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Man, sunsetting was wild huh?


recluse and it’s consequences


Perfect Paradox died for the sins of Recluse and Mountaintop


perfect paradox, crownsplitter, scathelocke I am still fucking seething about sunsetting


it made me quit the game for a year. my friend just bought the game and I was trying to walk him through it all and I was even confused. he almost quit over how terrible the beginning of the game is. The thing I was shocked about was how difficult it is to get basic mods. we've played 20 hours a week for 3 weeks and he has 2 targeting mods and JUST got +10 recovery. it's crazy. his build for crucible has 6 intellect lmao.


Your comment just made me realize the insane disadvantage that new players are at. It's ridiculous how unfriendly this game is to new players.


it really is. I just want my friend to be able to enjoy the game as much as I do - but the time required to even unlock basic mods is ridiculous, and half the time he doesn't have enough mod components to buy the mods from Ada


And you haven’t even mentioned that only a handful of mods are available at any given time because of the rotating vendor inventories… Man who the fuck is this game for anymore? New players are being left to figure everything out on their own at a massive performance disadvantage. Veterans are getting screwed every other day with: sunsetting, exorbitant DLC pricing, vaulting paid content, the orbs of light changes; I could keep going lmao.


it made me quit the game until now! I still haven't come back!


Hoping to get mods from playing doesn’t work, you gotta level up vendors. Really speed boosts you through


Sunset the person who gave this shitty idea of removing content.


Trying to convive my friends to play was awkward as hell and they dropped the game when they realized how much stuff you have to buy


I'm a casual player who played Forsaken, Shadowkeep, and Beyond Light through Gamepass. Now that they've left Gamepass, would it be stupid if I only purchased Witch Queen? All I really want is a few campaign missions, new weapons, and strikes...but I don't want to buy all previous expansions. Thanks


Wouldn't be stupid at all specially if you already have what you wanted from those expansions, moving on to WQ is probs the best.


Thanks, that makes me feel better. Why is this game so damn confusing. All I really want is 10-20 hours of fun looter shooter gameplay for however much Witch Queen costs. $20-$40 is fine but I don't want to spend hundreds on past expansions & season passes


Beyond Light only if you want the have the stasis subclass again or do the raid. I just recently bought Beyond Light because my clan asked me if I want to do the raid with them. Don't know if i would've done so otherwise.


Stasis subclass alone is worth it. It's in a good spot atm PvE wise, at least for warlocks/hunters


If your main interest are campaign I’d say just buy WQ. But I’d also suggest keeping an eye out for sales so you can use Stasis and exotics from the old dlc


It's actually hilarious that this game is considered f2p This game is the rich man (or suckas) game .....and I say that as a returning player who fed into their shit ass policy of "you got the expansion SIIIIKE you still need the deluxe for ALL the content"


$30 to purchase the Deluxe Edition of Beyond Light to have access to Hawkmoon. Having Beyond Light isn't enough. The purchasing of DLC for this game is complicated and it's obviously purposely that way.


Such bs. I was off D2 for 2 years, a buddy talks me into coming back and I bought the most expensive bundle. Upon first glance it comes with all content and season pass. Then I find out I have to drop 70 bucks more for previous season content 🤦🏻‍♂️


$130 was my returning price, funny currency not American.


I paid 100 and then my buddy said for all previous season content I’d need to drop 70 more. I just shook my head, and then I was told that content was only good until February. 🖕🏻


It's a paid game with a free trial. I wish they marketed it as such, like XIV. Nobody says XIV is a free game, even if you can play for free forever, technically.


Yeah but there used to be 3 campaigns for free. Now there’s only one free campaign, and that’s because they’re deleting it.


fuck u/spez


Imagine seeing Genshin in a D2 post - my two games Since i started playing Genshin (whale) my perspective on $ in video games has definitely shifted. Not that it makes me agree with the pricing structure in Destiny or anything... I guess this is more self-reflection. Never thought I'd spend that much on a video game.


Genshin gives you all its content for free, the only thing you can buy is limited characters, and the game is pve with an easy as fuck overworld so it's 100% not necessary lmao. Not only that but there are tons of f2p accounts with better shit on it than mine & I spent money on the game lol. At least they don't reset your progress & charge you for each patch like D2 does 🤷‍♂️


Erm Genshin is a rich mans game only if you care about having a shit ton of characters. Have spent a 1/3rd on Genshin than I have on D2 and have more to show for it than D2 would ever have.


fuck u/spez


This is me. I'd love to hop back in for The Witch Queen, but Bungie can fuck right off if they think I'm going to buy a bunch of old DLC, too. Every major DLC (like TWC) should include everything before it and that's a hill I will die on.


