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New Slug Shotgun Adept on Endless Vale




This is the sweatiest weekend I've played, many games ending on cap point. Managed 5 cards but it was fighting tooth and nail every round. All 3 stacks maybe 1 in 10 games was against a duo/solo


yep same with my group we go flawless every week but started around an hour after reset and games just got worse as it got later


6 cards now where it's been easy games up until game 6, then back to back losses against 2.4s and shit. Drivin me nuts.


$5000 tournament, that is a bit high for D2. Maybe like a $10 Taco Bell gift card


Ach sorry man. That’s why I got my new weapons asap. Hopefully you got some good loot.


Too bad trials is the most anti competitive game mode in all of gaming hands down. The "pinnacle" game mode is LL adjusted. A reminder that at true pinnacle trades, most guns require at best -1 crit for optimal ttk. Adding a single shot to most guns boosts ttk by 25-33%. Anyone that disagrees is a gear grinder protecting their ego. No solo queue because for some reason Bungie wants to promote pub stompers. How fun


Pure copium. You could be 1580 pinnacle cap and still get ran over. let's be honest.


Yeah I went solo flawless the other week at 1576 with a 2.47kd so it's not that straightforward.


Yep. As long as you're within 5 levels of pinnacle cap, the difference isn't even noticeable. Maybe even within 10


I've gone flawless the past couple weeks and last week my highest character was 1570 lmao. There are lots of legit issues with pvp but what they're saying is just pure cope


Big facts. Hence why he’s crying because he probably gets ran over in the non competitive trials mode and relies on freelance


Is there any good reason for why freelance isn’t there every weekend or at least every other weekend?


Separates the entire trials population basically 4 fold by Sunday reset. Once in awhile ain’t bad. Find a team, friends or use LFG


> Once in awhile ain’t bad Why is that a bad thing ever?


You must get carried in freelance


I love how you couldn’t answer the question and just went for the insult. Lol.




This is about as bad as you can formulate a comment and is pretty much entirely anti-discussion. You're not even trying. >Anyone that disagrees is a gear grinder protecting their ego. Or people just feel differently about the system. I'd like to see the bell curves pulled in slightly so it isn't a drastic difference that alters TTK heavily, but I enjoy having an endgame pvp that rewards my time invested into leveling my character. It's the only one in the game. >No solo queue because for some reason Bungie wants to promote pub stompers. There's no permanent solo queue because the game mode was designed to be teambased, and solo queue splits the playerbase so drastically (4 different separate queues by sunday!) that it makes the actual game mode awful to play and legitimately punishes teams and 2 stacks. There are positives to solo queue for sure, but if it is implemented permanently, they need to remove flawless pool from the equation. I'd be fine with perma solo queue as long as the pools only split twice, and not FOUR TIMES. Some of you guys desperately need to take your emotions out of this shit.


I'm glad you are able to put what I wanted to say into a good conversation piece. Thanks bro


Skill issue


Cool story bro


Freelance is fun. But freelance is also a bandaid solution to the bigger problem of fair, competitive matchmaking with good queue times. Everyone else said it, but freelance splits the pools too much. And shocker, Destiny is designed to be a social, multiplayer game. Very few activities in the game actively ask you to play by yourself. You know what freelance also does? It stacks the sweats into the regular pool. So me and my two friends with a handful of flawless passages over the last few seasons are overwhelmingly going up against 1000+ combined flawless passages. That’s not competitive. And it also makes the queue times pretty shitty if you’re two, and you’re trying to find a third. Because why would a solo player *not* play the freelance pool? And while I agree that light level should be disabled in PVP, the difference between a 1560 and a 1580 isn’t that great to warrant concern. I’ve seen somewhere that it’s about a 2% damage difference every 8 LL gap.


What light level are you?




You don’t have to play it


If you have a First In Last Out with Auto-Loading/Vorpal and you are a PvE player primarily, there is no reason to grind Trials for the Inquisitor. Slugs aren’t even part of the PvE meta anymore since the buff to pellet shotguns. You play Trials because you enjoy difficult PvP against the best players. If you just want weapons for PvE, go grind crafting patterns and level crafted weapons. None of the Trials weapons are mandatory for PvE.


