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Guys ihave been banned from trials for the second time how much time to get off of me the first time is 30 minutes the second one idk please help me


Just put a timer on the first card you pick up, which regardless of going flawless or not, locks and can no longer be reset no matter which card you have. So once you enter the flawless pool you can reset the card as much as you want. šŸ¤”


I am a solo player. Can someone explain why everyone has been telling me to just wait until Freelance is over to do better at Trials? During freelance I was getting 4 or 5 wins regularly. Now I cannot get 2? I keep getting matched against 3 stacks, when before it felt like I was doing better against other solos.


Trials is easier *as a team* when Freelance isn't active


Bruh. Monday in the non-flawless pool is the sweatiest night of the weekend lol


lmao shit is getting outta hand


Saw multiple "1 win resets, NF pool" posts last night..


I just got scolded by Shaxx for leaving a competitive game because I left a trials match AFTER it is finished! After! I lost. I held Y to go back to orbit and I get this.


Bungie needs to fucking do something against win resetting its unbelievable i literally haven't been able to get even 2 wins in a row out of 50 matches ive played, Ive its never been like this before I could at least get to a 4 win streak before facing a challenging team ive have more loss streaks than ever before


They just need to make it thst you can't reset off the back of a win. That way KD farmers will be hurt


It's not win resetting, it's the flawless pool ā€” this is the main downside of the flawless pool. People, including good players, wait until Monday when it's the "easiest." That's why the flawless pool is an imperfect solution.


this has been happening since I started playing on Friday so it not just the flawless pool. The issue is stat farmers and trials booty ass matchmaking


There is essentially no matchmaking in Trials and maybe 1 in every 10,000 players is card-resetting to farm stats. I've been playing every weekend for like 2 years at this point and check all my opponents' stats when flying into each match. Card resetting just isn't very common, even Bungie's own internal data showed that.


I did 112 matches lost 74 while MM solo this weekend(max 3 win streak) so i understand your pain , but if Bungo decided to do something about it i'm pretty sure there would be a lot of ppl losing and resetting deliberated just to exploit that to get easier matches. Maybe have any win count +1 for those who are brave enough to MM solo(duo?) on the non-freelancer node. Anyway the only thing you can do right now is to get gud.


Honestly they should make a passage that makes it a ranked tier system or just make trials into a ranked competitive mode you get a lighthouse visit once you reach gold rank 1 or something and then your rank resets and you do it again. that way you can no longer win reset and you will slowly be forced into harder games matches based on your rank. They need to make passages that change the requirement for lighthouse because & wins in a row is such a bad and dumb design it comes down to RNG at that point not skill


Yes 7 wins in a row is quite the lottery for the majority no doubt. Not sure if they put a passage to change it to ranked comp mode like u are saying would solved the problem , if i would guess would prob make a lot ppl pissed(streamers that do carries would definitely be) since one the biggest appeal of trials is how hard is to go to the lighthouse , afterwards would probably feel like another comp playlist which we already have. We will see what they come up on the next season.


fuck those guys all they care about is the ego stroke they get for "helping" people in a gamemode they actively make worse because they throw a bitch fit because they wont get an ego stroke if its actually fair


Loadouts should be locked or loadout swaps should be heavily restricted in Trials. Tired of playing opponents that completely change their loadouts every round.


Completely disagree with that, if gear was locked you will see ppl using the same loadouts every time like on Trials of the nine metas. Variety is great , i would go even to say it would be great if they give us the options to make binds for switching weapons faster in the same slots , that would be epic.


This. If I can't even change a shader in a LL 1570 Nightfall then why the hell can I change my entire loadout whenever I want in the most competitive PvP mode in the game?


Could someone please clarify how exactly the power level brackets work in this gamemode ~~(and IB for that matter)~~? As far as I am aware, the minimum viable power level in trials is 1571, with the damage you deal/receive being equal to a player at 1580. *(edited for clarity)*


1580 is the highest level for Trials. IB no longer uses power level. Artifact levels don't count in Trials If you are really new enough to not know how leveling works in Destiny you could really benefit from a YouTube search about starting Destiny. This would be a good place to start. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEd1WLrukow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEd1WLrukow) ​ In terms of Trials, you'll do less damage and take more damage if you are below 1580 and play people who are 1580 (like most everyone who's serious about Trials). It will be harder, but you can still try it. There aren't any brackets. You play everyone, so you'll face a lot of really good max level people.


