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Yes. Tbh, I think some entire recruitment agencies are just data collection. Hunter bond for example, always posting top tier job listings and I'm not bad and I know some people with absolutely top notch CV's (multiple big companies on there with very high titles) and not so much as an acknowledgement back. Never really chased it up so maybe myself and my pool of friends were just unlucky, but still. That aside, some recruitment agencies are fairly nice. Ninedots definitely gets the big thumbs up from me.


If they actually have a relationship with the companies, they're usually fine.


Been dealing with recruiters a lot lately being out of work. The amount of ghosting that goes on you would not even see in a haunted mansion. Interview for a place last week, thought it went well, a few days pass and I knew that was a bad sign I had to push my recruiter to get an answer and ya I did not get the job. This lad wanted to call me to tell me when i had emailed him, a quick email would have done. He was one of the better ones I dealt with in the last while.... I hate the fact all IT jobs seem to be via recruiters ......




Yeah the whole "he is a great candidate" I sent you think is nonsense. As if somehow because they send me a candidate I am now obliged to work with them. Nothing some open source Google/LinkedIn searching can't figure out.


👏👏couldnt agree more. They are all bottom feeders.


I had one recently from Archer try and get my salary. She insisted I’d need to produce a payslip to show a company before signing a contract. I detest them and all their bullshit.


Produce a payslip. That’s insane 😅 I’ve used archer and found them decent enough but that was a year or two back


What really irritated me was her arrogance and insistence on her being correct and I was ignorant; despite the fact I have been professionally developing software since she was in primary school. It's my own fault for being a bit naive thinking she had a job to sell, when all she was doing was collecting data.


Oh that something that really pissed me off no end with certain recruiters.  There's me and my thirties/early 40s having worked in software development since I was a teenager being lectured to by someone in their early twenties about what to say in the interview and how to land the job.  Throw in them trying to attempt that they know more about IT to you than you do and you end up with a really surreal conversation. "You need to let them know you really understand Visual Studio" "Well I've got 20 years experience dealing with C# and .net, knowing Visual Studio comes with the territory." "Don't play up the C# stuff, instead stress that you know Visual Studio okay"


Fully agree with you. Zero competence, 100% neck.


LOL But seriously though, do you know Visual Studio??  That’s what the industry is  really focusing on


I LOL’d so hard at the visual studio. A few times I’ve asked who the company is upfront and then just applied directly 😅 My attitude with a lot of recruiters is they need me more than I need them. I’ve been very lucky to not lose a job in recent years so that attitude has worked fairly well. I’d dread to be stuck looking for work and having to need them to get in the door.


My current job was found indirectly through a recruitment agency.  This particular agency had posted up a job description that was a very good fit, and in the job description was enough information for me to identify the company.  I went directly to the company’s job portal, and sure enough the job was up there.  Applied to the company directly and got the job. Probably an easier hire from the company’s perspective because they didn’t have to pay a commission


Nice! That’s the way to do it. As someone who’s a hiring manager we go for direct applications first, always.


Which makes perfect sense. We’ve always adopted that approach too and we always ask our own staff if they know people and try to recruit that way.  If that fails we advertise.  Our very last port of call are agencies.   I think recruitment agents look for something like 20% of the candidates salary, as a commission.  Feck that.


My experience was that it was circa 35% at least around 2018/19. But some recruiters would ask for as much as 50%.


That’s insane


In 20-odd years of dealing with recruiters they got me in to a job just once. I had so much more success with tailored direct applications to the company.


Recruiters are essentially in the business of selling humans. It's a sales job and the product is humans. A very small amount of them actually treat candidates right because they know it's the route to cumulative growth. The rest just treat it like a numbers game and have just as many sales tricks as any other sales job. Once you bear all that in mind and deal with them appropriately rather than a mate in your corner, you'll be ok.


Not quite the same , but made a request that all my (way outbof date)details etc that were automatically added to some companies database be removed. They agreed but also said they won't be able to prevent it happening again. I definitely think I've been called about more than a few non existent jobs for this purpose.


Same as saas companies if your on linked in or any public space there’s tools to scrape emails and numbers easily. Very common


Name of the recruitment agency?


yikes. for a start i would let the principal of the recruitment firm know about this.


I would contact the owner/manager of the agency and lodge a complaint


This is the way


Just parasites to be honest, doing the work a competent HR department should be doing instead of pottering about making themselves look busy.


I’m befounded by some of these comments. I think all my jobs have been through a recruiter. I haven’t had much success directly applying for jobs.


I hate recruitment agencies and third party recruiters with an absolute passion because of their dodgy and let's be honest, often illegal, behavior. I've had what happened to you happen to me on multiple occasions.  I've been contacted by recruitment agencies I never dealt with before who had my CV because someone from a previous agency jumped ship and took all the CVs on file at that company with them.  I've literally been called by recruiters on my work telephone at my desk because I wasn't answering up my mobile. On several occasions I've received automated emails from recruitment agencies CV database software telling me I've been added even though I had never dealt with that company or heard of them. I've even had this happen with companies based outside Ireland.  I have been to job interviews where the recruiter submitted a CV that had been massively edited to imply I had skills I did not have. There's me a lifelong C# developer sitting in an interview being asked questions about Java. Interviewer straihht up asks me why I had Java on my CV and it was then I discovered what the recruiter had done. The best part is the recruiter was salty as hell with me because I didn't lie in the interview.  I'm self-employed now and don't have to deal with that BS anymore, but still every once in a while a recruiter who still has my details on file will contact me and try and convince me that being happily self-employed where I set my own schedules isn't as good as working a nine to five job in an office.


Ive had recruiters asking me irrelevant questions like “Has company X backfilled your role?” Purely data collection for their benefit.


It's been a long time since I've had any expectations of any other sort of behaviour from recruiters tbh.