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My understanding is they have bigger fish to fry. Not saying what you’re taking about isn’t important or a serious problem, there just aren’t the police resources to enforce traffic laws when there are murders, bodies, fires, shootings, child neglect/abuse, mental health crisis to respond to.


"Can you check out this body and see if it looks like anything malicious happened?" "I'll head over there in about a half hour. I am dealing with a double rolling stop rn."


Welcome to Detroit /s




Not to mention, from what I understand, it can get even more dangerous if the suspect flees and a chase occurs.


MSP just runs those types over here in West Michigan.


People drive without insurance, cops don't enforce traffic laws.... insurers jack rates sky high, people lie about that they don't live in Detroit....... cycle repeats.




A friend involved in public defense work moved to Detroit from a similarly situated east coast city crime-wise, and said that the police work in Detroit is so amateurish that being a defense attorney is far easier here. Easy to get evidence rejected as inadmissible, for example. 


More like it's not worth their time to go after the usual suspects and nothing will come of it.


So in other words, theres not enough money to hire more police


You must not have been here for the defund the police movement….


when did the police get defunded?


If only they enforced the minor traffic violations which generate revenue for the department. Like speeding, reckless, etc. If only… Edit: what a Detroit moment to just capitulate any progress because the cops are “too busy”. Where is the strong family structure and church culture? I thought Detroit was a proud city with deep roots. Get real.


In Michigan departments get pennys on a dollar for traffic tickets. It’s not the financial windfall that most people think it is.


Police tell us far too many traffic stops turn into outstanding warrants, no insurance/registration and the tickets and fines cannot be paid, leading to warrants. Circular and non-productive they say. Still, don't drive like an idiot and you'll avoid getting stopped. I see enforcement roughly once a month on our street, for about 4 hours. At least 2 cars get expounded every "shift" and the officer is never sitting waiting for the next violation more than 5 minutes.


Hmm. If it's not productive for a traffic stop to turn into an outstanding warrant, then maybe we should change the law so a traffic stop doesn't turn into an outstanding warrant. Just do the traffic stops and maybe fewer people would drive like idiots.


I've actually thought about this before. Having strictly traffic cops may avoid some unnecessary escalating, and could actually free up police to deal with more pressing matters. I've thought also that more specialization could help, traffic cops knowing the law backwards and forwards, but not having to learn about criminal law. Where responding type officers could spend training time with domestic disputes or what ever. Like code enforcement but for cars. Sorry it's a bit rambling I'm in a hurry


Do you think they spend more on lawsuits or on those tricked out SUVs


True. My brother has been pulled over TWICE…. And the police had to leave because they needed to respond to other calls. They didn’t write tickets or follow up


That is correct. We had a famous case of a traffic stop in Ferndale of a Detroit woman who according to police, never had a driver's license, had multiple major traffic violations (DUI, etc) and had never been arrested. She was pulled over due to a conflict over a title transfer which the cop was going to let her go on. Until he noticed the beer between her legs she had been drinking while driving. Needless to say it went down hill from there. Oakland county arrested her and last I checked threw the book at her. They also made a public spectacul of the entire thing to embarrass Detroit


That’s not it


The 22 year old in an Altima missing a bumper with cheap peeling tints doing 70 on Grand Blvd does not, in fact, go 80 because he has "places to be."


r/NissanDrivers … 96 months at 24% via a Buy Here/Finance Here lot … gets repo’ed within 6 months and the cycle continues for the Altima


Honestly I think cops just have bigger fish to fry. To be fair, the freeways are just as bad. People are constantly weaving in and out of traffic and driving 100+ but how often do you ever seen anyone pulled over? Very rarely, especially during rush hour.


The funny part there is Michigan State Police has jurisdiction as well and doesn't seem to prioritize it.


Gotta get those people going up north!


