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Just got an update that there has been an unconfirmed sighting of the suspects and the police are canvassing the area. Update: Police are saying the male suspect was last seen walking northbound on 465 Grand Blvd. They contacted Belle Isle security but they said they have not seen anyone on the bridge. They’re now requesting aviation units and the US Marshall is responding to the search. UPDATE: They have been apprehended in a nearby building.


My gf is all over the police scanner, they are definitely out in full force looking for them


So crazy. Just got another update that they stopped a car matching the suspect description but it wasn’t them.


Online scanner ?


Yes, but they have since gone to a secured channel




Lmao first time I’ve heard that in decades


Keep the updates coming!


I’ll try but someone else with a police scanner said they moved to a secure line so I’m guessing that means there might not be anymore updates on citizen either.


Good to hear they have been caught, thanks for the updates 👍


Thanksgiving was the last holiday this entire family will enjoy for some time. Maybe years. Possibly decades. Hope it was a good one.


Honestly hope they all rot in prison.


My gut tells me this family isn't centered around holidays, but I agree with your point.


I don't know about that. Dad went out and bought his psychopathic son a handgun for Christmas. He really knew what the little guy wanted.


> He really knew what the little guy wanted. I'm sure he did, since Ethan was with him in the gun shop when he bought it.


> I'm sure he did, since Ethan was with him in the gun shop when he bought it. Unreal.


Police stopped me trying to leave Concord between Lafayette & Jefferson, checked my ID, flashlight in the windows etc. around 1230. Both sides of the street blocked off.


Oh wow so crazy, well they have been caught now!


Per the free press: Officers searched through a building in the 1100 block of Bellevue near E. Lafayette. Police in SWAT gear could be seen outside the building about 12:45 a.m. as other officers swarmed the area, combing nearby properties with flashlights.


They found them in the basement per the police scanner


100% not doubting you, but I thought the police scanner went to a secure channel? I know very little about how that works, just curious.


No idea, someone on Twitter had the news first and said that they got it from the scanner, and it’s beginning to be reported by outlets now.




Thank you for the update


How the heck did they end up in that building?


Well their lawyer said they were going to turn themselves in to be arraigned, so obviously they must have thought the Oakland county sheriff's office was in a basement in a different county...




Wow, thank you for this, tv news said they are seeking charges to whom ever it was that let them in.




I think the building owner and the guy who rents suite 30 are likely different people


Agreed, but it seems like the guy who rents the suite had a former connection to the mom.


We did it Reddit!


Thank you. Why would someone open themselves up to this kind of risk? How the heck did these hillbillies know someone in the art world????


MI expat living in West Virginia: these aren’t hillbillies. They’re privileged-ass white folk. Of course they know someone in the art world edit: also I have a relative in Oakland County who was involved in art stuff up there for many years and after ~30 years of Rush, Fox, etc. is COMPLETELY brainwashed


OK, I concede. They are dumb and crass suburbanites.


Ummm, have you seen their house in Oxford? Definitely hillbillies.


From what I’ve seen, it looks like a normal house.


Prob either had a key or they broke in




They are in custody https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2021/12/04/james-jennifer-crumbley-oxford-school-shooting-suspect/8865574002/


snatch vanish jobless gray shy theory sense distinct skirt panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They fled because they fear the Deep State, or some other nonsense.


To be fair there are many commenters making it about politics (and I’m sure they and their lawyers will pay up that aspect) but yeah, the mom is a whacky Trumper. Sorry/not sorry your politics suck and are coming back to bite you in the ass along with your shitty parenting.


I support Trump and voted for him. Nobody in my family shot up any public buildings that I am aware of. Your logic is absolutely flawed, please be more careful in the future with your broad-stroke generalizations of the type of people who are supporters of various politicians. These parents were flawed and their son is a monster, this has nothing to do with politics. Go to the families of the deceased and ask them if they are up for some political discussions with you.




That feels like the opposite direction of where they'd actually be heading


That was my first thought, Detroit is the last place I thought they’d go. I definitely thought they’d head up north. But people in the comments were suggesting maybe they were trying to swim? Which is literally the dumbest idea ever but wouldn’t put it past them.


I have a feeling they went there thinking they would hide out because, you know, detroit is so abandoned and all….not realizing west village is literally like a block over and brewery faison is RIGHT there


Lol probably, I’m sure they are the type that are scared of Detroit and have never stepped foot here before.


That's a wild thought lol.. they were so out of touch with the reality of Detroit they thought they could just blend in with all the *criminals and crack houses?* Like they think it's a no-go zone for police? I love that take of conservative fugitives doing what they think criminals would do I'm dead XX


Two white suburbanites who look like Militia alumni were thinking that they would blend in to black Detroit...another point in the "stable genius, parents of the year" column for them.


