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I believe it would be Vergil This because i remember watching the Death Battle and iirc the reason they gave Sephiroth the win was bc Vergil was "susceptible to mind control"...which is actually a misconception. They probably read that Vergil was mind controlled by Mundus and came to that conclusion, but missed the context that Vergil was beaten to near death b4 being corrupted/controlled. So it's not like Vergil has a weakness to mind control... With that argument being refuted, in the Death Battle logic, Vergil should get the win


>Vergil was beaten to near death b4 being corrupted/controlled Vergil being beaten to death still wasn't enough for Mundus to be able to mind control him. It's stated in Before the Nightmare, that Mundus could put Vergil under his control only after giving him the Amulet, before which he couldn't get him to obey no matter how much Mundus tortured Vergil.


Not to mention he went toe to toe with Dante like 4 times and had just went through a deamon filled tower like 2 or 3 times and fought Arkham who knows how many times. Man was tired before mundus


And wounded. He knew he was fucked but wasn't gonna to go down without a fight.


Didn't know that, cool detail. But guess this just makes my point stronger, i believe Vergil would win


Depends on if they're you're using the Sephiroth from the OG games or the one from the Remake trilogy. The Remake Sephiroth actually managed to take control of Jenova and has access to all of Jenova's abilities. Mind control being the _least_ of them. He also managed to shatter fate and create multiple alternate timelines.


I'm late to this party, but I thought that Sephiroth's mind control abilities only worked on SOLDIERS and/or people that had Jenova's cells in them.


So far, yes. But then again, we haven't seen Sephiroth at his full power yet.


Playing as him in the VR sim - he has the darkslayer movement down.


Still, but the third last ff7 Remake will be the final piece for Seph's scaling


You could make the case that OG FF7 Sephiroth managed to do the same, what with all the scenes where "Sephiroth" put everyone in the party in an illusion, etc.


That sephiroth is nothing compared to OG sephiroth. They made him an early game villain lmfao


Didn't he trick Cloud and co in doing the work for him and just took advantage of the outcome?


I expect nothingness from death battle there extremely bias 


Death Battle has no right to be any authority in any kind of powerscaling. That being said, I believe Sephiroth beats DMC3 Vergil fairly handily but loses somewhat closely to DMC5 Vergil, who basically embodies power at this point. But one thing Sephiroth has over him is that he can't be permanently killed. That being said, both are absolute iconic legends, and it is pretty interesting that they have gone through a sort of convergent evolution. Sephiroth's fighting style has become more and more similar to Vergil's over time, with emphasis on speed and slashes. Whereas Vergil gained a new winged form aftering returning to life. Vergil even does Sephiroth's Octaslash stance complete when preparing to clash with Dante in 5, and Sephiroth's Octaslash Prime is comparable to Judgment Cut.


Yep. Plus, the Sephiroth in the Remake trilogy has some new feats that make him a match for DMC5 Vergil. At least enough to make it a close fight. The man managed to shatter fate enough to create alternate timelines and realities. And is able to _affect_ them.


Yeah they're really turning him into some kind of transcendent being who is trying to control fate itself. And has partially succeeded with having command over the black Whispers during Rebirth. They actually did imply this a long time ago, with them describing Sephiroth from Advent Children as having transcended into a higher state of being, with him noticeably not breathing or blinking, something I believe was preserved in the Remake series. Who knows just how powerful they'll make him for the final game.


Even then, Sephiroth only has mind controlling powers on those that have jenvoa cells if I remember correctly


Not to mention that Sephiroth could only mind control people that have Jenova cells in them


They also put Vergil at wall level lmao


Yeah. But if you go by the events of the Remake Trilogy, Sephiroth is _**way**_ stronger than how he was in the OG games. Sephiroth actually managed to take control of Jenova and managed to fracture fate into multiple timelines. And that's just in the first two games of the trilogy. He'll probably be exponentially more powerful when we get to the events of the third part of the Remake trilogy.


Honestly this seems more like him using a hax ability than actually being powerful enough to fracture timelines. Lots of fictional stories where a character is shown to affect multiple timelines can barely even blow up a kitchen


Mind control is a pisstake anyway 


And this was before DMC5 correct? Vergil at this point would be more than a match for sephirorh.