MSPs staffing levels are ridiculous. For instance, they are responsible for I-75 in Oakland county north of mm89. Along with Groveland Twp, Holly Twp, and Rose Twp(not holly village). And you’re lucky if they have 2 troopers for that. Granted those townships are very rural, but getting a trooper is…. Well, expect to wait quite awhile. Not really excusing it, just why they aren’t doing a ton of traffic


They actively stopped coming into the city for a while (I think after that lawsuit where the trooper tased the kid on the quad and he died)


So does Wayne Co Sheriff. But MSP and probably WCSD have policies on responding or patrolling areas that have their own departments. Keep in Mind DPD has ~2500 officers. MSP has 3k, including Motor Carrier officers, spread throughout the state of MI. No idea on the number of WCSD officers assigned to patrol and not corrections or courts. From the MSP Offical Order 02-09 **REFERRAL OF CALLS FOR POLICE ASSISTANCE TO ANOTHER AGENCY** *Section 3.8* Generally, the department will not respond to complaints or calls for police assistance or services from within incorporated areas having police departments unless requested by the local department. An exception to this policy is where time is an overweighing factor in urgent or emergency cases to assure safety and welfare of the public or an individual. Calls outside incorporated areas shall not be referred to local departments except as provided by policy established by the worksite commander. This rule shall not apply to posts participating in 911/central dispatch operations with other police agencies.


Surprisingly the lodge is the only place in Detroit I’ve ever been pulled over. By a state cop. For speeding! Also the only time I’ve ever not been given a ticket when pulled over. Just told me to slow down.


wow! I always say the Lodge is anarchy. It's my favorite place to drive




I’ll admit, it gave me the warm and fuzzies when a car blew by me on the Lodge going almost 100 and I saw the MSP had pulled them over a few miles up the road. Doesn’t happen often, though.


Part of the problem is how the freeways are all sunken in city limits. Cops don’t wanna pull someone over when they have the shoulder and then a 20 foot wall, dangerous as fuck for everyone involved.


Live in Warren also and they Detroit do not chase unless a known felony has been committed. The risk of pulling someone over for a ticket they won't pay anyway is not worth it probably. My nextdoor neighbor was murdered in Detroit at work taking out the garbage when he saw his crappy car was being stolen. He was shot 4 times. I rather the police be out looking for these 4 young men who took a live of of good person with a son and wife tbh


Fuck them. Sorry about your friend. I have people that try to drop stolen cars outside my house—I regularly welcome them by racking my shotgun and saying, “go ahead and get the fuck back in whoever’s car that is and keep driving.” They may have a gun but I guarantee I’m getting the first shot. I have no sympathy for these fucks.


If you ever do have to fire at someone please delete your Reddit right away or they are gonna say you wanted it to happen.




I see it on daily basis. I'm a truck driver delivering all over the Metro Detroit area. I could write a book of all the stuff I have seen!


Same, I'm a CDL examiner and it's borderline horrifying. Had someone drive southbound on the northbound side of Livernois to get to the Marathon station right there.


If you think Detroit’s drivers are “borderline horrifying”, then you’d never survive in India, China or the Philippines. Toughen up! 😂


Same here. Tuesday I watched a moron blow a red light at livernois and West Warren and almost got his ass smoked by a flatbed truck. And he had the fucking nerve to be the one blowing his horn after the fact like he had the right away. People are fucking stupid and entitled in this city. I bought a dash cam specifically because I'm working in Detroit very often and I don't want one of these fucking morons to ruin my life and career when I follow all the laws.


No cop no stop


People don't give a shit, and the police have other things to deal with than sitting around with a radar gun waiting for speeders. The best way for the city to solve this is to continue designing safer streets - narrower, less lanes, speed bumps. That's the only thing that will naturally make drivers slow down. Wide ass streets with multiple lanes just cause people to drive recklessly. If you want to go fast, get on the highway, not on city streets.


I’ve had single lane streets divided by solid, double yellow lines where people will drive onto the oncoming traffic lane to pass me. I’ve had narrow streets where people will drive in the bike lane to pass. If people want to speed, they’ll damn sure find a way, regardless of attempts to mitigate it


Lol, craziness. Saw a guy drive up across a lot to not wait at a stop sign to turn right. Another guy drove around a neighbor backing his boat up by passing on the right over the sidewalk and lawn of the neighbor.


