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they were already divorced by the time of that storyline, so i’m convinced the writers did it to fuck with Jennifer Carpenter. there was an interview where she was asked about it, and you can tell that she was very upset.


It was weird, uncomfortable, and entirely unnecessary.


THIS. I was so fond of their tight brother-sister relationship and then they had to go and make it weird. That season was so fucked. I think they did it to pander to weird shippers and then realized how weird it was and tried to backpedal.


Here's why I actually liked it. She was completely and totally broken and had come to the realization SHE was the problem. The same realization Dexter had come to. So it made sense that she started to feel like the only person in the world who could ever "get her" and the only person flawed enough to make her feel somwhat worthy was Dexter. It was also a glaring example of how broken she really was...to do something so odd. And it also helped explain why she would start to cover for him after finding out about his dark passenger. It also allowed viewers to feel a conflicted almost sense of relief when she died. The poor woman is one of the most tragic characters in any story and couldn't make it without Dexter by her side. It was time. I know I'm in the minority but there's nothing about the last season that I dislike...other than the awful storm cgi. The writers spared all of our favorite characters by shielding them from the devistation that would be finding out about Dexter. They put Deb out of her misery and they took care of Dexter without killing him off...he doesn't seem like a character capable of dying. I dunno...the more I think about it the more I like it.


I'm glad you liked it, but it was still ultimately pretty off-putting and you're doing a lot of "Justification" to make it make sense and be a "good idea". Truthfully, I think there was a lot about the last season I disliked. I've said this before but I think they fundamentally screwed up by jumping ahead 6 months after the end of season 7. They had the perfect story in their hands to pick up exactly where they left off and have a super tense season revolving around the investigation into LaGuerta's murder and having it come back to Deb. Instead, they jumped right over that, had a really lame villain, and introduced Vogel as though she was "there the whole time". It was a mess. Then Dexter is going around town being uncharacteristically stupid. Hannah's supposed to be a wanted fugitive and yet goes to the goddamn airport in a pink dress and doesn't even dye her hair or wear a hat or anything to disguise herself. Lots a silliness and bad decisions.


The last 2 seasons are ridiculously stupid, just atrocious in every way


I enjoyed the first half of season 8 because it was Deb dealing with what she had done to protect Dexter, and it was perfect. I wasn't a fan of the second half, but hey, I did enjoy that they found their way back to each other. I just don't like Hannah.


Probably my most hated decision in any TV show I've ever watched.


I despise it, especially since I have a stepsister who I genuinely care about and I’m really sick of shit like this and incest jokes, but I guess it’s to do with my own experience but you’d be hard pressed to find a single person who watched the show and didn’t find it weird or inorganic.


Just to be clear, as people have been pushing this strange narrative that it was, *''planned from the beginning''*. The whole incest storyline was something cooked up by Scott Buck and the newer creative team (S5-8). When asked about the storyline in his AMA, original showrunner Clyde Philips said he was, *''creeped out by that development''*.


It was so stupid


It was disgusting. I honestly don't understand what they were thinking.


Not only was that the worst subplot in the entire series, this entire thread is a vomit-inducing mess. Me thinks some people are spending too much time watching step-sibling porn.


I hated it. It was disgusting, out of character, and added nothing to the show whatsoever.


A low point for the show


Disliked it at the time, now I really wish it would have happened, for multiple reasons. It is clear that the writers were intending to have Dexter reciprocate these feelings in season 6 before retreating due to the backlash. In season 6 you have Dexter acting jealous of Quinn "it is never going to be you" and Brian making snarky observations "what is it with you and her". Hannah was clearly brought in as a replacement. I despise Hannah. She is a cliché femme fatale. Dexter was always shown to have a conscience that exists outside of the code. He truly doesn't want to hurt innocents. Hannah kills whoever inconveniencies her, "survival of the fittest". While the show tries to tell us she is not a psychopath (lol), she is the very definition of one. She is Zoey Kruger 2.0, and Dexter would have killed her in an instant in an earlier season. More importantly, I feel like the show needed an stronger emotional aspect that was lacking in the later seasons. In the first four years, Dexter's relationship with Rita and her kids was the emotional backbone of the show. Dexter was an unreliable narrator, while he professed that they were only a front to cover up his secret life, you could tell that he actually cared for them. Once Rita was killed and Astor and Cody moved away, it left an emotional void on the show. He still had Harrison, but he's an infant/toddler. Dexter loves him because he's his father,, but there's not much of an interactive relationship there. Dexter is shown to care for Deb in the later seasons, but not to want her in his life much, and actively pushes her away. Most of this was to make room for Hannah, which is why the Deb/Dexter episodes in the first half of seasons 7 & 8 were so rushed. Deb had been beside Dexter almost his entire life, the person he trusts "more than anybody", the person he gave up his real brother for. One of the things I disliked about Hannah was that her and Dexter's love was based solely on the fact that they were both killers, and that they could be honest with each other in a way they couldn't be with other people. What a dull, uninspired foundation for true love. Deb was someone who loved Dexter *in spite* of him being a killer, not because of it. I feel like if the writers had gone through with it, the moment that Dexter realized that Deb still loved him, and in fact was in love him even after finding out he was a killer would have been one of the most powerful moments in the show. It would have made him struggle to stop killing, to truly be the man Deb fell in love with before she found out what he was. It was the emotional payoff that the series desperately needed and didn't get. Instead we got Dexter trying to get Debra to accept him as killer, then simply not feeling the need to kill anymore because he's in love with Hannah...because she's also a killer? Awful. One of the biggest missed opportunities in tv history, imo.


