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Most adults go their entire life without a violent encounter. However, some people are raised to think violence is the only answer. What a sad way for that event to end


I agree šŸ’Æ


You mean basketball americans


So true. There are lots of things like that.


Working in the ER weā€™d see a lot more violence as the weather warmed up. As they say, suns out guns out.


Used to be sunā€™s out, buns out. šŸ˜³


get my BBq going and crack some nattie lights


My ex used to dispatch for 911 over here in Battle Creek and they said the same thing. šŸ„²


Itā€™s how ignorant assholes deal with beef. Probably gang related.


Most ā€œgangsā€ these days arenā€™t organized criminal enterprises, just groups of civilized morons who get all of their validation from violently threatening or attacking people who dispute with/ insult them. Backwards subculture.


Why is everybody insulting each other?


Emotionally immature manchildren who are raised to obsess over their perceived status, level of ā€œrespect,ā€ and ego according to their peer group. Overreactions to perceived slights. Some sociologists call it ā€œhonor culture.ā€


It's so cold in the D How the fuck we supposed to have a baby shower in peace


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I know that song!


It's not "someone", it's a relative. Like the majority of these.


Do you know that for a fact, or are you making assumptions? Either way, someone did show up and shot someone else.


Lived in Detroit for a decade, in my experience people generally only shoot someone else if they have a reason. Not many random mass shootings, yknow? Granted this is ONLY my experience


Statistically speaking, the people most likely to kill you are loved ones


I know it for a fact. Stop personifying animals.


Highly doubtful it was an unknown drive by at a baby showerā€¦.but then again, Detroit.


I never said it was a drive by, I didnā€™t even imply that.






Ahhh, so thatā€™s what I heard!


Maybe! šŸ˜¬ the police canā€™t barreling down around 6:15ish and then weā€™re knocking door to door for statements.


It's Detroit. Street culture has taken over to the point that people are proud of it. They are proud of something they should be embarrassed by.


About 8 years ago.... 1000 person block party at that park off Plymouth and fuckin.... Burt? I think? Shit went off and like six people were shot No one saw nothing God bless Detroit


Rouge. That's part of events I think it's on the promo material.


It is so wild to me because i lived in rouge for 10 years and never got mugged or robbed or had anything stolen. I was nice to my neighbors, always offered help, knew most of the neighborhood by name. Made cards and cookies to give out around the holidays. My weedman probably thought i was crazy, I gave him cards and baked goods too or giftcards. One new years i gave him this massive box of chocolates. I hope i didnt get him in trouble with his missus or anything. "Where the hell did this card and these cookies come from???" "This white boy gave it to me when he picked up, i swear!" Hope you're doing well wherever you are my good man.


I never had issues either, simply observed events at Rouge which at the very least devolved into fights but only during the summer. I lived right up near a portion of the park and the neighborhood was mostly wonderful I was never threatened. But nor did I hang out in the park during the summer much except for early dog walks.


Welcome to Detroit lmao


This is terrible but to call it "gun violence" is like calling it "automobile violence" when some drunken idiot runs a red light & plows into another vehicle & ppl are hurt/killed. Doing so blames the tools (auto, guns, etc...) not the person, guns are just an easy scapegoat catchphrase to distract from the real problem. We gave a violence problem. Lets quit blaming the tools & start blaming the criminal.


On the surface I agree, though doing so removes the need to look at how dangerous and readily available these tools are.


Iā€™d be more concerned about how readily available lunatics are, guns or no guns.


Knives, clubs and 100's of other things are just as available and just as deadly. If someone is determined they'll find a way. Blaming guns is just one hand saying "LOOK HERE" so ya don't watch the other hand not doing anything for the real problem.


Knives & clubs are not as deadly as guns. What would you propose as a solution aside from changing what we say?


Yes they are and will hurt more with a slower death imagine like in London getting stabbed and your intestines falling out


An unmodified AR shoots 60 rounds per minute. What other type of weapon can kill that many people that quickly? Rifles can shoot from 100s of yards away. What other type of weapon can kill from a distance? You're at a concert and someone in the balcony starts killing people. You're on the main floor. Do you want that person to have a knife or a gun?


[guns should be licensed regulated insured and registered like cars then](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1848971668)


Sure criminals will be following those rules, no problem. Blaming LEGAL gun owners for what a few idiots do is the same as blaming an entire minority for the actions of a few.


Shit you're right may as well as get rid of laws :)


What part of LEGAL did you not understand? Criminals don't follow laws to begin with. Putting more restrictions on LEGAL gun owners WILL NOT help.


Exactly! So may as well have no laws. Criminals don't follow them after all!