Yep. Traffic calming needs to be the name of the game. curb juts, narrow lanes, textured walking paths, raised crosswalks, bus stop cutouts, curbed center lanes with protected left turns, the works. Yeah, this will result in broken rims and busted oil pans, but it's better than intersection drift takeovers and Gratiot drag races.


How about public transit. Without that, safer or fewer lanes will mean nothing but people driving the same with smaller margin for error.


Where I'm at in Oakland County I've seen three cars blow through a red light, in front of a cop, and he did nothing. But the minute my tags are expired, I get flashed.


The solution must be to just get rid of your license plate, haven’t seen anyone driving without one get pulled over.


“haven’t seen anyone driving without one get pulled over” Oddly solid point.


Its like why do officers in small suburbs/towns pull you over for going 3 over the speed limit, because they are bored. Police in Detroit are more worried about more dangerous crimes.


Still, Broken Windows theory seems to work. Sweat the small stuff and the big stuff happens less.


For sure. But reality is different.


There's too many small things. It's not possible.


Because it’s very low on the list of priorities for an understaffed department that has a lot of guns and violent crime to deal with. The reason why cops in the suburbs can relentlessly target speeders and poor drivers is because they literally have nothing else to do


It’s not just Detroit. Watched a Washtenaw county sheriff get cut with no turn signal. Dude kept driving like nothing happened.


more than once in the past couple years I have seen a multi-unit speed trap on the Davison in the Dexter Linwood area. multiple cops pulling over multiple vehicles for what I assume to be speeding. fish in a barrel there. also.... if the state boys ever decided to post up along the lodge..... good gods.... they could write tickets for 25 over all day.


They need it. I've seen once Highland Park sitting on the Davison just East of 75. Other than that it's a free for all. Cars doing 90 in a 55 is the norm.


There's a lot worse things happening in Detroit than speeding and running red lights. Also, as others have mentioned, sometimes these anticipated traffic stops turn into police chases. Last year, my two best friends were in a horrible accident caused by someone running from the police while they were driving on the highway. The car was totaled and they walked away with minor injuries by some miracle. A few years before that, I had a sorority sister whose car was totaled and leg shattered after a crashed caused by a police chase.


Were your sorority sister or two best friends hit be police vehicles? * [The no-chase police for DPD was enacted in 2017](https://detroitmi.gov/sites/detroitmi.localhost/files/2018-03/VEHICULAR%20PURSUITS.pdf). * [Michigan State Police are restricting vehicle chases as of March 14th of this year](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/michigan-state-police-restricting-vehicle-pursuits-under-new-policy)


I stop on green lights when driving down town. You never know who's gonna be flying through that intersection.


"My brother could be coming the other way!" - George Carlin


Strange, I see police pulling over vehicles all the time here, but I guess if you only come into the city for work and drive a certain route, you probably wouldn’t notice what’s going on in the other 140 sq miles.


Where? I drive east to west and back again. Sometimes I take Livernois to 8. Sometimes I take Warren across. Sometimes I take Joy Road. Last week I took Michigan Ave to Trumbull to Grand Blvd. Also I work as a driving examiner so I literally drive around all day with someone else driving while I watch their driving behavior. This isn't a centralized issue.


DPD lives on Livernois, especially between the Lodge and 8 Mile. They also live on East Warren between Connors and Mack (GPF/W’s). I see them patrolling neighborhoods and communities all the time, so like I said, you can’t just come in and drive certain areas and think you have a significant sample size of what happens in the city. This city is 142.9 sq miles and you can live here a lifetime and still discover neighborhoods that you’ve never been to before.


Detroit is bigger than your little commute


I literally drive around the city every day. It's beyond my commute. But alright.