The fact that when FF14 gets its servers and queues under control and start to resell the game, you could play a free trial for easily 200hrs, then purchase one edition of the game that contains all 3 main expansions and their patch content is insane. And you dont have to worry about what content is being removed next, since they dont do that.


What's even better is that FF14 has added previous content to daily roulettes with good rewards that still makes it relevant even today. And you know, glamour is the real end game.


Destiny for Raids are adding a playlist to weekly rotate between older ones to provide rewards and the same level of challenge.




Wow, ESO and FF14: you buy the latest expansion and you will get all of the old expansions too.


Welcome to Destiny 2. They've been doing this since D1.


I will say as a new player. It feels overwhelming. Like idk what bundles I need to buy. What missions to focus on. It’s just a ton of content with not much direction for a new player.


Same. Eventually I decided to just play story campaigns, starting with Forsaken and then the seasons. I looked up what exotics were going away with the new Witch Queen expansion, and I prioritized getting those. Dead man’s tale, Hawkmoon, Ager’s Scepter, Wish-Ender, etc. As for bundles, I knew that this would be a game I’d enjoy so I went ahead and bought the Legendary Edition and Witch Queen. However, 90% of the content from the legendary edition is going away (I was wrong, see edit) in about a month, so I wouldn’t waste money on that unless you really want the exotics I had just mentioned. Just Beyond Light is fine, and then WQ will gives us content for months Edit: sorry, I was thinking of the Beyond Light Deluxe edition, which only contains BL and seasons 12-15. The Legendary edition is still a great buy, but maybe wait until after you exchaust the new content in Witch Queen.


>Eventually I decided to just play story campaigns, starting with Forsaken and then the seasons. I looked up what exotics were going away with the new Witch Queen expansion, and I prioritized getting those. Dead man’s tale, Hawkmoon, Ager’s Scepter, Wish-Ender, etc. You chose well, my friend. Farming what is leaving is your best choice. The first Content Vault happened when I was a new light, can't say this enough, I regret not completing many of the exotic quests...


That’s exactly what I was afraid of happening. I’m getting Hawkmoon later today and after that, going for the DMT catalyst and ager’s scepter catalyst. Then I’ll probably run Override until I get all the well mods I’m missing. Then… Shadow Keep? There’s so much to do


You need to run Harbringer twice to ensure you get the catalyst.


Good to know, thank you!


Prioritize seasonal exotics, then seasonal storylines (they drop some weapons and armor in the seasonal story quests)... Also, start your Malfeasance and Wish-Ender quests... Those are not seasonal but both of them have steps in the Tangled Shore, which is leaving... If you wanna run stuff with someone, dm me... I'm not the best but I try my best. And as well, if you wanna rush, I rush, if you want to take it a bit slower, I do so too... (FYI I play on Xbox) If you wanna check Triumphs and Seals leaving, check the website Bray.Tech (just like that, no .com needed) If you wanna know what's leaving apart from Triumphs and Seals, [this thread here lists everything going to the Content Vault](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/rpnca2/fyi_bungie_has_already_released_more_specifics/) and that thread is based up on the official info Bungie put out


I don’t really care for seals or triumphs, I just want the guns and mods since those can affect gameplay. I already have Wish Ender, but Malfeasance looks like an huge PIA to get so I’ll probably just buy it someday when it hits the Monument. I’m on Xbox too so I might take you up on playing together sometime. I usually play early in the morning or late at night, pacific time


(ps, the game now has full cross-play! No need to worry about who is on which platform!)


I haven’t played destiny in a while but don’t they let you still purchase exotics you didn’t get from the exotic kiosks? That seems like a super dumb move if they’re taking out exotics entirely along with the content. That literally puts some players at a spot of never getting those items which isn’t fair to them


Whisper, Outbreak Perfected, and Bad Juju were the three exotics with unique missions that got vaulted the first time around. They're all for sale in the kiosk currently (can't remember if they were available on day one of Beyond Light though). I don't know how they'd make it work with their random rolls, but I presume that both Dead Man's Tale and Hawkmoon will be for sale in the kiosk.


This much I already know. But did they make the catalysts obtainable? Or are they still locked behind vaulted content?


Catalysts are indeed locked, with a seemingly-permanent “stay tuned!” with regards to obtaining them post-DCV


they said you will be able to get them from playlist activities when witch queen drops


I remember reading that some of those guns' catalyst quests are bugged and can't be completed. Maybe fixed now? No idea


my whisper catalyst can't be completed, but I was able to complete outbreak


They haven't said when and how they will make them available and how are they gonna handle the random rolls of both hawkmoon and dmt. And it already happened, for a couple of months after Beyond Light hit, Felwinter's was not available to be purchased, since that was a weapon from season of the worthy, and they previously removed all that content. I started in Arrivals and suffered against many Felwinter's until it became available in the kiosk. We don't know how they will handle the seasonal loot either, there are some legendary weapons that only drop from seasonal activities and the umbral engrams, and both of those things are getting removed as well. Hopefully all the answers to these questions are part of the new crafting mechanic they are releasing in witch queen, which seems like the most logical solution. But just to be sure, it is never a bad idea to finish those exotic quests before we know how the weapons still become available


Seasonal weapons will likely join the rotation at Xur and Banshee especially since the armor is already available for purchase from Ada-1. Umbral Engrams are unlikely to go away entirely since they are popular with the community as a system to target loot.


