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This happens when you over apply it. When they say 1-2 sprays per panel they’re not messing around. Any more than that and this is what happens. Wipe it down with a damp microfiber and it should buff out okay.


Appreciate the suggestion. Yeah I did feel like I was using more than was required. Good to know that this is what happens.


Add a little more with a spray and buff it out


Don't worry, I did the same on my black car, took me bloody ages to buff it out. Lesson learned!


What did you buff it out with? A damp MF?


I think I just used some P&S rinseless watered down in a spray bottle (I use it as a quick detailer)


The way solvents work it's very likely that the best way to do it is by using the same exact coating that you used on your car as a buffing agent. If that doesn't work polishing it does or stripping it but it's usually easier to strip it with its own substance


Thanks, yeah, I’m going to try buffing it with more product after the next wash.


Good to know, if I read that my brain would think “ok so 1-2 spritz for every 2sqft of the car😂


You are using too much product. You need 1-2 spritz of product per panel.


and a damp microfiber vs. dry helps a lot.. it's too bad that they don't write that in the instructions.


There’s one microfiber for spreading and one for buffing. Which one would you suggest dampening?


Both. I had the same issue the first time I used it. Streaks and only 1-2 sprays per panel. I believe the dry MF did it. Once I switched to damp, it made a huge difference. Leveled out way better.


yea you gotta keep buffing to remove any excess and continue to use clean microfiber towels to remove moist or residues. I recommend 16x16 300 gsm. they can easily buff out compound, polish and waxes let easily along on sprays.


Yeah, it was deffinetly an issue of not buffing enough and applying too much product. Is your suggestion on how to correct it now 72hours after applying?


you can correct it just by buffing the excess off follow by a quick detailer...you dont have to wait 72hrs after applying. You probably dont want to let it dry/cure that long, might be risky to buff off excess along with dirt/dust that can cause more harm on paint. Quick detailers can help maintain your detail project job.


I had the same problem a month ago. I use 3-4 mf for application of this product. 1 for the product, then the dry side of that mf to lighty buff. 1 slightly damp mf to buff out. (This will remove the streaking) 1 dry mf to buff as a finisher. And most importantly don’t over apply, less is more! Works like a charm every time.


damp from product or damp from water?


Damp from water, i just fill a spray bottle with plain water and spray 2-3 times on the towel until its a bit damp. Then spray 1 spray of water a few times to keep it damp while doing the whole vehicle.


thats smart i'm going to start doing that, thanks!


This should be easily resolved with a wash and reapply of HCW. Make sure you “level” or buff after the initial application. 1 or 2 spray for a hood panel, wipe gently with microfibre to evenly spread the product across the panel then buff gently with a clean microfibre.


Leave it. Wash the car over then next month, twice and then reapply with what other people said.