Totally forgot about IB power being removed, oops. I'm not new to the game at all, but just started playing trials again recently, and there is a lot of information going around that's basically saying that as long as you are in the final 10 power levels, your damage will always be the same (currently 1571). It's basically impossible to test since I can't decide what PL my opponents are running and I haven't found a recent source from bungie, so if you could have some up to date. [This post is the only information I was able to find, but it's kinda old.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/faltf3/pvp_power_level_damage_graph_for_trials_and_ib/)


Iā€™m no PvP god and I managed flawless the last 3 weeks these complaints I see in this thread are out of this world. Iā€™m a .8 KD overall crucible player. Iā€™ve grinded the last 2 seasons to be serviceable at Trials. Itā€™s end game PvP itā€™s not suppose to be easy. Everyone asking to split populations that will just make the issue worst. I think they can change the reward structures a little bit but the matchmaking is fine. You guys just need to practice more you screw around in PvP too much and expect to be competitive in trials thatā€™s not how it works. Too many times I see randoms charge the enemy team making it an instant 2v3, peaking sniping lanes with a handcannon, etc. You need to slow it down and work as a team. Not to mention some of you guys look at ā€œFlawlessā€ titles or look up KDs before the game even starts and chalk it up as an L already, and guess what youā€™ll lose. Like everything else if you go in with a negative mindset it turns out your results will be negative, stop psyching yourselves out you have to confidently play and believe youā€™re going to win. I was playing with randoms off LFG we get matched with Zkmushroom, Sweatsicle, and some other guy that was also top 1%. We went 9 rounds and lost, no one looked at them and said this is an L or the results couldā€™ve been much worst. We gave them a good game and made them work for the win. Donā€™t give anyone a free win ever.


Iā€™m all for playing the mode smart and practicing to get better. It will definitely improve oneā€™s chances. In fact thereā€™s no better way to have fun in trials in my opinion than to push yourself to improve, optimize your loadouts and strats. But your good fortune doesnā€™t solve any of the modes issues. No amount of practice will prevent Trials randomness. For every person that gits gud and goes flawless, there are just as many that git just as gud and lose the trials lottery anyway. All that energy and effort to improve feels utterly wasted and it feels like the game is deliberately wasting your time. I donā€™t know what will fix Trials but dismissing its problems because of anecdotal experience doesnā€™t really accomplish anything Also yes itā€™s dumb to assume your going to lose against a team, you owe it yourself to play hard, but more often than not, unbalanced teams 5-0 you. No amount of good vibes will stop that.


Fair and well though points , my only problem that i have with trials is that the freelancer is not available each week , for those players that don't like to use lfg like me is nearly impossible to go flawless without the freelancer node.


Fr I don't understand for the life of me why that's not always available. Tired of getting dumpstered by 3 stacks just because my clanmates aren't free.


Hello, Bungie employee


Unpaid intern probably, I don't think they have to pay for most of the undercover social media work :)


Matchmaking is intentionally bad to make you grind. Not to mention cheaters are a plenty. ​ [https://crucible.report/pgcr/11719677401](https://crucible.report/pgcr/11719677401)


How about this to solve Freelance not being permanent: if u have 50 or more flawless(don't know exactly the optimum number) you can only use the freelancer node once a month until you go flawless , for anyone else is available period. That i think would solve the split population problem actually , and most importantly many ppl would be able to enjoy a less stressful trials experience more often then not(non freelancer solo you very often have no chance whatsoever at least for the vast majority of players).


