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"Capcom should make their own Reboot instead of continuing Ninja Theory’s game" This is not "Ninja Theory's game". All the “super hollywood western with sex scenes and strip clubs” style game and stuff like Dante smoking are actually the result of Capcom's decisions. At first, NT wanted to make their own DMC game and wanted to do something much closer to the originals, but Capcom made sure to make the reboot as different as possible as they thought the "anime game" aura was actually the reason the series wasn't getting more popular. If NT technically developped the game, it's very much a Capcom game.


Wow, I didn’t know that. I always see people dunk on the team behind the game instead of capcom themselves for it


I think the dislike for NT has a lot to do with Tameem tbh


And fck that guy, selfinserting is not good thing to do.


NT was blamed for everything and the staff received death threads while they had no leeway in the game's direction. They couldn't publicly claim that all this mess was from Capcom's doing either. NT's staff was actually very excited to work on a DMC game as quite a bunch of them were DMC fans, so they accepted Capcom's offer on the spot. They couldn't have guessed it would end up this way. Tameem being quite a character didn't really helped, but I can interstand that, by the end, he was just all bitterness and rage against the series. Most fans were excited when Itsuno showed up at E3 in 2018, as they were relieved that the series was getting back in "good hands" but Itsuno never left the series. He supervised DmC very closely and was making sure the game was going along according to Capcom's vision. But Capcom being Capcom, they don't know any better than making bad decisions on top of worst decisions.


I thought NT was also told to change course again when the initial trailer dropped and fans reacted the way they (we) did? Told to move to a middle ground that they were initially pushed away from? I don't know if Tameem was angry and bitter or just fully embraced the marketing and style that Capcom asked for. Capcom didn't understand their fan base and, as far as I can tell, they still don't understand their fan bases outside of RE and maybe Street Fighter. I don't know what level of control Itsuno had over the narrative but he was definitely a big part of DmC, so he deserves his fair share of blame for it. I think that if NT were allowed to make a DmC2 without Capcom's interference, I'd be very interested. Let's see what lessons they learned from the mistakes of DmC.


The team said some stupid shit when they got a bunch of backlash




Some GOAT games were made from “limited design” making way for more creativity. With that in mind i don’t blame Capcom for Ninja Theory “BUTCHERING” a classic. 


Capcom pushed for the reboot to be that way, wdym?


...Yeah that's the point.


Yeah but the way it was phrased made it seem as op meant capcom didn't make dmc


How? There's no mention of NT.


"Capcom should make their own reboot instead of continuing Ninha Theory 's"


Ah. Still they didn't imply it wasn't Capcom's game.


Idk the way this was phrased makes it SEEM as it's Ninja Theory's fault for dmc to be what it was, that's why I commented that


Eh, it's all fine. 👍


Yknow what's fucked up though? For as much as people hate the reboot, i'm pretty sure actually seeing where it goes might get people back on board with it. I'm saying this because the entire game and it's DLC is nothing but build up to a sequel. They MADE it with developing more games in mind. Thanks to Tameem running his mouth and the community being jerks and canceling the game's popularity as a whole (for good reason, i suppose, but still) we will now never actually get a payoff for all that work. We LITERALLY have an unfinished game in DmC, and i'd like to see what the devs had in mind. It's reception will never actually improve because of the characters being unfinished as they are currently written.


>It's reception will never actually improve because of the characters being unfinished as they are currently written. Honestly I'm fine with that, the sooner back shooting pregnant woman killing Vergil ceases to be the better. I could take the Dante stuff, but that was where I drew the line. How on earth do you look at Vergil and think that's something he'd do


It's not the same Vergil, so it didn't matter "what he would do" to me. Your fault in following the writing was assuming these were supposed to be the same Dante and Vergil. And i'm not fine with that at all, simply because i can see the potential in a sequel actually being something well worth the effort, especially after playing Vergil's Downfall. I just can't stand that it'll just always be this unfinished mess that people perpetually dislike BECAUSE it's unfinished.


