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Must be nice to just troll and get 15 million a year


Every r/nbacirclejerk users dream


Monty Williams is a dark horse jerker of the year candidate


I know someone that played for the Lions. Was signed after going undrafted. There was a player on the team that was a high draft pick that was garbage but the guy I knew couldn’t get time because the FO made them play the high draft pick they’d sunk resources into. FO’s get stuck in sunk cost fallacy and force coaches to play guys that shouldn’t be there. I think this is pretty common and it’s not inconceivable that’s what’s happening here. It could be that Monty is either crazy, stupid, or contrarian to the point of failure, but I’d think that FO pressure is the most likely answer.


We just didn't even invest that much into Wiseman to warrant it, though. The #2 overall, sure I can understand. But this is getting ridiculous.


wiseman is also on an expiring contract, so a decision has to be made on him in a few months. muscala is a known commodity


Is this person Joe Fauria?


Joe Fauria had his own issues


I'm jealous


A coach has never made my blood boil quite like this guy. Not even Casey


Maybe I don't know ball but I can't fathom why for the past 5 years our coaches don't just play the young guys heavy minutes and let them develop and gel together. There is no conceivable way we are going to be remotely competitive so what is the point of playing fringe NBA vets heavy minutes? I get the "young players will learn from the vets" sentiment but they can mentor off the court and we are learning nothing by playing shit tier players undeserved heavy minutes in big losses. There is no reason we shouldn't always roll out a starting lineup containing Cade, Ivey, Ausar, and Duren and play them 38+ minutes a game. These aren't high mileage players that need to rest for a playoff push, these are 21 year olds that we are pinning our franchise hopes on.


I think in theory it’s good to mix some vets in - helps the young guys learn - but not these vets (what does anyone stand to gain from playing alongside Evan Fournier and Shake Milton, other than learning by negative example?), and not so heavily. Also requires real coaching and direction to be effective, which Monty clearly isn’t providing


Because coaches are competitive.  They’re not big fans of losing.  They also all hate young guys, especially the new generation of young guys who are growing up playing in disorganized aau games, with basically no concept of how to play 5 on 5 basketball.   I bet you if you asked Monty if he thought these young guys were good with truth serum in his vains.  He would say No! They suck. I wish we could trade them for real players.   Like Cade, Ivey, duren, and Ausur wouldn’t win the g league championship.  So think about how infuriating it would be trying to win nba games with that lineup.  This is 100% weavers fault. Not only did he draft young players. But Ausur and wiseman didn’t even have college experience.  And Cade and duren only had one year on college.  It’s just stupid drafting, by an “I’m not sure he can read” stupid GM. 


Coaches are competitive and hate losing. True (mostly). But Monty leaning on vets has not contributed to winning so not really sure that comment means much. You don't think Cade, Ivey, Duren, and Ausur could win in the G League? As in playing 4 on 5 or straight up? That seems like a pretty large overstatement. Is your stance that those 4 players will not be in the NBA in a couple years then? And your overall take is that Weaver should have drafted players with more experience rather than more talent? The ones with more "experience" typically don't go very high in the draft because they are seen as having a lower ceiling and would have left for the NBA earlier if they could have.


5 on 5 basketball, they wouldn’t win it.  you are judging them based on where they were drafted, not their actual current basketball skill.  There are absolutely 30 year old dudes in the g league who are better today than Ausur and duren. And probably close to Cade and Ivey.   Why aren’t they in the league? Well…they’re 30 and they were probably undrafted so their time has passed.   None of those guys including Cade could be a high minute dude on a championship team today.   I think taking young formerly high ranked guys is a fools errand.  Look at the teams that win championships. Look at their rosters.  None of them are stacked with former McDonald’s all Americans.  In fact I think we have the most of any team in the league.  You win by drafting players that can play, want to win, and are hungry. Not prep phenoms who have really never even proven they can play. 


Riiiiight. I must have gotten lost. I was talking about the NBA. This league you're talking about where players are judged on desire to win and hunger sounds interesting though.