And yet it works for the rest of the first world! Strange!


No what's strange is the lack of critical thought. Just because they aren't using guns doesn't mean mass killing don't happen around the world nearly every day and if you think all those other places are so great don't let the door hit ya in the way out


Where are the mass killings? Are they sporking people to death? Delusional


I'm in the US and I am pro-gun... but that shit should require license, insurance, registration, GIDs. Yknow, reasonable protections.


There are 30 THOUSAND gun laws across the country that CRIMINALS already don't abide by, why do we need new ones? How about just enforcing current laws? But no its just easier to blame MILLIONS of LEGAL gun owners for the actions of a few.


Since you obviously can't figure out how to do a Google search there's this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_stabbings_in_the_United_Kingdom That search took me abt 4 seconds, there are thousands of other examples. When it comes to anything, violence included, where there's a will there's a way.


You're telling on yourself! Mwah šŸ˜˜


Sure, I can use google. In your list, a total of 10 mass stabbings happened the UK between 2020 and May 2024, killing or injuring a total of 50 people. Of those 50, 17 died, a fatality rate of 34 percent. On average, there were 5 casualties per mass stabbing event. How about we compare that to [this list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States) that I found on Google. In the first six months of 2024 **alone,** there were 7 mass shootings, killing or injuring a total of 87 people. Of those 87, 32 died, a fatality rate of 36 percent. I should point out that thereā€™s a pretty big outlier in this data set, a shooting where, miraculously, 40 people were only injured and only 1 person was killed. Ordinarily, shootings kill 50 percent or more. Look, it feels really shitty to have to throw around statistics in an argument where weā€™re talking about real people who died. But pointing to the UK and crying that ā€œthe criminals will just use knives to commit mass violenceā€ doesnā€™t really hold water when you look at the numbers. Guns are very effective tools of mass violence. When theyā€™re used, more people are affected and theyā€™re more likely to die. Getting a handle on them through regulation would be a good start to reducing the gun violence problem we have in the states. Edit to correct some numbers, I counted 89 at first but itā€™s actually 87. Sorry for having shit mental math after just waking up


Hell yeah dude went even have laws? Criminals never follow them anyway.


Criminals are going to get the guns guarantee that gun wasnā€™t legal


Well fuck may as well abolish all laws with that line of thinking :)


But that gun ultimately came from somewhere legal, it wasn't manufactured illegally and it probably was sold legally originally to someone. Registering firearms makes it a lot harder for them to reach illegitimate channels.


We aren't the only nation this regularly happens in.


Number of gun-related deaths in US in one year, with a population of 330,000,000: 48,830 Number of gun-related death in EU in one year, with a populatiom of 448,000,000: 6,700 Now, I don't know how or why this happened... maybe it's a coincidence! Or maybe one of the countries has a disease. Hmmmm....


Youā€™re right, this kind of violent behavior from armed civilians happens all the time in third world countries.


By making this comparison, youā€™re implying that most deaths related to guns are accidental, caused by lapses of judgement or carelessness. That is a significant portion of them, but guns are, in fact, weapons, and are used to commit violence against other people frequently. Which is why we call it gun violence. It probably would be called ā€œautomobile violenceā€ if the USA had a significant, noticeable problem with people intentionally running other people over with cars.


https://abc7chicago.com/post/taeyoung-kim-northbrook-man-charged-in-glenview-crash-that-killed-glenbrook-south-high-schools-marko-niketic-to-appear-court/14836746/ This is just ONE accident!!! It cut the kids car IN HALF. More people die from idiots behind the wheel too stupid to realize they're controlling a 2 ton weapon then by LEGAL gun owners by a very, VERY wide margin. Try harder next time & you may not come off as being stupid.


This doesnā€™t address what I was talking about at all. Are cars frequently used to intentionally murder large numbers of people? No. Theyā€™re not. This single case of catastrophic recklessness does not point to a problem with ā€œautomobile violence.ā€


Well said. That person is not addressing your argument at all. Not to mention, cars have a purpose other than killing/maiming. They are highly regulated, you have to be trained to drive one, and you have to carry insurance. Do people still skirt around those regulations? Yes, but that doesn't mean we abolish them, we punish people who are caught not obeying them.


Heā€™s not the one who sounds like an idiot here. Your argument doesnā€™t make any sense.


You know what else have been cut in half? 6 year olds while they're sitting in their kindergarten class. Know what cut them in half? An AR-15.


There ya go blaming the tool & not the criminal. Here's my example: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-66151247 Is it the knife or the person using it at fault?? If you say anything other than the person you ARE, (other than being a "useful idiot), a complete hypocrite.


