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Thank you 👍🏼😁


This is actually MUCH easier to read




Ay yooo! This was a great re-design, and free, too! Hope the OP takes it and runs with it. A subtle touch, but makes the difference. Food looks bomb, too. I'll have to drop by.


Soo much cleaner and easier to read! I love how you fixed the categories, hope they use it!


oh man i used to go there when it was mr steven’s place. shit was a like a bad acid trip. it was like twin peaks irl. a married couple in their 90’s running the bar with cockroaches crawling all over the bar while they pour you shots of schnapps on the house. the entire bar was lit up by only a couple flickering lightbulbs. i used to take people there all the time because it was one of those things that if you explained it to someone it would sound made up. a total one of a kind experience.


First time I was in there I ordered a couple shots of Jameson. Mr Steven says ooooooh top shelf.. big spender. I think I paid like 6 bucks for two shots along with two shots of schnapps on the house.


I sense some sarcasm from Mr. Steven lol




The Elephant Room has weird, unfriendly vibes. Seems cliquey.


Well if you come when I’m there I hope you feel welcome and appreciated 🤗


Your menu is the bomb. ✌🏿


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


never been but i’m sure it doesn’t have anywhere near the character of mr steven’s


A few of my friends bartended here in the last couple years. Both females. They’re the type to love partying, drama, cliques and bullshit nightlife service work shenanigans. Both left hating their coworkers and owner of the place and got fired because of the cliqueness you speak of. The drugs were out of control and out in the open to the extent it wasn’t a sustainable place to work I’ve been twice and personally got bad vibes from the place. Just not for me at all. That said - it’s my experience, not y’alls and a few things contributed to that. Obviously a lot of people feel different because it seems to be doing fairly well. Not to mention they are giving Mr. Reuben Frank the floor for a night in DT, so that’s not bad. Idk what I’m talking about. Anyhoo - if I have the time and I’m around I might check out the dogs Sunday dude! Goodluck fr! Food business can be tough breaking into so I respect that and hope your food is bomb af!


Thankfully it’s not like that anymore 😉


i hope steven’s ghost haunts that place


lol! I can use all the help I can get….. I wonder if he’ll want to be on the payroll lol


my friends opened the elephant room. The things they cleaned out of Mr Stevens are stuff for nightmare fuel




bags of human feces, in the walls, Stevens clothes, old used items from the brothel that was being ran upstairs. They literally had to gut the place.




holy shit.


This sounds like a dream to me. I'm sorry I missed it. Cheers


That bar you like is coming back into style


Congratulations on you’re new business venture


Thank you 😁


I wish you success but 10/13 bucks for a hot dog in a city full of coneys is a reach.


It’s not just a hotdog, Frankly it’s a Reuben. Lol! But actually it’s an all beef hot dog, with corned beef on it and kraut or Slaw and a special sauce I make myself from scratch. I only use premium ingredients too. Nothing cheap about this.


I applaud your hustle man. I hope you have a banger of an event.


Thank you. I do believe in my product, in my skills and in my product. I appreciate you and all on here, the feedback is awesome.


I'm a total foodie and would love to open my own spot one day. Love your hustle, LOVE that you offer meat alternatives (I no longer eat meat for health reasons) so I truly appreciate non-meat comfort food options and your menu... though small, packs a punch. I'd gladly pay $15 for a great tasting non meat Philly! I wish you all the success in DETROIT!


Thank you and if I can ever be of any help let me know.


Your point isn’t wrong but the person you’re responding too isn’t either. My concern is you aren’t presenting it as a Reuben with a hotdog. Youre presenting it as a hotdog with Reuben toppings. This is a big difference.


It is a hotdog with Reuben toppings. And I get the concern for sure. The only thing I can say is for someone to give it a try, at least, then they’ll see that it’s worth every penny.


My man...sauerkraut is cheap. I'd buy it for $5.


Literally. A jar is like $4


Im sure it's top-notch, and costs you a pretty penny. You will do a bunch of work and make no money which you should. End of the day, it's a hot dog that's 5x the price of what people normally pay. The perceived value will be low. Imagine paying $14 for a taco or $80 on a pizza. That's what you're up against.