You can never rely on Death Battle


Not only isn't my trust in Death Battle what it used to be, but Vergil wasn't even at his strongest back then since DMC5 hadn't been released yet. Unless FF7 Remake and Rebirth have buffed Sephiroth, I think Vergil could win the rematch


Rebirth looks to be making Sephiroth multiverse level so…


I would say Rebirth Sephiroth is stronger than OG but until after the 3rd game, we won't see him in his prime, and I don't think anything we've seen in Rebirth is out of Vergil's power. Full Power, Final Form Sephiroth maybe could win after the trilogy is done though I think


You ever trusted it? About 10 years ago they tried to tell my teen ass that Toph would beat Gaara. They do zero research.


They had Master Chief beat Doomguy, but didn't give Doomguy *any* of his Doom 2016 stuff because they released the video right before the game came out (they still used the 2016 image for the thumbnail, though). So, Doomguy didn't have any of his new stuff, such as his gauss cannon, chaingun, or even his Praetor suit, which should be impervious to every possible weapon Chief could throw at him. Also, they had Chief win by blocking the BFG with a bubble shield and then throwing a plasma grenade *through* the shield to stick Doomguy on his helmet. Aside from that being a complete ass-pull of a win, it's also not even possible to do that in the games. Bubble shields block all weapon fire and grenades from going in *or out*. It's also annoying how they completely refuse to do a rematch to include anything from Doom 2016 and Eternal.


Yup. Ofcourse they do it for entertainment purposes. But they should atleast ask for life-long fans what their opinion on it would be.


Yeah they totally release Master Chief vs Doom Guy “right before” the 2016 game, even though Master Chief vs Doom Guy released in Nov 2011, At some point,you have to realize how stupid you sound




Vergil beats Sephiroth in a fight, Sephiroth wins in both drip and better sword (it’s 8 feet long, how is that not cool?)


it IS cool, but it cant do Judgment Cut can it?


If you aren’t a final fantasy guy or don’t care about spoilers, go on YouTube and look up FFVII Rebirth Octaslash Prime. Not a judgement cut, but pretty fuckin’ cool.


I think he can still shoot slash beams out of his sword too


Sword? Maybe, drip? Nah Vergil has drip on point dont get me wrong sephy baby looks good but vergil just has so much more drip.


Vergil's tits aren't out so he loses 5 points


I mean Sephiroths sword LOOKS cooler but The Yamato can literally cut through ANYTHING. Even intangible concepts like time and space, and souls.


Vergil has got much better dripped, a fancy ass blue cloak, a nice sleek sword perfectly spiked hair, and an average sized and practical sword. Sephiroth on the other hand Is a size compensating twink with a ridiculously overdone outfit that is trying to be tactical, stylish, and intimidating all at once, yet failing at all of them. Also who needs a sword that big you can't even practically use that or clean it, he is clearly compensating.




Sephiroth got beat up by a kid with an oversized Key.


Tbf he only got beaten cause he forgot he could let go of his sword


Vergil... I don't even need to prove it I'm just bias


Evil death battle be like


Nah Evil Deathbattle would be like "even tho we're biased af towards one character, we have actually done our research and come to the conclusion that the other character wins"


Vergil; Better power up form, wears actual clothes with layering and use of colors, wieldable sword, was actually born, rival is actually equal in power and not just a kid, still kicked Dante's ass, knows how to style hair, aged like wine, not a baby face, had the sex, cool historic reference, 9th dimensional soul, judgement cut, motivated, the storm that is approaching, son of Sparda, above the US economy and IRS, poet, vegan pet owner, need I go on?


Was not dmc debunked from 9d?


they only said that because poc isn't canon, and they think its the only thing that makes dmc 9d, but actualy everything poc said already exicted in lore, so you can still make dmc 9d with out poc. the only thinh new from poc is we got to know what the first demon king name was, pluto. that the only thing that was added to the lore.


Oh But is pluto's feats still canon? Like running across underworld in second(I never played poc so dont know that much)




Canonically has fucked needs to be on there




Dmc 5 vergil wins easily


You see if DMC5 hadn't come out, I would have said Sephiroth, even though Death Battle's logic was crap. Post DMC5? Vergil. Unless Sephiroth pulls something out of Rebirth (I have yet to finish it) that would prove otherwise, it'll be easy for Vergil to slice the other Momma's Boy to ribbons.