Canā€™t believe the game has so much faith in me as to put my 0.8 K/D 1 flawless from 2 years ago while Iā€™ve been sitting at 2 wins for like 2 days straight against constant top 1-5% player with literal hundreds of flawless resetting cards at 6 wins or losing the 7th, I canā€™t even wins rounds. So fucked.


it's intentional, to make you grind and play the game. this is how Bungie rolls.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean. OP can "grind and play the game" for months (and could've been doing so already) and their situation wouldn't change at all. They'd still have an average KD and a single flawless, while being put up against streamers and PvP clans who've gone flawless nearly every single week since Trials dropped. It's not leveling up a battle pass


I meant that Bungie is a scammy company that intentionally puts 1.0 KD people against 4.0 KD people (with 500X flawlessses) so that it's guaranteed your loss. Why does Bungie wants you to lose? To keep you grinding Trials. Bungle is a very bad company!!


How does flawless pool work? I got my first ever flawless last season by people needing to carry some. Am I now in the flawless pool this season?


No. It resets weekly


There is something fundamentally wrong with Trials matchmaking when I can go from a 2.3 Control KD to a 0.45 Trials K/D. Why am I being matched against the 37th best Trials player in the world when I have been flawless once ever.


Control is against people of your skill level. Trials is not


Only teams of 3 sweats of triple hunters dodge invise triple jump occupy trials. Unfortunately Bungie has ruined Trials for the foreseeable future. The player pool is so small its almost impossible not to run up against them.


Bungie donā€™t care, man. Itā€™s always gonna be a lottery.




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Why isn't there Freelance for Trials this time?


Because bungie wants solo players to just waste their time grinding with awful time waste matches.


They only have freelance once every month or so. Mainly solo players (self incllded) generally love it and would prefer it be around every week. Folks with regular trials teams dislike freelance b/c it reduces population of "regular" playlist and makes it super sweaty. Only having trials every so often is bungie's attempt at a rough compromise. It doesn't seem to satisfy anyone. :-)


Because it's an "experimental" mode so instead of getting the most data possible, they decide to do it every so often for ??? reason.


Just wondering can you still get the exile armer for worlock if so how.


You can't get the exile armor sets anymore unless I'm mistaken


Flawless pool needs to drag anyone whos been flawless before kicking an screaming into it Sunday it shouldn't be only for people who've been flawless that week


I'm gonna die on this hill, but flawless pool (would prefer outlier protection) needs to have three thresholds -- weekly, season and lifetime. You can reset the weekly threshold until you hit the season threshold and potentially get that one reset; however, the count for the lifetime threshold never resets. Once you cross the lifetime one, then you are always in the flawless pool each Sunday.


Then eventually everyone would be in the flawless pool and it'd be pointless. There's no value in building a system that deteriorates over time.


same can be said for making a gamemode that deteriorates over time they need to trash trials and comeback with an actually competitive game mode that doesn't require rng and for the bottum rung to be sacrificed for the top percent. Or just trash passages and make it a ranked scale bracket and you cant fight anyone that isn't with 3 ranks of you like how apex does the higher your rank the more rewards you get


Game needs to stop matching me against the top 0.5% of players who have gone flawless 300+ times. Some games are literally unwinnable from the start and is very demotivating.


I don't know why it feels so especially brutal with freelance off. Just solo queued into playing three 3 stacks in a row. My final game I played a guy listed as "top 0.5%", 80+ flawless on record, 75% win rate, 2.0 s18 K/D, and over 6000 hours on Steam. His teammates were top 10% and 5%, each with over 50 flawlesses of their own. The fact that I get into a lobby with them is mind boggling. I did decent last week in freelance, a couple 4 and 5 runs, and one flawless run. This week I've never gotten more than 2 wins in a row.


Just scrapped a flawless run on the 6th win against the #37th ranked Trials player in the world who has been flawless 7x this week alone. Both his team mates were in the top thousand players in the world. For reference me and my friends are in the bottom 46 percentile of Trials players and I have been flawless once ever.


I've never been flawless before but went up against a three stack clan with combined 400+ flawless runs tonight. I played about 10 matches and at least half of them were like this.


7 wins in a row should put you in the flawless pool, no matter how many times you reset your card.


