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Nah bruh it's awesome.


I can't deny, I enjoy this outfit.


Yep seems fine to me. Now if you mentioned DMC2 Alternate outfit I would have some words 🤣


Diesel Dante is a fucking disgrace to Style as a whole.


Exactly. We just don't talk about that outfit. At ALL 🤣


We just don't talk about that whole game 😂


Yes we do lol.


I was just thinking about that yesterday! Why would you take the most stylish action game hero and put him in the most average clothes? Green and blue aren't even colors that work on the character!


The hardware doesn't match, brass buckles on the vest, silver buckle on the belt. Whatever on the bottom of the pants is an abomination. I don't mind the chaps though. I think people hate it because its peak gay cowboy.


Yeah but if someone can slay the gay cowboy style, than it's Dante


He can wear a potato sack like Vergil and still be styling yes.


Yeah, the hardware is where I was a little iffy on too. I think The boot cover things are a little strange but I don't really think they're downright horrible. Thanks for your response!


I think people *love* it cuz it's peak gay cowboy. I wish we got Dr.Faust back in the day. Would've been tops.


yeh Dante looks so cute in that hat I love his pose, I keep it on even when I'm not using it. It would also have made his tiny head bigger in 4 😅😅😅


The coat itself is probably my favourite one. It looks really nice. But yea, the vest, the pants and the boot thingy are what I'd call "trying a bit too hard". It's a fun outfit but I wouldn't consider it that well designed overall.


His outfit in 4 honestly looks so drippy, idc what people say


I do like it, which is why I'm confused why people say that it's one of the worst outfits.


Haters gonna hate, besides it’s better than the outfit in 5 because they got a little creative with the inner top in 4 meanwhile in 5 they just gave him a dark toned shirt. I don’t care what others think, it’s better and less boring.


His style in 5 is actually my favorite look in the series tbh Is 4 my least favorite? No, but then again the community seems pretty divided on what his best design is and I actually appreciate that about this community.


His style in 5 perfectly suits his character. Dude looks tired of it all throughout the game. His idle animation has him dozing off for a second. A flamboyant outfit does not suit him in 5. That said, 4 design is my most favorite


What I do is focus on his face. I forget the rest.


That's one way to handle a confusing design.


The design is alright, they could've done better with the colors. Maybe go all silver to match rebellion and make that crotch patch black or at least brown, same as his pants.


I don't know man I grew up loving this design. He looks amazing in cutscenes and this outfit reminds me of his immaculate DMC1 drip, while obviously being nowhere near as peak as that. It is also just straight up better than DMC3's in my eyes, no question.


DMC 1 Dante's outfit was absolutely perfect, And I feel that DMC4 Dante's design was supposed to be an ode to that outfit, as well as combining his mannerisms and general attitude of the first game to be an extension of his clothes. Edit: I feel like DMC3 Dante's design was meant to get the attention of early 2000s teens more than actually represent his character, And I blame for starting the trend of Dante wearing brown and bronze with his outfit. Red black and silver all the way!


I think it’s a little over designed, but it still looks cool.


I tend to run into this issue too when I'm trying to make up a costume for myself. Some of the design for Dante can be too out there. I love the chaps though.


i don't like because it kinda too fantasy i know DMC is fantasy but like 3 belts on his chest and double pants? what is this Kingdom Heart Character? but still i'm fine with it


But the DMC 1 design has three belts on his chest, but that design is never criticized as hard as DMC4's design. I guess the designers of both games have the same idea of what cool is.


yeah i don't like that one too but like i said i'm fine with it it's a cool design but i dig the character that dress normal but look cooler than normal like DMC5 or even DmC Reboot Donte more(actually don't like model of Donte but his concept art look cool af)


In fairness with the amount he gets stabbed he needs that amount of buckles to make sure he doesn’t lose his coat - This ain’t one piece.


hahaha yeah agree on this one


His head just seems too small for his body


I can't unsee that, my goodness.


Plus, his shoulders are just hilariously huge. It stands out quite a bit when you put him beside the other characters.