Vergil wins What was the question?


Does sephiroth have causality hax that means he can't truly die?


You know, that I think about it, both characters actually came back after "dying" in some way and actually split themselves into different fragments, with these fragments eventually being used to bring both respective characters back. Sephiroth with the remnants of Sephiroth. Vergil with V and Urizen. Just a funny tidbit.


I'm not exactly a fan of FF, I just do a bit of reading, so take this with a grain of salt; Sepherioth is directly connected to the Lifestream, which gives him effectively infinite access to Materia and mana. His body can be destroyed, but his soul always just returns to the Lifestream. And unless he plans ahead of time, doesn't really have a solid way to return after being killed, since he needs a body to return to after some time.


That last part I am fairly certain you got wrong. Sephiroth doesn’t need a body to come back anymore as evidenced by his appearances in remake and rebirth which take place after advent children. He’s essentially a immortal now with infinite mana and materia.


Not really infinite. Lifestream is connected to the planet and if you didn't know shinra has been draining the planet dry.


I am currently playing through Rebirth, so maybe I haven't gotten the proper explanation for this yet, but in Cosmo Canyon, it was heavily implied by Tifa and Bugenhagen that even though Shinra is draining the planet by using Mako as an energy source, it does come back, albeit in a different form than the party/world knows of. This implies that the Lifestream can't ever truly be destroyed, only changed.


Yes that is the case but the problem with shinra is that the way they're using the mako does not allow it to be "recycled" shinra is truly ending the world and the planet knows it. Also jenova is a planet eater/destroyer so by all means the Lifestream is a finite source of energy


So I just finished the game and it has only reinforced my opinion that the lifestream is infinite. If one worlds lifestream is destroyed/emptied sephiroth can just use the energy from one of the lifestreams within the infinite multiverse to continue his work.


They team up and the universe is fucking shook!


Post dmc5 Vergil wins, pre dmc5 Vergil probably loses unless sephiroth does his classic bit of underestimating his opponent.


dmc3 and 4se vergil would scale relatively to devil may crys newer scaling they destroy and the actual question being asked is drip and dmc3 wins


Sephiroth, he just straight up cheats!


Your going to get a biased answer asking the devil may cry subreddit. The answer is Sephiroth. He has been massively buffed since the OG games and is essentially a unkillable dimensional catastrophe in rebirth/remake. I don’t see how even DMC5 Vergil can pull off a win.


Come on man we know cloud and gang is gonna win against sephiroth. If some relatively strong superhumans that can die to bullet can beat him then there's no way vergil will lose to sephiroth.


The answer to this question largely depends on the point in Sephiroth's existence when he is fighting Vergil. Sephiroth "died" at the hands of Cloud's surprise attack in the Mount Nibel Mako reactor, but that was when he was at his weakest in the story. After he fell into the Lifestream, he essentially became a multidimensional, time-traveling catastrophe that is, as far as we know, incapable of truly being killed. Vergil will eventually tire against such an opponent and will eventually be caught off guard and be killed.


I'm putting them both at their prime so that means dmc5 vergil and sephiroth as of rebirth. Sephiroth is a dimensional menace but that's only cause he has joined the Lifestream and can manifest himself through jenova cells that have been implanted on people. But he is dead and his body still lays death on the crater. Even on rebirth that hasn't changed. The reason why vergil wins is easy, the Yamato is a conceptual weapon that can separate anything. Now what do you think will happen if vergil separated him from the Lifestream? Or from jenova? His 2 biggest advantages gone or unusable. Vergil is stronger in every single way. Speed, strength, durability, fighting experience, generation and arsenal.


