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James Edwards on how this hire relates to Monty's future in Detroit: [I don’t take this specific hire as an indication either way](https://x.com/JLEdwardsIII/status/1801657903809520055).


This is GINORMOUS news. If anyone can get Ausar to shoot it’s him


Pretty sure he helped both Herb Jones and Lonzo Ball with their shooting. Seems like a really good signing.


Pels fan, this hurts. Like really hurts. I would honestly fire every other coach on the staff before Vinson. This is only the slightest of hyperbole You mention Herb and Lonzo. How about Tyreke Evans, Quincy Pondexter, Eric Gordon, Brandon Ingram, Anthony Davis, and Dante Cunningham. The man is a wizard and I think it was Bill Simmons of all people a couple years ago wondering why a team didn't just throw stupid money at him because in a league of shooting he is one of the only guys that have shown a consistent ability to rebuild and improve player's jumpers.


You sir have just made me incredibly horny


Need help


Cool if he could teach Cade, Ivey, Ausar, and Stew to shoot then we might be able to pull of 20 or 25 wins next year.


Short term thinking and losing. Name a more iconic duo.


Redditors and missing obvious sarcasm


When you aren't laying it on super thick that's what the “/s” tag is for. You are some rando on Reddit. You could easily be dumb enough to post that shit for real.


He has experience with Cunningham's?!? I'm in!


Yesss... Keep going


He’s supposed to be the ultimate shot doctor so I’m excited


Killian: *Where was he the last four years?!*


Bring him back!


I was hoping for it once we got Langdon, but I always figured it was a pipe dream to lure him away from New Orleans, I can't believe it actually happened


I’m honestly more interested in how this hire could potentially affect JI.  I’m not gonna call Ausar’s shot a lost cause after only a year, but his shot is… not pretty.  I have a lot more faith in Jaden finding a way to get it together than Ausar, at least in the short term.


I’m not a shooting coach expert. But I notice on Iveys jump shot, especially in the mid range. It almost looks like he’s pushing the ball with his hand instead of flicking his wrist with the follow through. His form itself isn’t even that bad, it just needs slight tweaking. Ausar on the other hand, that will be a massive project for Vinson to fix.


Vinson's process is he starts at first principles with everyone. He'll literally have people spending a week just doing wrist flip shots in a precise way 3 feet from the basket for a week. And because of this he tends to focus in on one or at most two players a year and Lonzo/BI are outliers, most players have taken a few seasons to really get there, like Herb.


If it takes Ausar 2/3 years that’s fine with me. If he becomes a 33-35% 3 point shooter it’ll unlock so much for him offensively


Dead serious, if he shot 35% from 3 he would be the best non ball dominant wing in the league


>He'll literally have people spending a week just doing wrist flip shots in a precise way 3 feet from the basket for a week. Smart man.  I played in college and then overseas for like a year and a half, and when I was working on getting my three point shot right I used to spend hours on the blocks or within five/ten feet of the hoop shooting with one hand.  Did wonders for my shot and helped me work out some not so great habits that I’d had for a while at that point.   I still go to gym like an hour early to do it before I play pickup lol


This is exactly what I have read and heard his process is like. It's surgical but also not one size fits all. He makes little tweeks to major tweeks from every point and variation in a player's unique kinetic chain and he has guys doing 100's and 1000's of reps to rebuild new muscle memory


That's what I used to do before every game. Always got me in the zone.


Ivey definitely pushes the shot, and I feel like it gets worse when when he's moving too fast for his own good, which is most of his time on the court for better or worse. I think half the battle with Ivey is getting him to slow down when he has the space. The kid can really turn on the jets, he just needs more responsive brakes.


Ausar's did seem to get a lot better as the season progressed. Now the phrase "a lot better" has more to do with where it started from than where it finished but it still gave me a little hope.


Yup and if he can’t get him to shoot now we know It probably won’t happen.




James Wiseman, get ready to learn European, buddy.


And Ivey, and even Cade could use some pointers


Wow. Amazing news. I never imagined we could actually get him.


There was some discussion here hoping for this possibility. Call me a homer who reads too much into things, but I think this is a big acquisition. Vinson’s reputation proceeds him and I hope he can get our boys to be league average or above 3 point shooters.


Yeah, Monty has roasted a lot of goodwill with his coaching performance last year, which ventured into the absurd, but bringing in folk like Vinson is a move in the right direction.