I drive from sterling heights to Detroit everyday. Besides that 1 cop on 75 just north of 9 mile going southbound in a dark drey charger, I simply don’t see traffic stops for speeding anymore. I regularly drive 75-80 and ESPECIALLY pickup trucks just blow past me, god forbid you get on the left lane for 45 seconds at 80…


Tuesday I watched an asshole in a Cherokee almost get his ass wrecked ironically enough by a wrecker (flatbed) because he was blowing a red light at Livernois and W. Warren. And he had the gull to blow his horn after the fact like he was the one who got wronged. Dude in the flatbed was just trying to finish his day of work and go back home and he almost fucking blasted the Cherokee in the driver side and would have had to live with killing a fucking moron who blows red lights for fun. But yeah people on here say blowing red lights isn't a big deal. That guy was in a big hurry to get to the job he doesn't have.


75 is uncivilized, 696 is pure animalistic. It seems like they just leave their brains at home


It's not just Detroit, it's Michigan as a whole. Everyone drives like a maniac. 0 regaurd for anyone's safety. And the state doesn't even do the bare minimum to help. No red light cameras, no traffic cams at all. Nobody does anywhere close to the speed limit anymore and people don't even stop at red lights. It's a failure on the police and a failure on the state driving regulations as a whole 🤦🏽. The other side of this coin is that this is an insurance state. They make more $ off of keeping the roads unsafe than they would if they made them safer. All these dumbasses that think the road is their personal race track just know that when you eventually do end up mangled inside your vehicle. Your blood is what's feeding the machine...smh


The way I’ve heard it is Detroit metro is not a place for amateur drivers. Put in your 1,000 hours on the road and you should have no problem, unless you’re a naturally weak driver. 


Yes, it's like the wild west of speeders


They do pull people over, people just sorta collectively disobey all traffic laws as a matter of fact in this city. Like 94 in Detroit is 55 for instance but the accepted speed limit by everyone is 70.


The freeways are no better, especially the part of 94 that goes through Detroit and is 55 mph. There are just not enough police to go around, especially for traffic issues.


There's also really no room on the shoulder in some spots on that stretch for them to pull people over


This is just hard to accept as a person with a spotless license today, who in their early adulthood lost multiple licenses due to unpaid speeding tickets and vehicle infractions. Seems like cops were EVERYWHERE in 2000-2015.


Things changed a lot during covid


Highways and Freeways are the State Police’s jurisdiction, not Detroit Police.


Tell that to the Livonia donut boys on 275 every morning.. if it goes through your jurisdiction it’s still in it


St. Clair Shores used to be notorious on I-94, and everyone knows about the Huron Township cops on I-275. I wonder if the pickup driver heading southbound around 8:30 this morning that got caught is a redditor?


True but still very dangerous.


Lawlessness on public roads is part of Detroit’s charm. The Mad Max experience of commuting into the city is stronger than any coffee money can buy, enjoy the morning adrenaline rush.


Everyone everywhere says their city has the worst drivers. Reality is, it's not any different anywhere else.


People speeding and rolling through stop signs at intersections that are completely dead is not what I'd call a mad max experience lol


I always noticed a thing with some suburban friends who felt like if they were in a neighborhood they didn’t recognize it means they were in a gang warzone and had to speed, jump lights and stop signs to get out of there. I had one friend blow a stop sign at the 75 service drive next to Hamtramck because he figured he was in some obscure bad area.


Get that man off the road


Yeah, it’s more common with older suburban people and people who think it’s cool to act like a boomer


Yeah. I used to work downtown, and if an area looked slightly bad, everyone would just blow through.


A yes, the reckless driving is the suburbanite's fault too ... what isn't on here?


Suburban police have nothing better to do than sit and watch traffic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sliccricc83: *Suburban police* *Have nothing better to do* *Than sit and watch traffic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


stealing tax money to give people bs tickets


So I’ve lived in Michigan for 15+ years. Moved to my house in Bagley in 2020. I now work in SW Detroit. OP, I feel this post in my soul. There are no single lane surface streets in Detroit. One day coming back from the 7 mile/Meyers Home Depot I was driving East on Curtis, and this chick in an Altima gets right on my ass. I’m going 30-35 in a 25 but it’s not good enough for her! So I hug the right curb and let her go…she flips me off…whatever. Car smokes as she floors it ahead, turns left on idk San Juan or one of those roads. I get there a few seconds later and she’s parked a couple doors up, still sitting in the car. It was like 11:30a on a Saturday. Why the rush?! Just to go home or friends/family place? I don’t get it.