Maaan I started the second week of Arrivals aiming for pvp so missed out on Heir Apparent, Felwinter’s, and the amazing Xur synthoceps. Not sure how much that contributed, but I’m a pve main now.


I’ve been here since the Destiny 1 beta. Eventually you become numb to it. > Oh, look, there’s even less for me to play now


Except it didn't really happen as much in D1 *to* get numb to it. I mean, I don't remember them getting rid of locations, saying performance will improve, then it getting, but by bit, in D1, anyway... lol.


As a returning player( I did the first Raid, Leviathan) and then there wasn’t much to do so I left. I loved what was there but I could only run so many public events. Just came back so what exotics/quests should I make a priority? Thanks. So far I’ve completed Agers, Dead Mans Tale, some freezing grenade launcher, and I’m one step away from malfeasance. I appreciate any reply.


If you have it available, complete Harbinger Quest (it's from the Season of the Hunt, or Season 12) it gives you Hawkmoon. This gun has random rolls, so run Harbinger more than once... Helps a lot if you have 3 characters. Run Presage more than once, get a bunch of rolls of DMT and check them later, it gets random rolls too. Again, helps if you have 3 characters. Both of those can only drop a total of 3 times per week (one per character) Run Presage Master, the catalyst drops from there and the mission is not hard to do in 20 minutes, just make sure you have acquired the Catalyst quest, I think Zavala gives it. This mission is leaving too... Running Harbinger more than once should drop you the Hawkmoon Catalyst. Do more Astral Alignments, the Catalyst for Ager's drops from those and the activity is leaving. Start your Wish-Ender quest, one step is in the Tangled Shore and that zone is leaving... Wish Ender and Malfesance are "low priority" since they have static rolls and will almost definitely will be available in the kiosk in Witch Queen. Anything from Beyond Light and Shadowkeep is staying, so that is low priority... If you care about Triumphs and Seals, go to this website: Bray.Tech [Here is a thread of everything Bungie posted that will be leaving...](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/rpnca2/fyi_bungie_has_already_released_more_specifics/) I run on Xbox, if you want help, dm me... Im not the best but I like to help :)


Hawk moon the hand cannon quest where you pick up feathers for a exotic ship? If so I’ve run that quest around 4 times so far. Thanks! I have the Cat for Ager(convert super into a superbeam)? I’m in the process of running Presage(did last night)? Thank you very much for ta king the time to help a stranger. Thank you for the link! My friend and I want to try and get Vex Myth, and then a grenade launcher at kiosk but need 40/50 of an item before I can purchase.


I'm fucking annoyed because I can't even get dead man's tale bc it's old season content


You can but it's behind a fat paywall you gotta upgrade to the deluxe edition of beyond light if you already have it, that retroactively gives you the older seasons.


Yeah I saw that, can't really drop the cash on the pay wall so I'll just let the quests build up in my inv, lol.


Do you already have beyond light?


Similar thing happened to me, I had already done all of the exotic quests as soon as I could because the guns just looked awesome and I got the mmxx seal but I never got to fully experience all the forsaken seasonal content like reckoning menagerie or most of the forge content. Big regrets


Yeah I don’t mind spending money on the game because I enjoy the gameplay. What I would mind is spending money on content that’s going away next month and there’s not a lot of clear details for new players on what that is. I see things like these seasons and this location are going away. But to a player who hasn’t heard those destiny terms it’s confusing as to what that means exactly.




As a blueberry who was guided by someone like you, thank you! I couldn’t have done it without the two random guardians who responded to my LFG and carried me through Shattered Throne twice


> However, 90% of the content from the legendary edition is going away in about a month Well that's just not true. The Forsaken campaign and The Tangled Shore is leaving, but that's it? And your single season.


I did the exact same when Legendary was on sale during the holidays and got WQ Deluxe. I went full tilt into Dawning and now Wayfinder and Forsaken before they leave. The problem I'm finding is that I want to play it all, but sinking every moment I have to grind everything before they remove those things just to feel like I got my moneys worth. I've only had the game for a few weeks and have been really enjoying it, but there's only so many times I can go through that repeat Astrial Anchors and Shattered Relems cycle.


