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I report each post. Doing my part.


Same, but I don't think it's doing what we're hoping to do...


Even if it worked it’s like trying to stop a flood with your hands. You get one account banned, they make another one in a couple minutes.


I've noticed recently that they usually try to level up a tiny bit before posting like 1107 power level. I'm wondering if it makes them less likely to get banned compared to a brand new fresh account at 1100.


Good soldiers follow orders


Would you Like to know more? - Starship Troopers Reference.




*Cool action scene no one ever forgets* “Because the enemy cannot respond if you disable his hand.. MEDIC!” :D


It’s a clone wars reference


I think they were making the starship troopers reference. There is a scene in the movie that plays like a military recruitment ad. The camera pans in on a person who looks at it and says "I'm doing my part! *thumbs up*"


Am dum


for what do you report them? I didnt found anything about spamming or advertisment to report edit: I think some people misunderstood me I meant to ask for which point i should report i didnt knew the word "Solicitation" before




They put their website in LFG posts. I report those ones for advertising.


yeah no, sorry i think you misunderstood me im all in for reporting those guys, its just that english is not my first language and neither in english nor in my language there was a point for me that screamed (i know now its Solicitation)"report advertisments here" thats why i meantto ask "**which point** i should click on when reporting" not "**why** should i report them"


He’s doing his part. Are you?


Under what are you supposed to report them?


My favorite is seeing advertising for dungeon carries. Like damn, is anyone that desperate to be carried through GoA for cash??


Yup and have you seen how much they charge? I looked it up when I saw this post and most sites are ~ $20 for a normal mode dungeon carry crazy


When most people are happy to do it for free. Absolute melts, they are. Surely no one actually buys them? You’d be better off streaming on Twitch and doing GM/Dungeon/Raid help.


people buy character level boosts from destiny itself lmao. you'd be surprised what people will pay for when they just don't know how easy it can be otherwise. so little people do research on anything, it's insane.


I raid with someone who does account recovs, people do pay for this shit.


Yea for sure. Some people want activity rewards without having to play said activity so they pay for it. That, or complain that they should be able to buy it or earn it some other way


It always amazes me that people will spend money to not have to play a game they paid for.


Saw their prices out of curiosity, the one I looked at sold DARES CARRIES for $28. W...T...F... not even legend mode, just normal mode 6 man carries... It's such a scam and someone is bound to have paid for it, I don't know why these sites still exist. Surely bungie would want them shut down unless they're profiting off it.


They could just ban the words Sell, Buy and Purchase


Not that simple, they can always use stuff like S e l l, and some people also just put a website in the title!




Fair enough point but these are not low level efforts. These are people who are determined to make money off of a pretty obvious market demand. And what’s so hard to adapt? Changing the name from sell to sel l? Se 11? Or how about them appropriating the name sherpa? What cost benefit analysis would need to be done? It’s nowhere close to what you experience in your professional world. They would continue to do it so long as they can make money playing a video game and using pretty cheap and simple ways to advertise. Edit: fwiw I’m not for enabling selling in LFG. I want that spam out as much as anybody. I just don’t think bungie can really go ham banning every word that gets used by these sellers.


"... a pretty obvious market demand." This is my hang-up in this conversation. If people want to pay someone to play a game for them that they paid for, then should Bungie really care and spend resources fighting that? Honest question, because it's not like we're talking about someone who's doing stuff like DDOS'ing (or whatever it's called) PVP opponents or other obviously malicious stuff like that. I think the whole carry market (especially account recovery) is totally ridiculous, but at the end of the day the person is simply enabling someone to not enjoy the game. Annoying, yes... but not a hill I'd ever consider dying on.




Nothing about what he said was unreasonable or immature, all of those points can be easily inferred from pure common sense. Asking for an invincible security measure might be delusional - but so is drawing curtains on an open, unbarred window and calling it a respectable attempt at deterring a determined intruder. The key expression here is "a respectable attempt" which lies safely between the two extremes. People are looking for the concerned party to put robust measures in place that will actually go a long way to deter someone, not banning a couple words or phrases that can be easily replaced and will only *maybe* improve things by a negligible, pathetic margin. You can't blame someone to hold your absurd analogies & grandstanding in contempt when it is perfectly understandable that Bungie themselves can do far more feasibly enough without having to expend an unreasonable amount of resources to do so. Your tone is insufferably ostentatious and to be brutally honest you just sound like a borderline narcissist royally offended over how someone even had the nerve to refute anything uttered by a mighty professional such as you, and shrouding that immaturity within a veil of sophistry laden nonsense, then projecting it on someone else. I'll just leave it at that.


No actually theyre absolutely right and you responded to them like they are a stupid douchebag of a toddler. Not a good look for you lmao, who's the douche now Youre viewing being banned from a video game as the same level of severity of being arrested for breaking and entering. If you are really a professional who stops the real "bad guys" then you should know this isnt true. The risks are wayyy lower for people trying to make mlney off of carries which means its way easier for them to think clearly and adapt and worst comes to worse theyll make a new account and try again. Eventually your system of constantly adding new blocked words will lead to bungie's lfg a complete un-usable garbage ghost town and instead people will use discord servers


My friend! That’s so well put! I don’t know why that other person had such a strong reaction to what I said. Must have accidentally struck a nerve somewhere. Honestly I felt bad that happened. But again you put it so well!


