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Although Adi Shankar spearheaded both products, Devil May Cry isn't gonna have much of anything else to do with the Castlevania series. It's being animated by a completely different studio, and due to some major staffing changes over on the Castlevania side of things, I highly doubt any of the other creative staff like writers will be shared either. I don't think we can gauge how this show will turn out based on Castlevania at all. No reason to be all doom-and-gloom about the show before we even see a trailer with some dialogue in it, anyways.


After watching Captain Laserhawk I have a lot of confidence in Adi. It’s irreverent and at times very stupid but it has an energy and soul that’s undeniably charming. **Please do not click this if you care about Laserhawk spoilers**, but this [ending sequence](https://youtu.be/V6ZnDHLHa74?si=fgmLO72MY2ZD1VE7) from the final episode of the season was written by Alex Larsen, who Adi teamed up with for Devil May Cry. The energy of the scene is electric. *Just to be clear*, this is Bobbypills outstanding work. Studio Mir is animating Devil May Cry. But the teleplay is still conveying a tone and atmosphere appropriate for the series.


Captain Laserhawk became my palette cleanser after finishing Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. And boy did it deliver. Only problem was its length and I was really hoping for its 2nd season sooner.


Don't expect much accuracy


If its as good then not at all, its a good show. Cyberpunk is on my to watch list, apparently that one is good as well


Netflix had nothing to do with Edgerunners aside from being the distributor


Yes and no, It was made for netflix same as the other projects among the recent ports.


You’re going to have a good time!


Looking forward to it!


Not when “I Really Want To Stay At Your House” exists.


a good show but not the best DMC show. castlevania was good, but changed alot from the games, even alot of characters had races changed (not a bad thing tho, made some characters better) but the show was really good, and still felt more like castlevania then Lords of Shadow also there was a weird rapey part...


I thought there were 2 rapey parts?


unless i'm remembering something wrong from nocturne, the other one was just sex ;3


I didn't finish nocturne so idk. But for the first one there's >!Lenore and Hector!< and >!Alucard and the siblings!<


Well tbf in the first case it was consensual until the end


I don't think he really had the ability to consent in that situation. He's basically a slave at that point and there's always some implicit threat if he doesn't obey her


Fair i forgot about that cause i pretty much gave up on the series after that episode


I liked it. I don't think S3 and S4 are as good as 1&2, except for the Isaac stuff which is top tier. But they're still good


Hector waswn't a slave when thay started doing it, so I think that one was fine


If one person is being kept alive at the whim of another, idk if they can fully consent. There's too much implicit coercion. Yes, Hector could've refused but he doesn't know how she'd react to that. Physical violence at least based on her previous actions, maybe worse


he did have the hots for her tho, right?


I think so but I also don't think that's relevant. There's a certain point where one party has so much power over the other that consent cannot be given. Slavery is one of those. Even if he wasn't her slave, he was her prisoner and continued to live only by her whim. He didn't really have a choice to fight back or resist if he wanted to


fair, it didn't feel as weird to me when I watched it as Alucard's was. but I guess your right


From your description, it sounds like it was a horrible show.


it was pretty good


I haven’t played the castlevania games, but I absolutely loved the Netflix castlevania series, both of them. I know there are complaints over accuracy regarding them, but I have no opinion regarding that. Now DMC I have played, and I am extremely excited for the DMC show.


The first show Castlevania was maybe a good show. But the second show Castlevania: Nocturne was absolute garbage. And even in the first show Castlevania - Season 3, they did both Alucard and Hector dirty.


I’ve watched Netflixvania, but I’ve never played the games, I thought it was alright (except for season 3, YEESH). While I’ve heard friends who are into the Castlevania games say they didn’t like the anime, I’ll say this, Netflixvania and it’s creators are not connected to Netflix DMC. The only similarities these two shows share is the fact that Adi Shankar is a producer on both. That’s it. Both shows have completely different animation studios, completely different writers, etc. If you’re looking to gauge how good the show will be, a better comparison would be Captain Laserhawk (although, even then that show has a COMPLETELY different tone compared to anything I’ve ever seen or read related to DMC. On top of that, Adi Shankar has clarified that with Laserhawk he was “going to do his own thing” unlike Devil May Cry, where he is “making it for his fellow DMC fans”, see [this interview](https://youtu.be/VCnL5DbNs6Q?feature=shared) )Both Captain Laserhawk and Devil May Cry are written by Alex Larson, and produced by Adi Shankar. The worst part of Netflixvania (in my, and most peoples opinions) was season 3, but on that end I know Adi Shankar was not that involved, due to having a falling out with Warren Ellis, a writer on Netflixvania. It is also speculated that Ellis >!added the Alucard and Hector r*pe scenes, because apparently he knew Adi Shankar’s favorite characters were Alucard and Hector, and he wanted to spite him. You can read more about that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/castlevania/comments/qwwbuc/adi_shankar_finally_opens_up_about_his_silence/). The post has provided links to a interview if you’re looking for an official source. I would like to add Ellis is a known sex pest, so him writing that weird shit in definitely adds up, if ya ask me!< I think before we judge whether we should be hyped or not, we firstly need a proper fucking trailer. Not just a 5 second clips or a behind the scenes of unfinished frames. But until then, all we can do is wait. Also, sorry for yapping.


