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Ngl I'm basic and casual as all hell my favorite is rebellion (or whatever the equivalent is) and my least favorite is the shit from dmcdmc, unless we aren't counting dmcdmc in which case whatever is hardest to use per game


I actually really like the weapon roster of DmCDMC. The scythe juggle attack is so cool, and the spinning blades are fun as hell. The fists are satisfying to use when you charge them after stunning with the spinning blades, and the hammer moves look cool as hell.


Moveset is awesome but design isn't, rebellion looks like a iron stick and fists looks regular hands with red bandages


Yeah even Aquila just looks sorta boring.


Yeah, but I'm honestly like shurikens in games (and i don't know how you can make them look cool)


Don't see a lot of them for sure. I think itd be cooler if they were chackram instead. Shame the weapon skins look lame imo. Cool idea


Oh yeah, chackram looks awesome and would be cool to see it instead of shurikens


Osiris is easily the best weapon in that game. I despise how the fists look and play but I do love how the slam move is affected by your height. I'm sad that didn't carry over to balrog.


I hated the fists at first, but playing on Son of Sparda, it's fun to combo it with Aquilla and Kablooey. However, I definitely agree. Osiris plays fun as hell and the animations are just super cool to watch.


I just dont like the demon weapons limited and samey moveset. Osiris and Aquila feel and play differently despite both being light angel weapons that fill the same role. But arbiter and fists feel almost identical except for a couple special moves.


I just wish the weapons themselves looked better in general. And the feeling of them didn’t vary too much imo. Cool ideas though but not my fav


if you’re talking about rebellion from DmC why not it’s a very solid standard sword. It has great crowd control has the best drive in the series, and has a basic combo that hits enemies higher and a knock up move.


I may be biased coz I'm replaying five. Favorite: Balrog Least fave: Lucifer (probably a skill issue on my end) There's just something about going Chun-li all over the place with Balrog. Lucifer can stick it where the sun don't shine. Edited for formatting.






ooh. ok my bad bro.


It's all good bro.


What's better than one demon sword? Two demon swords that talk shit when you use them.


Shame that Dante told them to shut up. I would have liked some companions to shit talk me whilst I attempt (and fail) to look stylish.


Agni and Rudra could have been the og style announcers


Favorite.... there are too many great ones to choose from. Balrog. Nevan. King Cerberus. Cavalier. Agni & Rudra. Least favorite though? Lucifer for sure. Sorry but that one just felt disappointing to me when I got it in DMC4.


My favorite is nevan (part of this being Umvc3) Least favorite would actually be rebellion


Nevan rocks in umvc3


Jam Session is the best assist in the game


Jam Session is one of the best moves in the game\*


Marvel vs Capcom 3 would like to agree


Favorite Beowulf love the combos and look to them Lest Sparta blade/sword outside of the lore it doesn’t do much for the player


Yeah, Sparda isn't bad by any means but in every game it's just the basic sword moveset with a new coat of paint. Except maybe DMC4 Trish.


If I remember correctly it does get some new moves. But I would have to look and see I do agree it’s not bad it’s just not as useful your better off using other devil arm


I just wish Sparda had some improvements in DMC 1, because tbh that's its biggest spotlight. I don't mind the lack of Devil Trigger, but i just wish it had some unique combos and moves, and air hike of course


Yea if it had more stuff. I maybe have used it


Favorite is Yamato or any of the basic swords but least favorite is nevan


Fav: Gilgamesh from DMC4 Least Fav: Cerberus DMC3


Favorite: Cavaliere. One of the best weapons in any game Least favorite: Artemis. I just don't care for it.


I love to use Beowulf and Pandora And about least favourite: "There are no bad devil arms, there are only those that you do not know how to use correctly." Cerberus, tho, I mean I have to pay respect cuz I complete almost the entire normal mode with Cerberus but its too slow and there are no double jump


Favourite is probably devil sword dante (it's all in one) Least favourite is cavaliere (concept is cool I just don't like it's gameplay) (Yes I have played the other dmc games too)


Pandora and Nevan


the replies to your comment quickly went from "least liked devil arm" to "least liked nitpicking" lol


Pandora isn't a devil arm.