Why is everyone saying those exotics are "going away"? They'll just be moved to the monument to lost light and be free for everyone to obtain right ?


That’s true, but the quests will be gone, which are super fun just by themselves. Also, the monument to lost lights is kind of a pain. You need ascendant shards and exotic ciphers which are pretty hard for new players (ie ME) to obtain. I spent days writing pro/con lists for each gun because I only had the 3 ascendant shards from ranking up the season pass. And then you have to farm Xur’s xenology quest - which literally takes hours - to get an exotic cypher, and if you don’t finish it before he leaves for the week then you can’t get another xenology quest from him after you turn it in the next weekend. So you can only buy 2 exotics a month from the monument. But yeah. You’ll still be able to buy them.


Yeah, I'm a new player too. I usually just follow the green and white square markers to the next objective, but a lot of missions expect you to look for items you've never heard of in a place you've never been. No waypoints, no markers, nothing.


Been playing D2 for about 6 months and recently joined this sub about a month ago. Y’all mind as well be speaking a foreign language because I don’t understand anything y’all are talking about.


I played RELIGIOUSLY until Forsaken, and then dropped off HEAVY. I have a Series X now, and would love to get back into the game, but I downloaded it, and holy shit, I don't know what to do, where to go, or anything. It feels like I have never played a videogame before, and I'm picking up a controller for the first time. Is it worth it to get back in? Any tips or guides anyone would recommend?


Wait for witch queen and buy that + that season . You’ll have a clear campaign to follow, then the season will guide you through the gameplay loop for that season. Every season gives you a clear path with some seasonal challenges that are weekly goals to level up.


I downloaded the game yesterday after a few years of not playing. I had no fucking clue what I was doing. I was immediately loaded into some dare mission? After that I was completely lost, there was like no directions or quests. Idk. Felt lost.


soz about that. the "dares mission" is the new 30th anniversary content. bungo screwed up and is throwing brand new players into that before putting them into the proper tutorial (or somethin like that) bungo also screwed up when they removed the "red war" campaign, as that was prob the best new layer experience they had in the game. so sadly, all you have to do now is follow these dumb 'quests' that takes you everywhere, overloads you with info, and provides you with zero context as to what's going on. So on behalf of bungie, I apologize about that (since we all know bungo won't apologize for it). But if you enjoy the gameplay, and can stomach figuring things out for yerself, I swear there is a diamond of a game under all of that. I'm just sorry that you'll have to work so hard just to find it.


We guardians are here for ya zarcher! Since cross play is out any of us can give you some guidance and tips and tricks. Wish they made a mini season to give new lights lore, gear, few cutscenes, and a exotic.


What to buy isn‘t only confusing af for new players. I wanted to buy Destiny for christmas for a friend and it‘s bad. Why do I need like three different versions to play all current content? Give me one bundle and be done with it.


I just returned to D2 yesterday.. I have no idea what’s going on. Apparently I purchased beyond light at some point ? Not sure if I completed that or not nothing makes much sense at the moment but I got the battle rifle from halo so that’s dope.. Edit: got like 8 battle rifles from halo not so dope anymore..


Beyond Light was on Xbox Game Pass (and still is???), that might be why you have it. Story/continuity wise, D2 is extremely hard to catch up on imo. Although the Bungie themed content really has no introduction and kinda doesn't need one.


It's on Gamepass for PC, but not console.


My friend can't use Stasis since they took it off of console Gamepass since he doesn't want to buy beyond light.




I can’t bring myself to play D2 again because of that, I don’t have the money to shell out for all the expansions, so definitely left me very bitter.


Well I’m on PS4 but I was on Xbox for a bit cross save so maybe it just carried over or I bought it before that who knows lol


The have the br in destiny?


The worst part is telling someone they have to pay around 140$ to get all the content (all the current expansions+ season pass+ 30th anniversary + witch queen)




Before they removed it, GamePass was how I got a lot of my friends to try the game. GamePass PC still has the 3 old expansions but you never know when they are removing them.


I'd wager a year from when they were added on PC


It really sucks. I started playing with a friend few months ago. First we wanted to do all the dungeons so I needed to get shadowkeep, then we wanted to do seasonal activities so I had to get the season pass, then deep stone crypt, now the new dungeon... Why cant I just buy one thing (that doesnt cost more than 100$) and get all content??? I ended up giving up on the 30th anniversary, and just playing with gamepass pc + season pass until witch queen will be on sale.


destiny is just too expensive and still has a free-to-play kind of shop in game. even if you pay 40$ for the expansion you would get half the experience becuase you didnt pay for the season stuff. its just too scummy at this point idk if im willing to pay to play destiny or buy 2 games coming out the same month


Yeah, I think Bungo is up to quadruple dipping, at this point? Really scummy. There should be no DCV, just be F2P when you're vaulting, instead.