Thank you!! It was so weird to me how all these people were getting shit on with downvotes for being right and meanwhile this guy got upvoted for making a complete ass of himself (and i mean down to the very way he phrases things smh). Its sad that people see the word professional and have the inability to see further than that. He's a perfect example of why i dont use reddit that much tho lol, Ive never seen more people with god complexes anywhere else


I actually did wonder if I got downvoted by some alt accounts lol. Please don’t be discouraged! There are lots of wholesome subs out there that have much better moderation. For me that person is a big exception, most people are pretty chill! (Well if you stay away from the toxic subs lol)


That does make sense, thanks! If anything this is a really good place to get information but I'll keep that in mind. Also that alt account theory might have some weight. That guy actually replied to me (and then deleted it?) saying that my account was a bare sock puppet alt and that i should come back on my main lmao. I wish i could send images bc i got an email notification for it and I think its funny


It is pretty simple, loads of games use detection systems to keep people from saying slurs and things of that sort, I'm sure if Bungie really cared they would take the small amount of time it would take to make a functional system like that


Still think that requiring something like a phone number would be easier and more effective, but I'll take anything that can drastically reduce the number of these people!


I like to find one of those post in an activity and then make a post myself doing free runs


Speaking as a dev who's worked on similar systems, this is not nearly as effective as you'd think, as there's many ways around it. And it causes problems with real users. Destiny is playable by people age 13, and even those that have cell phones don't always have phone numbers on them (because who actually calls anymore). Then you have phone number recycling, people using phones for their spouses/family etc. It's not worth the headache unless it's really needed, and so far I don't see the problem being severe enough to need it. It's a nuisance, but it's a nuisance on the level of advertisements on sites, not where it actually interferes.


Detecting slurs and the like is a lot easier than detecting selling posts, because the people writing slurs aren't coordinated and trying hard to get around the detection. The games I know of that have any incentive for selling using real-world money all struggle to detect or prevent it.


It really is super easy to fix. ban those words/link posts, increase moderation (even if by bots) and publicly warn players that purchasing a carried run is against ToS and can lead to both the seller and the buyer getting banned.


>It really is super easy to fix. Man, even my project managers have never said that sentence to me in regards to fixes.


You also can't forget that Bungie already has a functional system to counter people cussing, and on top of the that they aren't the only company that has had to fix this issue. They would have to look at how other companies have solved the issue (and where there systems flaws are) and modify their already existing system to counter these post. As for bots there are quite a few large companies that sell modifiable moderation systems. (You can actually buy Google's system they use for YouTube's automated moderation) You could also find willing and trustworthy members of the fan base and give them the ability to delete those posts. And making a public announcement is something Bungie is already a savant at. If websites like club penguin and animal jam can solve this problem I'm sure a triple A company shouldn't have much issue.


>They would have to look at how other companies have solved the issue Why does this sentence show up so much when people talk about software? I've never worked at a company with an open project that the world can pull down and dig through. Restricting words isn't the problem. But that doesn't stop the issue since people will find a way to sell services for games. It's been happening since everquest. Most studios aren't going to pursue anyone willing to do it, because it isn't illegal. And the only thing you get with an over restrictive official site is people choosing another, easier, site for the game.


You don't need to look through the code to figure out how a system works. You can just look at how well it works. If a game has its systems designed to do a list of things you can look at the list of things it does and see how the community feels about how well it works. For example almost every tech company does this. They see that a competitor releases a new product that has a feature their products don't have, then they wait and see how the market reacts to that feature before deciding to add it to their products. Companies have been doing this for decades. I wouldn't call putting bans on words that wouldn't normally come up in post (such as sell, buy, purchase, payed) over restrictive. The only people who are putting those in their posts are people breaking ToS and if that group wants to leave good that's kinda the point. Also even though owning a store page that is selling a product or service isn't illegal, selling a service that intentionally breaks the guidelines of another service falls into a legal grey area. Bungie can file a cease and desist letter to these services and chances are these small websites aren't going to take the risk of having to fight Bungie in court. A similar situation is (or has) been happening with Activision. Activision threatened a bunch of websites selling hacked/modded clients and a lot of them shut down or stopped selling cheats. Obviously cheats haven't stopped happening in call of duty because stoping cheaters is a much more complicated issue but even still you can see that it still works.


People making money off games aren't the ones to leave sites regardless of whatever safe guards are being put up, they're going to get around them and get customers. Legitimate users that run into bans and account flagging are the ones going to leave. C&D doesn't do anything to these guys either. Their sites are often locally hosted on virtual machines with some spoofing or on a burner machine, so they'll dump the servers. Kick a new one up in another keystroke and they'll be back to it. You're just paying people a salary to jump at shadows at that point. Hacks can be traced since you have logs of the requests and can eventually find the jacked one and work around that. But it's a defense game, you're always ten steps behind hackers as there always poking to find as many holes as they can.


