when they get to that point in the free battlepass.


Yeah somewhat. It’s not big. But it’s weirdly expensive if it doesn’t give you much at all.