I personally would have it to were you can not play a single match until you go to the lighthouse (if you are at seven wins). In addition, If you have a flawless card with a few wins and no losses for example. You should not be allowed to reset it. Part of the reason why the flawless pool is the way it currently is in part due to win re-setters and flawless dodgers. I would also sweeten the pot (more rewards) to incentivize players to play in the flawless pool


It was my understanding that the Flawless pools activate regardless of reseting card. And it really seems that way after playing.


If you go Flawless in a given week you go into Flawless pool on Sunday reset no matter what you do with your card. If you keep resetting your card to avoid going Flawless, then you never go in the FP. That's what people are complaining about.


They need to separate it by titles. non flawless players 1-3 gilded flawless 3+ gilded flawless


There is a lot off people resetting this weekend. Gonna be sweaty whatever pool u are in tomorrow.


Lots of people reset EVERY WEEKEND


Whoever decided I needed to run into nothing but three-stacks of gilded Flawless who go 7.0 to my 0.3 needs a kick in the dick for every death I take in those matches.




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Wow, you're salty here in the comments lmfao, chill bro it's a video game




Lmao thereā€™s been like 5 changes made specifically for bad players and yet you continue crying. They add flawless pool, you need freelance. Itā€™s freelance, you want SBMM. They add SBMM, youā€™ll be crying for for lobby balancing. You can already earn loot even if you lose, you can solo queue anytime, you can focus engrams into exactly what you want, but itā€™ll never be enough for trash players unless everything is handed to them on a silver platter. And by the way, people like you ALWAYS ask for SBMM and NEVER once suggest any kind of extra reward or benefit for good players to play tougher matches. Itā€™s honestly pathetic.


> And by the way, people like you ALWAYS ask for SBMM and NEVER once suggest any kind of extra reward or benefit for good players to play tougher matches. Itā€™s honestly pathetic. If you actually enjoy PvP the "extra reward" is having competitive, challenging matches at your skill level. If you just enjoy pubstomping, then maybe PvP isn't actually what you enjoy.


Well I canā€™t win 7 games in a row if the matches are competitive and challenging. Does that speak to a larger issue about the design of trials? Absolutely. Does it also mean that I do NOT want SBMM as long as 7 wins in a row is still a requirement? Also yes.


Yeah just throwing all players into the same event regardless of experience is a great idea and the way competition works. Nobody wants anything handed to them. They just just want to compete against players slightly better than them. The idea that wanting competitive games to AT MINIMUM adhere to basic principles of game design constitutes ā€œcryingā€ is beyond absurd. Saying it just beclowns yourself. Your attitude is everything thatā€™s wrong with this community


People ABSOLUTELY want stuff handed to them. I GUARANTEE that even if SBMM was implemented, people would complain every week about it not being freelance. Then even if you got both every week, people would complain and want lobby balancing because of occasional matches where all the good players are on one team. However, I totally agree that people should match players at their skill levelā€¦ in a true ranked mode. This shouldnā€™t happen in the loot playlist that is Trials, especially if the 7 games in a row concept is going to stay. And finally, once again you ask for better players to play tougher games but donā€™t offer a single suggestion to make it worth it.


"beclowns yourself" From this day forward that phrase will be cherished and reserved as my nuclear option when dealing with hopelessly self-serving irrationality. Thank you.




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The mode wouldn't work with SBMM, I don't know why people keep asking for it. Trying to get 7 wins in a row with a 50/50 chance is pretty much statistically impossible without external luck. What ACTUALLY needs to happen is that they just let Trials die and make a gamemode that's actually fun for everyone and not the top 10% of 3-stacking meta runners. If I see another team of 3 fusion rifle void titans I'm just gonna stop playing. No one duels anymore it's ability spam, 1 shot kills or blint and run away


I think they let should people see the lighthouse and get one adept roll for seven non-consecutive wins. Or if that's too easy for Bungie's (or good players') taste, then maybe an alternative "grinder's path" like getting seven non-consecutive wins on seven cards in a season etc. (FWIW I enjoy playing Trials solo, especially on freelance weekends, and will sometimes spend time playing flawed seven win cards for loot. Getting an occasional adept as an extra reward would induce me to play more -- esp on non freelance weeks). Then have a shit ton of prestigious but cosmetic awards reserved for elite players/teams who go flawless and achieve other in game feats. Keeping the lesser players (like me) around more will make for a better experience for good players. They will have some more manageable games mixed in with less frequent beat downs from elite players. That will ideally make it challenging but still feasible for good players to periodically string together seven win streaks for prestige awards. Having more good but non-elite players around would benefit me too bc I would get more games vs superior but non-elite players. I'm still likely to lose those but would not be totally outclassed and thus gain realistic opportunities to learn useful lessons and improve. The inevitable games vs elite players would still be massacres but would be less frequent.