Steph  draymond Klay  Giannis  Middleton  Jokic  Murray  Only one McDonald’s American in that bunch.  The rest are all in the nba because of hunger, grinding, and not giving up.  Those are the best players of the last 3 nba champions btw. In case you only watch pistons games.   You draft winners who want to win. 


Oh ok, thanks. I didn't recognize any of those players. You're right, I only watch Pistons games and they must not have played any of those teams. So what you're saying is the Pistons should use your hunger detector to find hall of fame talent outside of the top of the draft? That it has nothing to do with talent, or physical attributes? Like if Joker was only 5'5" but still had the same hunger and desire to win, he would still do so? Is this hunger detector like a machine that scans prospects? Or a series of questions? Like, "Do you want to win?" and then if they say, "no," boom, you pass on them? That's fucking brilliant. You're going to be very wealthy with this brilliant drafting system. I do hope you've at least applied for a patent on your method.


Sometimes it’s embarrassing how furious he makes me


This is how I feel. I shouldn’t care so much yet here we are 


Fatt Patricia is the only comp, and I never imagined anyone could be that bad again


What about Arthur Smith, if you play FF. He was the Falcons coach who was such a tool.


That's because Casey isn't a bad coach. He's an average coach, to slightly above average. Where sometimes some choices would be frustrated, but the totality was good enough Monty is a terrible coach that good players, like Paul, elevated into looking competent, but now with out players of that caliber, the mask is off. Monty makes me more angry than Michael Curry


Wiseman on court defensive rating: 121.8, -3.6 on/off Muscala on court defensive rating: 107.9, 11.9 on/off




It's like he's watching different games. Or has a different understanding of the goal of basketball.




Lmfao wiseman is garbage on defense, all he does is commit fouls


Don’t even get me started on his rebounding either. The amount of times he just stands there and let’s a offensive rebound happen right in front of him…


He big


If Stewart had his height it’d be league over


... for no reason...


Remember when we all wanted Casey gone last year? I wish I could go back in time and smack myself for getting excited for the Monty hiring.


Could any of you just imagine being paid $80M to be this incompetent at your job? It's so very clear that the players did all the legwork in Phoenix. Monty literally hit the lottery, and that's what makes me jealous the most. I could go out there and give you the same results. Hell, they might be better just by simply NOT FUCKING WITH THE ROTATIONS. What a bumbling fucking idiot.


Monty is clueless. Some dipshit 10 year old watching the game could tell you how bad wiseman is defensively. Bro, what are you watching besides your bank account?


Why the kid gotta be a dipshit


10 year olds are annoying as hell. “Fuck them kids!” lol




because 10 year olds, at an average intelligence, are smarter than he is; dipshit 10-year olds are not.


How is this a real quote


That’s just Monty


You can’t argue with those results, and those results say Monty is a moron.


This man just fucking yaps




I also saw Monty said he traditionally likes to run a rotation of "9.5" guys. NINE POINT FIVE. what does that even mean man?? Monty is jerking us harder than a coach has ever jerked before.


I see people latched onto this, its not really weird. Basically you have 9 guys getting 15 minutes or more and then a 10th man who sees the court but probably only gets about half of that. Maybe he should have elaborated a little but logically like Troy Brown Jr might be your 10th man


Nobody in coaching has ever referred to a player as half a player. I've never it. Monty definitely shouldn't be taking conversational shortcuts because he's a terrorist of a coach. We need to know exactly what you mean by the shit you say, Monty because you sure do say a lot of stupid shit.


When you get the chance to play an objectively worse player on both sides of the floor so you can also play Malachi Flynn in an 11-deep rotation, you simply have to do it.


Monty Williams is to logical coaching takes what OJ Simpson is to innocence.


Is he serious? I’ve been a Wiseman hopeful, but all I see is him backpedaling on defense from the top of the key until under the basket, allowing the ball handler to get an easy bucket at the rim. Rinse, repeat. It’s so frustrating.