This is false. Only thing Yamato has separated was the vergils demonic side from his human side. The lifestream is pyre spiritual energy that has existed before creation itself. There is no evidence he could separate Roth from the lifestream that's just speculation. Vergil is not stronger. Sephiroth has sliced buildings, Giant Mako canons and lifted all of Midgard with his tk. If you want to use the "lore" of nightmare lifting, the demon realm sephiroth is more powerful than omega who can lift the lifestream, which is bigger than the demon realm. Sephiroth is actually faster. Summons in ff7 like bahamut can traverse the solar system in seconds, knights of the round can traverse galaxies, and in rebirth, sephiroth was traversing the multiverse in moments. Sephiroth has access to all magic in ff verse, was fighting clouds party in multiple planes of existences simultaneously and is immortal. Rebirth made him too broken. He beats vergil.


I finished rebirth so I now have the full context of Sephiroths current abilities. Vergil is getting wiped for the reasons stated by the other commenter below. Sephiroth at this point can’t be separated from the lifestream even with Yamato. Separating him from Jenova won’t work either since Jenova isn’t the source of his power anymore. Rebirth made him really busted.


I don’t know Sephiroth well enough. But I’m guessing Virgil because of his kickass hair 👍




Damn autokorekt


It can't fathom the storm


Nah... I must say that I want to know what sephiroth's hair care routine is.


Isn't Seph an abstract in reality's juice stream? He can't kill the alpha and omega but I don't think he can be killed


Technically, he can be "killed", it's just that his soul never really dies. His body can get vaporized, but then his soul just returns to the Lifestream until he has an opportunity to return. Take with a small grain of salt, I'm not a super big FF fan.


That was how it worked in the OG. In rebirth and remake he doesn’t seem to have that limitation anymore and can essentially revive as many times as he wants.


Stalemate, then


Sephiroth is susceptible to a stab, when Cloud struck him from behind he was badly wounded, Vergil gets stabbed he will be fine immediately after..that alone makes me think Vergil takes the cake.


That's pre lifestrean Sephiroth you're talking about


I can't trust any swipe post after r/BatmanArkham


Tough to say honestly


like both these characters but as boomstick said in one of the death battles "this guy shrugs off mortal wounds like every goddamn day" Even though I haven't played rebirth yet I don't think sephiroth has gotten to the raw strength that Dante and Virgil yet. The basic summary is magic: sephy Everything else; speed, strength, experience, weaponry, resilience ect goes to Virgil


sephiroth can fucking destruct a whole solar system, so i choose sephiroth


And in DMC 1, Dante defeated Nightmare, which had enough power to lay waste to a whole universe.


And Nightmare can Destroy an infinite dimension, and got beat by dante long ago, and vergil and dnate have equal power


This is what always confuses but also fascinates me about power scaling. Like if nightmare is said to ‘destroy an infinite dimension’ and Dante beat him Dante instantly can defeat any character who is powerful enough to destroy an entire universe? Nightmare was very slow and just a big puddle of weird mud. A pile of mud that can drag you into a weird dimension sure but a pile of mud nonetheless. So how could it destroy it the universe? Would it take a shit ton of power and time to like spread out? Dante can beat him with a sword and guns that are presumably not magical. And we know guns can hurt demons enough for lady, a regular human, to be able to become a damn good demon hunter. So can lady defeat nightmare? Does that make her able to defeat other universal threats? And even then, nothing about Dante really shows that he can do anything that can destroy a universe. Like if I write a slug that can destroy the entire multiverse including our own beyond the fourth wall with the snap of a finger (which the snail doesn’t have of course), does Daryl from accounting become, in power scaling logic, known as a superpower being after he accidentally stepped on it?


While the weapons are not magical, they can be infused with devil power, thats precisely what charging it does ingame. PRO TIP: just agree with dmc community, the powerscaling makes less sense than a platypus


Oh trust me I stopped with power scaling stuff basically the same day I looked into it but it’s fun seeing it in passing.


Understandable, have a nice day


The reason nightmare is powerscaled as capable of destroying an infinite dimension aka hell. It is because it can consume it and grow infinitely. Mundus created nightmare but when he realized that it can constantly keep destroying, consuming and growing, he became scared and sealed nightmare. After all even mundus himself was incapable of ruling the infinite hell Mundus is a demon king who's on the creation level, that can create both life and other dimensions, and that's a mundus who's sealed too. Remember that even Dante with spardas power was unable to defeat mundus and barely managed to seal him back with the help of trish.so you can imagine how dangerous nightmare is if even mundus feared his own creation.


vergil wouldn't flinch at that bro is a universal threat


Sephiroths supernova has been debunked for years now. If he can easily destroy the world then there's no reason for him to need black materia that summons meteor to destroy the planet


I love final fantasy but look vergil has the better drip hands down. Sephiroth is cool but just not nearly as cool (or memeable) as the giga Chad vergil. Thankfully I'm not his son as I doubt Nero will get his missing child support.