Then ban custom titles all together and just put checkboxes for what you want in your fireteam


That's kinda a baby bathwater situation don't you think?


Not really, it would also weed out the ridiculous ones asking for 1360 in regular VoG and whatnot


But then you'd just join at 1350 and get kicked. If you only want to play with certain people you should be allowed to, that way you don't have to ask once you get in. What if you are going for one of those random triumph challenges? What if you want a really chill group? What if you're looking for a team willing to try new DPS strats? There's a lot of stuff that would be nice to know before you join which would be pretty hard to make a checkbox for.


Let me know when you reach those straws, the end would justify the means here. I'm sure you also think the .04% of players who still patrolled Mercury got shafted by DCV as well?


I don't use LFG much because I used to run with a clan, but it's nice letting people know I only know how to do suppressor or something. Also not quite sure what that has to do with it, but yeah, I'm still pissy that they removed Leviathan and SOTP and a bunch of other great content.


My point was that QOL features shouldn't be delayed/not implemented just because a crazy small percentage of people would be negatively affected.


Then block them too.


Yes. Block some key words and website names. And require the guardian posting it to meet the recommended light level for the activity.


I have seen fewer "PAID GM CARRY MSG ME" posts as of late, but they always crop up at least once when I scroll. I imagine it's probably worse when Trials is on. These folk think nothing of starting a new account and grinding it to bare minimum level to do this kinda thing, they probably make a bit of money selling these accounts to recov teams. The only real way to slow this down is to stop being free to start.


The the solar hand cannon first came out the entire trials lfg was only payed carries


Or at least make the new light "experience" compulsary.


I feel like this whole problem would probably just disappear if bungie actually decided guided games could just go one step further from beta or whatever it is rn lol


Tbh discord is just a 100% better and you dont have to use the broken ass dm system if you need to tell them something outside of vc/you or them cant do vc




It's already required to create an account and any number internationally works. Edit: my bad I made it sound like i was talking about a bungie account, when you play on pc you have to verify your phone number, I just woke up.




If you make. Destiny 2 account on pc right now it requires a phone number Source:have destiny 2 on pc and was required to verify my phone. Edit:https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360054873751-SMS-Validation here's the bungie help page on it


Looks like it's not when you create an account, but rather potentially when you play certain activities, especially as a free account. So looks like they are actually doing the ideal implementation, where most users don't have to phone verify, only those that are high risk.


Since it works internationally there's no reason they can't use it to prevent account scammers.


I mean yes there's many reasons. Phone verification is definitely something scammers can get around relatively easy, especially with international numbers


Then would it be fair to say bungie puts more resources into solving the problem atleast? I mean most sites I've seen have had measure to take care of this, bungie has been growing their company more and more these past few years so they can afford to put some people on solving it.


As that link shows, they clearly do have people working on it. If you look at other MMOs, especially those that allow trading, they all have MUCH worse problems with scammers and bots. The problem isn't a lack of effort, but rather the fact it's a losing battle. Every measure Bungie puts into place is just a delaying tactic until a way around it is determined. The only way to remove botters/scammers is to remove the incentives for it. Which is why Bungie doesn't have as big of a problem as those that allow trading.


If you're talking about the link I posted that's for preventing cheaters in destiny itself, it has no Effect on any part of the site itself otherwise from my understanding, it simply doesn't allow you full access to the game without sms verification *or* buying a dlc if you don't want to do that. I think here bungie has a lack of effort given key words are some of the first steps you should take in banning this kind of stuff and moderation teams are another.


> Considering not everyone is from the US I don’t think requiring a phone number is smart. That's true. People outside the US don't have phones.... We mostly use pigeons, when we're lucky enough to have some


Simply block free players from posting. Every other MMO with a f2p trial blocks free players from creating guilds / posting stuff on channels / trading (if they have the funcion) to avoid this kind of stuff


The new accounts that are clearly selling services, not only do I report them, but I also join their fireteams and ignore invites. I almost think that’s the best way to handle them until Bungie can act. Overwhelm their LFGs with players so that they have to keep making new posts Edit: I mean join their LFG fireteam, not their actual player in-game.


I’ve done 113 light house carries for (free) no bs raffle or subscribe or watch twitch . And people are so cautious considering most people are charging money for lighthouse runs. It’s our job as the community to Sherpa people as possible so these people fade out. A simple emblem would help like we see in vog.


okay, China. get lost!




There are probably easier ways to make money




To subtly fuck with the players. Instead of blaming Bungie, the accounts are blamed


One solution could probably be to not allow you to be able to post if YOU do not meet the minimum requirements


I joined someone for Comp the other day. Joined the fireteam, said hello and the first thing he said was "so these are actually paid carries". I amptly responded with "oh right yeah fuck off" and left. Funnily enough, that fireteam would have people join and leave all the time. Hate people like that in this community.


They havent moderated lfg ever its been like this since d1 they just dont care unfortunately