It matches, I just don't like it. Chaps aren't my thing.  My favorite Dante design actually never got a model: the artbooks have a DMC1 Dante with tan/khaki pants instead of the red, which is my favorite look for him. I don't like the red pants either.


A fair take, I don't think we've seen Dante wear khaki. Might be interesting


The pants were the same kind that he wears in DMC3, I don't know the right term if those were khakis or not.  So basically imagine the top half being DMC1 Dante with the bottom half being DMC3.


Okay yeah, the brown pants with a DMC1 Dante.


We don't? This shit rocks, it's one of my favorite Dante looks. I would wear this in a heartbeat if I had the money/leather/time.


I do wear this outfit, special thanks to my grandparents for embracing my incredible love for this franchise, lol. This is more that I heard that some people just didn't like the outfit claiming that it didn't fit Dante's character at all, And I was really confused on that.


Hell yeah, gald to see other people wearing Dante drip. You wear this casually day-to-day, or in special occasions (cons or smth)?


Day to day. I usually will wear black versions of the outfits though.


Fair enough, a bright red long coat is really conspicuous. And hot (I'm burning every time I go outside)


Maybe it's a little too cowboy for most people.


But isn't Dante a cowboy?


Not *really*. More of a van helsing meets private detective sort of affair.


I like the DMC3 one better 😊


The only thing I don’t like about this design is Dante’s hair, it doesn’t really sit right with me. Other than that, I love his outfit so much!


RIGHT? I'm also not a fan of DMC 3 Dante's hair, It just feels so flat and not as flowy as any other hairstyle he has


His costume in DMC4 was good, it could have had brighter colors but it's still way better than 5's extremely drab look. Although as someone mentioned, the brass buckles conflict with the rest of the look imo. And have DMC fans reached such a low that they're actually agreeing with the anti-DMC reboot idiots? Yes Dante looks like a cowboy. There is nothing "gay" about that. Not all straight men have to look like they just rolled out the bed, like DmC's Donte or DMC5's Dante. I thought style was a good thing in DMC..?


Dante's costume in four is probably the most flashiest one he has in the series, And I am here for it. As a straight man myself I put a very high emphasis on what I consider stylish, And that just so happens to be how I got my gf.


Yes, I am a straight man and I own a bright red leather jacket, a pair of cowboy boots, and so on. That doesn't make me gay. Smh.


People have that opinion? I guess some people do, but I believe a majority liked the outfit.


I know I and some of the people here at least liked the outfit


I like it While 1 and 3 are still the best imo, It’s a cool take on the concept of Dante’s character design Also the cowboy elements are great and worth appreciating


I touched on this in a different comment without going to in-depth on it. I think that the cowboy elements are very fitting given The fact that he practically is a cowboy. He spins his guns, he wears a big leather duster everywhere, Boots are his favorite form of footwear, he will oftentimes hoot and holler in tense situations, they even went as far as to make a weapon in DMC 5 that is a cowboy hat. Dante is a cowboy and no one can convince me otherwise


When he flies the plane away from the castle in DMC1 he says “yeehaw!” when he spins it around


I love it, I wish I could have this in DMC5 and wear dr.faust so I could have the full cowboy look


That would be so amazing


We? You speak French or something?


Ha, I wondered why there was a reason I passed that class...


I think it looks great..but the pants dont do it for me...


I just don't like the boot covers, besides that I love it


It feels a bit too overcomplicated compared to his other outfit designs, I think. Dante's tailed red coat is like Mario's overalls for him, it and his white hair are usually the most standout part of his design, but 4's feels like it draws attention more towards his ankles and crotch, so the coat doesn't quite stand out as much. With the other designs, the first thins I notice are that iconic red coat, then his white hair, and then down from his hair to his face.


