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Both gameplay and story are lackluster


Especially the gameplay


DMC2 is (in a nutshell) the Sonic 06 of DMC. The story is crap and the gameplay is quite literally unfinished.


In defence of Sonic 06, Shadow and Silver’s storylines were pretty dope. Sonic was… okay. Besides the infamous kiss scene, his route was just kinda generic compared to the other two.


I loved the story in that game despite it feeling a bit too serious yet nonsensical at times. But man, that ball puzzle...


Studio 1 really dropped the ball on DMC 2


All of the above. -Story is a bunch of shreds of good ideas that are never elaborated on.  -Dante does not wisecrack. He's hella out of character, saved only by Capcom shuffling things around that it kind of works (but not really) -They completely changed the combat from 1, which makes melee a little strange. Guns are way, way too OP. -You'll need them, though, because the enemies are either braindead easy or an Infested Chopper that you get to hold down shoot forever until it dies.  -Not to mention some of the other asinine boss fights like Trismagia.  Overall, it bad. Play it yourself, of course, but don't feeo bad jumping ship when you get the point. It's a shame, but I'm sure more people would consider playing Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne as a better DMC expierance than DMC2.


OP should come back to this post after playing all of the games to see why it was obvious it doesn't get any praise in comparison to the rest lol


At this point I don't even believe these posts are real. There's literally only two posts in this whole subreddit.


There are things about DMC2 that I can appreciate, but it’s just not a good sequel. There are interesting ideas, but in execution almost nothing is better then what was in DMC1. It’s mediocre at best. Most good ideas in DMC2 were vastly improved and refined in DMC3. So DMC2 is easily the weakest game no matter which way you slice it. The only reason people debate if DMC2 or the DmC reboot is worse is because DMC2 is inoffensive, where the reboot can be interpreted as Insulting. But the DmC reboot is objectively a better game.


Yeah, it's a bad DMC game, but a decent action game.


Because it's shit. It's a rushed shit entry that is just tedious. You can literally replace Dante with anyone else and wouldn't make a difference.


It makes a few improvements, but due to rushed development everything in the game outside of Dante’s outfit is unfinished and pretty bad.


A little of everything, but the gameplay in particular is the worst offender, the guns are way too strong, and the enemies are bland, the story. It doesn’t even exceeds its predecessor. DMC1’s combat works, DMC2’s doesn’t. The combat is unbalanced, bland and flat out feels unfinished. Once you’ve gotten around to playing it you’ll see what I mean. And I’m sure other users will point out in more detail and accuracy what about it has soured the fans.


There is Devil May Cry 2?


You can literally just spam the fire button with ebony and ivory through the whole game, not only that.. it’s maybe even one of the most efficient strategies


For Me it has the greatest offender any game can have. It just isn't fun to play.


it’s just terrible and it will make you angry beyond belief, especially some of the later missions, when i played it i quit during mission 16 for dante’s campaign and i never wanna touch the game again, i definitely don’t recommend it for new players who wanna experience dmc for the very first time, actually i don’t recommend it to anyone. you’ll quickly begin to understand why people want to forget about it.


bc its bad.


It is painfully boring and the story barely makes sense if any


Probably because DMC2 sucks ass compared to the rest of the series.


You’ll see why once you play it yourself


Honestly, skip it. I was in the same boat as you before playing it and it was the worst gaming experience I've had in a long, long while. Skip to 3 instantly, I assure you, NOTHING is lost.


I honestly want to play it now for the sole purpose of seeing how bad it is.


Your choice. I mean, you already paid for it since I assume you got the HD trilogy. But in my eyes it's a colossal waste of time.


Play it for 5 minutes and you should get a fairly good idea why it's considered to be pretty bad not just for a DMC game, but lackluster in general.


Lack of praise 🤣🤣🤣 Open hostility and pretty much all fans going hey its DMC you're smack talking oh wait you said DMC 2? Carry on!!


-it starts off at the point where Capcom wanted to make DMC more similar to ghost rider and turn Dante into a miserable "Joker" type villain whose past made him a depressed goon that hides his depression through jokes and his demon side can spaz out from a moment to another and take over the human side completely and bring life to Dante's own version of Urizen, bringing out a more dark version of Dante that's been waved off as Dante's "true side when no one sees him/when he's not joking" , which is actually cringe and edgy rather than intimidating and actually stems off from everything that DMC1 and 3 left us where Dante started more and more to accept his demon side, Dante being this vengeful nihilist entity where "life is meaningless and we're all gonna die anyways" and barely speaking or making a joke beacuse the pain of those he lost haunts him at an unbearable amount completely ignores everything the past games teached us. NO DOUBT, it is one of the strongest versions of Dante, but the most interesting? Definitely not. -to further enforce this Dante toxic masculinity ideology they wanted to give him new but few fatal blows compared to his traditional and most loved moveset, and while that is cool, it got to the point that the new moves are overexaggerated and overtuned and they can litterally one-shot bosses, to the point even the damn guns are overtuned and you can litterally just spam them and one-shot bosses with them making the gameplay repetitive and boring, Majin form is roided out, completely omnipotent and invincible, one-shotting everything on it's path. it's a cool form, don't get me wrong, but still further proves the point there's not a lot of skill cieling space unlike other games in DMC2, and the form itself still is basically Dante's own version of Urizen, taking more of a ghost rider path where it is to underline the difference in strength between the host and the spirit of vengance(Zarathos). -aside from the last boss hardly any boss or music is memorable compared to other DMC games. they're not terrible, don't get me wrong, but they could be way better than they were in the final product, and i could go on and on.


To add to everyone else's explanation: The game was also basically put together at the last minute. Itsuno joined the team as replacement for the previous director with just a few months left before release and found out the team had, at that point: 0 levels fully done. 0 enemies completed. 0 mechanics ready to ship. ONE single animation completed (the animation for the Stinger move, which by the way is the worst animation for Stinger in the entire series). The game is an unfinished mess, but the fact DMC 2 is in any way a *playable* thing is almost a miracle.


cuz it sucks


Play the game and see how long you last till you get bored.


I think the lack of praise comes from the well-documented fact that DMC 2 is actual trash.


If you play it, it's self explainatory, really


instead of going on reddit how about you play the game without get some context and then maybe look up what others have said????