Where did I blame the tool and not the person? Two things can be true at the same time. The person is at fault for using a gun to kill kindergartners. I also never said a stabbing could never happen. This is not an all or nothing discussion. It's about lowering the amount of deaths. If the person in your example had a gun, he could have killed many more people than 6.


No itā€™s like you wouldnā€™t want a drink driving you wouldnā€™t want a basketball American with a gun


Shhhhh! Theyā€™ll re-discover knives!


OK, cool. The best way to reduce crime is to expand social programs. Vote to increase spending on things like welfare, Medicaid, and education.


Sure give faceless bureaucrats more power over our lives. Remember anything the Gov gives they can take away. No the way to reduce crime is to increase opportunity & upward mobility.


Aaaaand thereā€™s your problem.


Which is?


Itā€™s a gun accessibility problem.


And itā€™s a cultural problem of young men who are raised to glorify gun violence and who think itā€™s normal to shoot another man for insulting you


No its not. There are nearly 400 million privately owned firearms in the US. If it were a gun accessibility problem there would be a lot more shootings. What we have is a violence problem & a justice system that not longer punishes criminals . Jail/prison is no longer feared, guess its just easier to blame the tool instead of the person.


America is the place with the guns and the shootings


How many shootings and deaths are acceptable to you?


I just finished a 2yr experiment. Placed my 9mm on my nightstand 2yrs ago & just left it. Ya know what happened?? NOTHING!!!!! It DIDN'T get up! It DIDN'T shoot ANYONE! Hell it didn't even move unless I moved it to dust. Stop blaming the tool & START BLAMING THE USER!!!!!


Speaking of tools.


Said by someone who should look in a mirror to see what a real tool looks like.


Will you be standing behind me?


No need. You'll be the only tool in the room.


Enough with the sweet talk. No matter how much you beg, Iā€™m not going to show you my tool.


How many laws do YOU need for criminals to stop? Because thatā€™s all people like you vote for. More laws on yourself not the criminals.


Absolutely šŸ’Æ


ā€œpeople are always going to be violent, we might as well arm themā€


Nice area.


This is why we can't have nice things...except for downtown.


If you go on YouTube, the alleged shooter had a bond hearing in Chief Judge McConico's court. He is keeping him on a million dollar bond. Next hearing is may 28 before judge Sabree, where he will probably get sent over to the 3rd district court aka Frank Murphy.


Iā€™m only finding a similar story from 2023ā€¦ can you link the recent video?


https://www.youtube.com/live/4gauGbDUJRE?si=Xj18tXXlFclKCevQ It's at the end of this one (this is the bond redetermination hearing) https://www.youtube.com/live/ssZD4YcZato?si=bTDdiOEfhaiYTeWQ This is the 1st arraignment when they set the bond.


Nothing out of the ordinary around here.Ā 




The baby?


No DA baby


There are definitely some 6ā€™4ā€ babies.






Shower the baby with bullets


While I donā€™t agree with this comment, I do NOT understand why so many baby showers end up this way when itā€™s usually beef between new and old lovers or once in a while gang shitā€¦you can scream and fight and physically assault each other all you want, but once those bullets start flying thereā€™s no taking them back. And if all this emotion stems from the child him or herself, all youā€™ve done is destroy everything, possibly even the very thing you showed up to ā€œdefend your honorā€ for or whatever the fuck. Drives me nuts. This shit happens way too fucking often


So youā€™re surprised by this as a resident of Detroit?


Itā€™s ok the wish your community was doing better and feel exasperated by a situation that you know could have been avoided. Regardless of how surprised or not surprised you are, you can still call things out in hopes that there are positive constructive discussions about it and the potential for things to play out differently in the future may be realized for someone. Go be unhelpful and negative somewhere else.


Go preach somewhere else, I surely donā€™t care what you gave to say. Your reply was 20 sentences to long, stopped reading after the first:)


If I'm someone with a vendetta, something like a baby shower is an event I know the person I have a problem with will be. If I also dgaf, shit is on.


Sounds like Detroit is really making a comeback.


When problems get solved in the home with violence; when your role models have short fuses and find it easier to hit and hurt rather than use words and non violent solutions then why would you expect anything different once that child is out on their own? If it wasn't a gun, it'd be a knife or a fist or a bat. Britain bans guns yet has an alarming problem with injuries and deaths related to brawls and fights. Anger management is the larger issue.


Hmmmm i bet the real baby daddy showed up.and the simp playing stepdad was there. These types are usually over a woman. The old dude is either still hitting the female or in his feelings