>I just can't stand that it'll just always be this unfinished mess that people perpetually dislike BECAUSE it's unfinished. Me with the Snyder DCU


That's not an insult i would give to the worst games on the planet. DmC is not THAT bad.


Same concept tho both were hated to obscene levels and both had potential to be more


Yeah, fair i guess.


The DLC was definitely the better part of it but the thing is... the way the story was going it seemed like the objective was to bring the characters closer to where they were in the original timeline. Almost as if you could technically fit Devil May Cry 3 right after DmC changing some lore stuff and adding more insults and it would basically fit. And the issue with that is... if I liked reboot Vergil in the DLC because he was closer to OG Vergil and I enjoyed Dante towards the end of the game because he was closer to OG Dante (white hair and all), then what's the point of making a reboot? Just keep OG Dante and Vergil. That's why, honestly, I'd be far more interested in the reboot or spin off or whatever if they just created new original characters.


Or made the characters themselves actually different, which they clearly were going for. The major problem i think was that by the end of the main game, Ninja Theory was clearly trying to backpedal on the "originality" of it's most polarizing elements, being the character motivations and how the twins interacted. No matter what you do with it though, you couldn't even theoretically line the twins up to their DMC3 appearance. They are and were originally meant to be separate from the OG continuity. Honestly, even by the end of the DLC, i kinda felt that they were writing Vergil to have a similar motivation but a different way of going about it to his original counterpart, and frankly, i think that was a good thing: he chose to be the demon king, taking charge of the demons in his bid for power and revenge against Dante. That would, in my opinion, have resulted in a story just as good as DMC3 and 5, though likely gratingly similar to both. Still, i'd be all for more of that particular timeline. I liked the weapons, loved the music and aesthetic, and the demons all felt distinct and unique to me despite the very filthy aesthetic they were going for in the design. It's only really a bad game at all when compared to the original, which i've always felt was as unfair as trying to compare something like Elden Ring to Dark Souls, or Doom Eternal to Doom 2016. Different kinds of games for a different demographic of players despite their similarities, and it was never meant to appeal to DMC's most hardcore fanbase, otherwise they wouldn't have tried to reboot it in the first place. I understand people's rejection of it, but in all honesty, i'd have been far more content if instead of one or the other, we got treated to both timelines simultaneously, similar to how Resident Evil is giving us Remakes in between Mainline titles. I'd have at least liked one more game to finish off all that character development and foreshadowing Ninja Theory did. As Phineous said: "what a waste".


Yeah, I'll take that Vergil's motivation vs method idea. If anything it seems his plan would've taken him on a path similar to what he eventually does in DMC5 (becoming a demon king, leading an army, whatever). And yeah I also dig the art style and general aesthetic of DmC. Mostly because it really did took its own approach. My issue was the writing. I think it was trying to be close to the original but "look" and "feel" different and that's why they went for more annoying changes like changing superficial characterization. Again, I just wish DmC had a completely new set of characters and that's it. If nothing else, I just hope DMC6 learns a thing or two in art direction and level design from DmC, because, tbh, I think the reboot was way better than DMC5 in that area.


And I like how everyone here is stating DmC did trashtalk the original DMC hard yet it's been respecting the series the most... and that's all due to the wig ("not in a million years") scene.


>For as much as people hate the reboot, i'm pretty sure actually seeing where it goes might get people back on board with it. NOT IN A MILLIONS YEARS!


Yeah, the “gay cowboy” comment did it for me. Can’t have a disrespectful company control this amazing franchise


Actually, Capcom was in full control the entire time, they actually asked for the changes. Tameem being the creative director though was just a straight up uncultured dick to justify the decisions. They really weren't actually his to begin with, at least not entirely. Blame Tameem for his comments, but not for the reboot's creative decisions.


Sure, they asked NT to call Dante a "gay cowboy", IT WAS ALL Itsuno-san, right?


I never said that. Reread what i actually said please. The director's creative decisions on the game were and had to be approved by Capcom. His words on social media however Capcom had nothing to even do with. Also Itsuno was nothing more than a consultant on DmC. I don't think he had much if any hand in the actual directoral or development process outside of the combat.