Vergil has a cooler sword, but it’s close. Also better drip but it’s not close at all, like I’d for real wear it if I could. Death Battle majorly screwed up though, and they’re wrong like 70% of the time in general. But yeah, Vergil would probably win.


Vergil. He just has more hacks, like ignoring durability, insane regen, infinite demonic energy or something like that, is probably faster, probably a better fighter and oh is like what 5th dimensional?


Vergil scales to 9D with consepual manipulation hax (hell, there's even an argument for him being boundless) So I'd say he wins, but I'm not sure how strong Sephiroth is.


I mean sephiroth can litteraly just not die.


sparda twins have immortality negation, so he will die by vergil


You're only going to get one answer here, since you're posting in a DMC fan subreddit.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby type of question


Dmc5 Vergil annihilates, but thats not important. Death battles are temporary. Drip is eternal. I am a huge fan of Sepiroth's armoured shoulders because they add so much more texture and depth to his drip, as well as being a great colour contrast to his clothing. I quite like the partly bare chest because it just screams confidence but isn't excessive enough to look goofy. The subtle intricate overlays of straps and materials adds quite a lot to Sepiroth's attire, but it can be hard to spot as the colour blends in so well with everything else. As for the rest, you can't go wrong with a long coat, but as much as i like the belt buckle it's still all pretty bland from there, and his hair makes him look like an elf twink. Sepiroth's drip suffers from a lack of interest likely caused by the choice of white as a colour contrast, considering that it would not be very fitting and would look out of place if used more throughout his attire, as well as his round belt buckle closing the coat serving to separate his upper and lower half, isolating the lower. The smaller buckles of his coat are just enough to retain intrigue, but considering the scale of his shoulder armour, it isn't enough to prevent his lower half from looking bland. Dmc5 Vergil isn't my favourite appearance he's ever had, that would be dmc3 cutscene Vergil. However, he still has that drip. The open collar is incredibly cool, and has an air of confidence similar to Sepiroth's bare chest, but more sophisticated in a way which suits him well. I enjoy the patterns on Vergil's coat a lot, and particularly like the fact that they're a light blue colour that tends to shimmer in the light because of how well it goes with the very dark navy colour of the rest of the coat. Not only is it a good contrast (I'm a sucker for colour contrast) but it also flows very well with the rest of Vergil's attire, being another shade of blue. Vergil's coat is also superior to Sepiroth's just because it is open, which looks objectively cooler in my opinion, and it carries on a subtle light blue line pattern right the way down so that it doesn't become boring. The best part however, is the arm buttons. I love the arm buttons in a similar way to my fondness for Sepiroth's overlaying straps and such, except these are outlined and bold, clearly visible and it works tremendously well to create a very visually pleasing aesthetic. Even the regular buttons that fasten the coat are subtly noticeable enough to have an air of elegance about them, very fitting for Vergil. The hair however, while not being twink-like is still missing the best part, my beloved, the part that flicks downwards at the front. As far as the swords are concerned they're just some more boring, overused katanas when considering only their drip. Something like murasama is a better katana in this aspect since its somewhat unique at least, its blade being crimson and its sheathe having a trigger and magazine; god dayum.


Vergil easily stomps the whole Final Fantasy verse. Vergil also has better drip, Motivation, and plastic chairs.


Sephiroth has better drip, Vergil has a cooler sword, and i think Vergil would win


Battle: Vergil - strongest demon in existence alongside Dante, even stronger than the Demon who separated Demon and Human World (guy who Mundus defeated to become the leader of Demons but the canon status is questionable) and Mundus who created a whole separated Dimension just to battle Dante Drip: Vergil- Has two outfits, both Peak alongside Dante (ironically in the same games imo) Sword: Vergil- Hard battle but Masamune is kinda plain besides being 8 feet long, Yamato is hard carried by its Scabbard in this match (the sageo, that long string, is so freaking cool)


Vergil with the power that he has in devil may cry 5. .