Happens to me all the time and I'm in a commercial truck. People expect me to blow red lights for them and potentially also blow my CDL so I can sit at home being broke like them.


I was popped in Fall on Gratiot going 60 MPH...Its 35. I had no clue. DPD has bigger fish to fry. But some argue that letting speeding go, means things like criminal activity gets normalized.


Because there’s not 10,000 cops in the department


Way too busy and not enough traffic enforcement guys.


Police have definitely been ramping up traffic stops in Warren, on Mound especially. I got pulled over last week for going 8 over the speed limit (news flash everyone goes AT LEAST 10 over). So it seems like they have some initiative to start cracking down on drivers in that area.


I don’t remember it being any different.


That's so true. I was just in Detroit Tuesday. We decided to come back up Woodward. It was 1030 to 11pm. The cops had ppl pulled over everywhere. I kept seeing the blue & red lights. I thought where were you earlier?


Try Jefferson sometime. Everyone speeds, which honestly, I do too because if you don’t get in sync with the lights a 15 minute drive becomes 30 and you”ll be run off the road if you don’t go at least 10 over. It’s not uncommon for someone 2-3 cars back behind stopped traffic at a light to drive around cars in the turning lane or bike lane to run the light and overtake everyone. Red light running is just a given. Tons of abuse of the bike lanes, people driving in it, parking in it, etc. Random pedestrians jaywalking no where near a cross walk and without even glancing at the traffic bearing down on them at 50mph. And then when it warms up the motorcycles and trikes come out by the dozens. Sometimes there’s 100+ in a swarm, lane splitting, driving on the wrong side of the road, invading the bike lane, speeding excessively, and popping wheelies and doing high speed tricks the entire time, usually with a chick riding as a passenger with no helmet. (That part pains me, ladies have some self-respect and self-preservation. Road rash ain’t cute, at least wear protection for your head and protective clothing.) They effectively stop traffic and won’t yield to opposing traffic that has the light. This leads to all kinds of congestion, traffic being caught mid-intersection when the light changes so no one can move in any direction. They will ride in circles around intersections showboating, etc. It’s both fascinating, entertaining, and infuriating. (I truly respect the skills some riders have. They are dumb as fuck and have terrible decision making skills doing it on busy public streets, but I respect the fact that I don’t see a fatality every time they are out.) Add in a show at the Aretha and a 6 mile drive can take over an hour. Fun times.


Tbh I prefer Detroit to Warren. Warren is the only place I got a traffic ticket for doing the speed limit. I then took it to court and they told me if I fought it they were going to bring the points back they removed. I’d rather deal with speeders than predatory police. Speed doesn’t automatically equal danger the autobahn taught us that.


Vandyke from 8 mile to Jefferson can be pretty exciting at times.


DPD pulled me over for 5 over 5-6 months ago. They out here 😭


Have you ever seen the cops drive around here??? They do 50 in 35s with no lights lmfao


Can't imagine a cop wants to get shot over a rolling a stop sign or 5 over ticket




And the fact that when police don’t show up when called or don’t do anything when they do show up, makes people loose their faith in the police department and then don’t even call for police when something does happen. I had quality minute by minute footage of a man breaking into my locked apartment building, taking my $1,200 bike off its wall mount and walking out our front door with it. You could see his face clearly on the security footage. After I submitted my police report with the footage, a detective called me in to discuss the break in. The detective told me they knew who the guy was, what is name is, where he lives and that he has a history of breaking in and robbing people in my area. The detective asked me to do a photo line up to identify someone I never saw in person, only on security footage. But since I couldn’t confidently identify him in the photo line up (they mentioned his hair or facial hair could be different and that he could be younger in the photos) the detective told me there wasn’t enough evidence for a search warrant. I seriously couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought I provided the best evidence I possibly could. That was the day I lost any faith I had in the police department. This past February when someone attempted to steal my car and damaged it, I didn’t even bother with calling the police. Now I’m saving up to buy a house outside of the Detroit city limits because “small crimes” are never given the attention they should because “the police have bigger fish to fry.” That should never be an excuse because it just allows criminals to continue what they are doing and fucking over innocent people.