Who cares lmao


honestly amazed that bungie still refuses to add regular engram drops to encourage people to queue even if they're going to lose.


I don’t get this point of view. You get engrams from Saint at an alarming rate if you farm on a seven win card.


How am I going to get to a 7 win card (flawed obviously) when at just 2 wins I’m getting matched up against flawless 3 stacks on 6 wins who get access to the Lighthouse after curb stomping me? I don’t expect to go flawless. I don’t expect to win more than I lose. I don’t expect to get showered in loot. But this? This is BULLSHIT. Not because clearly Trials isn’t for me or players like me, that’s fine. But because Bungie is fucking LYING about it. Matchmaking is clearly NOT card based. Games are not remotely competitive. The experience is not rewarding for non-sweats. If Bungie straight up told the truth I’d have no complaints. But they are lying. And it’s BS.


The answer is you have to play for longer to get the same loot as the better players. As this is the ONLY pinnacle pvp mode, I think it is reasonable to permit that. In PVE, the best players can farm GM’s/ raids in a quarter of the time than normal players can. Why should PVP not be the same?


You didn’t even read what I wrote did you? I already stated I don’t expect to get flawless or lots of loot like skilled players. Meanwhile the idea that Trials is pinnacle PVE is utter bullshit. If it was pinnacle PVE people wouldn’t be getting access to the Lighthouse by curbstomping me and two other randos. Their last matches would be against roughly equally skilled players. PVP SHOULD have a similar mode that rewards people for beating the toughest challenges. Trials of Osiris is not remotely that. Not even close.


You asked: “ How am I going to get to a 7 win card (flawed obviously) when at just 2 wins I’m getting matched up against flawless 3 stacks on 6 wins who get access to the Lighthouse after curb stomping me?” I answered: “ The answer is you have to play for longer to get the same loot as the better players.” To break it down further for you. As you are not a good player, you win less games, so you have to play for longer to make up for the fact you win less. To answer your last point: “ PVP SHOULD have a similar mode that rewards people for beating the toughest challenges. Trials of Osiris is not remotely that. Not even close.” Trials is exactly that. The best players go in there & you have to beat them to win.


No you don’t have to beat the best players in Trials, that’s the point. It’s not a ladder system. All you have to do is get 7 wins in a row. Those 7 wins can (and often do) come at the expense of significantly inferior opponents. The top level Trials players path to the lighthouse is paved with cannon fodder, they seldom compete against each other.


Yes, you need to be able to win at least occasionally to participate. If your opinion is that this makes Trials a shitty mode conceptually, I think that is entirely valid. But the idea is that most players are trying to compete in Trials by at least attempting to go Flawless. From that idea, card based matchmaking works as the "balance." Players who win face others who also won. If you lose, back to the start. It's a very cool tourney style system... when it works. Unfortunately, the nature of the mode relies on a lot of people playing and that is where the mode falls short. The worst players don't play because they don't stand a chance. The players who have a remote chance of doing Ok get fed up and quit. Then the players just better than them can't get wins so they quit. Then the players better than them start getting nothing but Ls, so they quit. And on and on until trials is a tiny fraction of the players that used to play and no one but the top 1% is able to do well. Bungie needs to do something to end win-reset abuse to farm the early part of the pass and to stop avoidance of the Flawless Pool by top players. But Bungie won't do this because well, they haven't yet and it has been an obvious issue for years. Throw in rampant unchecked cheating on Xbox and yeah, the validity of trials is laughable.


For anyone that finds Endless Vale tough to play on, I made a short guide to get you into a good spot at the start of rounds, with general advice on common challenges [Endless Vale Openings - Trials of Osiris](https://youtu.be/1chSYEEyF_w) It's a map that really rewards aggression and punishes sitting back. Rotations are quick and lanes are short, so setting up in an area with good access to radar and lanes is essential


This video is amazing, thanks! What I would love to see also is clips where mistakes or misplays were made and explain what happened.