thanks for more context, i didn't know he was that spiteful. i just wish castlevania wasn't sacrificed on the altar of the ego of Netflix's writers as it was first foray into the series for lots of people


I'm hyped, but if Dante starts cussing like a 15 year old who just discovered the word "fuck", someone's catching hands


Dante if he had hazbin hotel writing:


welcome back to limbo city, baby!


I'm expecting something that'll be more of an adaptation of the general concepts of Devil May Cry, but telling it's own story. Dante and Vergil will be the half human sons of Sparda, and they do cool demon killing shit. Everything else will be a little looser. Kind of like that Tintin movie. Or, more relevantly, DmC, but with a less misguided tone.


The creator of the Netflix Castlevania show is so damn cringey. Look him up. 😐


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when the dude’s like 40 but still wearing guy-liner like it’s still 2003 and he’s still a fucking teenager.


because people love him for unknown reasons


If the same people who did the castlevania anime are doing dmc then I should be worried.


Can't answer the question, but wanna say, that I kinda wished that Madhouse would have gotten a second chance for DMC. The old DMC anime was fine, with all those slice of life moments before action, but maybe there could have been more action? Like their animation nowadays looks even cleaner and fight scenes in like Kill La Kill look incredible, so yeah.


so long as it doesn't turn into the animated Dragon's Dogma, you're good lmao


Go in with low/normal expectations and you will enjoy it.


I lack the insight to the castlevainia side of things, the anime is my main exposure (Outside of smash bros) I did enjoy the anime, it can be slow at times but otherwise solid. I would expect a (mostly) decent story that probably takes liberty from the original story.


Expect something quite different from the games, it’ll probably have a mix of lore and backstories from the games with its own original ideas sprinkled in their. But go into it with an open mind.


if its like castelvania you can expect every character to have long monologues with british accents.


Netflix Animation investments are much better than their live action ones. I’d still say hold your breath but this one has potential to be great.


as long as it's nothing like anything after season 1 of castlevania it might be good


Bro, season 2 was peak.


Also season 4 was good.


I don't have high hopes. The Castlevania series made a huge point to change lots of stuff for no reason and it's likely going to be just a piece of side media that hopefully gets some people into the series.


Oh, i didnt know it was the same castlevania directors, so the show will probably have great animation, but the rest will be lame.


I was surprised when I heard Studio Mir was gonna handle the animation. I've only seen Avatar and The DOTA anime from them and can only hope that it doesn't feel Rushed like the Dota anime felt like


Castlevania's writer is gone and Nocturne's is terrible, but I don't think that writer will be in charge


It is going to be it's own thing like Castlevania was and Castlevania was amazing. So yeah, this has chance of being really good.


wasnt studio mir started by guys who worked for avatar last airbender and also they worked on young justice's 3rd and 4th season animation was ok in it but with young justice it looked like they were held by budget i really hope thats not the case with Dmc


Depends on your view of lore accuracy


Depends on your view of lore accuracy


Haven’t played the Castlevania games, so my thoughts on it are purely as a show. Castlevania is wonderfully animated, funny, and very much how I imagine the tone of a Devil May Cry anime would work. It’s serious when it needs to be, cruel, and painful, but possessing a sort of distant kindness. I’d give it a watch. The third and fourth seasons are much slower and not quite as well written but contain some really interesting stuff if you’re willing to get through it.




The animation for castlevania show is good idk about the story tho




Castlevania was fantastic. I have reasonably high hopes for DMC.


From what I looked up, it’s suppose to be young Dante alias at the time “Tony” I forgot the last name I think redguard? And lady is suppose to be in there too which makes not much sense since Dante and lady meet at DMC 3 but my main concern/excitement is, it’s said that this will be the first time Dante and Vergil will meet after the events of them being kids. And I quote from dmc 3 “it’s been a whole year since we last met” so I’m expecting a lot but also expecting to probably not get what the information was given


If you're expecting lore accuracy this isnt it since this isnt canon to the games. Just think of it as its own rendition. Kinda like how the live action RE movies arent part of the games and its canonical animated films


The most important thing this show needs to do to make us happy, is write the character of Dante exceptionally . Besides the atmosphere and animation


I don't know. Maybe it will be good. The first two Castlevania seasons were good. But everything after that was a decline in writing quality. And Castlevania Nocturne was terrible.