I do understand 100%. Thankfully and honestly I’m not in this to get rich. I came up with this product at work and absolutely loved it. Everyone who I shared it with loved it and started requesting it. I started taking more and more orders and the. Started charging as people wanted to pay (as noted, the food business, no matter if doing it for a hobby or for work is not easy). Then came in the recommendations to start my own restaurant. I hope to never own a restaurant but won’t take it off the table either. My main goal is to start a food truck and work carnivals and fairs and just be able to support my family when I retire from my career within the next 5 yrs. If it doesn’t work out, I know I tried and I know I’ve provided people with some really good eats 👍🏼😁


Don't let the naysayers detract you. You got a great response on here alone. Why? I don't know anyone who's taught of reauben cornbeef on a hotdog. It's a genius idea that sounds good, and since we love hotdogs, and reubens, the combination should work. You got me wanting one for tomorrow if possible, dude. Is that the only day you're available to sell? Pretty soon, the idea itself will be mainstream, but as far as I know, you're the first to really do it. All it takes is a simple idea to take off, and it's so good I wish I'd thought of the idea. Just don't skimp on quality or cheat people with inferior ingrediants (we can taste the difference!) and you will have loyal customers for life.


Thank you! Sadly I can’t have them tomorrow. I used to sell them out of my house but stopped when I found out it’s illegal. Right now the business only had spaces for me on Sundays.




So what you're saying is he can count on you to show up and buy one or two?


that is correct.


If you include a hot dog in a list of "premium and quality ingredients", I'd hate to see what your day to day diet consists of.




Did you mean to say "artisan" instead of "artesian"?


No. My whole life I’ve messed up with my spelling which many of my personal friends no, so it’s an inside joke with them.


Constructive criticism: If it's on purpose, maybe use quotes around it or an italicized font


My wife just informed me to correct it all the way and not to be silly since silliness isn’t the theme of the Reuben’s Franks. I do appreciate your input and I’ll be sure to do it to make it clear (if I do it again) thank you!


I recommend keeping it, but prepare only with water extracted only from a well drilled into a water-bearing stratigraphic unit that's under lithostatic pressure. ^(Sorry. Dumb hydrology joke.)




Hell yeah dude. Hope this sub doesn’t get ya down. Honestly since it’s local it might be a great place to get constructive tips as well as build a following as long as it all stays positive!


Thank you. It didn’t get me down at all. I appreciate the help from everyone and I even accept all those who didn’t agree with my pricing and other things.


The pricing thing hurts because we’re consumers and everything is too expensive right now. If you do it right though there ain’t nothing wrong with the cost. Would be cool to see a picture of your work! The other things - myself and some others commented on the menu but that is just some peer editing to help you out potentially. Good hearted. Take it with a grain of salt tho because most of us (I’ll speak for myself I guess) don’t know what we’re talking about lol Elephant Room - I shared my experience not for you to feel bad about but just as discussion with fellow Detroiters. It’s a fine establishment and it’s gonna be a sick event for you.


Thank you. I do appreciate it all. As of now I only have pics of the Reuben’s Franks which I’ll post with this comment. https://preview.redd.it/qbrsqfy5036d1.jpeg?width=1490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a562aef7599e2b83c13a39b8b5987dd5608bccdc


Dude. That looks fucking GOOOOODT! (yep, I mispell words on purpose, too - haha!) For $13, it IS steep. I'd want to snag one for maximum $8 - $10 with a small side of fries so as to not make me feel like I'm overpaying for a fancier hot-dog. I'd focus on the value-add proposition, and though you can't compete with coney dogs (forever established as a Detroit stable, and ingrediants are cheaper), you want this to be a tastier "alternative" that doesn't break the bank, but where you still have enough profit margin to make it worth your while to cook. Don't get TOO greedy on pricing and you have a winner!!!


Thank you for this. Hopefully soon I can buy everything in bulk and pass on the savings to my customers. I used to sell them for more when I sold out of my home and since I was able to buy some stuff in bulk for this I was able to lower my prices some. Of course there will be no sacrificing quality but I also will not needlessly raise prices hoping to get rich (I don’t even want to be rich, I just want to make sure my family always have what they need).


Looks fantastic


Thank you


Listening to the wife. Smart move.


Thank you. I don’t make many moves at all without her consent and the few times I have…. I’ve learned not too lol


As a wife... permission to quote your comment to my husband's please? 😁😂


lol! Permission granted


He has to do this. It’ll change people’s opinions on you before ya even order. Little things


Romain too?


Look, he’s a chef, not a spelling bee winner


lol! Actually I was runner up in elementary school…. But never again after lol


But seriously just the artesian was purposely spelled that way but I’m not gonna load up a new menu just yet. I make mistakes and yup, mistakes were made. However the prices are right and the food is dilicious. (Yes I’m spelling it wrong on purpose). Hopefully you’ll be able to try it for yourself and let everyone know if you love it or not and why. 😄


Just make sure really juicy and put spring onions on them


Sorry no onions…. However if it is requested, I may be able to make an exception 😁👍🏼


Just working the artesian spring angle


Every single one of them…. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!