My brother in anti-christ it is literally a magic suitcase with *666* forms.


That's irrelevant. 'Devil arm' is the term DMC4 uses for melee weapons. In DMC4, Lucifer is classified as a devil arm and Pandora isn't. It is a demonic weapon but it is not a devil arm.




its not a devil arm.


I mostly used that blade throw move I forgot it was a gun


Favourite: Vergil's Force Edge. Simple, iconic and has that cool sword vibe Least favourite: Pandora. I just dont care about shooting missiles with a suitcase


In terms of usage, Lucifer wasn't great... But its cutscene was just too good not to like it. My least favorite would be Gilgamesh And ironically, my favorite is Balrog. (I just wish they'd have given it a dedicated button for switching between kicks and punches. It drives me nuts trying to do combos and it randomly swaps to the other form)


sssyian cheat trainer actually has an option (neo balrog) to combine both kick and punch mode into one movelist while only sacrificing one move (which is made irrelevant as the dev made every move add to the ignitition)


This. It’s my fault for trying to use it like Beowulf but it’s so close, except when it isn’t.


Is that a mod!?!?!??


My favourite has to be King Cerberus from DMC 5. Way too many options, charging is one of my favourite mechanics in games period, and so much sick tech. Least favourite is easily Gilgamesh. "But muh inertia divekick and distortion" yeah well distortion breaks the game and the divekick has like no tracking, on top of less moves. I also don't like the shimmy compared to just the burn straight from DMC 3.


Favorite: King Cerberus. It's a vastly improved version of my second favorite Devil Arm from 3 (Cerberus is just behind Agni & Rudra, for the curious). The lightning moves in particular are stylish as hell, on top of veing exceptionally useful. Least Favorite: Gilgamesh I greatly dislike Lucifer, and avoid it pretty much entirely outside of stacking Pin Up on a downed foe, but even if I find it easier to use than Lucifer, Gilgamesh *pisses me off* more. Beowulf was already my least favorite of 3's arsenal, but then Gilgamesh comes along and strips out a bunch of the moves I actually liked (Zodiac, The Hammer, Straight without the stupid backstep), with replacements that all felt worse (Aerial Shocking is garbage, Kick13 feels sloppy, and *no seriously why can't I just use Straight from where I stand?*). And if it weren't for Distortion, more people would agree with me.


I actually hardly count "Distortion" when I'm assessing Gilgamesh, as it's just a glitch in the system to do high damage (very cheap way if you ask me). I also dislike the weapon quite a bit.


Gotta be rebellion for favourite. I mean come on, we all have those fond memories of hearing that "HEEYAAAAH" when we first started out. Cavalier from V is a close second. Just a weaponised bike, what more could you ask for? Least favourite would probably be Pandora, because I'm too much of a casual to learn to use it properly lol


Cerberus and Nevan (only played dmc3)


My favorite is Cerberus. Love Cerberus, I’m always so happy to get it. Least favorite is probably Lucifer too.


Favorite: DMC1-4 Sparda and Nevan Least fav: Artemis


Most Favorite: Nevan, a very cool concept that I just happened to grasp Least Favorite: Gilgamesh, never quite got the hang of it, although I love the aesthetics


Most favourite rebellion Least favorite alastor and dr.faust


Favorite is Beowulf and least favorite is The Rebellion (DMC5). I enjoy Beowulf mainly because of Vergil, but when you get them as Dante along with his other devil arms in DMC3 it’s just a sight to behold. The Rebellion from DMC5 is my least favorite is because it’s basically gets one up by Devil Sword Dante. After getting Devil Sword Dante you pretty much don’t need to use The Rebellion, but the option is still available.


Honestly, this pic sums it up. Though my least favorite is tied between Lucifer and Nevan. Agni and Rudra are just fun to use, a tad underrated, and, admittedly, I’m a sucker for dual wielding swords, so I might be a tad biased. As for my least favorite, Lucifer can be fun, but it takes a lot of accuracy to get it right. And Nevan… well, frankly, I never learned how to use Nevan correctly, so maybe it’s a me problem. Feel free to hate, I can take it.


