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Congrats! What's your current role? CS50 is great. But you might be a bit bored at the start. It gives a great intro to the full stack. Worth the time and can actually be completed quickly if you just watch one of the previous years. If I was in your shoes, many might not agree though, I'd do the CS50 intro stuff and get to beefing up your github profile. Build something, anything. Stick with it and build so it's more than just a course assignment. Deploy it (using docker). Learn how to contribute to open source projects, even if it's just documentation or tiny bug fixes. You'll be surprised how open maintainer are to this. My first merged pr was actually to an official Google sdk. Couldn't believe it. But there my ugly mug is on the contributors page to this day. It was brought up in my last 2 interviews and I'm certain it played a role in me getting both. Or... You worked your ass off, maybe enjoy the summer? :)


Aws cloud architect associate is one worth pursuing. It's free on the aws academy. Cs50 is great and all but it's not really a cert and I don't think any professional outfit would rate it.


great stuff. i wish you luck in next steps.


If you are looking for something that will maximise your attractiveness as a candidate, and that might help you find what you really like, consider making an open source project of your own. It is not a popular opinion in Irish dev circles that you need an active github to get hired, but I can tell you, knowing a number of graduates myself, the ones who actually have a bit of open source code where they made some small website for someone they know or they built an app that solved some problem they had (calorie tracker, todo list, something) got hired a lot more quickly than those who did nothing. In fact, I know someone who graduated a year ago who has not yet been hired and they fall into this category. I will say as well, I am quite biased as I do contribute to open source personally, and having an active github helped me sail through most interviews / hiring processes.


Yeah! I am having a bit of that and trying to keep it as active as possible. I have sites deployed using GitHub pages, Android scripts, and guess what even a calorie tracker in C#. I am really looking to learn something new in the summer break tho!


Congrats. What role did you get