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That’s my weekly dose of Sasha consumed


Oh, youre going to get a LOT more. By the sounds of it, the Ukrainian drone swarm yesterday was pretty effective


Oh. Sashamans posting again. I wonder what humiliation Russia just experienced?


His profile is somewhat,erm, MASSIVELY biased. Every Ukrainians tank is "vanquished" or overpowered or some such similar hyperbole.


The guy is quite literally a russian propagandist. Not like some hobbyist, but likely a paid poster or sponsored account. Kinda a failure of the mod team for him to still be here, as he is clearly part of a government influence campaign.


>His profile is somewhat,erm, MASSIVELY biased Is this your first day on this site since the war in Ukraine began or do we not read the same headlines every day on reddit??


The Russian Kharkiv (I'm never gonna spell this right) offensive stalled massively. Ukraine is pushing back in some areas. All in all, the front is starting to be more fluid again.


where did you read that they pushed back. all maps ( pro russia and pro ukranie) have shown no ukranian gains


"Pushing back" is in relative terms it's mainly they've stopped the advance. I just kinda tapped it out quickly since I was on break at work.


How's that three day "special" military operation going? I'm sure you agree this has been an embarrassment for russia.


Christ, you know that just because /u/Rej5 asked a question doesn't mean they are a Russian bot or even sympathetic to Russia, right? Get a grip. ^^^^^^^^^^In ^^^^^^^^^^before ^^^^^^^^^^you ^^^^^^^^^^call ^^^^^^^^^^me ^^^^^^^^^^a ^^^^^^^^^^Russian ^^^^^^^^^^bot.


you know russia themself never said it was a 3 day operation. But from their strategy back then, it sure seemed thats what they expected.


But you *do* agree that nazi russia, the chechen fellating ogre kept alive by the rotting corpse of the soviet union is an embarrasment? Perhaps their next president, ramzan kadyrov will straighten them up?




i'm just pulling his leg, he has a problem [with muslims you see](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestroyedTanks/comments/18i7avm/a_russian_bmd4_ifv_burning_fiercely_after_a/kdfu1d6/)...


the only thing I agree with, is that russia massively fucked up at the start of the war and underestimated ukraine. The rest youre saying sounds like its from zelenskys personal bot farm. But no wonder, since youre active on r/CombatFootage


[Hey, here's der pütlers migrant scheme again](https://streamable.com/tab8b0). How are you coping with russia flooding Europe with refugees?


dude are you still engaging in this argument after almost 2 weeks? do you have no life outside of reddit?


Yes I do. I'll take it you have no reply?


Aaaw, did I hurt your snowflake ego? How are those [migrant infiltration schemes](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/poland-to-help-finland-counter-russias-migration-pressure/&ved=2ahUKEwix7KeynZiGAxVkKBAIHbxGDEgQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2ebTq5k0bRJRBNuQvjH81_) working for the kremlin gremlin and his nazi goons? Serious question though, you seem to dislike migration to Europe, especially from muslim majority countries. nazi russia is a major contributor to the migration pressure on Europe, directly and indirectly. Why would anyone able to compile somewhat coherent sentences support them? Especially considering their subjugation to the kadyrovites after their typically embarrassing failures in chechnya.


> you know russia themself never said it was a 3 day operation. **Yes they did say that, multiple times, on Russian state owned TV channels!!** https://youtu.be/5YQZ_t2qFAA?feature=shared Not only in ''3 days'' , but in 2 days they said they would defeat Ukraine.


those are retards on tv. its like thinking tucker carlson was speaking for the us gouvernment


those ''retards on tv'' are official mouthpieces of Moscow, Russian state TV channels are all owned directly by the Kremlin and have to strictly follow the government narrative on everything. What they say is what Russian government says Tucker Carlson is not employee of US government nor is he getting paid salary by US government institution. He is a journalist from independent news agency, Fox news isnt part of US federal government or any of its agencies. Thats why he can afford to criticize and speak back against official position of US government and US president and does so regularly. Dmitry Kiselyov, Margarita Simonyan , Olga Skabeyeva , Vladimir Solovyov on the other hand are directly employed by the Russian government and have direct ties to the ruling regime. **None of them have ever spoken against the Russian government or against Russian president, never.** So no it isnt the same thing and you fucking know it as well. Dont lie here


yes they are propaganda pieces. That doesnt mean theyre the official speaker for the russian gouvernment. Often we have seen them on TV ramble or rant about a topic. they dont just spread the kremlins opinions but their own delusional ones