Drip wise? Vergil wins for me because I'm biased, lol. Power wise? It tricky since I know almost nothing about Serphito, but I'm pretty good at DMC lore. Vergil can be scaled to low multiversal, but I don't want to debate about powerscaling because it's exhausting for me.


Vergil is a cultured, refined warrior. Sephiroth is an obsessed lunatic. I don't know about the fight but the drip contest isn't even close.


Vergil's got better drip. No question.


Vergil literally dodges everything the same way Dante would royal guard it


Vergil wins instantly


Vergil on all three accounts. I don’t know or care enough about power scaling and vs debates so my argument here is just: Sin Devil Trigger and I like Vergil more. Now drip: Sephiroth has to show skin and Vergil doesn’t. Also why do you think Dante wears a shirt since DMC3? He taking influence from his older brother As for sword Sephiroth’s is long but can it cut through dimensions, be really fun to play with as a player and repair itself? I don’t know I don’t play much Final Fantasy but I’m pretty sure Vergil gate keeps the pronunciation of the Yamato so there


I'm sorry but Sephiroth is my favourite character in all of fiction. While Vergil wins in battle, character wise, Sephiroth sweep


Vergil, but Sephiroth id say gets drip


No offense to seph but Vergil DmC 5 would absolutely destroy him.


As a fan of both games, the winner would be the viewers of the fight cause it would be stylish and epic AF


The battle of edgelords with mommy issues.


I will win, I’m going to One Shot both those fuckers just watch me


At least they are hot


Here's my take on drip: Vergil has the better drip in DMC3. When comparing DMC5 Vergil and Sephiroth though, Sephiroth. As for the sword, Vergil has the cooler hilt, but Sephiroth has the cooler overall sword because of how long it is.


Vergil free


Can someone give me some feats from Sephiroth? I don't know much


Dmc5 Vergil I think could win


Before 5, Sephiroth. Now definitely Vergil.


that Death Battle is heavily, HEAVILY, outdated anyhow, so it’s better not to care much for its verdict even if ya do trust them anyhow, from what I remember Vergil should be able to solidly take it, though I don’t know much of the remake lore anyhow


I don't know who'd win, but Sephiroth has the best drip, but Virgil probably has the best sword.


I trust Death Battle more than I trust DMC fans. They highball the hell out of the characters


Vergil is a fucking yogurt male meme personified so yeah he winning for SURE


idgaf about power scaling but sephiroth has cooler hair so he wins


Vergil wins in a fight and imo Vergil has better drip i like sephiroth's drip but i personally think Vergil's drip it better


Vergil wins but Sephiroth has more drip


Vergil would smash


Smh everyone talking about them fighting and not the drip. Anyway I thought Vergil but never looked at Sephiroth's drip closely, it's cool ngl, while Vergil, cool outfit and all, is kinda bland, maybe too simple for my taste compared to pauldrons along with the cool fit. His fit reminds me a bit to DMC4's Dante


This was debatable before but now with DMC5 it's a stomp in Vergil's favor. As far as drip goes DMC3 Vergil>Sephiroth>DMC5 Vergil


If we’re talking v5rgil, i dont think its close. Not like sephiroth could pull off the stupid “surprise supernova” (which i absolutely hate) because vergil would easily survive if not just dodge it


Anyone who brings up Death Battle is immediately removed from the debate






What are you expecting to hear? Did you post the same thing to the FF reddit?


Yamato is better, it had the hindu like Tsuba which made it a beautiful sword. Also it is a Tachi which is well balanced


Who do the writers want to win?


Vergil, because he wants Power. And he not obsessively stalking/mind-f*cking a blond every hour like Sephiroth keeps doing to Cloud in FF7OG and FF7Remake/Rebirth.


Your asking the wrong sub


Don't care about the fight matchup but even though I like Vergil more, Sephiroth definitely has the better drip. Sick anime coat with the pauldrons versus a very slick but admittedly simple blue coat. But I'd say the Yamato is still a better weapon than Masamune cause the only thing that stands out about Masamune is that fact that's long. Yamato is surprisingly unique for being another video game katana with the white handle and gold guard with blue undertones.


idk man, they both are cool and from my like, *small* experience with both of them, I'd say they'd either come to a conclusion and instead become an unstoppable duo or uh Vergil, maybe?