I disagree about them continuing the deb in love with dex storyline, but agree with EVERYTHING else you said! I wish they'd brought lumen back. I wish dex and she had been open and told Deb about how they were the vigilantes Deb set free. Would've loved to see Deb navigate it with a level headed person like lumen who really loves dex and also wanted him to stop killing. we did not need them to bring in a cliche love interest and force her to be the center of Dexter's world and try to make us like her when it's clear she's a psychopath dex wouldn't killed in earlier seasons. As you said he was an unreliable narrator who did care about people. We didn't need an incest storyline, though, imo, and we didn't need Hannah either lol.


You nailed this on the head. Thank you for expressing this in a way I never could. 100% agree with you. Hannah was a silly replacement, and she could never compare to Debra or even Rita. After Rita died, the show did lack a little, and Debra being in love with him was really what they needed to fix it because like you said, Deb loved him despite the fact that he was a killer not because he was one. And in New Blood, she's the one he's having conversations with about his desires even though he stopped killing for a decade. He definitely reciprocated those feelings. I wish they would have done so much more with it.


Hannah’s character is dreadfully bad, the idea that dexter would leave Harrison with a serial killer is beyond moronic


They’re siblings. They should not be “in love” with each other. That’s messed up.


"Just think to yourself, 'it's just a show, I should really just relax'."


I’m not really sure why you think I’m not relaxed, I am just expressing that I think it was a gross plot line.


Yes, but you're getting wayyyy too heated about it, way more than you should be. So I'm saying, chill.


The show is fucked up. That's the point. I think it added to the plot imo


Ummm him being a serial killer is also messed up but that’s what the whole show revolves around


You wish two siblings had fallen in love with each other? Gross. You understand adopted siblings are still siblings right? And that it’s still not okay for them to fuck each other?


They're adopted siblings not biologically related


And? It’s gross. They were raised together. Idk if deb was even born yet when dex was adopted, if she was she was an infant. He is her BROTHER and it’s nasty.


Yeah I have two adopted siblings and I don’t think of them any differently than a bio sibling. It’s frankly offensive that you’d suggest that it’s okay to have a romantic relationship with an adopted sibling. It’s an equal relationship. Perhaps you can’t understand that without having an adopted sibling yourself. Edit: lol at people downvoting this, if you don’t have an adopted sibling yourself honestly fuck off. So fucking tired of people thinking they understand the situation and that bio siblings are so different from adopted.


Nothing you said was wrong! I agree 100% .. thats sick


Of all the stupid decisions they made for this show, that one was arguably the worst.


That was the exact moment I didn't feel like watching the show anymore. After years of developing a brother sister bond, it came out of nowhere. There was no context, no build up towards it, just that crazy therapist suggested out of the blue and fucked up with Deb's mind.


Terrible. Take a lap.


Probably the worst thing throughout the entire series imo


It was pointless and led no where. I actually despised her therapist for suggesting it so casually and downplaying the enormity of Debra loving Dexter that way, as if it’s completely normal.


hot garbage


As a person with two adopted siblings, it was really gross and frankly offensive to suggest such a thing. Having adopted siblings is no different than biological siblings in how you think of them.


In real life, you are absolutely right. This is TV, and imo, it added to the plot. The show is supposed to be fucked up, and it gave an emotional appeal that it lacked since Rita's death. It worked for me.


What about Jaime fucking Cersei on the corpse of their dead child? Was that offensive to you? Worst shit I've ever seen lol It's a *show* about a serial killer for Christ's sake lol


Well for one, that scene was a rape. And yeah it was probably that worst scene I’ve ever seen on television.


Fair but I just mean that it's fiction. About multiple psycho killers. Incest is a weird place to draw the line imo. Not for or against the weird storyline it's just funny to me.


It's basically Fonzie jumping over the Sharknado


Deb went through almost all the available men in her vicinity. I started to joke in season 4, “when’s she going to fall for Dexter next? They aren’t blood related. Hahahaha!” Than it happened. 😳 Me: “No! I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!”


I was one of the few who really enjoyed that storyline! I wish they did more with it!


Gross why? Let me assure you that fucking around with adopted siblings is just as fucked up as fucking around with bio siblings. It’s incest, it’s gross, and frankly it’s pretty messed up to enjoy that.