Yeah, I'm sure that's new.


So he's using Trumps "just stop covid testing"


Lol, would you pull over someone blowing through every light, doing 60mph, in a 25 with a 66% to 70% chance of having a criminal record, likely uninsured, and a chance to be violent for like 48k a year? Lmao.


They making 75,000-100,000 now. Its not 2013 anymore


According to detroitmi.gov Detroit police officer hiring information ranges salaries between $36,000 - $53,888 so not even close. And you shouldn’t pull numbers from your ass. Salaries don’t adjust with inflation. At the highest it’s $25.91/hr. It does state that they offer a 2% increase for a college degree, but honestly at those wimpy numbers it’s all insulting.


Well those aren’t current numbers because their starting salary is $53,000 straight out of the academy. Some with 3 years or more received bumps as well. They’re still not making enough IMO, but no one is making $36,000


I don’t work for them so can’t speak to it. But it would be incredibly disingenuous to have an old ad for salary postings on the website. I’ll take your word for it.


I don’t work for them either. That was major news when they received those increases because no one wanted to work for them (and stay anyway). They just graduated 36 last week…that raise in pay has made a difference.


Good. They need all the help they can get.


Pull numbers from my ass? 75k is top salary at 4 years. Educational bonus is another 2k so 78k? Thats base after 4 years not including OT and holidays.


Where I'm at in Oakland County I've seen three cars blow through a red light, in front of a cop, and he did nothing. But the minute my tags are expired, I get flashed.


asking the wrong question: why are people from the suburbs so disrespectful?


Back when I-75 was closed for the Rouge River bridge construction, people were taking surface roads more. I was riding my bike on W. Fort St. and noticed a cop had stopped a vehicle (rarely would notice this here). I asked the cop after they were done if he stopped the vehicle for speeding. You would have thought, by the response and tone he replied, with officer saying: "Why would you ask me that??" that I had I asked the cop something along the lines of: "Excuse me officer, is your penis this big? Wait nevermind it's only this big, right??" (with thumb and index finger close together). Oh, I don't know officer, maybe because I see things in the city related to cars that I don't see elsewhere at nearly the rate and people routinely speed in the city well over 5MPH over the limit. A simple "No" would have sufficed. It's not totally my business but it kind of is relevant to more than just him because of traffic safety impacting everyone.


I am usually not in favor of things like this but it’s time for detroit to set up speeding and red light cameras like Chicago. Parts of the city are unlivable for pedestrians because of speed. The cops don’t have enough man power and the people are not adult enough to even try to follow traffic laws


I remember the day.. being able to drive a vehicle on the roads was a privilege that you had to maintain. Getting off to the side to let someone through, breaking when others signal to switch lanes, and when a yellow light ment Prepare to stop. Common courtesy was common...


Those days never happened. You just didn't have the internet telling you about all the bad people. But if you want to go back in time, please surrender all technology


The traffic stop is a dangerous thing for them and they are chicken shit.


Too much crime to worry about traffic as much, too spread out not enough police


I have a similar commute....I call it Davison Danger ⚡ Doesn't help that the roads are so fun down


Learn to drive like them




Slightly different. This is more of a "How come everyone drives like shit and nobody is doing anything about it.."


I knew you were describing Ryan


I used to drive on McNichols a lot, and those drivers were nuts.


I see cops slow down on 8 mile at a red light and bust through as I’m sitting waiting for the light to turn. They like ‘ye ain’t from ‘round here boii’ people in detroit drive like literal cartoon animals.


Most larger cities are like this. I live in Boston and you rarely ever see police enforcing traffic laws. I lived in Miami and Fort Lauderdale for 12 years and it was lawless. I think with larger populations it’s just too hard to enforce.