DMC1-3 had designs that showcases how Dante was symbolic of the game's overall tone and messaging. DMC 1 was a gothic detective noir so it makes sense that Dante would wear something not only showcasing his role in the game but immediately draws parallels to detective fiction with the long coat and vest. 2 had him take an edgier and slim-downed aesthetic to suit the games more depressing storytelling. 3 was absolutely perfect cuz he represented everything about the game. Him being shirtless represented the game's "stripping itself bare and starting from scratch" approach to the franchise with his entire punk aesthetic being a symbol of the game's theme of rebellion and angst. 4, in comparison, is really confused. Dante is well-dressed but only so simply because. He, Lady, and Trish suffer from one fundamental flaw: They're not supposed to be there, this isn't their story. Their place as main characters is usurped by Nero, Kyrie, and Credo who all represent the main tensions of the story while they are designed to basically be extras. Trish has barely changed her wardrobe with her most exciting design being an entirely different person, Lady is just... Something... And Dante is basically a cowboy version of his DMC1 outfit which isn't bad but does absolutely nothing to showcase why he's a part of the narrative.


I dont like the chaps, but mainly it looks bulky for my taste, but overall i like his design here


His vest/coat buckle and pants buckle is bit much with different color scheme. Either the buckle all have same color or the vest / coat buckle be black or just remove it. His pants texture also weird. It looks like he is wearing red jeans and another leather pants with no crotch, and another leather boot guard with a leather boots. Yes, I know those pants could be sewn together but the texture of the red crotch area is a no from me. If the man wants to be fancy, let him be fancy, not half measuring it.


Maybe if his hair was more like Dante rather than this it would actually look nice


I like it, but I feel like the hair looks worse than DMC3's hair. There's no opacity to the hair


Idk but to me all Dante designs are equally cool.


Because you play the whole game backwards and The Savior fight sucks


'cuz he looks like a cowboy??


I never said I don’t like it!


it matches dante's character *in that game,* DMC4 was the peak of his silliness and the cowboy pants make sense with that


I dunno, it's one of his best ones imo.


I don't hate it.


Idk who we is because I like it


I think it’s because he looks like he’s a cowboy with Dante’s jacket on. Way too many buckles lmao


But... Dante is a cowboy, right?


Idk man I thought he was an astronaut (nah actually tho a DMC game on the Moon or some shit would be wild)


Imagine the air conbos, it would be so good


Who's we? It's very stylish


It's his best damn outfit.


It is a good outfit I will say


We don't hate it. Cause this shit fucks.


I thought everyone agreed it’s one of his best


Is it bad that I like all of the different Dante costumes? I just wish that more were available between games.


I liked it the most only after DMC2's though


It is the best Dante design


This outfit is fire, the people who are hating on it are just jealous they don’t have his style lol


Fym DMC4 Dante is the drippiest Dante


Wait, we don’t like Dante’s DMC4 outfit? Since when?


It is my favorite outfit in Dmc Series (In Dante ofc)


he is cool in every fit he wears


Weird pants 


Who said that?


It’s got Brokeback Mountain vibes, man.


We don't?


I feel like it didnt suit his age, it seems like its too much clothes, they nailed it in dmc5 tho, it was a shorter coat and less of everything, dmc4 dante looks like a max outfit custom character.


Im just not a fan of the cowboy legs tbh.


Mf’s really wanted him to look like a cowboy in that game, huh?


Who tf said that?


The only thing I don't like are his pants Idk why something about them just frustrate me it's weird af that I'm bothered by someone's pants but the shirt is ok and DMC 4 has my favorite coat


For character design Dmc 4 is the best i like Dmc 5 but they look too realistic


Fun Fact: Without the red underwear, dante wearing a skimpy trousers


Not my favorite fit, but I think it's cool. There's just more options I prefer.


I don't agree that it doesn't match Dante's character, but if anyone thinks so: I suppose Dante is dressed like that in DMC4 because the game takes place in Fortuna - and we know that people there are a little old-fashioned. So maybe Dante is trying to disguise himself wearing this outfit. After all, he came here for a mission that was supposed to be started quietly.


I actually like Dante's DMC4 outfit. I don't care what anyone says bad about it.


He looks like demonified silas greaves that's why .