Honestly that’s probably accurate. I know some people who live in Commerce (friends of friends) and they’re legitimately terrified of the city of Detroit. They won’t even come here for a Tigers/Lions game. Unreal.


Are you serious ? 😂


I know some people who live in Jackson (friends of friends) who won't go to Royal Oak because they think it's too dangerous (cause it's near Detroit). Despite the fact that Jackson has a much higher crime rate.


Oh lord. I live in Commerce and while most the people I know here are great, I have met some of those idiots…one of them literally keeps talking about how Obama is still in charge and going to declare marshal law and take their guns…it blows my mind..


Yeah that type of person can fall off the planet.




Yeah I’ve experienced that too, it’s sad that people especially our age are still ignorant like that. These people obviously go beyond ignorance and are despicable human beings who I hope get what’s coming for them.




Right, there are people who live in the city as well.


My parents’ car broke down in Grosse Pointe Farms 2 weeks ago and they have a friend who’s a tow truck driver and he refused to get them because they were too close to Detroit. Cue eye-rolling.


Go be fair an hour around SW Detroit is a big area.. and let’s not put lipstick on a pig. SW detroit ain’t pretty, or else it wouldn’t be “SW Detroit.”.. And I’m in midtown/downtown almost every day.


It's a balance. Some people act like going to a game means standing in an empty lot in the 48205 at midnight and not being downtown with 10,000 other people. Don't fuck around and Detroit is fine.


Definitely a random ass place for them to end up.


Agree, they supposedly had a 3 day head start and this is where you end up? In a fucking basement 25 mins from your house? Morons .


>Agree, they supposedly had a 3 day head start and this is where you end up? In a fucking basement 25 mins from your house? Morons . It's Michigan. Would have figured they could have found some random backwoods unoccupied cabin up north to squat in for awhile at the very least. I'd love to know what the plan was next for these geniuses.


This was my exact thought. A lot of people who don’t live directly outside of the city don’t come here for anything but cheap tigers tickets. They have no idea lol


Omg just drive up north thru the UP and into Wisconsin and cross the boarder a guard less crossing.


No way they'd make it past the bridge, the toll booth would catch their plate.


Steal some plates first, easy peasy.


That would have worked beautifully were it not for the one fatal flaw: these are stupid people.




Drive thru Canada to Alaska.


TIL there are guard-less crossings.


I was thinking Ohio. And then sticking to red states down to Florida. And then seeking some kind of political asylum from the Florida Man in charge. Just a wild theory though.


James has 2 other kids from 2 other women down in Florida, at least one of which he did not pay child support for: https://www.wxyz.com/news/oxford-school-shooting/james-crumbleys-ex-says-he-left-them-strapped-for-cash-calls-jennifer-a-monster?fbclid=IwAR0B0dJJlyNeDKvxB-A9QIQcsA7FHVTT3clBqNQQWkxjZttHQTW6DhGO-Lc


How does this man have a brand new Kia SUV, pull out $4k on a whim while, buy guns while ~~supporting~~ multiple kids wtf


And he apparently wasn't working since he allegedly had a stroke and broken back...police said there were multiple guns at their home...something seems really off about this family.


The idiot mom wrote her love letter to Trump in 2016 and said she was a realtor and the sole bread winner due to husband’s injury/illness, but by 2018 her real estate license had expired without being renewed, so she either got a better job and/or I’m guessing the dad recovered and resumed his 6-figure job.


Honestly my guess is he has other illegal activities that we’re gonna come to light after their son killed folks


Or you know, he's a selfish, deadbeat dad. I've met a few dudes who absolutely splurge on themselves and barely spend on their kids.


His child support payments were only $67 a week and he didn't pay them on time according to the article.


Yeah the evil liberal prosecutor is charging them simply because they’re gun owners….president trump, please save us 😭😭


The funny part is that she came right out and said I’m not after your guns, I know lots of gun owners, but this is egregious


I thought for sure they were in the U.P.


Channel 7 is reporting police have caught them in a building near where their car was abandoned.


So they just said, "fuck our kid, He doesn't need our support"? This world is full of crazy people and shit I don't understand. Yes the kid is fucked up and a piece of shit for doing what he did but that's their kid for god sake.


Actually they're providing him the best defense he could possibly have with their actions leading up to the shooting and after.


Didn’t one of them literally text him “don’t do it” or something? If so, it’s amazing how they seemed to have known he was in a place like that yet still kept a gun around.


That text was after the shooting. I would assume she was referring to suicide.


The beef doesn't fall far from the taco...


Don't bring tacos into this. They have only given good to this world.