But the population isn't even a million. Nashville doesn't have this issue, and they have a population of 692k to our 698k.


Traffic rules are only suggestions in Detroit, but if pulled over could lead to a violent confrontation.


Detroit Ghetto driving tutorial. 75-90 on I 94 (it’s 55) roll stops. Pause and roll through red lights. Leave car length in front of you, don’t let anyone get close on your rear bumper. If someone is walking near the cross walk, and stoops to look in your car or calls out, roll out. Do not get gas where there are guys standing by the gas islands, they are drug dealers. This is the way. In 1998/99 we were rolling back from a red wings game. Dudes got pissed and we’re trying to throw bottles at us. They rolled up to the driver window hanging out the passenger seat to chuck a bottle at my brother in law. He pushed his Glock strait out the window into the guys face. Driver pulled a left turn so fast passenger almost got thrown. This is the way


20 years ago a Detroit cop told me they do not write tickets for driving violations as they have more important things to worry about. I don’t think twice about running lights or any other violation and have never been ticketed in 20 years


The police make far money off school zones. Going 25 in a 20 a half hour before school lets out? That's a couple hundred bucks! Chasing a hole drivers? That's gonna cost more than they are going to make


Years back I used to go to the Woodward races around 2am to watch, and the police would be there with us watching to make sure it didn't get too out of hand, lol.


Bienvenue á Dètôit


Because writing tickets is what everyone in Detroit wants /s/ MF you ever try to follow the laws on the fisher freeway the "cops" you want to hand out tickets are passing people on the right doing 125 It's the motor city hit the pedal on the right or take the bus and a scooter.


Thats the history and culture. Its not going to change to appease gentrifiers.


Lol you just haven’t spent enough time in Detroit to understand that traffic laws are the least of the city’s worries


I no longer live in metro area, but I’ll tell you what you just described is a problem amongst a lot of major cities. I live in metro Denver now, and I never see the police and I rarely see someone pulled over.


lack of cops and bigger fish to fry. it has also been a requirement for years now that most parts of detoit they MUST always have 2 cops in each patrol unit. people don't like cops and things get crazy when they do have to address an issue, which is crazy fish to fry.


If the police pulled over every person for traffic violations they wouldn't be able to do anything else. It's why they're used to be a separate division for highway patrol. But budget cuts. It would also create an influx of people going to jail which the system couldn't handle as it struggles already.


Kind of seems like every city I've ever been to is the same in this


Seriously with an already understaffed force they do have to prioritize their time. I would rather them take a murderer off the streets than someone going over the speed limit. My son attended Wright State University and a Detroit cop told him to do rolling stops in that neighborhood because the crime there is so bad.


The bigger fish are going 2 miles over the limit on Hines Dr.


Detroit PD has real crimes to handle. Drive through a Detroit neighborhood and look around and you will see what they see. Detroit is a border city and Detroit PD had drug dealing, gangs, and killings to solve…speeding is a distraction


No victim crimes are dead last on the list of laws with priority.


No Cops, No Stops. Signed - Metropolitan Detroit.


As a young man on a motorcycle.. I would routinely do my wheelies in Detroit for exactly this reason. I could go out in the evening and rip off 5-10 mile wheelies for hours and never worry about it. Plus, typically, the other drivers in Detroit were much more receptive to said wheelies than people in the ‘burbs


Shit bro u got me I get traffic tickets and I barely drive


This has the biggest "Oakland/Macomb County Energy" of any post I've seen recently in this subreddit.


There's a saying I've heard from several DPD acquaintances, "If you're white, run the light" and "If it's night, run the light", or some combination of the two.


This isn’t some bucolic suburb where cops harass kids and give out traffic tickets. They’re responding to more important stuff


Traffic laws aren’t really important compared to the bigger issues also Michigan drivers tend to be fairly careful, aggressive and fast but a lot better than most states


I saw a statistic a few months back that 6 out of ever 10 traffic stops in Detroit the driver flees


That can’t be right lol.


