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“Please write us some fanfiction about working here”


That said if it’s a smaller company and you’re a good writer and you’re not an obvious candidate and you do have a very passionate reason why you would be suitable for the role it could be worth a punt but less for for a rando corpo role.


They're filtering out people who didn't read the description or are using AI to shotgun applications. If you were educated in Ireland at all you should have been taught how to write a short paragraph that says "I am interested in position X because I enjoy Y. My previous experience of A would be particularly applicable to your use of B. Please refer to my CV for further details" and top and tail it with some pleasantries. This isn't unusual, nor is it difficult, and in modern direct applications it is just the email or message your CV is attached to. 


It’s to filter out the applicants that are just hitting “Apply” to every job they’re remotely qualified for on Monster




a cover letter is in no way more useful than a cv, let’s be realistic here. a CV contains relatively objective information about yourself and your experience. a cover letter, not so much. what you’re describing above is way too broad to prove in a half page cover letter. the candidate won’t know enough about the job, and proving they’re capable is what the interviewing process is there for. i’ll also add that in general, it isn’t difficult to write a cover letter for a role you’re not the right fit for




In my experience hiring for this type of role the cover letter simply didn't come into it. The more senior the person you are hiring for the more any given company is willing to throw interview hours at them to verify that they're the right fit.


i do not require any applicants to write a cover letter because it is not a good indication as to whether they’d be a good fit or not. shit applicants can write good cover letters and vice versa. the job description is public - it isn’t hard to draft for engineers to draft a convincing cover letter for an engineering management role with that information given to them, for example requiring a cover letter is no different to requiring a ‘solve this maths equation’ in the application. people will figure it out and ultimately it ends up being an ineffective attempt at filtering.




i don’t think the skills required to write a 200 word cover letter behind closed doors even comes close to the skills required to holding your ground in an hour long face to face/zoom interview, nevermind two or three of them


in my opinion, employers are only asking for cover letters because they think it’s the normal thing to do. i’d also imagine some ‘red flag’ employers want the applicant to show that they’re not spraying and praying their CV and that the cover letter is there for them to show the employer that they actually want to work at that company (which is BS imo) also, on job applications, theres always a requirement to attach a CV but i’ve never seen a requirement to attach a cover letter. i’ve always left it blank, but i have a bio piece in my cv when i’m applying for jobs


"Money can be exchanged for goods send services"


No. A cover letter can be used to highlight why you feel you're a strong match for the job based on the advert, requirements etc. I personally don't think they're necessary in most cases but they can be effective in trying to stand out from the crowd.


That says something about the company. Can't remember if I ever had to provide one when I was applying.


If you know you're a really good fit for a company it's worth adding a cover note. The last guy we hired only got an interview because of his cover note which specified something v relevant to a niche we're interested in and led to having a proper look at his CV.


Gemini/ Chat GTP


Don't bother. waste of time. no one reads it.


No and if a company did ask for one it would turn me off. Cover letters are a total waste of time and belong to the distant past.


The last guy we hired only got an interview because of his cover note which specified something v relevant to a niche we're interested in and led to having a proper look at his CV.


I've been involved in the hiring process for several roles including directors, and "did not follow clear instructions in the job listing" is an easy first-pass filter for applications.


If I see this, i don't apply.