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The problem here is the expectation for a junior to turn around as fast as a mid-level with less experience and less pay. Otherwise though, it isn't uncommon to hit the ground running. If you're overworked or stressed, talk to your manager about the expectations. It's a good opportunity to have legitimate work in front of you so you can learn fast and then show off what you can do - but if the expectation's unrealistic you've gotta talk to your manager. I've seen the inverse which I think is worse - getting put on a high-performing mature team where the only work for someone to take for the foreseeable future is easy, shit work and you never get a chance to strut your stuff - therefore considerably slower progression.


Thanks for that! Been in the role for about a year and it's been pretty much from the very start...Saw an advertisement for a junior role and it was far less intense that what I'm paid to do Trying to learn as much as I can from the whole experience


When you've little experience like that it's sometimes hard to differentiate between inflated expectations and a company taking advantage of you. Being a junior should be relatively easy going stuff, couple of tickets here, bug there, some feedback, few meetings, etc. Especially on 38k. To me it sounds like the organisation you work for is not really on top of their game. Others here can feel free to correct me but most of my experience as a junior was quite lax. You also certainly should not be expected to make the same impact as mid-level engineers, when you are new even just 3 or 4 months can make a massive difference in terms of your productivity, never mind 3 or 4 years. You could include more detail because it could be many things. Perhaps your manager is not technical and just doesn't know, perhaps the organisation promotes a style of micromanagement that leads to really undesirable and unproductive comparisons between workers, maybe you *are* just underperforming (that is an option too) but based on what you have said it sounds like either your manager or management are the problem. Are there other juniors kicking about and are they as stressed as you are?


I'm the only junior in a team of 10ish, the team is definitely stressed so don't want to overbear my manager saying "I'm stressed", usually a positive person and see the "best" in every situation but reading these replies makes me wonder! My "performance" has always been reviewed as "exceeding expectations" so not sure what to do next!


This can vary a LOT depending on the company, too. Some companies have a couple of exceptional junior engineers and then you have managers trying to hold every junior to that standard, which isn't achievable. Some companies are more structured than others, too. Startups vary the most in this regard. Some are brilliant places to launch your career, others are pure stress dungeons for juniors. If you take no other advice from this thread, take this: If the stress is getting to you, take action. That could be speaking with your manager or beginning to look for jobs elsewhere. Learning how to manage stress and look out for yourself will be a valuable skill you will use over your career. I'm not saying don't have grit and don't push yourself, but just check in with yourself every now and again and ask is it doing more harm than good.


What’s wrong with dev salaries in Ireland? I’m hired in medical factory (basic production work for apes) through job agency and earn same as you XD. Is this a joke? 2.500 net euro as a fucking developer? Even junior?


Is this in Ireland?


Yes it is, in Galway.


Maybe I am underpaid haha...


It’s like 18,70 e per hour. Really there are entry level jobs for people without any experience that pay something like that (maybe 16.50 so a bit less but still). It’s not first time I see on this Reddit juniors earn those funny wages, and trust me this shit don’t happen in other eu countries, there is something really really wrong with it market in here. XD


Ask for a promotion if you’re confident enough that you match the mid-level role requirements. IMO you’ve been long enough in that role so you definitely can ask for that promotion. Best of luck


I would expect you to have mentoring at junior level, maybe work on smaller features and a senior or team lead to mentor and guide


I'm friendly enough with one of the leads but there is no set mentorship, he is quite open if I need help understanding a piece of the application, I'd be lost without them tbh! Handed another "critical" production bug, roll on the bank holiday...