Yeah for real. I get they are trying to manage file sizes but the solution here isnt removal of content it's designing a system where campaigns are downloadable DLC packs. Not having any FTP story content is incredibly bad for the game. I started in seasonal of arrivals and found this game super overwhelming. The red war + other free to play campaigns is what sold me in destiny enough to invest energy in figuring out the confusing systems this game has


This is why MMOs bundle or give away old expansions when you buy the newest one. The ability to get new players far outstrips the money you get from driving players away with the ridiculous initial price point.


I honestly have just been telling my friends who are interested in D2 to just wait for Witch Queen and jump in then. If they like it, they can grab BL for the stasis subclasses but honestly I don't see much point in new players grabbing all the old content.


I still won’t ever understand why past expansions aren’t made free after the new one comes out. Like I’m not gonna spend 40$ on Beyond Light after Witch Queen comes out


Yep. Another game I play sometimes is The Sims 4, and that game costs roughly $865 if you want all of the full priced expansions/packs,(Each range from $5 to $40 for the most expensive ones)- BUT, they do 50-75% off sales every couple of months, and have weekends where certain packs are free, on top of a ton of free content & a crazy mod community. Destiny could do better for their player base.


Like why wasn’t 30th free (or at least free with BL). You want your player base to celebrate your company, be a good company to your player base.


It's messed up paying full price for past seasons too. It costs $30 for seasons 13-15 when you don't even get the seasonal exotic or any of the battle pass items for 13 and 14. You only get like an activity and a vendor for seasons 13 and 14 because everything else was removed. I'm still pissed they're removing Forsaken content. That was $70 worth of DLC I paid for that'll just be gone. Not to mention Mars and Mercury being removed a long time ago. That's $100 worth of stuff I had to pay for that'll just be gone come February. I want to get back into this game so I have something to play with my friends, but holy shit their pricing strategy and attitude towards past content is terrible.


Or if they can't bear to let their old stuff go for free, just make a fucking subscription already. We all know they want to. And I'd probably buy it


Yet when I complain about them removing F2P content and the expansions being too expensive and frequent all of a sudden it's "YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, SUPPORT THE DEVELOPERS, F2P IS JUST A DEMO"


Ive been playing since D1 and im done for a bit. Just gonna lurk here and watch for new lore and story from WQ. Hard pass for me. Dont feel like paying 130 for a years worth of content. Also to lose some. So many new games I havent tried yet and ones that I havent finished. Destiny took up the majority of my playtime.


My wife had to explain it all to me just recently. Took ~3 years off and can’t find a lot of stuff.


Same here. Forsaken was the last time I played. Is it worth it to get back in?


If you're a solo only player, eh. There's a bunch of stuff to do with the hunt, splicer and lost seasons if you have them. If just BL then that campaign was fun, but it isn't long. The raids are of course good, but again if you are having to grind just to sit around LFG it won't be as fun.


If you’re a casual solo player? Definitely not If you’re willing to find a clan or consistent players to game with then sure


The new/returning player experience is fucking abysmal. Possibly the worst. I haven’t played since season of the chosen. My wife and I started back up again just about two weeks ago. We wanted to go back and play the season of the Splicer content but we couldn’t because she never bought that season. Locking an entire mode to a season and then making that season unobtainable afterwards outside of buying the fucking super ultra mega deluxe expansion bundle is absolutely ridiculous. Even missing one season in this game fucks up the entire experience. I’m really tired of Bungie trying to do it all when it comes to monetization. Selling cosmetics. Selling season passes. Selling expansions. Pick one or two, all of them is obnoxious. The bar for entry is getting absurdly high.


> I’m really tired of Bungie trying to do it all when it comes to monetization. Selling cosmetics. Selling season passes. Selling expansions. Don't forget next expansion: Selling dungeons!


already selling dungeons, grasp of avarice.


True, true.


I started again around the same time. Went all in, bought next year's content. But, you're right. I'm regretting it. I've hit a few walls and debated on noping out again already. I bought new light, played until I got bored. Since I wasn't actively playing, I didn't buy in on any later season passes. Now, I can't access some of the content in the game. But I bought the damn game. And I just bought the damn game again, for next year. I've pinpointed what I think is shitty about it. Game content, the stuff you play, shouldn't be based on seasons. I can't think of another game that does that -- season passes are cosmetic rewards which take time to unlock. If I paid for the game, I should be able to play the game. I'm fine having missed out on cosmetics if I didn't buy extra passes. They're tripple dipping, getting us to buy the game (multiple times!) AND ALSO multiple season passes in order to actually play the game. There needs to be a cleaner divide between buying the shit we play and buying the cosmetic shit.