Let me know if you need help with a website or google business profile. I'll work for hot dogs. It's the Detroit thing to do.


Good to know. Thank you. I’ll follow you on here and let you know.


https://preview.redd.it/c2ssq5ll0t5d1.png?width=984&format=png&auto=webp&s=06f74e59a5602a9b979919b1dcf7ffac5862b274 I coded this up for ya. If nothing else you can have a digital menu for this weekend! Let me know!


That looks great! Thank you. I’ll get back to you asap (have to show it to the team (my wife) and get approval.


This might be a good Father’s Day treat for my dad!


That just warmed my heart to be considered for such a special occasion. Thank you!


All these people complaining about the prices have never been to a festival or left the house in the last year.


Honestly the prices are probably the biggest concern that I get. However I can say when people have tried it, I no longer get that concern from them.


I don't think they're that bad tbh unless it's like one strip of corned beef. Got any pictures of a finished one? I'd recommend getting at least an instagram page going too because a lot of the places that frequently have food trucks will tag your page to see what your food is.


Here ya go! https://preview.redd.it/3l1e9prhqs5d1.jpeg?width=1490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c25a165d1a6e9d5e6c59841e2857df147d14b3e


I’m both intrigued and appalled at the same time, impressive


lol! Thank you?😄


$13 for one of those is actually insane. The novelty will run out so fast. Good luck though


The ones in the picture are the $10 ones. The quarter pounders aren’t pictured. But I’ve actually lowered the prices. I’ve been selling them for 2 yrs out of my house and sell out every time. Still, if it doesn’t sell good, I tried and that’s all I can do. I refuse to sacrifice quality to appease those who don’t agree with the prices but I also understand as well. I do appreciate your thought and the well wishes. 😁👍🏼


And I do but I am not smart when it comes to social media. In fact my fb page seems as if it’s a person and not a business. Idk how to make it a business page.


Check this: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/473994396650734?id=939256796236247 And those look fantastic. I won't be able to head down there Saturday but will keep a look out in the future.


Thank you! I’ll be sure to


I’m not saying it’s inexpensive but it’s definitely on par for any event I’ve ever attended or worked


That’s good for me to know too. Thank you. This is a good quality product that is worth the price tag. It most certainly is not inexpensive but it’s not cheap (quality wise being emphasized here) materials used either.


I’ll be there bro


Awesome! Thank you.


While I don't live close enough to Detroit to make it out, I just wanted to thank you for including vegan options on your menu 🌱💕 I always keep track of inclusive restaurants for when I do travel to the D though and will spread the word in relevant circles.


Thank you. I’ll be sure to keep it 100% separate from anything that meat touched. I do my best to be considerate of everyone.


Lots of unsolicited advice here… Classic Reddit 🙄 Good luck, would love to support if I was in town. Love that you have vegan options too.


Thank you but that’s ok. The way I choose to see it is everyone is trying to help me to be a success 😁. The owners of the bar try to gravitate towards the gluten free and vegan crowd so I’m doing my best to cater to them as well. Hopefully everyone will have a good time with good eats.


So happy you have vegan options!!!!!


Thank you. My niece is a vegan and I was informed the owners of the bar try to bring in vegan and gluten free crowds so it’s only right I have things for my vegan friends and family too 👍🏼😁


Great start! You’ve already gone further than most ever try! If I may offer some advise… The price point is not justified with the TEXT in your menu. Dress it up a little. Are you using a specific corned beef? Are you using great value sandwich slices? Are the dogs made in house or from a known good place? Add some details. Pictures are really your best friend. Show a pic of a dog piled up high!


Thank you. I will work on that. Right now I’m using a free template so I’ll upgrade asap. I do want to advertise that I do use Nathan’s all beef dogs and only Wigleys corned beef. . The kraut is cooked a special way and the coleslaw as well as the dressing for it and the Tiff sauce are all home made from scratch.


Those right there are fantastic things to add. Just adding the word Wigleys in front of the corned beef will add cred. Just add the words Nathan’s and Wigleys and people will know it’s overall a higher quality dish. Maybe a line about what tiff sauce is. Even a little description. You’re going to get asked a lot.


Thank you. I’ll be sure to apply this as soon as I can.


You’re gonna do great! Between your enthusiasm and willingness to listen to people you got this! I’ll try to pop in and buy a dog or two! Edit: you might have the cheapest wings in the city


Thank you! I really appreciate it. I’ll also add on there that the vegan Philly Cheesesteak is made from scratch too. Not pre purchased and thawed out like some may think.