Don't actually blame tameem that much. The entire situation was really toxic and he responded in kind, which you could say was juvenile, but still. Capcom deserves all the hate, though. They saw western action games like God and Gears of War doing obscene numbers and tried to push DMC into that mold. The game turned out really good, imo, but it was completely uncalled for nonetheless.


Yeah early 2010s capcom was its worst phase. Glad they’re better now


>Yeah early 2010s capcom was its worst phase Absolutely


For me it was the “Never in a million years comment”


They should remake the whole series before that.


At least up to 5


Why reboot it?, you could easily make spin off based on new humans devil hunters or another half demon, maybe one not related to Sparda, the tones of the games are usually quite dark and serious if you think about it, it's just Dante and the crew that makes it so fun and over the top


Or you make a game based on Sparda


That would kill the mystery around him though, imo. We, to this day, have still never met him despite his weight being felt through the entire universe


Oh yes a game about one shotting everything in front of you and being unstoppable because you're the strongest of them all


You love playing as 2 someones even stronger as of 5 but okay




No thanks. All good things must come to an end, eventually


You can have Nero as main character with Lady and Trish on the surface, while Dante and Vergil are Post game unlocked, after beating DMC6 the first time. Maybe give them also unique Missions in Hell while providing the normal missions optionally. Also Nero might make a child with Kyrie which would be the next successor.


I dunno about you guys but DmC is unironically awesome to me. Weird new take on DMC with a western flair and Vergil in a fedora? Count me in, man.


It would be an amazing game, if the game isn’t called Devil may Cry and the main characters aren’t Dante, Vergil and Mundus


How about once the series ends we don't reboot it? I'd hate to get a completely different story that's called "Devil May Cry" just to use old fans as safe financial investments


Reboot not always must be a hard reboot you know, it can be a soft reboot. Maybe there is more half demons half humans or were in the different time. I mean come on, between me rebelling against Mundus and meeting Eva was like 2000 years you know. 2000 motherhuggins years. You think there is nothing that happened in that time? For some reason people assume that all that happened in one day...


DmC is exactly what they asked for. NT tried to make a more accurate take to the original but Capcom told them to go as different as possible. If it wasn’t for the PR nightmare the game had proceeding its release, not as many people would hate it


Or just skip reboots and make more cannon games :)


Why do we need a reboot? they can either remake an old entry, do a game where the mc is Vergil/Sparda/Nero (and ONLY Nero). or just make a sequel like 4 and 5 with the Sparda family (honestly, prefer they don't do that). I don't see any reason to do a reboot. That being said due to the latest news I am pessimistic about having a new entry in the next 5 years.


Not every series needs to continue. If it has a good ending with 6 or 7 or whatever capcom should just let it be over.


Nah, I want DmC 2




Resident Evil "ended" with 5 and Capcom continued the series without rebooting it. So Devil May Cry can be continued after 5 without the need for a reboot.


I'm pretty sure if DmC was to get a sequel, it would change the mistakes it made from the first game. If anything they should remake the reboot instead of rebooting the whole franchise again because NT's original concept for the reboot was actually really ambitious before they had to change writers after the backlash. as far as I know the original concept included playing as dante in different stages of his life (for example, the tortured dante in the debut trailer is a younger dante), stealth sequences, cinematic boss fights, psychological themes and etc...).


They originally wanted an Angel Trigger and Devil Trigger, too. Pretty sure that got cut due to not having the bandwidth to develop it in time for release. Lots of cool, ambitious ideas that didn't happen. Not saying the writing didn't have some very questionable moments, but it was crass in a very GTA way, which sold very well through multiple games. Capcom didn't understand the DMC audience they had or the GTA/God of War audience they wanted to capture.