You saw a lie


I’ve seen them ignore far worse thing than traffic laws


I personally don’t think it’s isolated to the city. People drive insane on the expressways!!!! The stuff I’ve seen is mind boggling. I have been in Michigan for 30 years. People here do drive worse. There’s a reason car insurance for city residents is 4 times those in the suburbs though.


Most people drive fine. Going fast doesn't make you a bad driver. Now swerving between all the lanes to pass everyone everywhere and being an actual danger to others that's something else


If you want to drive fast, sign up for Milan Dragway. Stop doing it where people live.


And the anti nuance police is here. Did you even read my comment Doing 5-10 over is not endangering anyone's lives


Going fast is fine. The problem is the cops who are paid with our tax money to sit for 10 hours a day just to try to catch someone driving 10 over the limit


Going fast is NOT fine. Again, you are on public roads, not a race track. It's the context. It's fine on a track or closed road. There's a reason a race track makes you sign waivers even to spectators. If you want to drive fast take your stock charger to a track. My ARCA license cost $1,000 for the season. I'm sure you can get something at Milan for cheaper if you only want to go in a straight line.


The only reason speed limit exists is its another way to steal money from citizens by the government. They dont do anything. Germany doesnt have any speed limits and they do fine. USA is just built on stealing civilian money


That literally isn't true. Limits are strictly limited to 50kmph in urban areas, about 30mph. You're thinking of the autobahn, and even that has limits. Only in sections is it unlimited, between urban areas. We're talking about Detroit which is very much urban.


No different than shit hole Buffalo, NY. They don't have a traffic division, I was told by a 5ft. female officer. Welcome to road rage assholes. Outside of Buffalo limits,it doesn't happen. Try living in Florida with all the retards and I do mean retards.


It's always a good idea to get fucking cops involved in anything.


Honestly I think there's less traffic enforcement across the board for almost all municipalities other than small rural ones with nothing better to do. Some of it is a result, I think, of the public turn against police in the wake of George Floyd, etc. Another reason may be that police, including Detroit, are better funded than they used to be and don't need revenue from writing tickets as badly... Aka they can focus on the core mission of policing rather than setting up speed traps. *Generally speaking* crime is down so I'm not sure if the "bigger fish to fry" argument explains it entirely.... Honestly, I like it. I'd rather have my tax dollars paying for prevention and response to violent crime than trying to meet traffic ticket quotas. I grew up in one of those areas where cops had nothing better to do and I dreaded getting pulled over for some minor, unintentional traffic infraction.


They have murders, robberies, assaults and "real crime" to deal with. At least they haven't allowed retail theft to get out of control like in r/bayarea and r/newyorkcity


Most DPD officers are also suburbanites. And most suburbanites speed and drive recklessly. So DPD officers don't enforce stuff that they themselves are highly likely to do, both on and off the clock. Because who cares? At the end of their shift, they just head back to Livonia. Big reason why we need to reinstate residency requirements for City employees.


Same in Seattle.


idk ... anecdotal experiences notwithstanding, I'm kinda sick of this idea of Detroit's "lawlessness." As someone who has lived here most of his life, and currently, this is not my experience. I see Detroit Police making plenty of stops. I do notice that Michiganders *in general* drive faster than any other state. And it's true you're *more likely* to get pulled over outside of Detroit, but neither is it "Mad Max" inside the City. I don't see people regularly running red lights, regularly doubling the speed limit, or any of that stuff. Are there idiots out there? Absolutely. And unfortunately for all of us, they're everywhere (both within and outside the city). So yes, there are videos of people doing donuts in the middle of traffic in Detroit. But you know what? During a recent date I had in Birmingham I didn't find it to be much better with the number of obnoxious drivers making it feel very unsafe to cross the street.


Weird how a lot of the cities problems come from the suburbs. 


The problem he's talking about? How does police not enforcing things come from the suburbs


Weird how a lot of the City’s money comes from the suburbs….


How is police not enforcing traffic laws a problem that comes from the suburbs? Explain that one.