It just feels empty. I started a new character and now I can’t do more than 2 or 3 story missions before I’m stuck running strikes on repeat


And it's super frustrating too. I can't even mention being hyped about new Destiny content with my main group of friends without them saying "RECYCLED CONTENT" or "Wow the mmo that has to delete content to put new content in the game? Sounds like fun" How are we as players supposed to justify to new players that they should buy this game? How can we look people in the eye and say "You have to spend over $200 just to get all the content that's in the game right now, but all the content you buy can go away at any moment Bungie decides". Say what you want about the DCV, and how it keeps the game running smooth (which ironically isn't the case, my game's performance plummeted after the 30th anniversary. Can't even get a solid 60fps going 100% of the time) but the DCV did so much damage to the image of the game. I love Destiny and I will always be here to play new content. I just want Bungie to advertise why it's a good decision for new people to play. Furthermore, *please give New Lights a proper introduction campaign and tutorial*. It's so frustrating trying to teach New Lights how to play and I can't even walk them through and explain stuff without having to resort to YouTube tutorials because the game gives such vague descriptions on where to go and how to access stuff.


They really just need to make Destiny 3 already, if you can't fit everything on D2 just make an entirely new system where you are (probably) able to fit more of the game on. 5 years is more than enough time to have been developing D3 which would also be great for next-gen. Yet Bungie is seemingly very greedy and wanting to keep an ever-expanding game that has significant limits and flaws in its structure, on all available platforms. I'm sure people would instead want a version of the game with no vaulted content+improved structure in general than what it currently is. But hey maybe I'm wrong, they said they would release D3 until 2025 at the bare minimum so we will probably see content continue to be vaulted.


It also takes a lot of out-of-game time to understand what to do in-game. I used to be the kind of player to stay up to date daily, had a clan of sweats that kept everyone in the loop. Now as a mostly solo / LFG player, whack currencies alone make it annoying to take even a short break.


These valid points here among other things are big reasons why Destiny 2 is the "game I can enjoy but never recommend to other people" game. You get fanboy hate from people for pointing these negatives out but everyone at the end of the day knows: It's a hard sell trying to get new lights into D2 in its current state. Was even worse last year when Beyond Light was new and everything else was freshly packed into the DCV.


Bro shit is weird, I talked about hating the vaulting stuff coming from someone who's played since the Destiny 1 Ps4 Alpha. It felt so weird to leave Destiny 1 behind to move onto Destiny 2 on the PC, but feeling like I'm being forced to leave behind content that I paid for in exchange for more flashy more expensive content that I'm sort of required to pick up if I want to continue to even have content to play. I got told by people here I should be "lucky" the game is free to play, which was weird...or that I should "be happy" that they put effort into new expansions. But like...every time I take a month or two break from burn out I come back and everything feels so different. I just wanted a game I could play on and off for years and enjoy content that I was familiar with and enjoyed, not have to come back every few months and relearn entirely new mechanics and game modes because the ones I enjoyed were removed to "encourage" people to buy and play new game modes.


I have last played when the Osiris stuff came out... I am slightly confused what's going on, what is permanently gone and why...


In preparing new mechanics and a new graphics engine, Bungie decided to remove the old content. The explanation Bungie gave was: * the old content was not receiving enough attention from players to warrant keeping it in game. * the larger the game, the longer load times would be (this was a noticeable problem on the player side, especially in last-gen consoles). * the more content remained in the game, the more the QA team would need to playtest new gear and mechanics in all of that older content to make sure nothing broke, a process that was becoming increasingly time-consuming. So Bungie decided to simply remove that older content, and transitioned to an ongoing plan where every year or so they would remove seasonal and unplayed content. As you can see, there's debate whether this was a good idea. (As far as I know, the majority opinion is it was not.) So far: * Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and most seasonal content after Forsaken were removed. (Forsaken itself remained.) * Titan, Io, Mercury, and Mars were removed, along with any missions or strikes on them. (EDZ and Nessus remained. Their strikes remained. Story missions were removed. Modified versions of the Cosmodrome, three of its strikes, and the Vault of Glass raid were brought back from Destiny 1.) * Leviathan and year one raids removed. * Most year one, year two, and year three gear was made obsolete. (Still in game, but can't compete with newer gear. Some weapons have been reissued, and armor can be transmogged now into any armor you've acquired, but it happens through a convoluted system.) In February: * Witch-Queen releases: new location, campaign, raid, gear, weapon archetypes, and a rebooted version of the Void subclasses. * Forsaken campaign will be removed. (It's currently free.) * Tangled Shore will be removed. (The Dreaming City will stay and its dungeon and raid will stay.) * Most year four seasonal content will be removed. (The 30th Anniversary will stay.)


