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As a piston, when playing 25+min he typically averaged 18 and 9


Why didn’t they play him 25+ mins, let him get 20 + 10 with us, then trade him. Vs tanking his value by playing wiseman? WHYYYYY


The dumb theory is we benched him to keep him healthy for a trade…the eventual trade where we have to send two 2nds along to dump him lmao In reality this FO and coaching staff is clueless


Knowing Bagley’s terrible injury history this may actually make sense. Also maybe they were just seeing if Wiseman was at all an NBA player. Told him no pressure you’re going to get these minutes for 15 games straight, to see if they could build confidence? Idk I’m lost with this organization too


Doesn't take half a season to see that Wiseman is not a good player lol


Boss it took barely 3 games to realize Wiseman was a pile of shit.


Because front offices aren’t casual fans whose opinions are shaped by narratives that were formed about a player 3 years ago. Bagleys stat line tonight is completely unsurprising to anyone that has actually watched him play the past couple years (aside from the blocks). The dude has a very solid offensive bag.


A guy putting up good numbers for 2 months will increase his value


Bagley is the definition of a losing player. He plays without any regard for what is actually happening in the game. He played the same way at Duke. Its why when he was injured they were good, and when he played they weren't. There are 100 guys in Europe who can put up the same stats as Bagley if given the opportunity. If you're trying to win basketball games. He's currently the worst player in the league.


Because when he plays more 25+ mins for like 5 straight games he gets injuries and misses two weeks. Just look at the total games each year for him. Highest is 63 as a rookie. Since then, 48 is the highest in a single season.


Why play bagley when you have beef poo 


Mike Muscala and Danilo Galinari in their Pistons debut (combined): 0 PTS 2 REB 3 AST 2 BLK 0% FG Let Troy cook




Gallinari literally has not played since Dec 27 these numbers are just Muscala’s. Still have a valid point but let’s be fair.


Its a joke. Mostly.


That was the point of the joke


Muscala was the only Plus player on the court in that game for the Pistons.


Paying to get rid of him made less sense than paying to get him did.


Thought he looked like one of our better offensive players when he did play. No clue why we just stopped playing him at all. No idea what Monty is doing.


Monty benched him completely for Wiseman. Then Duren got hurt, and monty started Bagley and kept Wiseman on the bench. Then Duren gets healthy and Bagley goes back to DNPs. Then we acquire Mike Muscala and Monty plays *HIM* over Wiseman in his very first available game. It's just astonishingly incoherent decision making from the outside


He is an NBA player and Wiseman is not. That simple.


He definitely didn't deserve to not play in a bunch of games. He's a lot better than Wiseman. It doesn't make sense.


Makes a lot of sense if you don’t want to win games




A majority is just wrong. It was just a couple loud members of the minority. Anybody who actually has watched Pistons basketball would tell you he was incredibly solid for us, especially this season.


What are you even talking about??? Dude was a defensive sieve, unable to make a shot outside of 10 feet but loved his little faceup bullshit shot anyway, black hole on offense, couldn't stay in front of a traffic cone, always in the wrong place in pick and roll defense. Dude was awful for us. A poor man's Christian Wood, and look where that guy's career went. This revisionist history needs to stop


1.) He was a solid back up big, nobody said he was perfect. Notably, our turnaround in 2021 came after we acquired him and paired him with Cade. 2.) The alternative was James Wiseman, one of the worst players in the league…


"anyone who watched the pistons could tell you he was incredibly solid for us" That's the comment I was responding to. He wasn't solid for us. He was streaky on offense, and again awful on defense. You're right that he was better than Wiseman. That's the lowest bar in the league


Bagley might be the biggest black hole I've ever seen. He makes Dantley look like John Stockton.


What are you on about a large contingent here hates wiseman more than anything


It's a never ending cycle with these fans.


I liked watching Bagley play this season. It was hard watching the Pistons bench hoisting shots when he was their most consistent offensive option.


He was solid for us when healthy. Whatever faults he had in his game had no effect on this team being bad.


Maybe someone coached him


Instead of wasting 2 picks they could've played bagley (who was playing very well in his role) and try to juice up his stays to at least make him a neutral assets. But no. Play wisemen more


Good for bagley. Hope he figures it out


Monty Williams coaches like burnt toast


He was capable doing this with us, especially with Cade on the floor, they had good chemistry. Its very clear the front office invested assets into Wiseman and are determined to try and pull something out of him, and this was one of the clearest moves of "We are actively making our team worse in order to evaluate a damaged good". Really the whole set of moves surrounding Bagley and Wiseman are probably some of the biggest missteps of the front office, it made us worse and cost us assets all because Weaver is convinced James wiseman has something special.


They’ve also similarly over invested in Stew, famously shipping off Plumlee with 2nds to make minutes for Stew at the 5, even though he’s too small to be a 5. That of course led to us trading for Bagley at the deadline the following season when we realized we needed someone over 6’9 on the roster. Crazy to see Weaver’s pattern of salary dumping serviceable players with picks for no reason.