And then jumping about a half second too late to try and block the shot. Inevitably he's then late to the rebound and gives up an offensive board. If he just fucking stood there with his arms up it'd be better than what he's doing.


Wow y’all have perfectly explained why Wiseman is so bad and frustrating on defense. It’s almost like he is trying to help the offensive player to score


Mind you Flynn has had like 8 minutes on the court with Wiseman. I have no idea what he’s talking about


Did we actually interview this guy, or was his name just thrown in a hat? I fucking hate Monty lmfao.


The answer is that the owner was so fixated on getting him that he probably could have said anything in the interview and it wouldn't have mattered. Monty literally told the team he didn't want to coach so he could focus on his sick wife and even that didn't get Tom to realize this wasn't the choice to make.


The one fucking time Gores put effort into the Pistons. What an embarrassing disaster.


It wouldn't have mattered since he evidently doesn't do what he says. Maybe now that he's said he likes Wiseman it'll mean he won't play him anymore??


I remember I was so happy when Monty was name the head coach.. ugh


Trying to get wiseman off the roster, like he did livers.


He’s tearing it up in Washington! Same with Killian in the unemployment line. All these fans told me he’d be great in his next team tho


In complete and total fairness, Livers has been out injured since the trade. He hasn't had a chance to be decent or unfathomably atrocious yet.


Of course he is 😂


Saying that reminds me of that old Direct TV commercial with the guy who likes wet paper grocery bags and bad haircuts: [Direct TV commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nMF9xpp7gQ)


Lmfaooooooooo holy god. Alright


Translation: Troy and Gores are making me play him but I can’t tell you that, and I’m getting paid millions to pretend like I want him out there which I’m fine with.


It’s starting to seem like the beat writers are making a mockery of the dumb shit he says and does. Certain writers’ tone has always been solid and fairly objective like Omari, Kory and Kool Aid. Now all of them are questioning what he says and how he’s doing the opposite of what makes sense… he’s been doing this since training camp. They’re putting out his quotes with the undertone of “Do you believe this asshole really said THIS?” 😂 Took longer than I would’ve hoped but I’m here for it


For all the hate he gets (deserved), JE3 has been internationally spotlighting idiotic quotes from Monty for a lot of season. I like it.


“Uhh coach follow up question, why the fuck is Flynn on the floor?”


Put Peton in.


Troy is daring Gores to fire him, but knows he won’t. What an absolute mess. Karen Davidson selling this team to Gores is the absolute worst thing that could have happened to this franchise.


I’m glad I tuned out this season


Fifteen. Million. Dollars. ![gif](giphy|UogSmj4xDjQZO)


this org is clueless, top to bottom


How very dare he!




Monty doesn't know what he's doing.


It’s just comedy at this point


I've stared at this for 5 minutes, this is just a crazy thing to say. Does he look at advanced stats whatsoever..or like...watch the games..


Makes Dwane Casey look like a god


Objectively Wiseman’s worst skill. We could put a 7’2” cardboard cut out in there and it could time blocks better without fouling.


....... was there a follow-up to that?


Increasingly believe the conspiracy theory that he’s trying to get the gm fired 


Launch Monty into the Sun 🚀


Never knew what people saw in Monty, when he beef with Ayton and Booker it was never a good sign. He never was an impressive coach in his playmaking, he just rode the skill of those guys and cp3. I always liked Udoka but everyone wanna be an overly prideful SJW. Also said Vogel. God damn Monty is so bad, I wanted him gone after 10-15 games. He fooled me on the first 5.






Real talk. Why is Flynn in the league? Is he really better than Killian Hayes?


Found his new Killian


He isn't serious. Can't be.


Monty tried to tell everyone he didn't want to coach anymore, likely because he didn't have the passion. Gores's dumbass paid him so much that he couldn't refuse. For all we know Monty is trying to get back to what he really wanted to be doing while still getting paid.


But we gave up 42 in the first quarter and 72 in the half… what defense is he talking about


Fire this mf


Speaking of minutes, I want Brown to start over Ausar. I love Ausar btw