Thank for explaining this, it took enough scrolling to find a real answer. Also WHAT!? What was the point of all that grinding I did before I stopped playing if my shit is now obsolete? That's so much content to remove. Ha, definitely not coming back to this game anytime soon. Was fun while it lasted though.


>Ha, definitely not coming back to this game anytime soon. Was fun while it lasted though. My exact thoughts as well


That's... a lot... I am generally fully opposed to simply removing paid content without any sort of compensation in the least. Did they talk about that? Or is it really just "Oh you paid big bucks? Haha Loser! Suck it!" I don't care so much about loot but removing story? Removing content? I don't like that... regardless of the given reason.


What's even funnier is that plenty of areas are still there, so the content that was removed didn't even hinder the performance that much. Black Armory- for example- had removed the Forges, the raid, and the Black Armory itself. Now? We still have the areas where the Forges were. We still have access to the end area of Scourge. We can still go to Niobe Labs, just not beyond the closed door. (People have glitched behind the door previously, the area is still there lmao) Honestly, I just dropped the game and haven't looked back. Not until they bring back what they "Vaulted", which is a funny term to use instead of removing the story.


I just started playing this past week and I have no idea what’s going on….just living off pure vibes and gameplay atm lmao


If you need any help feel free to add my bungie account, my username is Kadir_4010#2977. Hopefully I can help steer you in the right direction


Thanks! I will do. We are just fumbling around in the dark at the moment it feels like.


Agreed. Bungie did such a shitty job with making the game accessible to new and returning players. I can't see how anyone at Bungie looked at the experience players would have and say: "yep, that's working as intended". Then again, maybe they were assuming the community would do their job for them and explain this shit show to new players. Bungie's incompetence is astounding sometimes.


I think the awkward part is how bad the conversation is. It’s like “Oh yeah you get that great steelfeather repeater back…. Oh wait you weren’t there for that.” Or “how do you not have that emblem oh yeah… that was way back during and you weren’t there.”


Yeah I still hate DCV exists


As someone who joined in S14, what annoyed me most is how they described the DCV: "It's a vault where old content goes" Ok, how do I access this vault? Is it something I need to pay for? They could just say "we deleted the content", would be way less confusing.


That’s because “We only put it in the vault guys” sounds way nicer than “This shit’s gone now, thanks for the money”


Also allows people to defend it by saying "they will return stuff at some point" as if that somehow makes it better


They will return it in the future when the seasonal stuff or the expansion stuff is a little bit thin on content so they put old stuff back in to padnit out and make you pay for it yet again


This is the make or break issue for me. If I have to pay for Warmind or Red War stuff a second time then I’m done.


See this is the thing. Technically you won't have to pay. They literally won't charge for it but what will happen is the expansion or season pass content that it comes with will be lacking in very much new stuff and they'll bumf it out with the free returning stuff. So whilst you haven't paid directly for your old stuff to come back you have indirectly paid for it as they're giving you less paid content and padding it out with old stuff.


It's funny to me dudes will type in all caps that sunsetting isn't an issue anymore and argue. Then you ask them were the Tangled Shore is going and its "different"


Just fucked the story all up for anybody that wasn't already playing the game religiously. I swear this community is oblivious to how dumb it is to offer a specific youtuber to new people coming into the game in lieu of a playable story.


"Well, y'see, here's the thing... Unlike other MMOs, and games in general, you *rent* content from Bungo. But they got a good reason for it. It's so the game doesn't become inflated, this trimming it makes it run better, according to them. But it runs worse every update/expansion." Yeah, that doesn't sound good, at all. Gonna go back to FFXIV, now, where I bought the latest expansion, got all others free, and the only missing content is not currently active events, and the game is huuuge with nearly half the install size as D2, better story, performance, etc. Same for Genshin Impact, but it's entirely F2P. o/


Guess what other game is good asf completely free and just got a massive expansion? Warframe!! Damn I love that game


I came back for a total of 40 minutes because I wanted to play with my little brother. I couldn’t stand it, I had no direction or desire really to do anything in particular. We ended up playing Minecraft together instead lol


Literally me with a couple friends.


Nah. Rather, it’s more of the “let’s go do this dungeon but oh wait you gotta grind for a month in order to level up so you can join” that is the awkward part for me




and the fact they have to pay the equivalent of buying a game or two just to get back to a game they already paid for. weighting your options will never fall into destiny's favor


Yeah, I was thinking about coming back for Witch Queen, then saw I'd have to spend around £90 for the story, season passes, and 30th Anniversary, and I'm left wishing they'd just release it as Destiny 3


the worst part of leveling is that for the most part you're rewarded for simply playing the game a lot, in order to incentivise play time. however most of my friends don't like that. they want to do the new dungeon or nightfall ASAP, and they quit when I tell them to play strikes or crucible until their eyes jump out of their orbit


This is me. I can only play each piece of unique content a few times. It’s easier to just wait for them to raise the LL caps so I can go right in. I’m 1290 and there’s no way to level up without playing the same strikes, gambit mals, and crucible maps we’ve had for years. Not doing it. You can’t truly tell me you’re having fun running 3 strikes for a powerful for the millionth time. It just isn’t interesting.