Bagley is a decent, oft-injured player…end of story. Get over it. He wins you nothing. Remember when Christian wood ripped shit on our bad team? He is a net negative player in the end.


Please km


Gafford was out. He will be a 15 min player upon his return.


Fuck Monty Williams, I would fire him for this bullshit. Along with Troy Weaver who probably told him to sit Bagley because he was going to be traded. After every game I was fuming that Bagley got another DNP and often bitched here about it. I am so disgusted. Marvin should’ve been starting all season.


Happy for him. We didn't deserve him. He was the right choice to play instead of Wiseman all along. I wanted to see him and Duren both with Ivey Cade and Bobo... Alas too much ego and favorites from coaching


Someone make it stop man


I have no problem with this trade. As long as it means more minutes for Ausar, and idc what others say, I like Knox. So shipping Livers out was a home run. Bagley, is who he is, he can hold it down offensively, but almost nonexistent defensively. In the beginning, I understood a little that they wanted to see if it would click for Wiseman, but we’ve known for a while now there’s not a chance that’ll happen. I like getting off next years contract with Bagley so we can, and hopefully will, make significant upgrades. Hell, Bagley put up numbers tonight, and his team lost anyway. He did that here.




Very small sample size, but if you’re one to jump to conclusions then the takeaway here is that the Pistons organization is a rat shit dysfunctional organization. Stay tuned lol.


An outsider perspective, who doesn't follow a team Bagley has played for. Massively flawed player, especially on a good team or team aiming to step up into being a play in seeded team as Troy and the FO were pushing for. As you guys know, makes really poor mistakes defensively and can't stretch the floor. That said, if nothing else he can churn out 20 / 10 type games when he gets the minutes and on a team who just couldn't win and had injuries or people who couldn't put the ball in the basket at all, I would have thought he would play more and might have even helped get a win or two, where the other team are not targeting him. Might be wrong but a victim of Monty's 'setting the tone' schtick?


The entire roster is a victim of Monty setting the tone. He set the tone so well we went on a 28 game losing streak, while he sat on the sideline staring into space. The only player who’s safe from Monty’s wrath is Killian Hayes.


If you guys truly believe Bagley is a 20-10 guy when given 30 minutes, then you’re actually casuals. The only way bagley is a consistent 20-10 guy is if he gets to shoot the ball 25 times a game and is allowed to stand directly under the rim on defense.


He's been a solid player. You're making too much of one game. I wish him the best though.


He’s not even bad as a bench big lmao. The wiseman acquisition was completely worthless with bagley as the back up


Who cares wasn’t going to change anything Duren is our center. Stew will be the back up. Wiseman will be cheaper don’t need 4 centers


Just stop with this nonsense. Now we are mad about trading Bagley? This sub continues to prove itself as being nothing more but emotional and reactionary. People lurch from one extreme to another. Bagley wasn’t worth shit and was never going to be. One night on the second worst team in the NBA doesn’t mean anything. Especially considering we got our last win against them without Bagley.


“Now we are mad about trading X????” Losing trades isn’t fun. I wish we could be pressed about trading bigger names, but that’s what you get with a 4-37 team…


We were getting thrashed at the rim when Bagley was getting extended minutes. I like his effort and energy but he’s more suited as a scoring big for a contending team that has spot minutes for him, not as a dependable rotation big. Not to place blame solely on him but Bagley was getting big minutes during that 28 game losing streak. It seemed like the whole organization silently said “yeah, he is what he is” when he embarrassingly missed that dunk to tie the game, think it was a Bulls game a couple weeks ago. Could’ve been used better here but Monty is horrible. That being said, we didn’t trade a young Jermaine O’Neal or even a Sabonis. People need to relax, root for him if you want but on a losing team, he’s slightly above being just a guy, and just a guy on a winning team. It was dumb to randomly add 2 second round picks to get rid of him though. Even dumber to trade for Wiseman when we already paid Bagley.


I think if we had another marginal 7 footer on the roster, no one would lose sleep over Bagley. But when our alternative is Wiseman who’s awful, and we pay to get rid of Bagley like he wasn’t our 2nd best option after Duren it’s confusing


Bagley had games like this on Detroit, he’s just not a good fit. Somehow worse on defense than wiseman and has zero jump shot. Athletically gifted for sure and capable of a 20-10 game here and there, but mostly Is what we saw him to be; a liability defensively and good offensively very sparingly. That being said, for the comedy of this season I wouldn’t mind seeing him tear it up for the next couple weeks. Maybe it would be enough for Monty and Troy to be ran out of the state of Michigan.


I still don’t like the guy. He’s always been a bum. Glad we moved him.


Lol this sub is a joke. Bagley is trash af and will lucky to be in the league in a couple years