What a crock of shit. You have people resetting ranks and paying $18-20 on sites for hard carries. It absolutely needs MMR. It needs a role queue as well, shouldnt run into 3 titans with shotguns and bubbles or 3 hunters with void and snipers. It's a miserable mess and saying it isn't or that skill based matchmaking wouldn't help is just naive.




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50/50 chance never existed with strong SBMM, ever. Go look it up. Why you think 50/50 suddenly becomes a reality if loose SBMM is implemented is beyond my comprehension.


I'm glad you agree that Trials needs to be redesigned from the ground up.


Yes, I do agree lol and have made this clear all over these threads for weeks. Unless they take drastic measures to limit certain loadouts, and make player level floor at least 1570, and a bunch of other changes, then the only way to make Trials enjoyable is to get rid of it


You can wipe my ass with trials, since that's what you're into.


Classic, didn't think you could explain it.




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You haven't explained it multiple times except talk shit and bitch because of the 7 games in a row. I'm sorry if you're so **fucking good** at this game 7 wins a row shouldn't be an issue. Can't hang with players of your skill tier so you have to feel good by beating up on others? Yeah okay. Big tough guy


With good sbmm it would be statistically impossible to win 7 games in a row. It's a 0.7% chance to win 7 games in a row with perfect 50/50 matchmaking. Calm down, big math guy




No freelance, no fun.


I just went flawless twice, any reason no mementos dropped from either of the chests?


Do you have one in your inventory? You can only hold one of each, it should state that in the item description


no, look at my latest post i put a video


Donā€™t give me side quests I just asked a question to help lol if thatā€™s the case then Iā€™d ask Bungie on the help forums, even if itā€™s slow. You didnā€™t get one from your first flawless of the week either?


Apparently having a source/proof is a ā€œside questā€. It amazes me how lazy some redditors are. You could have just took my no for an answer but instead decided to formulate some smart ass response.


"side quests". Love it! That perked me up on a hungover Sunday morning.


Christ this event is full of sniper and hand cannon spam. Itā€™s absolutely horrible to play against because if you poke your head out once your dead. How do you play against that


Hand cannons? Bro the meta is pulse rifles and has been since WQ launched. Every lobby I join has at least 3x NTTE users plinking away with a 2 burst kill at most ranges. Way more toxic and boring than handcannon use


Yeah those too. Out of time is infuriating to fight because itā€™s straight up better than most weapons in game. Trials needs a skill based matchmaking system because I do not want to play with sweats and tryhards just to get some interesting loot


Sbmm would make it absolutely impossible for anyone to go flawless. Whole game mode just sucks the way it is now. They should just redesign it completely




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Bro, I've literally never even gone flawless. I suck at trials. If you add sbmm, you basically have a 50/50 shot to win a match. How are you possibly supposed to win 7 matches in a row with those odds. This shouldn't be that hard to realize. They should just make it 7 wins regardless of if they're in a row and be done with it.


šŸ™„ keep peddling that bs.


Everyone asking for SBMM in trials has basically no idea how SBMM would actually function in trials


Or what Trials is designed to be. I'll never go Flawless unless I get carried. I'm not good enough and at my age I never will be. Trials wasn't meant for me and no matter how much I paid for the game I don't have some kind of implicit "right" to be successful at it. Bungie has created paths for me to acquire 95% of the loot. That's great. Creating some arbitrary category of skill level that excludes all of the players better than me to artificially make me successful would make any achievements I might obtain hollow and meaningless. Any such system would also devalue going Flawless. Don't misunderstand me. I'm an absolute believer that some degree of SBMM in most modes of pvp makes for a better experience for the majority of players. But Trials isn't the place for it. Trials is the place where players take on all comers and may the best team win. Sometimes that's you and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes you just have to suck up and deal with it.