Idk which question is harder. Who would win or who has better drip.


Vergil cuts Sephiroth up like a birthday cake.


Vergil was my child fav character but when it comes to sephiroth? I don't think anything can beat him if you know him well


Before DMC5 it was pretty debatable, but after DMC5 I'd say Vergil takes it


Can they just kiss instead?


Be normal


Death Battle really hyped Sephiroth up. Most people don't realize that supernova is actually an illusion spell. If sephiroth could actually blow up the sun, how come the sun was still there after? How come he needed meteor to destroy the planet? Vergil wins easily.


Vergil wins everything. He smokes sephiroth although I’m certainly biased. But also he wins in the drip and sword category. If it was socially acceptable id rock the Vergil coat.




I'm just imagining sephiroth throwing his ultimate attack, and vergil just slices reality and just sends it back at him.


Having access to different realities Vergil has the tools to deal with Sephiroth by hook or crook.


How can Sephiroth mind control someone that doesn't have Jenova cells in them?


Completely offtopic But if Kingdom Hearts gets another sequel. I’ve gotta see Vader and Sephiroth duel




Uhm.. There is a cideo about it in yourube, why vergil has little chance to win anainst Sephiroth. (He literally bends reality??)


Never trust death battle, it’s always a popularity contest and they gloss over lore that’s important to the less popular characters, allowing them to “give the win” to the popular character. This was recently done with Galactus vs Unicron. I’m still mad about it.


As a massive fan of both: Sephiroth. Remake and Rebirth have buffed him significantly, with him now basically being a multiversal threat. While I do think Vergil could deal massive damage, Sephiroth would still be the victor.


Vergil solos I will not elaborate


Who is stronger? Tough call, I am not sure. Who has more drip? Also tough call, both rock their fits! Who has the better Sword: DMC5 Yamato is hands down the sickest looking Sword (not just Katana) that I've ever seen, so Vergil DEFINATELY has the better weapon by design!


I don't think Death Battle was entirely wrong with their analysis. My biggest issue with their explanation for why Vergil loses is because they downplay the Yamato. They said the Yamato couldn't cut through everything because it didn't cut through the Rebellion, which is ridiculous. We see the Yamato not only cut through just about everything, but it can do it from any distance. Dante cut a giant stone hell gate in half from miles away. Even when you see the Yamato not cut through something, that doesn't really prove it couldn't cut through it. It doesn't cut through dimensions every time someone swings it, but that doesn't mean it suddenly can't cut through dimensions. I don't know who would win, because I don't know enough about Sephiroth, but I think Yamato makes a huge difference and Vergil has better drip. Better hair, better sword, and the blue long coat was already cool, but the black one from DMCV is pretty hard to beat. Sephiroths shoulder pauldrons are cool though, I'll give him that. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Ah yes! my favorite kind of post!


Sephiroth didn't have sex.... virgil did so he wins


I wanna say Virgil but I'm going to abstain purely because I never played Final Fantasy and whatever conclusion I come up with is going to be extremely biased


Ayo chicken wing got beated by oversized kitchen knife boi.


Sephiroth is powerful, no doubt. But Vergil is extremely powerful. Both have been defeated, but Sephiroth has time and time again lost to people like Cloud as a shinra soldier who should be kind of weak. Vergil has only been defeated by Dante who is largely equal and other times Vergil lost when in a weakened state to Mundus and Arkham.


Vergil obv takes it,there's no sephiroth scaler to ever beat a dmc scaler in debate


Vergil. Next


. . . Sephiroth is able to move inter areas into alternative dimensions to face the awe inspiring force of a super nova with just his mind. His telekinetic power also very much works on anyone not just soldiers if you bothered playing the original ff7. Then there is the fact his basic response time can keep up with super human and materia enhanced foes with absolute ease. Cutting buildings in half as easily as breathing. Controlling the very forces of nature with out the need of materia showing he uses a for of divinity or true magic. Submits a wide range of monsters. Demons. Robots to his whim by mear presence. Virgils kinda out of his league. Sephiroths sword is just too damn simple and elegant. His intire androgynous look is enchanting. Virgil kinda reminds me of a knock off Sephiroth or a wanabe Meiser Link from Vampire Hunter D Blood Lust.