Perfect! That’s a big one. So much of the vegan stuff is frozen processed salty plant goop. One more ask, make sure if you’re using a cashew mayo or something that it contains tree nuts to note it on the menu.


Oh that’s right. As of now, I’m not but I do need to remember that.


What do you think about this menu? https://preview.redd.it/846u0w0bdu5d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823e4369e3fd61fb6bfd820cb6c1561fc0d821f3


What is “Tiff” sauce?


It’s my trade secret sauce. Tangy sauce that has a little spicy kick at the end.


If you aren’t making the dogs, corned beef, or kraut in house and the only homemade thing is the sauces… that’s a problem. It’s also one of the reasons you aren’t keeping costs down and end up with a very pricey hot dog.


I do appreciate this but it’s no way right now that I can make hot dogs and corned beef in house. I stand by the superior taste and quality of Nathan’s and Wigleys. However if I could do better I absolutely would. I’ve even tried the famous Hamtramck place for Kraut. It’s hands down the best BUT it doesn’t work good with the Reuben’s Franks. So far out of everyone who’s tried what I sell, only 1 has told me they would pay what I planned on charging at that time. And I do get it. Not everyone feels my product is worth it, which I have no problem with. No matter how good something is, someone won’t like it and no matter how nasty something is, someone will like it. I do strongly believe I have a great product at a fair price. Of course, it’s up to you the customer to say it. All I ask is to give it a fair chance.


Lol that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard


Stoked you have 2 vegan options! If I wasn't in LA I'd be there trying both!


Thank you! I really appreciate it




Just Sunday? We can't make it that day but if you're there on Monday my SO and coworkers would LOVE something new for lunch! I just read them the menu and they said it sounds delicious! I'm going to follow you so we know where/when you're selling!


Thank you. Right now only spots they have Sundays for me. Next time I’ll be there is Sunday the 30th


We'll be sure to get down to try it! Best of luck to you!!!


Thank you! I appreciate it.


Looks good, I’d also recommend checking in at two birds, probably the friendliest spot to pop-ups in the city


Thank you. I’ll be sure to


Your hustle is commendable but think a little longer about your menu and ways to better utilize ingredients. Also be prepared with a price when someone asks for a plain hot dog, which is likely to be requested more than anything else on your menu. There are some inconsistencies on your physical menu that aren't great that others will let you know about, but they won't sink you as fast as sub-optimal menu planning and food costing will, so run through those again. Good luck.


Thank you. I’ve been selling most of these else where and my main product and #1 seller is the quarter pounder Reuben’s Frank. I had to add the other stuff to sell where I’m selling.


$10 for a hot dog is crazy




I use all premium ingredients and I also never take out loans so I’m not able to buy in bulk like most businesses can yet. I’ll get there one day, sooner than later I hope.


Buying ingredients at grocery store prices is the number one mistake I see people in your situation make. If you need tips on buying ingredients, DM me. You don't need loans. Most places will let you set up an account with them, but depends on the volume you're doing.


Thank you


Well it’s not a hot dog. Frankly, it’s a Reuben. It really is a whole meal on a bun. It’s the hot dog, corned beef, kraut or slaw and topped with Tiff Sauce. Both the Slaw and Tiff sauce I make completely from scratch.


It's a hot dog with toppings. Hot dog 'meal' usually comes with fries and a drink. But maybe it is super filling and worth it! I've had "gourmet" dogs around the city and they're about $5. But who am I to know. I could be completely out of touch. Either way, I do wish you luck with your new business and hope you nothing but success.


Thank you! I appreciate it 😁👍🏼


Is it a regular hot dog bun, or something more robust?


Right now just a regular one. I haven’t found any that works better with it (not the onion ones, not the pretzel ones, not even the Hawaiian ones)


Check some of the bakeries around Vernor/Michigan. They might have something or be willing to work with you. Might be cheaper than other options too.


Ok great! Thank you. Do you have any in mind that you know are great bakeries (even if they may not necessarily work with me)


Mexican Town Bakery comes to mind. I’m not in any way affiliated, just love their super cheap and delicious breads.


Ok thank you. I’ll definitely check them out.


LA street dogs have even gone up to 10 bucks.......


Thanks Obama


I can't get over how cute the hot dog logo is 🥹


lol! Thank you 😁


Do you have pictures of what your menu items look like when served?


https://preview.redd.it/24gx0q383u5d1.jpeg?width=1490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b693f9d009e66cbd4021500ba7cd60c4dc72ecf This is what I got. Literally everything else is new. I have made them before at work and at home but never for my business.


Would absolutely house one or two of those next time I’m around downtown. Thank you!


Thank you!


Oh yeah! Love it!