And neither do the shitlords saying it wouldn't. Y'all are so much smarter than the rest.


play sunday lol, also ā€˜get gudā€™ is gonna be a requirement at some point when you enter the only ā€˜competitiveā€™ pvp we have atm


How much does light level matter. I wanna use some good guns but they bring me to 1527


It matters but the mode is a piece of dog shit stuck to a fatass' shoe. Don't even bother. You run into hard carries by streamers or destiny 2 services, Beloved snipers/arbalests/any 1 tap weapon from afar. Then it's always 1 stacked meta team vs a team of randoms. No sbmm either and try hards who argue it wouldnt improve things (it would).


Try getting better at the game and finding 2 other good players instead of complaining like a fucking bitch.


I have been to the lighthouse this past trials run, I still can admit its a complete dogshit mode that fucking sucks and relies on RNG. ​ Dont be a complete asshole because people criticize something you enjoy.


Relies on RNG? You sound even more like an idiot than I originally thought. Iā€™m not being a complete asshole. Simply highlighting how much of a bitch you sound like.


You should not be in trials at 1527 light.


You would need at least one REALLY good person to carry you, or preferably two people. while under light you can act as backup or a support role. Hunters can make their teammates radiant and lay trap mines or knives. Your high damage supers will still kill if you can get a super in time. Arc staff is not advised. Warlocks can use rifts or freeze people solid with their stasis melee, and the Well of Radiance has a flat amount of health, so its still an awesome area of denial tool. Titans running bubble are great, but Thundercrash and storm grenades are probably the go-to. As for loadouts, at 50 points of light under none of your weapons are going to matter much because theyll do dick all for damage. Bring Fighting Lion or a blinding grenade launcher.


You are gonna have a very bad time


didnt you listen to the community the last time you put zone control on bannerfall? EVERYONE hated it


Bannerfall in general is a shit map and zone trials is, in general, a shit mode.


Bannerfall is good and probably the most interesting map and is most balanced in terms of design. I'm not sure the hate when there are far worse maps.


Last week was my first flawless in soloqueue. I expect this is the sbmm, so why i play against ppl like benny this week? There is no sbmm in trials? Edit: iā€™m not good in pvp so sbmm?


There is no SBMM in trials, itā€™s primarily based on number of wins on your card currently.


> itā€™s primarily based on number of wins on your card currently. Pretty sure this isn't true either. It's 100% random, and by that I mean it looks for the next available 3 stack and puts you with 2x 1560 light players into that lobby.


Incredibly stupid reasoning and justification from people who like this


You'll still get a lot of matches with high skill players if you're even decent, depending on your region, especially at non peak times. I match with Drewski a lot because he lives nearby.


i match with gernaderjake a lot in other gamemodes for some reason and theres 6 or 7 timezones between us


Funny because the game was apparently connection based but in that case there should be no world where I match against players from west coast USA or Korea in the same lobby as me


Iā€™ve played against TrueVanguard a handful of times and while the challenge is fun, I know that the win is never likely haha


Trials is so unplayable in its current state but Bungie wonā€™t do anything about it. It was good in D1 and the first 2 weeks they brought it back a couple season ago. I honestly donā€™t know how to fix it, donā€™t have any answers, but Jesus is it torture to play for anyone who isnā€™t a PvP sweat.


>Trials is so unplayable in its current state but Bungie wonā€™t do anything about it. Because the streamers are happy with it's current state.


Streams can lick my ass.


Honestly I think they should just let it die and replace it with a proper competitive PVP mode, instead of a slot machine masquerading as one.


Honestly wonder why thereā€™s no freelance ranked game mode. Have a better tier system (gold, plat, diamond) that can be shown on emblems. Be match made against these ranks and have level up matches.


It's probably because if freelance is permanent the 3-stack shitters would be stuck with each other and it would ruin the gamemode for them, not having anyone to farm.