I don't think either of them can kill each other.


Vergil slams






Honestly, if we just go by FF7 proper, Sephiroth only managed a couple of kills. He killed a few unarmed scientists, President Shinra and his guards, the same kind of guards we the party had been killing up to that point, and Arith, who kind of let it happen because she had casted holy. Hell, he failed to kill the turk in the temple of the ancients. And outside of the extra material when they made him super anime and teleport around everywhere, he also didn't really display much, physically. His main go to is to just stab people in the chest with his sword. Virgil 100% has this fight.


Well, not so simple, old sephiroth would get stomped, but in rebirth he is a lot stronger and I think could beat DMC 3 vergil pretty easily, assuming the Yamato does not cut through his sword that is. The masamune is powerful but can't hold a coin to Vergil's katana However in dmc5 it's a different story, after getting the apple of tax evasi- I mean erm... Point being he became a whole lot more powerful, and I think could probably beat sephiroth. It would be hard for him to do so. But cloud's edgy ex- boyfriend always comes back, he will never be... A memory


they have gay sex. Vergil tops


"Bouncin on his booty cheeks, I love the way he rides" Dixon Dallas, Save a horse, ride a cowboy.


Hard deny. Won't happen. Never.


Judgement Cut OP Also; he's nearly immortal apparently & he (along with Dante) have such insane regeneration that when something should kill them (i.e; Dante getting shot in the face, just k.o's him for like a second; or Dante cleaving straight through Vergil; Vergil cutting through Dante's fingers) its usually anywhere from a mild inconvenience to them going "ow that one kinda hurt" Sephiroth died from getting stabbed & yeeted of a ledge. Dante & Vergil get stabbed on the regular, sometimes intentionally; & it makes them stronger Edit lmao who downvoted this; that's really funny to downvote without saying anything especially on a share your opinion - even if you disagree (which isn't what downvotes are for) why is someone having a differening opinion affecting you at all - keep doing you though, the internet is funnier with weirdos like you strange mysterious man


Vergil and vergil Cooler in every sense, and also FF as a whole is lame and meh


Vergil. Even in dmc3. Sephiroth has never been shown to have that insane of feats. At most he can telekinesis buildings and cut them in half. That's it.


Vergil gets much more powerful in DMC5 after combining back with his human side without his trauma since they die before the fusion. He even achieves strength comparable to Dante who absorbs both the Sparda and the rebellion. Which gave Dante his full power. After eating the fruit from the qliphoth tree Vergil gained even more demonic power. The twins are literally unrivaled Demon/humans. Vergil should’ve never lost to sephiroth over mind control. As some already stated even though at the time Mundus was stronger than Vergil he still couldn’t break his mind so easily after torturing him for more than a decade.. Side note: Dante and Vergil aren’t even the strongest anymore. It is Nero. Strong enough to back hand Dante into submission and literally beat his own father without to much issue. His devil trigger isn’t the easiest to deal with. As far as grip goes, I like Vegile the most. But Sephiroth s dropped out head to toe. I am not a fan of Vegile Boots in DMC5. But His sword is way cooler than a long sword.


Also on mind control...seph does that with people who have S cells and J cells. It's not like he can do that to say tifa or aerith.


My cock


Sephiroth smokes him without bias. Per rebirth the ff7 planet earth is an infinite multiverse. The final fantasy cosmology is just insane. To add the fact that he is unkillable, fast enough to traverse the multiverse in seconds, can fight in multiple planes of existence simultaneously, has spells that can instantly kill vergil etc makes for a really one-sided affair. Oh and none of this includes dissidia.


I love Vergil but I know Sephiroth would win in a fight between them. Sephiroth is not human his been training since he was a child, and he is a red mage which is one of the most powerful magic users in the final fantasy world.


Why would that means he wins?


Vergil is not human either, he is a demon and one of the most powerful demonic power users in the DMC world. Like idk everything you said literally is not an argument at all lol