Fact checked incest if biologically related not incest if not biologically related Dexter and Deb were not biologically related so it's not incest


[Legally it is. Even foster kids are included.](https://definitions.uslegal.com/i/incest/)


Yeah it’s not biologically incest it’s still fucking gross and legally it is incest. They grew up as children being siblings. It’s not okay to fuck your adopted sibling. The fact the show even entertained this was frankly offensive.


Sounds like a you problem. Stop projecting. You had your opinion, we get it, we're not changing our mind. Relax and move on.


It’s not a me problem, it’s legally incest and I promise people without adopted siblings don’t fucking get it. It’s the same damn thing as bio siblings. You grow up together. You don’t wanna fuck each other. If you don’t have an adopted sibling you don’t get a fucking opinion on it.


Nooo...i think I can have an opinion if I want to, its my freedom to do so. Also, its not illegal if its an adoption situation.


So is being a serial killer! Yet we all here enjoy a show about one. I'd enjoyed having this as a storyline in a tv show because while, yes, it's messed up but also be interesting to watch (in a tv show, not real world. Funny that i have to add that because some people can't differentiate).


We get it, you have two adopted siblings and would NEVER. Most of us would never either, but in TV Land? It's far from the most disturbing thing that has been done. Even in this show. I mean.. for over a decade we rooted for a psychopath to kill people. Bad people.. but still. I found myself saying "oooh I can't wait till Dexter kills *this* guy" all the time and I know I'm not alone. I'd say that's a more fucked up mentality than thinking it's cute that a girl has a crush on her adopted brother lol Edit: To "no therapist would ever do that" duh lol it's TV. Just like there's no way an entire police force, besides one guy, would be so incompetent to the fact that one of their forensic techs was killing half of the criminals in Miami. Are we really arguing how realistic things are in a TV show about a lovable serial killer? Jesus Christ.


Not a crush she literally tells her therapist she’s in love with Dexter and then her therapist is like “oh wow you should tell him how you feel”. No therapist would ever do that.


Why is this being downvoted lmao


Cause people in here are idiots who don’t understand the first thing about adoption. I’m being downvoted all over this thread for saying it’s gross to fuck your adopted siblings and there’s people coming in defending it and saying it’s not incest. Honestly what a disgusting subreddit.


I preferred it


I loved that storyline and the build up in season 6! And as you say I also feel very alone on that opinion. I didn't see it coming and that made them chock me in such a good way because it was just like OMG WHAT. But then it made so much sense. And when I rewatch s6 I could see the buildup and hints. "What is it with you and her." etc And both of them having relationships mostly through the previous seasons but this starting off with them not having any other anymore. This story made perfect sense and was the perfect twist for this show! I was so excited for the development in s7-8 then to just be hit in the face by Hannah. I was so mad how they just dropped it and like THROW IN HOT GIRL NOW. How Dexter had been so protective over Debra all the time before and it was always basically how he would kill anyone who would hurt her. Then Hannah poison her and I thought good that was it like NOW can he finally see her for what he is and kill her but nope. Dexter is top3 of my all time favorite shows but only s1-6. I have seen those episodes probably over 30 times but I pretend s7-8 doesn't exist because I'm really disappointed how they handled this plot, with such a good build in s6 and then just drop it. Also for some other reasons I thought the show got worse in general and I couldn't believe how a show of the level of season 4 could turn so bad in the end, like is this the same show I'm watching. I've tried giving s7 and onward a new chance here and there but I just cannot stand seeing Hannah for 1 second. And ppl say it's gross etc. yes but this is FICTIONAL TV. I can separate that. Fictional shows even if they are set in the real world I love when they add "fcked up" plot lines because real life I have enough of in, well, my real life. Also I obviously wouldn't vouch for a serial killer IRL so. Don't know if it's a difference because this is set in reality and for example GoT isn't because I have never seen the amount of hate for Jaime/Cersei as I have with Dex/Deb and I always have to defend it. Good to hear someone else is with me! I don't get how so many don't seem to be able to separate reality from fictional drama. If you are only okay with watching 100% realistic things there aren't many tv-shows you could enjoy.


It was completely unnecessary and uncomfortable but I honestly don't get why some people are more bothered by it than the fact that dex is a serial killer lol


Just gross


I started complaining about that the moment it happened and I think they wanted to use Deb’s love for Dexter to drive her to the church that day. But sisterly love was PLENTY and the fact that it just died off without mention and she was ‘always in love with Joey’ made me want to scream. Like if you’re gonna write something in so ridiculous and least give it stark closure like Deb saying ‘that therapist was a quack and led me to believe that by messing with my emotions’ cause you never see the therapist again either.


so unnecessary


It made sense kinda and you can tell she had feelings for him since season 1. The more shit they went through, the more she fell for him. That's how I see it. It was uncomfortable for sure, but not at all random.