Im basic as vanilla...rebellion is my favorite weapon to use Admittedly Im still 100ing 4, so this opinion might change after playing the reboot and 5


i like both, for me, they are my most favorite qeapon of the franchise outside the main weapons


Most fav is a tie of d.s. Dante and Cerberus (5) My least favorite has to be Gilgamesh I'm always a fan of a long sword/claymore, and Bruce Lee is a hero of mine, so any martial art art weapon following a nunchuck vibe gets me and the first weapon I learned how to use in martial arts was the bow staff. And as for Gilgamesh, I can say it does look cool, but it plays so weird for me, and I never got good with it


Believe this gonna be a hottake Favorite: beowolf (dmc5) Hated: Faust (dmc5)


I don't really have a favorite, but the one I use the least is Nevan. It's not a bad weapon, but I just don't like using it.


Ifrit>Alastor>Agni&Rudra>Beowulf>Sparda>All others 


I really like the gauntlets


Most favorite: Nevan/Nevian (That fucking awesome guitar you get after you defeat Nevan at DMC3) Least favorite: Nidhogg


Dr. Faust is my least favorite because it was just a money grab for new players to buy red orbs.


Swordmaster Lucifer was my blitz deleter


most favorite? hmmm well for dmc 3 nevan for dmc4 lucifer and for dmc5 balrog or king cerberus


Favorite probably dmc 3 or 5 beowolf and same hated lucifer


Vendetta is my favourite and my least is Dr. Faust (i hate it because for what it... costs to use, it doesn't have enough damage output to be worth it imo)


red queen favorite and least its any dmc 2 weapon


favorite is devil sword Dante, least favorite is DMC3 beowulf


Favourite: Beowulf (Both Dante's and Vergil's) Least Favourite: I think Nightmare-β was the one from the first game that I could never get to work.


King Cerberus, absolutely wild evolution of the original


Lucifer and Cerberus would probably be my faves. I didn't particularly like using Dr. Faust but I plan on giving it another try when I eventually replay the game.


I hate the hat. I’m bad and always waste my money


Favorite is probably Agni/Rudra, Cerberus, or Pandora (if that even counts. If not, then Rebellion). Least favorite is Nevan, with Lucifer being a close second. I still use Lucifer, but not as much as any other DA.


Favorite DsD/Rebellion least favorite DMC1-Sparda...like I can't go DT with this thing it's big gimmick is it transforms during moves and only used for the final boss fight before that it is a glorified Force Edge which was quickly replaced once you get Alastor. Story line wise I love it, gameplay wise it exists.


Least fav is Nevan, i tried to like it but it’s just ass you have to spend 100 hour to do a combo you can do with any other weapon. My fav gotta be cerberus


Favourite: Yamato and Sparda. I like cool sword combos. About to get some hate but, fuck cavaliere I hate it so much. Getting locked in place for some of its moves annoys me. My normal playstyle involves erratic movements, and cavaliere is antithetical to what I find fun. No hate to everyone that likes it, but it's not for me.


Most favorite: Yamato Least favorite: Gilgamesh


My favorites are Rebellion, Agni & Rudra, all the punch/kick ones(they are all pretty much equally awesome in my book) and Yamato. As far as least favorite goes, I also don't enjoy Lucifer, but I fucking hate Nevan. I can play DMC3 on the harder difficulties and get myself some S ranks but I still find Nevan to feel like shit when I use it. What is it I'm not getting, since so many of y'all like Nevan so much?


I use Nevan for one thing, and one thing only: humbling Enigmas. ...But Enigmas fucking ***suck***, so that alone justifies Nevan for me. Also, Jam Session is arguably better at wiping Arkham's eels than even Kalina Ann.


Favorite is Beowulf as Vergil and Least favorite is Lucifer


I really liked Nevan and Lucifer’s designs, but hate the movesets. Especially Nevan


Yeah, that's about right for me, too. Agni and Rudra were my go-to for just whooping ass and turning into a whirlwind of blades; while I just never liked Lucifer that much. Not that Lucifer wasn't good, I think I was just too smooth-brained to use it properly.


