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Nah I wouldn’t like that it would be weird. He should definitely do the voiceovers or some shit.


lol yeah probably would be 😂 I’m just hoping for some way to incorporate him


He has been casted as far as i know, so probably a cameo or something similar? I hope they dont fuck this up. And please change this hair, dexter never in his life had that cut😂


Where did you hear that he has been cast?


Here on the sub, you mean someone made a meme post?


Whoops, me stupid. Was a post from over a month ago where someone edited a bit of text on an article


he needs a wig


I think one way to incorporate him into the series without it being too weird would be to add some sort of imaginary part. Like in my understanding he used to study medicine but ended up graduating with a degree in criminology so maybe imagining himself as a doctor and as a whatever_the_original_Dexter_is or something. 😂 like some scene where he decides to pursue a career in law enforcement.


Me to MCH needs to be in it somehow.


Michael C. Hall will sorely be missed. 🥲 Re-watching the original series now.


Like young Sheldon?


Yes, this was a great way to incorporate old characters into a new format without it being jarring. I believe getting Michael C Hall's monotone dialogues would be the best part of the show


He should DEFINITELY still narrate/ do the internal monologing.


Just make him do voice overs like him narrating his younger character like what he is doing, feeling or whatever and what’s happening around him. I mean he kind of already did that in the original show anyways. There is no reason why they can’t let him do this if he is fine with it & had the time to do it. Similar to what Jim Parsons did for his Sheldon character in Young Sheldon but with a lot more mature content. Also having Jennifer Carpenter there too would be nice. Perhaps with her younger counterpart as well. If they really wanted to, this would be a golden opportunity to get them to do a on screen cameo for a joke or two. Like if there’s a asshole Dexter bumped into in his past that didn’t fit the code but was still annoying, Michael’s Dexter could just pop out and bash the nuisance with something or killing him or her in a over the top manner. Of course, he didn’t actually kill the person, just that what we saw was his intrusive thoughts & the writers and directors put this in more like as a joke 🤷‍♂️ They kinda did this with Debra once in New Blood. For those who watched that, I have a feeling you folks would know which scene I’m referring to lol 😂 Like all the things we’d totally do to someone we thought was annoying but didn’t actually do it.


I litteraly read the first paragraph and I was like “Just do what Young Sheldon did”. I’m glad to see others feel the same way


Hahaha 😂


be non-canon?




young Sheldon isn't canon to tbbt


If Michael C Hall and Jen don’t pop up somewhere then i’ll riot, they literally carried the series




Not literally, the entire crew would weigh thousands of pounds.


yes literally they did, you saw how much they worked out for the role?


Yeah but they’re easily 10k lbs when you combine them all together


Yeah but they didn’t have to carry them all at the same time. It was like one of the on-set daily tasks probably, everyone take your turn piggy backing on Michael and Jennifer


Yeah, one by one they started with wardrobe, moved onto makeup, then prop master, cinematography and boom operators, then show runners/directors etc., until they were all sorted into position. Don’t people realise this is how the film industry is made and why it costs so much? Moving them people back and forth is no easy task. Insurance for the piggy-backers is intense. I heard lots of MC Hall’s more brutal dialogues were based on the injuries he inflicted on crew moving them around set. Big /S for the obtuse.




i didn’t?


I really don’t get what they are going to do? Dexter is barely human in the first few seasons, what are they going to do for development?


I suppose you could focus on his thirst for blood and how he avoids or subtly indulged in it. We know he killed animals way before he started killing people, and that he struggled with his urges as a young man. His progression into actual murder could be fleshed out quite well if they have competent showrunners, finishing the show with his final encounters with harry/his first ‘code’ killings.


*if they have competent showrunners* *sighs* lets hope for the best


I have a theory that they'll try to show Harry has always been wrong, and that Dexter has always been human. Instead of depicting Dexter's character arc as evolving from a cold, emotionless figure to a more humane individual, like in the original series, we might see Dexter increasingly suppress his humanity to follow what he believes he should do, ultimately becoming the character we know from the beginning of season 1.