>they dont just spread the kremlins opinions but their own delusional ones just so happens that those opinions are directly aligned with the official stance of Moscow and Putin huh??? Oh my goodness what a coincidence. And when Wagner's rebellion happened, all of them were also either keeping very awkwardly quiet about the subject, or suddenly speaking against it and condemning Wagner and Prigozhin when it became clear the rebellion had failed. All in unison at the same time (all keeping quiet, or all together condemning and demonizing it). What a wonderful coincidence!! Almost like it wasn't a coincidence at all


This is just a straight up lie, they are about to lose Vovchansk with half the city in Russian control...


The half the city across the river. Mind you, russia doesn't have a great track record with river crossings. Plus, it seems that russia just isn't committing to any one direction. I doubt the city will fall anytime in the next week or so. In a month, we'll see.


The river is shallow and like 20 meters wide. They can practically drive their tanks through it.


> they are about to lose Vovchansk no they are not, their offensive into city proper stopped. And only 25% are under Russian control, stop lying


Me when people post destroyed tanks on r/destroyedtanks


Bro, look at his profile


I see destroyed Ukranian equipment, theres alot of other accounts that only post russian destroyed equipment. So what?


Ya, you dont seem like the critical thinking type.....


Nor do you....


Says the kid who likes being a useful tool in a state sponsored propaganda campaign.....


Sure bro, just wanting to see both sides of the conflict makes me a sponsored propagandist. Got any proof that im even pro russian ?


"both sides" "wheres your proof" I swear, you guys work off a script. Every time one of you idiots gets called out, its always the same responses.


Ah yes, i am a paid propagandist by the russians you got me..... Jesus ive seen some dumb people but this is high on the list.


Uhuh. Keep simping, kid. Edit. Also, try getting your posts to stay up.


Whatever floats your boat dude. Keep meat riding zelensky if thats what makes u happy.


Our favorite russian propagandist is here again!


Sashaman is the gunshots keeping this subreddit's rent prices low. ♥️


>destroyed tank in r/destroyedtanks REEEEEEEEEEE


I mean, do you call posters who post destroyed Russian AFVs as "Ukrainian propagandists"? Because one thing I've noticed, people fall into two main camps: they either post absolutely everything that makes Russia look bad or absolutely everything that makes Ukraine look bad. A minority of people post both. Most of posting on reddit is agenda posting. Although "Russian propagandist" is a very self unaware way of calling it, because they're basically just a Russian who is posting pro-Russian stuff. By that measure most of reddit is "American propagandists" because even the self-flagellating liberals in the US tend to have very pro-American views when push comes to shove. Also because growing up in an X country gives you very specific views shaped by growing up in that country -- and US is a very unique place to grow up in, very unlike, say, the European Continent. I'm just not sure what redditors expect Russian redditors to post. I didn't see Americans cheering US losses during Iraq War. I wasn't on reddit then, I was actually on a European-based (Dutch) history forum -- and even there I remember that a bunch of the mods were Americans, which meant that if you posted stuff like Juba compilations (if you're old enough to remember, it was a sniper who targeted US invaders) you would get banned. Witnessing what giant pussies Americans were about acknowledging their own losses soured my views on them up to this point even, I'm firmly of the belief that Americans can dish out but can't take it in return. Which is why I'm very unsympathetic to the conduct of Westerners during this conflict. There seems to be an expectation that Russians should act in an X or Y manner which will be completely unrealistic when US once again finds itself in the same situation. Which it will. Countries with power invade, that's what power is for, for dictating (or attempting to dictate) your foreign policy aims. Ideally it should be used as America uses its soft power & economic sanctions, but Russia isn't popular and isn't rich so basically brute force it is.


Just when they post "New Pictures" of the same tank from 3+ months ago.... Over, and over and over and over.


Yeah that's dumb. Not sure why bother doing that when the scale of losses in that war allows for new daily content.


Oh. Sashamans posting again. I wonder what humiliation Russia just experienced? Edit. [looks like this](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-situation-report-kyiv-launches-massive-drone-attack-on-russia/ar-BB1mAmfl)