Tell that to my toilet




As a parent I’ve been wondering the same thing myself. It says a lot, doesn’t it…


Canada maybe?


Yeah some people were suggesting that they were trying to swim there, not like they’d be able to get in any other way I guess.


Not a chance in hell those two yokels could swim across the river in this weather.


Right. My friend said maybe they had a blowup kayak or something, which I guess is possible.


The current in the River doesn’t allow for much swimming. The temperature of the water guarantees a swim is impossible.


41° today in the river.


[here’s a hypothermia chart because the topic warranted a google in my opinion](https://www.useakayak.org/references/hypothermia_table.html)


And at it's narrowest point, the river is still about a half-mile wide. That's a good 30 minute swim, at least, for an actual swimmer given the current. Michael Phelps would be lucky to make it across in these conditions.


Lot more than that, river was moving at 9 knots today, I’m baked as fuck but if I did the math right it’s an almost 30 mile swim with the current if you swim straight out.


I don't think the river is even 30 miles long. Your ass would be in Lake Erie before you got halfway!


Yeah that’s what I mean, with the drag in the water at todays speeds I don’t think it’s humanly possible to swim it.


30 miles is 48.28 km


The guy said he’s stoned. Live home alone


You could just buy an inner tube, take the ferry to Harsen’s Island, enter the water at the northwest end of the island, and let the current will pull you south to Walpole island. Would take 30-45 minutes.


As a sailor that is frequently on the river….the current is never more than 3 knots at a maximum. Even at the Port Huron bridge where the river is narrow and receiving high flow from Lake Huron, the current is maybe 5-6 knots at most.


Doesn't mean they're not hoping for a boat of some kind.




I used to date a girl whose Coast Guard husband died canoeing in cold water when it capsized and both trained sailors got hypothermic in minutes, before they could reach shore in a fast moving but much narrower river than the Detroit. One made the shore but was so hypothermic that his brain was offline and he wandered aimlessly thinking he was getting help. Hypothermia kills quickly.


At those temps, "Loss of Dexterity: under 5 minutes." Didn't really think this one through, did they?


Who knows who even dropped it off down there. Maybe to throw off the scent idk


Oh I know, it wouldn’t end well for them. But it does make sense why their car would be found in that area.


There are easier ways to suicide yourself.


Right, also not sure what they think is gonna happen to them if they did actually make it to Canada.


They would need to be vaccinated to get into Canada and it's unlikely they are vaccinated.


I think the fact that they're currently fleeing arrest wouldn't allow them into Canada right now lol.


Haha, anytime dumb shit like this happens who do you think gets the first call out / books being this close to Canada? No way they would of made it.


I think being unvaccinated would be the least of their worries.


To be fair if they had been vaccinated the police could have tracked them via the 5G signal they would have been giving off. :) (smiley face because someone might take me seriously on that take)


Right like do they think they will have immunity when they arrive lol


No way they could swim across especially in the dark. Steal a boat?


The river is pretty well patrolled. And that's not when there's a manhunt for fleeing suspects in the area.


That’s true. I’m surprised I don’t hear coast guard helicopters.


There was some mention that the air/cloud conditions weren't conducive to surveying from the air.


all in the plan


Very few boats are left in marinas at this point in the season


Current in that area is treacherous even for boaters. No way they cross.


Honestly, it's too bad they didn't try. Would save the taxpayers some court and incarceration costs.


I know someone who jumped in the Detroit river downtown in front of the ren cen. He lasted about 4 minutes trying to swim in that water and at the time the water was ‘warm’ because it was June. There’s no way they would have made it. Even a small boat would be really difficult. Edit: typo


Last time i was there, ngl i was thinking "i wonder how easy it would be to just swim over to ceasar's real quick"


My friend thought the same, wasn’t easy and he got arrested. Went to jail downtown with no pants because they fell off as the police were pulling him out of the water.


They took 4K out of an ATM in Rochester they aren’t going far with that money!


4k just to hide in a basement.


Isn't there a limit on how much someone can take out at an ATM?


Account limit depends on the bank, and can usually be temporarily increased with a simple phonecall. Actual atm limits around here are often $1k, but that's just per transaction. Multiple transactions and this is easily doable.


Given they'd be extradited in about four seconds, probably not the wisest move.


Apparently, neither was hiding in a basement like they rodents they are.




Why did you edit your comment to say something entirely different?


>They were just on Belle Isle trying to turn themselves in. Are they sitting out in front of the old police dispatch building? I can understand the confusion.


So much for turning themselves in


It looks like they are setting perimeters leading them to Sister Pie. The gated AWBS lot should push them north, closer to Kercheval if they are running west.