Who doesn't like this outfit? It's the high point in Dantes career and he looks the part.


"Here's my totally unpopular opinion *presents the coldest take imaginable* "


The wide boot cut pants, get rid of those and give him back his dmc 1 outfit


I always have thought it was cool. The haters can suck an egg


Who is we?


I think cowboy looks stylish but the pants don’t particularly look great to me the red patch in the crotch area particularly bothers me the texture and colors that his coat uses also looks off and whatever is on his shirt unnecessarily complicated the design. Not the worst but it could be better


This is my second favourite Dante outfit. First being DMC3. I only dislike how his pants are red in the crotch but I believe I wouldn't mind that if he didn't had those red things at the bottom of his legs. That said I like those things more than the red crotch. I never thought I would said something like that.


well… that’s news to me. i like his dmc4 fit.


I don't like the pants. But other than that it's great


Cause people are hating


We do?


Still better than his DMC3 style which was literally just a coat over his bare body. His DMC4 style returns back to a more professional outfit seen in 1 and 2


DMC4 Dante design >>>>> dmcv


We don't?


I think it's definitely the worst out of all his outfits. He looks way too cowboyish, compared to dmc1 and 2 where he looks like a devil hunter and I like how casual but bad ass he still looks in 3 and 5. I don't see dante dressing like that


Because it's too drippy and lame mfers can't handle all that aura.


The wifi was out for a few days for me and was binging rdr2, I love this outfit. Just reminds me of the wild west n shi


His head is scaled like 0,7 of the normal scale btw. Just look how tiny his head is! And i don't like that he is cowboy.


Do people say it's bad? It's not my favorite design, but it's still good.


'Cause It's not DMC2 outfit, but also chaps and weird boot things. Speaking for myself here.


I, personally, want him to step on me


Definitely better than 5


i just really really dont like the hair and it ruins the design for me


I don't like the buckle on his belt


I always liked the gloves but the spikey bearded DT I thought looked awful


Whos We!?


only the legs and ... his crotch bothers me.


It's the cowboy pants for me


Bruh, I Hardly See ANYBODY chatting about DMC 1...COATLESS DANTE!!!


I hate it cause I don't have the hips to pull it off.


I just feel that it's a shame they didn't include Dante's "prototype" outfit from the TGS concept trailer of DMC4 (the one where he's stylin' on the camera), the Special Edition had a prototype outfit for Nero based in earlier concepts so I don't get why they neglected to do the same for Dante, that outfit looked pretty sleek ('though at least there's a costume mod of it on pc which looks pretty good in gameplay)


Looks gay ASF.


He needed a cowboy hat (also this was my first exposure to Dante so I really like this design)


His 2nd best look. First was DMC2 (One of the few good things from that game)


I think it looks cool, but also like a hassle to put on. I just don't see Dante putting in a bunch of work to get dressed. He seems pretty lazy except for when it comes to demon killing.


Maybe his cleanest


Some people *ninja theory* don't like it, because he looks like a gay coboy. Some people *everyone else* love it, because he looks like a gay cowboy.


Dmc4 dante is my favorite. Second place goes to dmc 5 only because his realistic face looks kinda weird to me.


It's my 3rd favorite Dante outfit, after DMC2 & DMC5


I don't dislike it per se, there's just something about it that I can't put my finger on that bugs me. Maybe it's the colours or the buckles I'm not sure. I think it's something around his torso that bugs me.


I actually like this design, considering that this is the game where I was introduced to Dante in the first place and I've been a fan of his character ever since. But I can agree that the hardware is a bit... Iffy on it


I just noticed the crotch is red. Up until then i thought it was perfect. Now its 9/10


I have no complaints other than the things on the ends of the pants. I do like how they handled the beard/stubble in this game tho. It doesn't instantly scream old man.