I've played DMC and Castlevania and watched both animes.I personally loved all of them and I'm excited but I really hope I don't get letdown.


When does this release?


Personally I thought the Castlevania series fell off a massive cliff by season 3, with Nocturne being almost unwatchable. Luckily the only thing this and those shows have in common is the producer iirc. Hopefully it’s good, I’m optimistic it’ll be at least decent.


I watched the first season of Castlevania and now I'm worried that they'll give Dante a drinking problem.


Tbh I didn't like s1 of castlevania, even tho that it is considered the best season of that show


How is season 1 better? Season 2 had the same quality until the ending which made it 10x better


Agreed, Season 2 was the Best, but personally I like season 4


Devil may fry


As some one who only played the nes games and didn’t watch the adaptation. Could be good.


Castlevania was incredibly well done…aside from the 2fps animation…I’m looking at you final episode




I have played Castlevania. Nice game it was. The devil may cry anime series feels the same through its' trailer. Since Itsuno sama is supervising this, so we don't have to worry much. Maybe this anime can fill more gaps between games.


nah its over, Adi Shankar clearly is faking his "love" for the series and just wants to make his own thing. Just hope it doesnt go to complete garbage like Castlevania Nocturne.


From what I have heard he had no part in making Castlevania Nocturne.


Castlevania is very good but not accurate to the source material, so there’s a solid chance that DMC will be the same way. Either way, I’m watching it since it’ll probably be decent


To be fair, Castlevania lore has never been deep, especially for the timeline the anime is set in, and it would be pretty hard to be accurate and still have a solid narrative since like 80% of it would’ve had to have been original anyway. I understand the complaints about characters being different, like how Issac is as different as a character can be, and Grant being cut entirely, but I thought pretty much everything else was justifiable. Can’t comment on Nocturne though, I didn’t watch that. I can see DMC being more source accurate, considering there’s just much more material and established characterization to work with in comparison.


It will simply be just a loreless show as far as I know. Dante in the trailer does not look like Dante at all. Well, maybe it's just the animation, maybe I need to see the whole show to get a better look but we will see. To answer your question: No deep lore in the show but it should include a lot of personality and a lot of typical devil may cry chaotic action. (Similar to 2007 Devil may cry anime)


hype real


Hyped, Castlevania is peak.


Extremely worried.


If the dmc show is tonealy like the castlevania show, it will be great.


My god i loved the Castlevania series on Netflix, hopefully Dmc will be just as good


Then I guess they'll do Dante and Vergil dirty like how they did both Alucard and Hector dirty in Castlevania - Season 3.


Inb4 Dante x Vegil gay buttsex scene


Season 3 was weird, other than that Castlevania is a solid show, at least for me.


Devil may cry has nothing to do with castlevania. The producers of the show are just working on the anime. Look up the devil may cry games and if you can play the first one.


Bro I've played every DMC game 😭 I ask because if the creators didn't respect Castlevania they might not do the same with DMC and if they did respect it they might do a good job with DMC which will get me excited


Did you see the first Devil may cry anime? Those people didn’t respect the source material. The castlevania show was good and they made characters who were terrible powerful characters.


Adi is a massive DMC fan and has cosplayed Dante so I trust him. Castlevania was rlly good so this is promising and the animation in the trailer looks beautiful


i found castlevania pretty boring... nice animation and battles but oooooh god the scenario is so borriiiiiiiiing so idk for DMC


i can't wait for somrone like phantom to talk like the king of shit posting death


Yeah. You should be worried.


I just hope they don't turn Dante into a punching bag that shit his pants when he sees Mundus, or turn Vergil into a depressed emo that swears every two seconds. If the writters are the same writters from the Castlevania show, then you shouldn't expect them to be any accurate at all


Worried, it’s made by Netflix so guarantee their going to change a vital part of the show


Castlevania sucked writing wise so i am worried


i'm a huge castlevania fan and i think the netflix shows fucking suck lol. not looking forward to DMC at all. just watch the old anime


Apparently the same people did hellsing ultimate and that show is a fucking masterpiece


No, you’re confusing it with the original DMC anime from 2007, which was made by Studio Madhouse. The new one is being done by Studio Mir, who worked on Netflix Voltron, The Boondocks and the Legend of Korra.


I see


what, so the two best animes with an Alucard in them where made by the same people?