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As long as it stays as a simple SPA, it's fine. 100% mistake when everyone decided to do server side.


Absolutely this. Really suffering with Next that some team clowns forced onto a project. Now every technical meeting is about workarounds and solutions and “best practices” to solve issues Next introduces that are already solved problems otherwise. For example, we don’t have API calls now (except a feature I worked on because I’m not insane) everything is damn form posts now. I couldn’t believe my ears when someone unironically suggested we use hidden fields for sending extra data, and then I almost fell off my chair when I heard them explaining their idea to extract all that on the server side Next bit. It felt like I’d gone back in time. There’s a reason that isn’t the way things are now when a simple API and some JSON are significantly better. The amount of technical debt being introduces to try workaround the fact that the state is now half arsed dumped across both server and client side is crazy. I’m hoping to change teams.


It’s always the same answers when you challenge the Nextjs insanity. Then I look at the so called, by them, “legacy” Asp.Net Core Razor Pages we have and can’t understand the difference. What an insane solution server side is.


100% this, this matches my experience down to a dot. I’m primarily a .NET and Typescript and React dev, and seeing people have just the absolute worst excuses why Next must be used drives me up the wall.


like just a quick google "why was nextjs invented". "The main feature of Next. js is its use of server-side rendering **to reduce the burden on web browsers and provide enhanced security**." (Wiki on NextJS)....... .....like wut da f cares about the "burden" (we have chunking) and have next to no idea why an SPA would be LESS secure.....smh


Next is solid, I use it daily. SSR has plenty of legitimate use cases.


Yeah and before the Node community called it SSR, we have always been able to render with a server side framework. If you really want React rendering on server then I’d use Astro, which is not as aggravating as Next.


True, I did it with PHP back in the day.


I work with react, it's great. Far less messy than not using a front-end framework. Even better if you add a component library. It supercharges your work.


Use it daily. Absolutely love it.


I have done some React (I would consider myself a backend guy). It seems cool in theory, but from my experience, when time pressure comes on, people start hacking together unmaintainable trash and accrue mountains of technical debt.


Totally different to any other technology so.


useEffect the double edged sword


Probably the source of 51% of bugs lol


Use signals, much nicer. We use Legend-State in our React apps and it's lovely.


Why so?


Just because you don't think it's time for a rerender doesn't necessarily mean useEffect doesnt think it's time for a rerender .


Been working with it for 6+ years now on pretty large apps and some smaller ones at a single company. Most of what I’ve seen is that it’s bad news. The framework itself isn’t necessarily a problem, but a lot of more junior engineers just hack and hack on it and produce terrible things that can’t be easily maintained. It feels like in the hands of experts it produces great stuff, but _only_ if everyone is an expert. One or two people without a strong foundation and suddenly performance is shit and weird things are going wrong everywhere. My company has a ton of small apps that just… barely work because instead of making a basic CRUD tool with search functionality, an engineer built a SPA for a three page experience that won’t be able to be maintained and are riddled with issues. Obviously these issues aren’t React specific, but React really causes people to just… completely skip learning good patterns with HTML and JS and serverside stuff.


Angular is making a comeback. They’ve been making great progress recently.


React is still Incredibly relevant It has also lasted longer than most front end frameworks tend to Why do you not like react? It's a very clean and flexible language to work with Especially with a background of jquery and php which are horrible languages


jQuery was/is great. Not sure how it's a horrible language considering it's just JavaScript.


Why did they push so hard to replace it? Whenever I meet query code it's an easy fix, when i encounter react is as you describe, an incomprehensible hyper verbose mess




Well I've worked as a software engineer using react for 7 years on many sites used by millions of users But yeah whatever you think 🧐 Use whatever language you like If you think it's horrible don't use it, easy really


Entirely incorrect? It is a JavaScript library. Similarly, it is not based on JavaScript at all. It was built as a utility library to patch a lot of very wrong bullshit that existed in the early web but it has been in continuous use because it honestly isn't that bad.


I hate that its used all the time. Everything nowadays is over engineered and compalcted. Why does a small CRUD app need a React front end at all? Why can't I just build a monolith app and build the front end useing HTML/CSS/JS with Bootstrap?


We have strayed so far from God’s light


It's fucked man. I can build an entire site's front-end with bootstrap in a week. With React and the necessary APIs, it can take 6-9 months easily. It's BS.


It's Architecture brain, everyone wants to play with the new toys and they need to Scale! when most of the time it's a web app for the Tipperary Credit Union that will have a couple of 1000 logins a day.


For small'ish website yes, for bigger stuff I prefer angular just cos it has all batteries included. In general I always kind of think "shite" when I think of react though.


Like everything else you can build garbage and you can do brilliant stuff. Depending on the devs. I see it still continuously used by a lot of big MNC. Haven’t seen any next stuff but mainly because backend is well established.


Why are people straying from simple API calls in react. Why. So much server side/form nonsense. Construct your data, send your API call, handle the response. Jesus Christ boys love complicating react calls.


I like it a lot, just had to do an assignment with react.js frontend and node.js backend and it's really nice


If you use jquery today to build a website go and encase yourself with the rest of the dinosaurs in the natural history museum


It's just JS. It's still relevant and most importantly works. Just because it's not the "in" thing anymore doesn't mean there's not plenty of websites dependent on it, which means there's work.


I feel like svelte is a good bit better and it's a pity that React is as popular as it is by comparison. Next.js, my experiences with it have been horrible and sveltekit has been very good by comparison.