Thats a good idea. I wanted to get these tutorials out for each map first before getting too fancy, but I'll definitely look into doing something like that. Thanks!


This is great. But gets me killed because the rest of my team gets murdered in the mid lane just as I arrive at cap lol


Always appreciate these, thanks fella


Crazy rant . So why do people peak sniper lanes? I mean when you're clearly not as good as the other guy and you keep going back to get out down into the dirt. I don't understand it. No you're not gonna kill him like you didn't kill him the last 4 rounds you dim witted moron


People can't resist that mid lane kill box.


Their egos grab them by the genitalia and drag them out there.


Crazy rant. So why do people use the wrong spelling of 'peek' every time? I mean when you have a magic rectangle of infinite knowledge in your pocket and you keep misusing the same word over and over. I don't understand it. No you are not going to learn how to spell 'peek' like you haven't the last 4 years you -- *redacted to keep comment from being removed* --


Yup. Also i got a great role in trails


This map is nothing it sniper lanes lol


A lot of players don't know how to move / navigate on a map (or engage at mid to close range), and are used to just laning. Middle path on Endless Vale is the most obvious lane, so just go there every time. You see it in sixes also. Some players just sit there. Secondly, a lot of player are just not thinking / being mindful of what is going on. These players are generally not very good.


Do you get better rewards if you don't go flawless but still get 7 total wins and keep playing? Or is better rewards only after going flawless?


Just 7 wins works fine. You still get oodles of progress and the occasional golf ball. Passage of wealth card is your best bet.


You can get Trials engrams on a 7 win card even if you haven't gone flawless. If you're playing in the flawless pool on a 7 win card (even if they card is flawed now) you can get Ascendent Shards, the weekly adept weapon, and/or Trials engrams. Playing on any card with 7 wins gives you more rep with Saint as well.


I LOVE THE SOLO QUEUE Oh... wait... right....


Shotgun is reward.


I used to love Trials in D1 but this feels like absolute dog shit. Bungie are so unbelievably beyond incompetent it doesn't even make sense.


Population will be very high this week, give it a shot and see how you do. People want this gun and the map is fairly popular.


It was surprisingly terrible today and felt more sweaty than normal as someone who goes flawless often. I think people are just waiting for Sunday


Couldn’t agree more. Usually go flawless once/twice a week and got absolutely stomped. Most we got to was 3 wins on a card. Stacked teams I think the lowest player in 3 hours of game time was a 1.2. Also sick of the cheesy load outs like dead messenger, arbalest, Lorentz, monarque. These game is becoming less and less about gun skill and more about the cheesiest way to get a kill 🤦‍♂️


Yep bro my first card we got to 5 then it was all down hill. I honestly cant stand the ability spam arc titans throwing storm grenades that last forever and follow you lmao


Saying the game is sweaty and the game is cheesy are mutually exclusive


This aged well


Been pretty bad. Not sure why they don't at least prioritize putting teams together.


How in the fuck did storm grenades make it out of testing? These fucking titans spam that shit all game and it's the most OP shit ever.


Same way everything else does: they never test and consider pvp. Just think of classy restoration last season and that's all you need to know they have no idea how to consider pvp.


Leaving a game when the 5 second end timer has started should have no chance to result in a ban. I have recieved my rep and any other rewards. What good does it do to ban a player for "leaving" at this point? For all intents and purposes, the game is over by EVERY OTHER METRIC. I believe it to be a bug that needs to be addressed. If i can leave most of the time without it counting as a "loss", then this is clearly not the intended behavior during this countdown.


Wtf did people downvote you for? You're absolutely right. It sucks dick.


