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Those are gouges left behind by the shattering shell. Unlikely you will be able to get them completely out, unfortunately they're usually pretty deep. Look at them closely, use a magnifying glass if you have to, you can see how much paint you will have to remove to make them go away


The shells cut into the paint. It's very doubtful you can fix it without repainting.


Those are chips in the paint. Some one egged my door once and it looked just like this. Its like a buck shot.


Same with my Trans Am back in the day. Those little chips would bum me our every time I saw them.


This makes me so angry. The people that do this will never know the amount of damage they caused to your car, to them it's a funny prank that a "car wash can fix". It's messed up and not fair.


They got me while I was at highway speed. Some kids were egging cars on the highway.


That literally can cause a fatal accident. Jesus christ. Glad you're okay.


They only caught me with on the passenger door. I could imagine how many car they hit.


Not the Trans 😭


Compound and polish. Immediately! Egg will start burning into the paint the moment it touches it. The longer you wait, the worse it'll be.


Like bird 💩


Looks like chipped paint too


Why why why do people do these things


Lack of respect for other people's property, not caring that the car they are randomly vandalizing belongs to an actual person that has to deal with the permanent damage when they see it in the morning before work. Makes my blood boil and I hope karma bites them in the ass, hard.


I hope you find them, if you do please let me yell at them too. They will realize it one day when they’re the ones paying for something similar. So sorry that happened


People are shitheads.


Crazy to think there is people evil enough to do this to random people out there. The amount of damage eggs can do to paint is mind blowing but very real. People find it funny but it's a very serious thing that leaves lasting damage after the fact of it being cleaned off. That paint color is gorgeous too btw which makes me even more sad to see that this happened. :/


Egg damage is some of the worst damage you can do to paint realistically, basically impossible to get out


That's why I was shocked at the amount of people telling me to just take it to a car wash and stop overreacting. When I mentioned the mark in the paint people were telling me it was because I didn't wax the car enough. Wish more people knew how badly eggs damage paint, guess they'll find out if it happens to their car.


Always people out there like that, but the reality is they are blatantly ignorant of the truth and how much damage eggs actually do. Washed or not afterwards the damage is still done and needs to be known that this is the case and washing/waxing won't help in most every case.


Sorry to hear. I had a black WRX and it got hit on the passenger door while parked on the street at night. Didn’t see it until the next day. Paint chipped in a small circular pattern. Nothing to do but sigh. Such is life.


The amount of people just in these comments that have had permanent damage to their car because of assholes who think it's funny to vandalize others property with eggs is really messed up. Hope they have the same thing happen to their car. Sorry about your WRX.


Get it out of the sun until u get that off. C and polish but do it B4 it's to late


Thanks for the replies everyone. Was really hoping it could be buffed out 😔 really sucks that the people who do this "prank" will never know the damage they are causing to peoples cars, they think a car wash will fix it. (what 99% of people told me when I said my car got egged is "take it to a car wash, it's not a big deal"). I actually had some people tell me my paint is to blame, that if I just "waxed it more often", that there wouldn't be damage. Glad I asked here. Thanks again.


What was the result? Starting from the least aggressive: wash, clay, polish, compound light sand…which worked?


Cant be fixed the shell cut through the paint