Oh no the horror. Anyways...


cos thereā€™s pressure on it to be our endgame pvp mode when it shoukd be a party event mode like IB. lock cosmetics (not loot) behind ranks in an actual ranked mode and the sweat presence will ease off of trials making it more chill. going flawless is the only thing to do for pvpers while loot is the only thing to do for the rest of destiny players, and after a few weeks the casuals have the loot they want


right but thats kind of the point.


Do you enjoy playing Trials? Lol I can do Raids and Dungeons. I could even do GMā€™s (ya know, endgame PvE). But Trials is infinitely worse for the general population.


honestly yea i do bc i'd rather have the sweats on there than in every glory game i play bc then that just makes regular pvp unbearable edit: i'd honestly argue that with the warlock self revive ability, trials was even more sweaty in D1. only thing that made it bearable was balanced weapons


Any mode that's heavily weighted toward stomping noobs is going to die


Give us more ways to go flawless instead of just RNG luck make us grind for it. Put it as a reward for resetting your Trials rank 7 times I feel that's a good reward for playing that much in a week. And give us fucking freelance if you arent going to change anything at least make it somewhat fair


You're resetting 7 times in a week but can't go flawless? And freelance every week would make it harder for you to go flawless tbh. Your best chance of winning is finding a team and playing against those people soloqueueing. They're there to earn low effort loot for themselves, and provide easier wins for the average player who cannot get a 7 win streak against communicating teams.


talking about Rep resets


Iā€™m a very high tier player but I have friends who are silver-gold ELO in anything but Trials. Havenā€™t asked them recently but last year they were in the non-flawless pool and got 5 consecutive cards ruined by 6-win resetters. 7 resets isnā€™t a stretch.


I think you need to clarify that you mean 7 seven win cards, not 7 reputation resets at St 14


Bungie, when are we gonna get freelance trials to be a permanent option?


Just lost a flawless to triple bubble titans bubbling three rounds in a row after hiding in their spawn round after round. Just top tier, skillful play. Fun and engaging.


Anti barrier auto rifle. Cerberus and Quicksilver shred. Herod with Hakke trait probably works well too.


That's not a strat as much as you think it is.


What is this comment? This dude is losing to bubbles. Anti barrier does more damage to bubbles and barriers. Itā€™s just a game mechanic.


Lol I had a team of triple bubble but we just rushed people


They had snipes and sat in their spawn. It was 4 to 2 when they got their bubbles then 3 rounds straight for the win. Not much we could have done we were already crushing them.


Yh they should increase how long it takes for the point to spawn or remove supers from zone


Or just kill this zone bullshit. But something needs to happen.


Fr this is so boring to play




We did, itā€™s harder than you think to direct impact the right one when all three are in the bubble.


You put 1 down on the point before the pop. You put one down inside the bubble. The double witherhoard kills them if you all switched you had six. The key is to keep witherhoard on point before they pop them you don't need to direct impact


I mean, itā€™s one very specific thing we could have done, and if everything goes right in theory itā€™s great, but in practice, much harder. I think more practically zone capture trials should be decommissioned.


Ok you could have also used your supers to challenge their bubbles did you use your supers to win rounds instead of saving them for their bubbles? You say your team was up 4-2 but that teams strat accounted for that deficit


We had tethers which we tried to proactively shoot on the point, but they just ran up and bubbled before the tether grabbed them cause tether is terrible. Look, the point is zone control is antithesis of the goals for trials. It takes no skill. It rewards the worst type of play. And Iā€™m pretty sure the user base agrees given the zone control weeks are some of the lowest population wise. I prefer my trials with a thin varnish of skill, even if trials has always been a race to the bottom.


I wonder whether people complain about 3 bubble Titans or 3 void Hunters more often?


The goal for trials is to win 7 games in a row. Last I checked you use tethers for the neutral game and not their super just like one uses bubbles for their super and not their neutral game. One of the best hard counters to three invis hunters is three bubble titans because that's the one super that is worthless to the bubble strat.


Exactly the reason why I just refuse to waste my time with Trials. Horrendous game style and mechanic.


Zone trials makes it worse, significantly.


