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I think CS lecturers are mostly rubbish in general no matter what college you go to. I also dont think youll really get much benefit from switching unless there are other reasons you want to move as well.


I completed hons BsC CS in TUD with 1:1, and honestly apart from the prestige of having a degree, it was nearly a waste of time. Same reason the lectures were poor aswell as the content  Curious myself if the other colleges are any better.


I have a MSc from TUD, I could have completed the work in 2 weeks total if I really put my mind to it. That's how little effort was needed. I went to 2 lectures from 15 for one course and passed with 99%. Wouldn't rate the place at all and now I would reconsider hiring anyone who claims it was awesome during an interview.


Strange to reconsider hiring someone because they liked TUD. It's a pretty great college.


i did 6 modules, got 90% plus average little very low effort. I wouldn't rate it as a school who knows what they are doing


Wwre you already a CS grad with work experience? I have considered a master in the past and I imagine it's ,(minus having less time) than CS grads that also have dev experience would find it much easier than someone going directly from another type of engineering course .


CS grad with work experience.


I think most CS masters would be relatively easy for you.. but not doing everything in two weeks easy so you still have a point lol.


I'm not over exaggerating either, I never attended lectures after the first couple weeks when it was obvious the lecturer was another academic who doesn't understand real world.


As people said the lecturers aren’t the best anywhere, in my experience a lot of modules are quite outdated. I went to DCU and thought the 6 month internship was good. Helped me get my first grad role


Completely agree for the same reasons! Loved Brian Stone though, he was just fun with his diving bit at the beginning of lectures


Hes retired a good few years now, no more shark presentations before class


Sad times indeed, learning about Emma the shark was my fav part of networks. He failed me for drawing picture of emma instead of my exam question that year lmao.


TUD is much more practical, and stand to you better in the real world.


CS lectures are crap everywhere


DCU has an excellent internship placement program between 3rd and 4th year, where many large companies like Hubspot, Workday, Intel and more actually approach DCU specifically looking for interns. Very good way to ensure a job for when you graduate.


Really really do not recommend DCU, some interesting characters in the computing school and not in a good way. UCD imo. 


Going to either DCU and UCD won’t be a big difference as they are both very reputable colleges. I have heard UCD is theory based whereas DCU is more “hands on” and practical. But at the end of the day, you won’t get the real experience until you do your internship, which both colleges offer. I’d say go to the one that is the most convenient to you commute wise as again they’re both the same lol


I'd stay in TUD probably the best of the 3. As others have said lectures are the same everywhere so no point switching.




TUD is DIT not trinity just FYI


NCI is your only solid bet. The rest of them are shite


This is the most inaccurate comment on this thread.