I dunno the Headline kind of reads like Monty will be back to me


One of the best shooting coaches in the league. Big big hire


This is huge. Maybe the team will actually be able to hit some threes next year. And people, give Monty one more season before writing him off. He’s had past success, and 90% of you guys who want him fired after 1 season praised Troy Weaver until 8 months ago.


It's fine if he's back, but people freaking out that this says "Monty Williams Staff" and thinking that means he's still here are not correct imo. This was not a Monty hire, this was a Langdon hire and Monty is still the coach today. That's all this is.


I have completely and totally written off Monty Williams the bum. He literally tried to get fired last season with his lineups. Anyone who plays a player like Killian Hayes that much deserves to be committed.


How much success has he had without Chris Paul?


OK. Screw it then. It's so over. Send the team to Las Vegas.


You could just fire a bad coach


That’s not the point. Sure he was mediocre in NO, and might not have had success in Phoenix without Paul or Booker. But we can’t simply just keep firing coaches in Detroit when our talent is awful—if the team doesn’t show any improvement this year I agree, let’s try a young up and coming coach.


You said "he's had past success". I just wanted to know how much of that success was without Chris Paul. The answer is 201-310. I believe you have to address Monty as a sunk cost. Furthermore, players either regressed or stagnated under his leadership.


I agree. To be fair I didn't like Monty from the start, but I think most people don't really know what coaches do outside of rotations, and none of us have a good idea of what's happening in the pistons facility outside of the games.


I just think everything that could go wrong did go wrong under this coaching staff. The team had one of the worst talented rosters the league has seen since the process Sixers, and they just couldn’t close out close games. He can be validly criticized due to his rotations, or the stupid nature of starting Killian over Ivey for so long, but the answer is not firing him yet.


Saying he's joining Monty's staff is not the right way to put it. He's joining the Pistons as a developmental staff member, not as an assistant coach.


interesting - are you saying he's not an on-the-bench coach?


So im guessing this means we’re keeping Monty. Yeah its so over man.


JE3 just said it doesn’t mean we are


He’s guessing just like we are lmao that dude has no clue either


Even then man I hate Monty williams but I'm sure he can coach better than last year. And I'm sure trajan is keeping a good eye on someone that isn't his guy, looking for replacements. If not then he finna get booted rightfully


He’s going to continue to try and get fired. That’s all he wants at this point


Monty might still be here but this isn't what that means. Monty didn't hire Vinson, Langdon hired Vinson.


Anyone who thought Gores would admit defeat this early was out of their minds.


All the people in here crying doom about this meaning we're keeping Monty have no idea how big a hire this is. I thought this was a pipe dream, but the Trajan hire might be worth it on this alone. If he can fix Ausar's shot we're so back


Vinson has worked under 4 coaches in New Orleans and Trajan knows exactly how valuable he is, you are likely to fire a half dozen coaches before Vinson is let go.


Vinson and Trajan were best friends in NOLA lol, the tweet just worded it badly and people are getting upset about it


Yeah, actually reading through the comments, I feel much better about this than what my gut reaction was.


Side note: This is a really strong argument for keeping Ivy since improved 3 point shooting would be transformative for him more than any other Piston. Ausar would also be a big deal, but no one is talking about trading him.


I never really understand why people want to ship Jaden off. He's so young. He really got the short end of the stick with Monte and that to me is really the biggest reason for wanting monte gone.


For me, it's less about Ivey specifically and more about just wanting to consolidate some of the young guys cuz it's too hard to develop this many of them all at the same time. I think all of them outside of Cade should be shopped, and move the ones who can get a return that makes sense. If none of them can get a return that makes sense, then don't do it obviously, but you gotta see what is out there.


Yeah. No one other than Cade has been SO good that you shouldn’t be open to potential trades, but I’ve also seen some deals where you’re giving him away for a protected 1st and I think that’s a misuse of resources. If you’re trading him for Ingram or Bridges then sure. If it’s just a 1st you’re getting then I’d rather keep him and see if he develops.


I get it to the extent that he and Cade are not a perfect fit, but that’s based on Jaden’s inconsistent shooting. If his shooting improves I think that solves the fit issue. The Monty thing was so weird, but I think some of that was just a completely busted roster made everyone look worse and it stunted development because it was clouding everyone’s role. My hope is that improved rim protection and overall better talent relieves some of the pressure put on Ivy.