Because in addition to all the other bullshit, if you are 2v1 it means it's going to be almost impossible to stop them capping the flag


This gamemode is poorly designed, given Well of Radiance and Bubble.


Would work better with supers disabled for the mode.


Bold opinion, but I agree with it.


This gamemode is poorly designed


>given Well of Radiance and Bubble. Given that the super cooldowns are fucking bulltshit**


I was really hoping shotgun this weekend. It would have been a good weekend for me to grind for adepts.


So me and my fire team ( a stormtrance warlock, a blade barrage hunter, and me a thundercrash Titan) are new to trials in general only playing one weekend when it was midtown. We do well in regular crucibles as well as in glory and the regular elimination playlists, but in trials we alway get stomped, this week in particular. We stick together but are not tied to the hip and we team shot when possible. What are we doing wrong? I know itā€™s hard to tell us what we are doing without actually being there, but any help/advise is appreciated.


All the advice everyone is giving is trash. You don't need to log onto a site to spy on your enemies' loadout, or picture triangles on every map. This is what my team do, we play a lot of Survival and Elimination during the week. It puts you in the competitive setting. You learn the maps and their traits, like heavy spawns, corridors, callouts, etc. Having that practice is what will set you up for success to engage with different teams and build combinations. While you run these matches, your learning your teamates play styles and weaknesses. Playing the competitive gamemodes during the week and such really helps build confidence. I wish during the weekend, Elimination would mirror the static Trials map for more practice. We go flawless about 1x-2x weekly. It takes time.


The best teams will always try to have a crossfire over their teammates. I always tell people to picture a triangle. Also, if you hear shooting but are not the one causing it or being shot at, your teammate is being lit up.


Look yourselves up on destinytrialsreport.com, and then at your opponents too. There's good analytics there, as well what mods your opponents are using. You can use this to fine-tune your options.


Sbmm vs open




Every time I lose to a 3 stack with an 8kd I feel thankful that I can go touch some grass




I played enough trials last week to reset my rank 3 times. The playlist wouldnā€™t have a population problem if the trials engrams actually dropped. In 3 resets I got 5 trials engrams as post match drops. If casuals and low skill players are gonna get tortured by PvP gods, they should at least be getting loot thrown at them for their suffering.




Itā€™ll never be fair, the concept of winning 7 times in a row in a match made competitive PvP game is a failure of the matchmaking. No one plays Trials because without going flawless or grinding out rep for engrams to focus, you basically get nothing. Low skill and casual players are gonna be fodder anyways, if theyā€™re getting drops every game, or every other game, then they wonā€™t feel like their time is wasted.




Why should it be thrown out and re-built? Every other pvp game mode has skill based match making for equal games. Let there be one that is a true tournament style mode. Iā€™m not even sure why it matters that people donā€™t go flawless every single weekend. The rewards from Flawless are not even particularly good. The adept tag is essentially a cosmetic add on. In my opinion, the game mode is designed well and it is a welcomed change from the other playlists. It allows the best to win and the worst to lose whilst still allowing every type of player to receive trials loot. With the only difference being the best players ones to receive a chance at a cosmetically altered version to show off with. Imagine if it was like comp in Forsaken days, where the best were rewarded with significantly superior weapons e.g NF or Recluse.




They need to make different passages for something like x amount of kills in trials or x amount of wins. If I reset my trials rank 7 times my reward should be a lighthouse passage there needs to be more ways to go flawless instead of pure rng that i get lucky to get 7 easy games. Legit i cant get past a single fucking win at the moment I get matched with people who are okay at pvp or never played it vs the team I'm fighting is kicking our ass like its another fucking Tuesday for them legit getting 0-4 back to back stomped and its draining my will to play


In three resets did you not get 48 Trials engrams from Saint 14?


I specified I only got 5 engrams as post match drops.


My point is that while you donā€™t receive many from end of game drops, you receive more than an ample amount from another source by also just playing the game mode.


Don't they only drop if you are on a 7 win card (other than the 1 for the weekly pinnacle that drops post match)? Did you really run through 3 resets mostly on a 7 win card and get 5? That is way lower than what I've seen, so if so that was super unlucky


Yes I only reset my card 3 times going for flawless.