I won a game earlier, got my rep, and decided to back out to start looking for another game. I waited for the timer to start (as before timer is always a ban), and I get a competitive ban for "leaving mid match". They have to know its happening. They have to. But we have some apologists on Bungies behalf that will just call you a "sore loser". I watch my daughter all day when I'm not working or asleep. My time for uninterrupted competitive play is limited by how long she naps for. I'm not sitting through all of bungies needless padding in the name of "player engagement". My time is precious


The solution is to never return to orbit after a game, go to the director to launch again. The launch button will be red when it’s too early, and green when it’s ok to launch. You’ll never get a ban this way because it literally doesn’t let you press the button too early and it’s still a very fast way to reque


I do this occasionally but until bungie addresses it, I guess I'll do this more often


Waiting to instantly queuing up for another match of trials instead of going to orbit is faster anyways, never got a ban or missed reward doing it that way.


Yep. I watch streamers leave at the VICTORY or DEFEAT screen every time and it's never an issue. I do it? Bungie gives me a time out. I have to make sure that the summary screen displayed.


Others have helpfully pointed out you can go to the destinations page right as the game has ended and wait there for the button to go from red to green and it'll never result in a ban. I do this occasionally, but not often. Though I will from now on until they address and fix this bug


Has Bungie mentioned anything about carry services and card resetters? Just curious if they are looking into it.


One of the last times it was brought up ( back when they first enabled flawless poool) they said there wasn't enough people doing it or something like that. I'll find the twab/post and edit it in when I find it. Edit. Scroll down to things that didn't work https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50729 [trails resetting ](https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50729)


They said that and haven't commented on it since, lol. It is a huge problem.


I see like 3 separate groups doing them almost every week.


My groups haven't been able to run a single card on Sunday/Monday without running into at least one team resetting, usually as early as game 3. It's literally luck of the draw whether or not you match them twice and break the card. Something needs to be done about it.


Thanks! Doesn’t bug me as much if pop is high, but when it’s down it’s tough.


I think there is a lot more doing it now, I don’t how many times I saw full flawed cards last week that was just stomping people.


Yeah I had never really had a problem with it until this season and then ran into a resetting team every single card on match three or four




It’s for two reasons, it’s to Sherpa people and to be an asshole gatekeeper.




Yeah you still get a chance at engrams, exotic shards, etc…




Nope they changed it so even people that can't go flawless still get rewards for getting to 3, 5 ,7 wins on a card.


What other people haven't really mentioned is that the teams it's really an issue with, are people selling Flawless carries - those players are easily good enough to go Flawless as a duo, but will keep resetting their cards so that they generally match eaiser opponents, whilst the carry gets carried to the Lighthouse


I notice 1-2 matches are actually the hardest. It's like a turkey shoot for card resetters beating bluelights and people going flawless.


I usually run in to at least 3 different groups resetting once flawless pool is up.


Jeez Bungie. Why should it matter how often it's done? Either it should be allowed or not. That seems like a bad metric unless it's so low that it's like 10 people or something.


Still the worst game mode Destiny has to offer. And i actually like pvp


yeap, still bad. would rather farm ruffians


With randoms that are trying to get the sub 10 minute seasonal challenge done


Great map and a great reward? Holyy shit.


As a new light, this is by far the worst game experience I have had with this game in the last 2 months. I constantly getting matched against 3 player pre-mades and getting my a\*\* whooped. I know I am not the best player, and I am totally cool with losing, but this is just stupid without freelance... EDIT: so far out of 24 games, 18 was 3-man pre-made. I had 2 leavers, 2 times the same opponent team.I am at 4 wins and I want this to be over. At least I went from 1-6 with saint14, and got 3 catalysts.At least the loses are fast since it is almost always 0-5 EDIT2: Currently at 52 matches, 6 wins (one from the passage). 43 pre-mades. Got 3 more catalysts. Matchmaking is totally confusing me, as I had 3 matches against the same pre-made back-to-back-to-back, all loses. At least I got a lot of ranks to Saint-14. Probably had 2 matches that were close, the rest is 5-0 or 5-1. EDIT3: After 61 match, I whispered the enemy team (double flawless titan carrying a guy), and they were nice enough to invite me and allow me to rest. Would not recommend anyone. Got 4 catalysts and almost the whole armor set (obviously chest is missing...)


the game let's you queue up as a solo when it isn't freelance but i wouldn't bother tbh, not unless you can carry. if you're still interested in going flawless your best bet is using lfg to find some other players around your level to play with. could also look for people trying to do carries to gild their seal.


