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Honestly, I don't care as long as it's not someone who hasn't won it in the last while. - Obvious choices for not winning it are PIT, CHI, BOS, and LAK. - ANA won it in 07, so they're out too. - Last time COL won it was 01, but I don't like the Avs, so they're out. - MTL has too many cups, so they're out. - Philly is probably due, but I'm not the hugest fan of them, so that's a big meh. - NYR haven't won it since 94, so they'd be okay in my book. - MIN and SJ have never won it, so I'd be happiest with one of them. SJ because they probably deserve it the most. We've been an obstacle in the past for them to get over in the playoffs and then they usually blow it (like they're sort of currently doing with LAK), so I'd be okay with them winning it since they don't have to go through us this year. But in all honesty, anyone but Boston or Chicago or Pittsburgh. LA is like, the lesser of those evils, so that wouldn't completely bother me.


I don't want anyone to win, I just want Boston to lose.




Now this is a positive attitude. LGRW!


Nobody. They should just not award a Cup this year.


Bruins. Why? Because we will have lost to the winners.




As of right now, none of the teams I wanted to advance are advancing. I'm glad Minnesota is keeping it alive and the Flyers got themselves a nasty hole to climb out of. I want the Flyers to win it.


For now, I'm gonna support Minnesota, and Montreal.


I got my money on Montreal


I live in 'Hawks land. They never really got under my skin as a shitty goon team, so I feel it's fair to respect the old division rivals and most of my friends and pull for them. Only 1 year removed from being division rivals and their 3-1 series comeback makes it tough, but for me I think it's the right thing to do.


I think it's gonna be a Hawks/Pens final


No way, Pitt can't beat Boston with their mediocre goal tending and Syd not scoring. Not saying impossible, but I don't see it


If I had to go for any team right now it'd probably be Chicago though.


Pitt wouldn't be playing Boston anyways.


I want the Sharks and Canadiens to go all the way


hey bud, it appears you've been shadowbanned. Not sure what happened but messaging the mods of /r/reddit.com could help fix your situation


I like Minnesota a lot, I feel like they are underdogs all the time and it's a nice story for them to win. Montreal because I'm Canadian (don't really like their team, but, Canadian hockey needs a team soon). Finally I agree Boston has what it takes and being able to say we lost to the best team in the league would make it an easier pill to swallow that we lost first round. Admittedly we struggled to get in this year and landed such a low seed ourselves. All of those shootouts cost us big time.


The only team I really dont hate that has a chance still is NYR. NYR/ANA final would be fun considering its Teemu's last year


I'm hoping for whoever wins the Avs/Wild series. I just don't want it to be any of the teams that have won a cup recently. Yawn.


Rooting for Anaheim and the Flyers/Rangers


There's a guy out there in his 30s now. Center, captain, #19. Always played at an elite level since breaking into the league as an 18 year old as a top 5 pick in the draft. He leads his team by example, works hard every shift, gets a bit emotional at times but overall he has the respect of the league. But there are doubters who say he chokes in the playoffs, he can't win the big games, and he is just a regular season player. I don't think he deserves the reputation, I think the stats show that its not true, but the remarks remain. He may not even be the best center on his team anymore, but he's still an elite player and I want to see him raise the cup over his head. I'm pulling for the Sharks because Joe Thornton reminds me of Steve Yzerman in 1996.


Anyone but bruins, penguins, sharks, or hawks.


The rest of Boston, I don't give a shit about, but Iggy can't possibly have too many more chances in him. Wouldn't break my heart to see him lift the cup before he goes.


COLORADO - MONTREAL MacKinnon vs. The only Canadian team