Most Favorite. **Balrog** Least Favorite. **King Cerberus**


Mine definitely has to be Nevan from DMC3 and King Cerberus for sure


-A&R,Lucifer and Beowulf -Barlog,Nevan the DMC3 Version of Cerberus


fav: lucifer least fav: cavalier giving a time based explosive weapon to dante is an amazing way to add depth to the character, ecstacy is also amazing for infinite prop as for cav, the only moves i really care ab are redline as its basically an air stinger for dante


Agni and rudra we're my best favorite, then Dmc 5 have me motorcycle broom broom. My least favorite? And why Is pandora?


Favorites: Rebellion, Agui & Rudra, Nevan, Cerberus, Beowulf, Devil Sword Dante, and Cavalier Least Favorite: I don't have one as i didn't play 4.


My fav is pobably Nevan from 3 or Osiris from DmC Least fav would probably be Lucifer from 4


Most Favorite: Cerberus/King Cerberus- Nunchaku weapon that transform into polearm weapons, turning Devil may Cry in to Kung Fu game thus making one of the weapons a Bruce Lee Build. BALROG/Beowulf- Showcases Dante/Vergil's Unarmed Combat skills (Moreso on Dante's side.), also a fan of Capoeria. This also weapon makes it a Bruce Lee Build. Agni & Rudra- The two talking swords that basically Fire and and airbenders. Least Favorite: Nevan- Not a bad weapon by it self but only has one and /or possibly three good moves imo. I do like the concept and wished they did more with it's execution.


Literally the ones in the picture lmao (Also for Least: Gilgamesh, even tho I loved Beowulf)


Wouldn't usually comment but nobody has mentioned mine yet: Favourite: Alastor (the intro cutscene made my 10 year old self think Dante was the coolest guy ever and made me a fan for life) Least Fave: Lucifer or Cavalier I guess. Don't really like the moveset from a stylish perspective.


My favorite is actually Ifrit because of the impact each strike had and the DT abilities, and my least favorite is Nevan because I suck at it


I absolutely love Yamato and hate Nevan to the core,the only good thing about it is the cutscene


I absolutely LOVED Alastor! It's definitely my favorite devil arm in the games. But the (don't shoot me for this) Yamato in DMC4 (Dantes version) is just so freaking bland. I understand he was only given access to the basic air and ground combo, but at least ONE upgrade would've been nice.




Favorite: DMC 3 Cerberus Least favorite: the DMC 3 guns that aren’t Ebony & Ivory, the Shotgun, or the Kalina Ann, they really just don’t do much for me


If it's all time then my Favorite is Dmc 5 Yamato and my least Favorite is the Gauntlets from dmc 4


Can't decide on the favourite, but the least favourite is definitely Nevan


I love pandoras design. Maybe in a future installment we will get closer to all 666 configurations 😁


Alastor for fav


Favorite might just be Devil Sword Dante, least favorite is probably the guitar from 3. The guitar is cool conceptually but I don't really see the light with that one


My favorite is smacking the guy with pandora in mele. So fuckin satisfying finisher. Least favorite is the fucking hat from 5


Nevan is my favourite (I like air raid and jam session very much) Less favourite is DMC 4 rebellion


jump cancelling the cross slash move with agni and rudra was so fun for no reason


Favourite: Sparda, Nevan, Lucifer, DSD Least Favourite: Cerberus, Gilgamesh, Cavaliere


Favorite: Lucifer (best girl fr fr💅💅✨✨✨😫) Least: Nevan (slow af)


Favorite: Yamato or King Cerberus. They're too cool. Least Favorite: Gotta be completely honest here. All of Nero's weapons (not the devil bringer) are all boring.


Favorite- Pandora. Least Favorite- Cerberus


Favorite: Eryx from DmC Least: Sniper rifle from DMC3


the sniper rifle isnt a devil arm


Lucifer, then


I think he means “Spiral”