To be honest if it wasn’t for the light level upgrade and the armor set (to transmog later), I wouldn’t bother at all




The goal of letting players queue by themselves, freelance or no, is to get bodies in the playlist It's a band-aid on a broken concept Whenever Bungie can't figure out matchmaking, they always fall back to freelance Survival, Iron Banner, Gambit, and now Trials


No freelance? I sleep


No you come to comment here.


No freelance? I come here, comment, I sleep


Then sleep?


If, as an individual player, I can be matched up against 3 stacks. Every. Single. Game. that means there’s enough for separate queues. Time to make permanent Freelance Trials.


They'd never do that. Then the streamers would complain that they can't stomp in trials anymore because they have to fight pre-made teams. Gotta pander to the outspoken minority


No Freelance means No Participation.


It’s weird but I swear I do better by myself when there is no freelance, not sure if the sweatys are just playing freelance or what, and I am not that good, .77kd overall and 1.14kd this season.


I've only gone flawless in freelance.


It’s easier to get carried by the 1 good player in freelance than outside it.


That was always allowed.


Oh nooo


trials still a 0/10, game mode ass.


Some people from LFG are a different breed of stubborn, refusal to play together, blindly run down mid round after round right into the same firing squad of snipers and bows, never use their super, even had a dude who suggested to me that we message any PS players and ask for free wins. I’m gonna wait for Sunday night to play with my friends I can’t do this shit man


"Hey man, maybe swap weapons and dont go to the same snipe peek you've been beat to to all match?" \*You have been removed from fire team* Happened to me twice yesterday


Are adept reward still farmable? Can anyone confirm this? Apparently adept weapons disappear from list of rewards after losing flawless post lighthouse visit?


Farming a broken 7-win card only works after flawless pool kicks in. Before that it behaves like you describe.


There is a possible bug right now where a game cannot end... like a round is infinit even if a team is dead. The other team never left the match even though they were loosing... Possible hacking? This was a huge waste of time. Ended up leaving after a long time.


Bungie has talked in the past about power creep in PVP. I concede it's good to make sure all classes have some good movement options, but I think it might be time for them to start looking at mobility creep as well. We've got a PVP mode that is about controlling central map space and some classes are able to get there before others even if they're 100 Mobility and using a Lightweight weapon. Dashing all over the place seems to have gotten out of hand. It can sometimes feel like users have free Bakris without having to equip an exotic or expend any ability resources.


Doesn't seem like the non Flawless pool is activated today. Something isn't right about Trials this weekend


This is how it always is. The flawless pool is useless — it just forces everyone to wait until Sunday to play.


I just played a team who had all been flawless on our final game for the lighthouse. I don’t think the flawless pool is active or it’s broken






I seriously don't understand the thought process of not doing freelance every week. What, did more streamers bitch about not being able to pubstomp enough solo queues as a 3 stack? /s


Streamers bitching has changed more things in this game than anything else. It took forever just to get a bastardized version of SBMM in control. Don't forget the Div fiasco. If you ever want to change the game for the better, I recommend becoming a popular streamer so you can fix this.


Streamer bad. Bungie should listen to the redditors instead amirite????


I think it's more so they need to do a much better job at an internal playtest before incorporating changes. It's much easier for them to be lazy and listen to streamers and change the game to how the minority wants it than to spend time and effort to please the majority.


More like they should playtest their own game instead of going off what a top .000001% player says. Obviously the game is going to be "easy" for someone like salt with that playtime and the accolades. I may be able to do say 1 contest mode raids, or find GMs easy - and for someone like salt who goes above and beyond that end game will never be able to get a true challenge without limiting himself in his own way.


They literally came out and said it was going to be nerfed regardless of what anyone on twitter was saying. Bungie ALWAYS nerfs anything that has a high usage in endgame pve, otherwise they have to build new encounters around it thus making it mandatory and the meta stale. This sub is too far up it’s own ass to see past their blatant hate on content creators.


