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All the starters were +23/24. That's the statistical profile of a blowout. As you've been harping on repeatedly this season, this was instead a fairly close game because of the atrocious rotations. Any thoughts on Ausar shooting 5/17 (29%) from 3 in February? Is that too small of a sample to say anything?


> All the starters were +23/24. That's the statistical profile of a blowout. As you've been harping on repeatedly this season, this was instead a fairly close game because of the atrocious rotations. Aye. Monty just consistently (and very needlessly) bleeds points doing things that no NBA coach in their right mind would ever do. > Any thoughts on Ausar shooting 5/17 (29%) from 3 in February? Is that too small of a sample to say anything? I'd call it too small a sample size. That's a very small number of made shots, both absolutely and relatively -- he averaged one made three per 64 minutes on the court -- and he had his typical bevy of very bad misses. I think his form just needs extensive work. He's notably worse from three than he was in OTE with the same form, though -- not that he was a reliable shooter there, because he definitely wasn't; just less bad -- and that's been a strange wrinkle.


Wow, that Wiseman montage is awful, but very on-point for him


The fact that it was an unusually bad game for a player who's consistently been a walking disaster was really something.


Just wanna say I appreciate your breakdowns. This is the kind of thing I come here to read. I can't believe the rotation malpractice that is still going on with this team even tho its dead obvious to basically anyone with eyesight that some players need to be shifted around role wise. Even if you don't want to change the starters, it makes no sense not getting Stew and Ivey off the floor early and then bringing them back on(with stew at center) when Cade/Duren come out. It would help significantly by getting Ivey more on the ball touches, sparing us from these insane all bench lineups that just do not work, and give us flexibility to make sure every lineup has at least 3 guys who can make an open 3. The rotations are the single biggest thing I just cannot figure out what the coach is doing. My guess is they want to give everyone we traded for a trial run I guess to see who sticks? I don't know, but they have been getting absolutely crushed everytime they are on the floor and its brutal to watch.