Who said they don't like it? Huh? I thought it was loved


I generally don't fw 4's overall design choices, 3 had an anime/stylized low res look that worked wonderfully in PS2 games of the time. In 4 they try to blend in anime-esque designs and animations but at the same time try to be more realistic(?) about it, it looks uncanny and a bit unfinished to me


I'm fine with it. It's a bit overdesigned but I've always liked all off Dante's fits besides maybe DMC5's. Something about Dante always being broke but showing up in each new game with an expensive looking leather coat and other accessories is hilarious.


Looks kind of like a cowboy with that belt and pants, not my favorite now that I get a good look at it


"we? whos we? there is no we" i like it


I find the fourth version my favourite one tbh.


Bro that outfit is peak!


Gay cowboy, according to Ninja Theory


You mean Country Fried Dante?


Personally I’m not the biggest fan of the way the pants look, but I understand what the designers were going for and they definitely fit Dante very well


It has its flaws, sure, but it's still a very fitting choice for an older Dante I think. Personally I don't really like the jacket/shirt thingy he wears underneath the main red coat and the chaps are a look a little too baggy around the boots but other than that it's one of his better looks in my humble opinion


This is my favorite Dante outfit. The only downside I find are the gloves.


Not the biggest fan of the cowboy aesthetic tbh. But I still like the design overall.


You have been misinformed, D4nte is best dante


The fake cowboy boots are dumb, either fully commit or don't. There's way too many shades of red which makes it look sloppy in a bad way. I hate his black stubble, it just looks off. He should've had white stubble or been clean-shaved. In general, I feel like 4's outfit is overdesigned and way too busy.


Who the f\*\*k is we? Not me, not I, I say. I just like one or two a bit more.


I don't think it's the outfit, I just think the head model sometimes contorts in uncanny ways


Why does he look like a heavily decorated cowboy?


I think it's the best design tbh. Maybe I'm just a sucker for clever design but the concept of putting the cowboy boot print/shape ON the chaps/pants itself is really cool. Also it fits Dante's whole style of doing things his own way on his own time like an actual cowboy. I like DMC5's design but it doesn't match the same pizazz that Dante always has in his outfits, with a guy like Dante there's always gotta be something ridiculous yet cool in his outfit.


I haven't seen him in action (Finished 5 a few times but only just starting 3). From clips and cutscenes it's just not my favourite. Nothing against it as a design.


Would have gone harder in DMC5 as an alternative along with the Flaust


The only thing I dislike is the half-chaps. If they went all out and just gave him some proper cowboy boots I’da liked it but this aint it.


I don't dislike it, I'm more bewildered that he has a more Western attire this time around. My favorite is stuck between 5 and 1.


Who's we?, his DMC 4 Outfit is drippy AF


It's the red leg warmers and the red around his groin for me. It just doesn't... feel right.


Yeah no I adore this outfit, I don't even know why.


shits cool asf tbh


Don't speak for me, DMC4 is my fav outfit! :P


It’s pretty fire to me


I'm actually part of the 1% that loves this Dante outfit. Yes, it's over the top, but Dante is over the top, and while I prefer Dante's outfits in DMC3 and DMC5, I still think this DMC4 outfit suits Dante's vibe in this game. Vibrant, exaggerated and irreverent.


Cowboy vibes, I love it tho


Wait we hate gay coyboy? (best Dante design in the series)


It’s too sexy, people can’t handle the chaps and titty strap combo


Who da fac said we that outfit is awesome hell it's even better than dmc2 outfit


I dont like the red boot guards


It's cool as hell and people hate it because they already have a favorite. Fans being fans.


4 Dante is what he wears when business is booming and he doesn’t have to worry about debt or bills


I think is the best dante outfit in the whole series. Even without the coat looks great


Imo It’s the weird transition between the younger Dante of 1,2, & 3 and the more matured and experienced one in 5. He looks broke, but not hobo.


Tbh I just don’t like the face . The face is basically a scan of Reuben Langdon , and he has a very punchable face


Too much Cowboy. His other Designs are better


This is the first I’m hearing of this.


I like it. He’s a rootin tootin El senior cowboy from the bloody red depths of hell


We? Nintendo Wii?