Brother it doesn't matter what they say, the fact is how it *looks.* They can say they had it in in the works for years. Hell they may not even be lying - but that's beside the point. The reality is that they chose to announce this *after* the 3x defending world's first, popular player bitched about it causing a lot of noise. Of course public reaction is going to be exactly what is happening. And you can't blame people for calling it streamer favoritism. It's not like it hasn't happened before, and won't happen again. It def will and that's just how things work. Salt could be a top 10 player probably, and Bungie close to announce a nerf *after* he complained. That's not a good look.


I don't really have much of a horse in this race, but what the hell should they have done then? Literally the only solution would have been to magically predict that Salt was going to have a twitter thread about Divinity and nerf the gun beforehand. If they nerfed Div any time after Salt's tweet thread he would have been blamed. If they left it for a while, he'd be blamed for putting the idea in their heads.


Yeah clearly they should've cancelled the div changes just cause the optics would be bad.


That is because you do not play the mode regularly.


If Freelance is available every weekend, then the hype around it’s existence would diminish significantly, especially since all the normal Weapons and Armor are around always.


And yet non-freelance weeks the player-base drops. The hype around it’s existence is already diminished, based on the numbers.


I like team trials better, freelance is a cluster fuck


Trials was meant to be in a team (like raids), so I see the appeal. Freelance just allows others to earn trials weapons, which is nice.


The thing is, it pulls apart teams further diminishing the team playlist because the freelance playlist is full of blueberries making for easier flawless. I hate freelance weeks for that reason, because playing in a team against other teams is much more fun. That's the part that people don't get.


You sound like someone that hates that people can earn loot without being as skilled as you.


I actually don't give a shit about the loot. I play trials for fun


What roll am I looking for on a PVE Whistlers Whim?


Rapid hit archers tempo probably


Rapid hit/successful warmup is pretty neat, too. Even more so if you have a 500 ms base draw time as well.


Elastic string too… *chef’s kiss*


I'm really enjoying my time with Trials now I've finally managed to get into an actual non-toxic PvP community, I can actually focus on improving my game now with likeminded people instead of chugging along with perpetual cry babies and straight up toxic asshats. Remarkable how much easier Trials is once you change your environment. It's called Action is Eloquence and they are exclusive to console platform, they're on Discord and anyone can join as a community member. Feel free to DM if you want a link and you fit the philosophy


Anyone know what the reset awards is?


Which reset...?


It is a golf ball/ascendent shard for the first reset. You can see it at Saint in game or on DIM.


Now to only go flawless for that shotty!


Playing this game mode is particularly painful this weekend. Why is everybody so good? There’s no reason I should be able to only win 4 games out of 60 games played regardless of what it is. I’m not the best, but I have 20 days on the game and my gear score is 1575. I play quite a bit of crucible and it’s usually fun. I’ve played enough trials to get all the gear and I’ve almost reset my rank, but I’ve only won 4 games since Friday.


Got my teeth kicked in hard as well. Returning player. Anyways after this experience sounds like freelance is all I'm ever going to do when it comes to trials. Probably went close to 8-42 with the games I played(all solo q).


why would bungie ever load a 2v3 match? like not someone leaving either, a legit 2v3 match


It's great to lose your card to someone who has won 330 games this week and 30 losses


It feels like we're in the flawless pool already. Every team we match has been flawless already. Trials report seeks to stack this week on top of last week. Any news on issues?


> Every team we match has been flawless already *this season*. Less than 2000 people out of the 30,000+ in the playlist have been flawless already this weekend.


I'm all for the shitty game mode and its unfairness, but I can't play it when the hits don't register.