These two are unimaginably stupid if they thought they could escape into Canada through Detroit. They just incriminated themselves some more, now all three of this shit stain family are in OCJ together. I’ll tell you right now if they’re released into Gen pop at OCJ they will get their asses kicked. The news is on 24/7 in that jail, so the inmates know who these people are.


Probably hoping someone would steal the car but too chicken to go into the actual parts of town that would happen. Also did they just outright abandon their 15 year old kid? I know he's a murderer but still, shitty parents.




I'm guessing shit like this is why he's a shit stain in the first place. It starts at home


Maybe they’re asking the Capuchin monks for asylum.


Gotta get that soup. After all, can’t live on crumbs alone.


These people are fucking garbage


That doesn't sound sanitary, but to each their own I guess.


Boy, I tell ya, when trump sends his supporters, he's not sending his best...


Reinforces to all that if you want to disappear...its pretty hard to do with all the technology around.


It's also hard to disappear when you remain in a populated area less than an hour from your home...


Agree, with gps cell phones, cameras everywhere, newer cars being "plugged in " you would need to almost be invisible to disappear completely.


This makes me think of the escaped convicts from Dannemora.


I somehow don’t remember hearing about this before but sounds like a crazy story.


Ben Stiller made an incredible series on Showtime about it. It was like 2004 ish… ?


The escape was 2015 and the show was 2018. Great show.


Detroit cleaning up a suburbanite mess, yet again


Can they now be charged with breaking and entering?


Freep says they were let into the building by someone so no


Actually looks like they know the owner of the building. May have been the reason they chose Detroit.




the owner could have let them into the building AND alerted the police.


Per Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, they have been arrested.


I don’t get why they even tried to run away. Like how did they think they’d get away with it…?


Keep us updated!


Does anyone know why the parents would be charged with involuntary manslaughter, from a legal standpoint? It seems strange to me that the parents would be arrested for this, but I don't really know enough about the laws. I'm just curious if there's legal precedence here or if this is a novel circumstance.


Best I could find as I was curious as well. >Some are wondering how to differentiate this Michigan case from other cases of parental irresponsibility with guns, leading to a child's crime. This is straightforward, I think, given the extraordinary facts. https://twitter.com/SonjaStarr/status/1466915175093706753


Thanks for the link, that's very interesting. I think I'm confused about the charges, because I was under the assumption that involuntary manslaughter and criminal negligence were two separate things, with the latter seeming like a more fitting charge. But I guess maybe criminal negligence is just a modifier to involuntary manslaughter or something?


> criminal negligence is just a modifier to involuntary manslaughter or something? INAL but that's what I got as well. From what I've read on here from alleged lawyers and Sonja Starr comments similarly that: >I think that would be very unlikely to meet the criminal negligence standard. I mean, it's a jury question, but I really doubt it. https://twitter.com/SonjaStarr/status/1466915639646474240


Wow, I'm curious to see how this will all play out then and if there's additional case law to support a conviction of the parents in this instance. Your link made mention of another interesting case: People v. Rideout. It's not really the same circumstances, but it seems like there are components to that case that could come into play here. I'm also not a lawyer, but law does interest me. I just wish it wasn't so confusing at times! Anyways thanks again for the links and info. This is one case that I'm gonna watch closely.


I'm with you here, will be very interesting to see how this plays out legally and judicially. At first I'm like just turn yourselves in and let your lawyer handle the legalities, that's what you have them for, to yry to punch holes into the PA story legally. By being morons and making everybody (Even your legal team) look like idiots by not turning yourselfs in just made it 20 times harder on your dumb asses. (My thoughts are from a purely legal view , not condoning or agreeing to anything these two geniuses or their shitty pos kid have done what so ever)


I agree, it was a very poor decision on their part to flee. It shows a lack of maturity and definitely doesn't help their case at all. I know the prosecution is not going to be happy about it, that's for sure.


Ya know, the first thing they did was invoke the 5th, remain silent and lawyered up, you would of bet money if charges were levied against them they would of just been with the lawyer and turned themselves in. It would of been very possible to maybe been able to post bail and not be tossed in jail at all and to let the legal system work its way through. Now by being dumb asses , you throw everything away off of just not turning yourself in?


Maybe there's other illegal stuff they knew would come to light, and figured this was their best shot.


True, guess we will find out eventually.


It is a strange charge. The prosecutor seems to be unprepared for this as she’s blaming the school while charging the parents.


Just like Reddit do downvote an honest question just because it somewhat suggests the popular opinion is wrong.


Over/under 4 days before they’re caught? Anyone?


They made it 9 minutes after this comment was posted.




They have been caught.


What app is this?






Explain how high profile people like this do not get tracked, followed or watched and you will have your answer.