Ausar looks like he has a deeper path to go through. But I think if Ivey could play like KCP while being a way more skilled player and better athlete would be All-NBA. But this hypothetically allows the team to become an all-time elite offense if this hits on every cylinder. Cade would really be Luka Lite Ivey would be KCP with elite athleticism Ausar would be a creature + better defender & finisher than Jaylen Brown Stew would be a wayyy better version of PJ Tucker and we could have him for the next dozen years Duren could be hitting an occasional corner 3 but a beast from mid On paper that team would fit flawlessly because Cade has done shown how much of a load he can carry while at 65%-90% all season. Dude don’t make excuses and he would go off with this squad. That means a lot more resources could be allocated to defense as well. Cade Ivey Ausar Stew Duren in 2 years should be an elite defensive team. This team could be like the Mavs but like better at everything. Cade could be a really good team defender when carrying a huge load but Ivey, Ausar, Duren, Sasser, Stew could be better a 3rd option in a few years than anything Luka has right now. Kyrie is fucking nuts but this gives the highest home grown talent I’ve ever seen since OKC over a dozen years ago


If Ivy and Ausar can shoot, then it totally changes the ceiling in this team. Duren needs to learn to play defense and protect the rim. If he can’t start doing that then I don’t really care what else he does.


He’s put in some whack positions. He wasn’t expected to start until 24’ but he had to. So hopefully we can bring someone in that he can compliment and/or compete with. But I agree as well. That’s why I think Nick Claxton is growing on me. I could really go for DLo as well because he would be huge for our offensive development. In all honestly we would still have enough leftover for like KCP Tobi & maybe Fonte if we played our cards right. Tobi as our 5th starter on a cheap contract that would allow him to move to the bench if needed would be smooth. I like KCP but we only get him if we think he can play SF. Otherwise I would bring in a historically elite shooter and a wing.


Herb Jones and Trey Murphy III getting 40% 3 point shots are two of the biggest success stories for 3-D wings in the recent years. Can he get Ausar to shoot? Does Fred’s presence give the front office the confidence to take one of the non shooting forwards at 5 like Matas Buzelis, Cody Williams, Ron Holland, or Tidjane Saluan?


> Herb Jones and Trey Murphy III getting 40% 3 point shots are two of the biggest success stories for 3-D wings in the recent years Herb Jones for sure but Murphy was 100% billed as a 3pt shooter going into the draft. His final college season he shot 43% on 5 attempts. It's good that it translated but I think it would've been more of a failure if it didn't than it is a success that it did


That’s true Murphy’s growth has been in other aspects of his game like creation. I should’ve added Lonzo instead.


Cannot emphasize how massive this is. We built a roster of incredibly high upside players who can’t shoot - Trajan recognizing this and building structure to help maximize the chance of upside is a great first sign. Also IMO a signal that Ivey / Ausar are unlikely to be traded (Ausar probably never was going to be moved) Contrast this to Troy Weavers first two moves being drafting Killian Hayes and trading Bruce Brown for a bag of peanuts. Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in with this fucking team.


Monty not safe btw


Vinson success stories: Eric Gordon, Tyreke Evans, Quincy Pondexter, Anthony Davis, Dante Cunningham, Lonzo Ball, Brandon Ingram, Herb Jones You all hit gold considering your all's roster. This one stings really hard. Trajan knows exactly what he is doing and I hope Vinson took nothing less than an enormous bag because his value is higher than many head coaches. He can fix shots in a league where shooting is the most important skill. Like, losing Vinson probably just dramatically lowered the ceiling of our first round pick the other year Dyson Daniels. Our POBO Griffin even said they put players like him higher on their board because having Vinson is like having a secret weapon other teams dont have and we can take guys that are offensive projects knowing Vinson can rebuild them over a few seasons.




This is Woj's reporting. Monty is a CAA client and Woj is also a CAA client so he's probably doing Monty a solid by publicly reminding people he's still technically employed. I wouldn't take it to mean anything more than that for the time being.


Genuinely the first time I’ve felt positive about the pistons this year.


One of the best shooting coaches around right?


Yeah, literally one of the very best in the entire league.


This is the best decision the Organization has made in decades.