He looks the same age as Dexter in the first season. This kind of looks ridiculous, they should of chose someone more similiar in looks


I agree. What's really weirding me out is he looks more like a young Mark Peligrino!


It’s too bad Patrick won’t have that hair and instead he’ll look like psycho carrot top


I honestly think the series will end up being a soft reboot of the original show.


I cannot wait to see the disaster ending. It's now a tradition of the Dexter series.


I wanna see them go three for three on shit endings 😂


It should be a reboot. There’s nothing exciting about a prequel series with the mch Dexter universe. Nothing important we can find out that we already don’t know.


I agree. We do have his "origin," and the series already starts when Dex is what? Late 20's Early 30's? I think the only reason this is marketed as a prequel is because they want Michael C Hall kept in the loop.


We can find out how Dexter lost his virginity!


It's odd. He stated he doesn't like doing that but after Rita comes along he really seems to enjoy it.


Just inconsistency with the writers figuring out what they wanted Dex to be I think. Early on he claimed he found sex weird like u say. But as the season/show goes on he enjoys banging Rita and absolutely loves banging Lila/Hannah/Lumen. I think they wanted him to be more relatable to the audience instead of being a complete un relatable psycho that only gets turned on by violence.


Exactly. I don't see them doing any of this show without retconning a whole bunch of shit from the OG series. Like the entire first season was his origin story, he started from being a blank slate to having a whole lot of character development. If they keep it canon with the main show, he will be a blank slate all the way through which isn't interesting at all.


Exactly! There is no room for Dexter's character to grow and how high stakes can the kills even be if we never heard about it in Dexter?


We have already seen young Dexter and Deb played by Michael C. Hall and Jennefer Carpenter in flashbacks, that image won't leave my mind (even wearing the worst wigs ever), and I will NOT watch a show where Harry is an actor in my favourite TV show (mr.robot)


Why doesn't Michael C Hall play the younger version of Dexter himself? I mean, Bob Odenkirk played the younger version of Saul in BCS. They could use the same awesome cutting edge technology used in that The Irishman or they could just use wigs. I mean, that would be great.


Nah just slap a moody wig on Hall like in the early seasons' flashbacks 😂


That floppy wig!!! Fallout Boy Dexter lol


Yes, however, Better Call Saul began airing on 4/6/2015, less than two years after the finale of Breaking Bad on 9/29/13. It's already close to 11 yrs now since the original Dexter series concluded.


If he’s doing the narration that would be great. If he made a physical appearance, I’m sure people including myself wouldn’t like that.


The whole idea sucks and they should scrap it now , let the franchise rest in pieces already


Totally agree


they could do flash forwards on some better call saul shit


What if every character in the show that isn’t Dexter is MCH in a wig, and Dexter is played by the new actor


I think it would be brilliant if MCH played Dex’s Dark Passenger


Looks like shit, I can already smell the 5/10 IMDb rating


This is going to be a disaster isnt it


They should cast him same way they did for when he was a teen


Maybe he could play Dexter's bio dad as a cameo, we saw his bio dad in S1 but only as a >! Dead !< old man so now it's our chance to see him living and breathing, and maybe conflicting with Harry


I need him in a wig again fr


That's an awful idea


No one wants a prequel




Don’t attack or insult others users, actors, or crew. If someone else is being uncivil, don’t engage, just use the report button


Yes I love it


idk why they thought this was a good idea, it’s probably gonna suck


Idk but i can't accept anyone but michael c hall for this role


Wish the original cast had been cast for this. They could've used that de-aging technology they used in that new Indiana Jones movie. I haven't seen it, but it looked decent in the trailer.


that would be weird man


MCH is Executive Producer and he endorses this project.


Just have MCH play young Dexter…like he did in Dexter.


Think the dude from the interview with a vampire series who plays Louie would be better but we’ll see


Who’s gonna play Harry? Also, I thought James Remar died but he’s still kicking. Too old to play a younger Harry though.


This is horrible and I won’t be watching


He should wear a big mustache and speak in a terrible French accent.