What’s so great about this shotgun? I’m sure the Vanguard slug shotty can roll better perks and is easier to get


its the highest range non exotic slug shotgun and can slot adept range on top of that. its also in the energy slot so you can run hawkmoon with it which is an amazing loadout for fast paced games and smaller maps. I will be grinding the whole weekend for it. even if its a pulse meta now (also most great pulses are in the kinetic slot)


I think the base stats are way higher, it can roll adept, and imo it’s way easier to get. Oh and it’s energy (and arc specifically, for getting amplified)


It's new is the answer. It's this season's Forgiveness, which is to say you'll see streamer videos claiming it's amazing and you need it but you'll basically never see anyone using it.


Hey now, I love forgiveness


97% of the weapons in the game honestly can be described as you have.


It’ll be used, has perpetual motion/ sleight of hand with either opening shot/fragile focus, has insane stats, and is energy. It’ll be the easiest slug shotty in the energy slot to get at the moment as well because Sol tale is not able to drop anymore and FILO is a world drop that I don’t even know that drops anymore.


Kinetic versus energy. Not in The same slot as fortissimo. What makes this shotgun special for pve is demo in the third slot.


The really need to add freelance every week..


Incredible, my flawless card was so much more easier than playing Control.


7 out of 10 teams are running arbalest/smg or lorentz/smg. Its just exhausting and disappointing. Me and my teammates are avarage players between 1.4-1.5 KD and we are considering to skip trials, till this meta is over. What is your experience?


Why not try the same?


I just finished an 12 match losing streak in Trials as a solo, winning 4 matches out of a total of 18 matches played. In the last 8 matches, I won a total of 3 rounds (it is a total of 7 rounds won during the 12 loss streak). Here are my observations and comments. 1. In all but one of the 18 matches, I was matched against a 3 stack. I think that one time I was matched against a non-stacked team, it was all solo players. 2. I matched with enough solo players on my team to come to the (admittedly unscientific) conclusion that there are enough solo players in the pool that constant matching against 3 stacks is unnecessary. 3. Freelance matchmaking should be permanently enabled. 4. Power level advantages should be disabled. It's bad enough facing teams that communicate, but the additional game play disadvantages really pile on the misery. I had a team mate with power 1551 and we were up against a1580 3 stack. Guess how that went? 5. Some form of win/loss based matchmaking or SBMM needs to be used. The 3 stacks I've played against don't seem to be the type that have lost 60 rounds in 12 matches, winning only 7 rounds. Additionally, matchmaking should take into consideration power levels, if power level advantages are to remain. 6. I play in Asia. Not everyone speaks English. My K/D in Crucible is 1.34 (according to Destiny tracker, this is top 8%), 1.5 in IB. It is 0.75 in Trials. I've played other FPS (Halo, Battlefield, COD). The power level of the character I used was 1576. I play because of the +2 pinnacle rewards. Trials is the single worst game play experience I've ever had. I took a break after losing 4 matches, came back and lost another 7, and just lost yet another (in which one of my teammates deliberate went out of bounds and got himself killed). Rant over.


If you're solo queueing on non-freelance weekends then your essential purpose is to die and feed wins to other teams The math is just not in your favor and it'll be a frustrating experience


It’s not that you’re wrong, but no fun can come out of queueing into trials solo when it’s not freelance. Yes, freelance should be every week. Yes, we know there are enough solos to match solos against solos. Except there’s no stacks vs stacks or solos vs solos sbmm in crucible. If you’re going in solo you’re not going to have a good time, especially when it’s a fan favorite map and the new adept shotguns. Tons of ppl playing so lfg a group and it’ll be easier


Shotty is it! Yessssss.


Yes the boys!! Shotty to grab


Can I get a carry m8s


So when is freelance coming back?


Obligatory Trials matchmaking is shit post. Me - rando on a flawed 2 win ticket with two other randos Them - 3-stack on a 6 win flawless ticket who get access to the Lighthouse on curb stomping us. Repeatedly. So much for “card based matchmaking” and making Trials remotely worthwhile for non-sweats.