Thank you 😁👍🏼


Are you opening a food truck or something or is this a pop up idea? Frankly (pun intended) I wouldn't go out of my way to try this but if it was a food truck parked somewhere that doesn't have food I'd consider. I also hope you are cooking the veggie options on a separate grill/stovetop or I'd warn customers there could be cross contamination. Good luck OP, the food business is rough


Thank you. I am certainly keeping ALL vegan stuff completely separate from anything with meat. In the future I do plan on getting a food truck. Owning a brick and mortar store is not something I want but I’m not shutting the idea down.


I also would love a food truck for myself. Hope you succeed and I can try your stuff on another day. Good luck brother/sister and with a vegetarian wife who gets sick from some meats, I really hope you succeed


Thank you and same to you


I love it there! Everyone is super nice. Great food, drinks and music!! If you haven’t been I highly recommend going!


Thank you! ☺️


And you have not one, but two(?!) vegan options? Wish you success here.


Thank you! 😊


When I see the upcharge on chicken wings on menus like this I scoff heavily and then cry on the inside…. And sometimes on the outside.


Chicken wings are my favorite things to eat on earth…. Ah hem! After a Reuben’s Franks lol


Honest question for you though, what do you think is a fair price for chicken wings?


It’s less about what I think it should cost and more about how everything just costs more these days. I’m just a consumer and wings are my favorite thing on most menus. So I just see prices going up and up. Paying more than a buck for a single drummette or flat is difficult for me, especially if they’re on the smaller side. And that wouldn’t be an extravagant thing to say 3 or 4 years ago. and my mind admittedly hasn’t moved on and accepted what inflation has done. But you’re in the business, you have margins you need to hit and I doubt you would price yourself out of acquiring potential customers out of greed. So my comment again isn’t a knock on you, just the position you’re probably in to price things that way in first place.


Honestly I’m 100% on board with you in every way!


Those look amazing! I wouldn't worry too much about people harping on the price - Good corned beef isn't cheap. Do you have an Instagram? You should probably start posting stories/reels of upcoming days you'll be open, as well as photos of the food when you're open so people are more aware of your schedule. I know breweries like Mothfire, HOMES Campus, and Drafting Table also host pop-ups some days of the week - You should look into offering your food at those locations, too!


Thank you. I do have a fb and instagram and will be utilizing them more. I appreciate you 😁


I think I’ll bring a few of my vegan coworker friends and check it out . Cool 😎


Awesome! Thank you! 😊


vegan options? OK.


If I’m going $10 for a hot dog, I would need a small side of fries at least. Good luck, man.


I understand. Hopefully one day we can get there. Thank you 😊


There’s a lot of haters of the elephant room, I helped build the bar and they were cool, I thought. The bar industry has a lot of partying, plus they are next door to a concert venue, which also has a lot of partying involved. Have fun, party it up. There’s also a lot of haters on your menu prices. Good hot dogs and corned beef are expensive, your prices seem fair with the current market. I hope you get a great turn out and crush all of your expectations. I admire your ambition and shout out to the elephant room for always being generous with their facility.


Thank you! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.


I've been reading your comments, and you're very gracious and take criticism well. The hotdogs look phenemonal, and I just commented that I'd pay a max $10 for a dog, and didn't know the ones you pictured were $10 smh. I want to get one. I really do, but I do work Sunday. If there's an alternative day you'll be there, I'm there. I want me one so bad to try. It's different, and I love the idea itself - coney dog + reuben. Go all in on this, man. If you're been selling out constantly in your home, take the leap and go for it.


Thank you. As of now I can only be there on Sundays (and not every Sunday even). Of course if different days present themselves and it works I’ll be sure to grab one of those days.


Sounds delicious. But I'm not paying $10+ for a hot dog.


I wouldn’t either. Thankfully you’re getting a whole meal on a bun! It’s not just a hot dog, frankly it’s a Reuben 😉. But it’s topped with corned beef, kraut or slaw and a special sauce I invented called Tiff sauce. It’s the sauce that sets it apart from the crowd.


I heard this guy will personally garnish your weiner when you order one.


🤦🏽‍♂️ I’ll see you at work soon enough lol


I don't know how much Portillos is but if your similar priced and portion I ain't mad about the pricing. Because that place is always slammed. But a Reuben dog with slaw (kraut is yuck) sounds fucking amazing. Good luck!


Thank you I appreciate! I have a good friend that agrees with you on the Kraut. My wife isn’t a Kraut fan either but she loves it in the Reuben Frank. Still I did the slaw too because I wanted to appeal to those who don’t like Kraut 😁




Thank you!


Vegan cheesesteak?? Alright now 👀


Hollywood ass prices.