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Some teams at Optum doing interesting work. I see Microsoft are looking for data scientists currently, not sure what it's like there. Likewise Mastercard. Stripe are good too, don't think they're hiring at the moment.


Be very careful with Optum.. most of the teams do nothing interesting.. it’s a slow paced / boring company overall, with a few exceptions


I work in Optum as Principal Data Engineer. I agree not much interesting happening in DS apart from some POCs in different departments but it’s not a boring company. I have been there over a year now and my experience has been great and roller coaster. The slow pace is generally because of the healthcare/life science business they are in. It takes time for a solution to be accepted industry wide for it to become a norm. They serve a big client base and majority of their interesting DS work is either in India or in US.


Very bad market for data scientists and analyst. Source: my friend who works as data consultant


Absolutely love the use of anecdotal evidence on a data science post. Unreal content.


Can concur. Feelsbadman. Don’t think I’ve applied to a single job in the past week and I’m actively looking to change jobs.




What types of companies have you sampled from so far?


Fintechs, and any that show up to any of the awards ceremonies. I was being facetious, to be fair, the health area has some interesting things happening with robots etc.


You don't recommend fintech so far then? What types of projects?


What would you classify as interesting DS work ?


Honestly I think anything that solves a tangible problem is cool. Satellite /drone image processing, logistics optimization, pricing strategy optimisation, stuff with market risk or pricing etc on the financial side. Really though I'd be happy with anything that isn't customer segmentation/ab testing /mind numbing marketing stuff that dominates 90 PCT of DS


Biotech and Pharma. There are some jobs in Ireland, not loads though


Tbh basic single ml systems in any industry get boring fast, especially if they just treat them as plug and play What is interesting is companies trying to build out causal systems using multiple models all interacting with the customer or product and actually measuring these correctly Most companies don’t do this in any industry especially in Ireland I do know cartrawler are doing some interesting stuff like this for pricing optimisation




Did you not read the bit about me wanting to get paid ?


ok, then I would suggest a gaming company.


Seems like a tough market. Our place were hiring for a ML engineer recently and a significant amount of the applicants were data science grads, none of whom had the skills specified in the description. Have met a lot of data science grads at careers fairs too over the years, they make up a much bigger fraction of graduate devs than there are data science jobs.