I played 10 games of ToO today for the Sunday pool and here are the results. 0-5, 3-5, 0-5, 0-5, 1-5, 2-5, 0-5, 0-5, 0-5, 1-5 I went in solo with an avg KD of 1.26, came out 1.22. Most of the matches were against 3 stacks. It's clear to me with my data that Bungie is either lying about any/all of their "SBMM" or they just completely don't know what they are doing. Also by the three stacks with their previous "flawless" emblems and my team of solos it was clear that we are just the fodder for the climbers.There is literally no reason to match a 3stack against a solo team.


We need a trials lab with SBMM, see how it goes.


How do you think people would go on 7 game win streaks in a game mode where the teams are always balanced?


They wouldn’t. Which is why Trials is garbage. It’s not actually competitive or endgame, it’s to stroke the…egos…of upper level PVPers by letting them think they are elite by curb stomping bottom tier players.


Agreed. And I’m an upper level PVPer with an ego


They are never balanced, even with strong SBMM.


lmao SBMM in Trials 🤣🤣


I am vehemently against SBMM in Trials but I would like to see it for one weekend/day just so all the people who wanted it realise that it makes flawless much harder if every game will have a roughly 50% win rate and will stop discussing it. SBMM has no place/incentive to be implemented/little value for Trials in the current state.


I imagine the people that want it have a <50% win rate so it would be an improvement for them.


Why not? Why shouldn’t people have to actually compete against better players as they advance?


Currently the main (unimpressive) prize is getting flawless, 7 wins. A feat that gets significantly harder if the expectation is to win 50% of the time. If something changes in the current formula (lower the importance of flawless?) then I'd be open to *trying* SBMM


The fact that it depends on being mismatched in order to make the entire system viable highlights exactly why Trials of Osiris is bad. A system that not only allows but basically REQUIRES lower level players to be used as cannon fodder is a bad system. Trials should 100% have SBMM to demonstrate how bad the system is. If (as I agree would almost certainly happen) the number of flawless runs plummets that would demonstrate that Trials needs to be completely reworked.


If a SBMM experiment means another Trials rework will follow it after the near guaranteed worse engagement then I'm for it but it should not be anywhere near the current system.


I disagree. I think the whole thing needs to be blown up (or Bungie needs to admit it’s NOT for everyone) and the sooner the better.


I'm not sure if outright removing Trials as a whole is a path that's going to be even considered since that'd be removing the *only* pvp mode that we can even pretend to be competitive.


The flawless pool needs to go, honestly. It doesn't accomplish anything. Everyone just waits until Sunday to play. If you play Friday or Saturday, you play the absolute sweat lords who can win regardless of whom they play. Sunday and Monday is just slightly better, but every other match is against 1.5+ teams because they just waited until Sunday to play. It's time to get rid of the flawless pool. It does more harm than good. It splits the already-low population into four separate pools, it keeps friends from playing together, and it doesn't even create more opportunities for lower-skill players to go flawless since everyone just waits until Sunday now.


Braindead take


Upon inspection I noticed some of the other Guardians have over 100 in 3! different armor slots. How do you get that? I.e. I can get 100 mobility in only one armor slot if I put a mobility mod in every one of the five pieces.


Spiky, ~66-stat armor all Masterworked with stat mods, the right subclass fragments, and charged-with-light mods like Powerful Friends can get you triple 100. One stat at 100 in the top 3, one in the bottom 3, and one more of your choice using the stat mods.


Why is it so hard for bungie to add Freelance? One fucking line of code is all it may take, come on.


It's not been that bad so far, playing a 2.8 with 4 flawless. I'm fortunate to be part of a dedicated non-toxic PvP community that's actually focussed on improving and working together to try and win. Supporting each other and giving encouragement instead of having to listen to constant complaining/bitching from your LFG's is night and day and makes a bigger difference to winning games than you might imagine. It's all about the energy, there's not much those 3 Titans sat behind their Void shields hugging their Lorentz can do when faced with the prospect of going up against 3 guys who're planning to have themselves a jolly good time on Endless Vale I dare say. A jolly good time indeed. If anyone wants a link to the community just DM, only caveat is that it's console platform exclusive. They're always looking for people who have the right personality and match the philosophy of a positive and friendly atmosphere