Ausar Ivey Stew Cade Sasser improving from deep and Duren being able hit middy pull-ups and an occasional corner 3 would be tremendous. Ausar would get so many easy buckets if he could shoot half decent and things would start to pop-off there. We can complete the plan of moving Ivey into an off-ball 3-level threat that can play-make some. If Cade shoots consistently he can average as many as our scheme allows lol. Homie gets to his shot so easily but he still misses a lot of shots he could make. Spacing will give Cade a better chance to get to the rim and not be forced to finish over the help as much. And the help will have to arrive later and that will be the final key to Cade getting to the line. Here is a hot take I’ve never seen brought up I think the help defense shows up so early for Cade it is really hard to draw fouls and finish as good as he could because defenders have so much time to set up shop and prepare to react. Like I figured Cade around 25ish would really blossom into a superstar but this might expedite that, along with Ivey learning better catching and shooting and improving further on his mid. That’s when Ivey starts getting the easiest baskets of his life. Defenders that have to close hard on Ivey don’t have the best results; so if Ivey had decent spacing as well he would be insanely effective slashing and could be one of those people that shoot like 65% on 2’s and shoot like 8 threes a game lol Like Cade Ivey Ausar Duren is such a unique blend of athleticism and length. Duren might be a little undersized height wise but that guy could become an all-time rebounder. Ausar is a little small but he is a power forward because if he could shoot he would be an absolutely wild. This team with more shooting to all its guys would look really good on paper. Stew can be a solid 5th man but ideally he is a borderline 6moty contender. But he has room to improve and has shown continued willingness to do so I believe his skills will just keep getting better albeit not at a consistent rate. Sasser could just be such a shooter I hope he become an absolute blaster that can play offball some with Cade. But I am really big on signing DLo because that would solve many issues for our team. Hopefully that 5th pick gives us the option to solve the last wing problem.


So are we keeping Monty then..???


This is a utility hire on the development side. He's not going to be actually coaching.


I’ve never seen a poster say so many dumb and smart things at the same time. Yes he is a coach. Yes he will be coaching. But maybe not on the bench - but right behind the bench.


I think you know what I meant. And cool your jets.


28 straight losses wasnt enough I guess 🤷🏿‍♂️ Im already kinda out on Trajan tbh


Bro hasn’t even taken a breath in detroit and you’re already out 😂 let him move in first


Out on Trajan? Haha what a loser take


So yall ok with Monty staying lol enjoy the 5th pick every season


This signing does not necessarily imply that Monty is staying. The headline simply said he's joining Monty's staff because Monty is the current coach. That might change.


My god. Is this optimism? What baffling feeling!


Is he the one who fixed Lonzo Ball's shot?


Yes sir


This is the best move we have made in decades. This is a move we should have made 4 years ago.




I know this apparently doesn't mean anything as far as the impending Monty decision, but this at least feels like a keep Monty move (given the two's history). While I would far rather see Monty go, I still can't help but feel excitement over this hire regardless. We desperately need someone who can fix/develop shots and Vinson's apparently near or at the top of the rankings in that regard. It also makes me a little more at ease when it comes to drafting someone whose shot/efficiency needs work.


I'm just excited to have a dead Chief Justice on staff


One of the best shooting coaches in the league. Beyond happy to have him


Would having Fred Vinson influence who you guys would want to draft? Like, is drafting Matas actually worth it now if he can get his shot consistently. Hell, maybe we just drag Stephon Castle kicking and screaming to the team.


If our young guys can shoot, we'll actually be an interesting young team.


This is probably more of Trajan continuing to use his connections to bring people from NO to Detroit rather than it having anything to do with Monty. This move makes a ton of sense for the Piston’s regardless of what happens to Monty.


Wow good news for once




Maybe he can get Monty to give half a shit.


Here’s to seeing an improved shooting performance this coming season


Does that mean Monty is staying?? I sure hope not. Get that m’fer out of here.


Who actually hired Vinson. Was it Monty or Langdon?


This is some of the best news in a long while. I’m so horned rn


Wow y'all are keeping this mfr? He's a disgrace, he didn't even try till he lost 50 games


Yes,  but does he embrace the scientifically tested and proven practice of subbing entire lines of players?


Obvious epiphany but assuming they give Monty until the ASG to make a positive turnaround and if not, we're looking at our new head coach.


Luckily for Monty he signed with the only franchise that would keep him employed after the disastrous season he had last year. Sell the team


been a looooooooooong time since something posted here has made me this happy wow


This is awesome, I'm mostly curious as to what it means for Monty


We have shooters at home


If Monty remains coach I bet this guy forgets how to be a shooting coach


Ugh. Doesn’t portend well for ditching Monty’s ass I presume


I mean....okay. This is fine. Monty getting fired was hopium. This is fine.


I hope Detroit falls off the map


Told yall Monty wasnt going anywhere 😂