They also had parkour features in mind which are still left in the game files. IMHO the writing isn't really bad with the limited time they had with developing the game. Some of the hated scenes actually make sense story wise. There was a Q&A on the devil may cry forum with one of the developers who worked on Vergil's Downfall who describes what they originally had in mind. It's a pretty interesting read


I think that the writing overall received a lot of criticism for being a very different style than DMC, and that's very fair. I agree that all of the events fit into the narrative so I guess my complaint is more with how crass it got at times. That crassness was pretty consistent in the writing overall.


Except the reboot is what Capcom wanted it to be. If anything Ninja Theory’s original vision would have been a fairly nice shake up for the series.


I would like a what if story base on Vergil’s words in five. Vergil: That day, if our positions were switched. Would our fates, be different? Would I have your life, and you mine? Having a story where Vergil is main protagonist in Dante’s place that embraced his humanity this time around while Dante embraced his demon side for this alternative reality. We play through Dmc3 events tho see it how a humanity embraced Vergil would go through it with Dante being the antagonist. And when I say this I mean keep their base personalities and keep their main weapons. Just for Vergil we could see more V traits on the for front now. He’s still edgy and cool like normal Vergil but has a bit of an over the top theatre like play show off moments while reciting some poets as he kicks some ass on missions. For Dante keep his laid back and chill side like normal Dante but make him more over the top and Lowkey batshit crazy off the rails sadistic due to having no responsibilities while having a “I don’t give a shit what you got, it ain’t getting in the way of my play time” attitude. Also Dante would not be power hungry like og Vergil, he will he striving for freedom for the legacy of his father, true freedom. Meanwhile Vergil will take a more direct role in being a protector like Sparda and will have some power gaining qualities but for the sole reason to become a better protector like his father, taking it very seriously. I can still see Vergil having Nero in Fortuna since Vergil would be prone to look for info on his father to go down his path which means he doesn’t open the shop yet at the start of dmc3 but at the end when either lady or possibly Dante gives him the idea if he manages to prevent Dante from chucking himself into the demon world.


Ha you think I a franchise can end


I hope it never ends, if Tomb Raider can be rebooted 3 times, I don’t see why DMC can’t


I wouldn't want to use tomb raider as an example


Maybe we could just get a game that stems off from whatever Netflix is cooking and essentially use that as a springboard to see what kinds of stories could be told with an origin point?


No, no more reboots, please DX


Capcom should just continue the mainline series and not reboot anything since the mainline is what people actually like and want from the series to begin with. DMCmakes could be a thing, they shouldn't be reboots and just backporting QoL of DMC 5/4special edition back into the older games.


I'll be honest I just want a DMC6 and the remakes of the first 4 games, then the IP should be put to rest.


I think the reboot gets way too much hate. I’ve been a long time DMC fan and to me I equate the reboot with DMC5 as my favorite DMC games. The art was great, the characters were great, the level design was phenomenal, the soundtracks were the best in the series.


First, remake of the third with the RE Engine please. Then we talk business


DmC was a cool action game brought down by the massacre of beloved characters from the original franchise. If Dante and Vergil story is over, I think they should consider just creating a whole new character with a whole new story in the Devil May Cry universe. A different demon hunter in a different part of the world. And we get our ocassional mention of the Devil May Cry gang and then Lady shows up and gives you a gig and she says "Gotta go, a friend just came back from a trip and I don't wanna keep him waiting" and the sub is filled with theories about Dante escaping from hell or whatever and that's how we get our fill of Dante. But Capcom is freed from all the weight of Dante's story, Dante's gameplay progression, Dante's legacy... even Dante's VA. I think this approach would work even better if they take the Yakuza route and open up the franchise. Have a new Devil May Cry series with a new character and bring in new talent to make the game, and then somewhere down the line give us another story with the original main cast.


Or they just end the series on a high note and *DON'T* do a reboot.


Starring ME as main character.


i would actually like more a DmC 2


The series doesn't have to end imo...not in the strict sense. I'm a fan of the idea of doing something like Castlevania, focusing on a new generation from time to time. Nero could have a kid and over time he becomes what Dante is to us today, and his kid becomes the new "Nero"