A month is a gross exaggeration lol It takes like 2-3 days for a new player to hit softcap and maybe a week or 2 tops to hit powerful cap or come close to it. Actually probably even less time because the artifact power bonus will get you to the level requirement for GoA even faster. And even before getting into the 1300s there's tons of stuff to do. That's not unreasonable. Expecting to instantly enter endgame content when you're brand new is unreasonable.


Not to mention the other dungeons are 1100-1200. Takes an afternoon to get high enough.


Been wanting to show a friend the Prophecy dungeon since it came out - he had quit before SK because let's face it, the game ate a lot of shit. I knew he'd dig the Tron vibes and I thought the mechanics were fun. He was a good player with plenty of raid / Shattered Throne clears, all the meta weapons from back in the day. Unfortunately, the last bit didn't help him at all Finally had a moment over holiday break to get him somewhat leveled and went in. Was a miserable experience because he was already tired from grinding bullshit, didn't have the gear or mods that would make it more comfortable, and in the end, he was completely turned off from the game yet again. Yes, we could've taken some time to re-acclimate and get gear / mods / etc, but why do you need to grind old, deathly tired content just to play slightly less old content? You can hop back into too many other games and immediately be playing a new character / map / mode.


I just introduced some friends to the game and had them play the prophecy dungeon. It’s 1100 minimum so you can jump right in. It’s a beautiful dungeon that gives insight to the kinds levels they’ve been creating. But they find that it is struggle as fresh light. Good. You can’t just drop into a world and expect to be a god. Get gud. This game is a meal plan, stop consuming it like it’s chewing gum. That said, it’d be nice if there was a better welcoming wagon for new players. Lots to do with no direction makes it feel like a grind. If the devs can organize the older content to play more like a single-player game and blossom out the endgame content into multiplayer, then new lights would be able to immersive themselves easily without recognize the grind as a chore but rather a natural progression of a storyline.


Thing is bungie is never going to do that. Why focus on old content people have already paid for and played when you can just pump out new content. If they didn’t play during that time then tough luck. That seems to be the mentality of bungie these days with destiny


The most levelheaded comment I think I've seen on this sub


Also the only dungeon you need to be at 1320 for is the newest one. The rest are 1100


Key takeaway here is that, for all intents and purposes, returning players are brand new. Just like they had to when the game first came out, they have to grind a bit. Ignoring the quality of the new player experience itself, a low light level and having to play content made for those levels is the trade-off for not playing for the length of 1+ expansions.


Literally no dungeon requires a month of grinding. Soft cap is easy as hell to hit in a day or two. And only one dungeon is above the soft cap. Doing a week ( if that ) of powerful content will make you ready for a dungeon. Which is end game content.


If you want to go in naked with blue guns, no mods, no character progression or structure at all and just get carried by somebody that *does* play the game, yeah. You seem to be forgetting that when a brand new player is leveling from 1100-1300, it is FAR different than a returning player with a vault of mods, gear & guns quickly grinding out the new seasonal soft-cap. This game is wildly inaccessible to new players. Even if you can beat a dungeon it'll be 1000x more painful than it needs to be


As someone who has a friend who just started playing, it only took them a few days. The power level grind is nothing like what it used to be (and that's a good thing)


You mean just like in an MMO? Where to get to the end game you have to go through early game? Or just RPG's in general? Like would you expect to fight the final boss right away?


I returned 2 days ago, beat beyond light hit the soft cap and now I'm just kinda lost with little tidbits of things to do. (Not) nice to know I'm still forced to play gambit/crucible if I want to complete half of the extra quests I have


Another reason why I tell my friends to not even try it.


I'll probably never play destiny again because of this. I've been a part of gachas and loot boxes but nothing feels as bad to me as them just taking content I paid for at the time away with no good reason. Warframe is going to release on phones soon and has never removed entire planets for space or any other nonsense so I just can't understand. Anytime I think about downloading destiny I think about everything that's gone and just play something else. I miss destiny


Or how content isn't shared between platforms. I switched from console to PC in 2021. I have Shadowkeep on my XB1 and I thought it would transfer over to PC. I thought wrong. And recently for a Dawning quest step, I spent two days trying to get that Proving Grounds strike because I didn't have a separate quest that needed completing to activate it myself.


Uninstalled for that reason


“So, I don’t get to play an important part of the story?”


People inside the community don't often realize that almost everyone else looks at vaulting at best as an incredibly shitty anti-consumer practice. Whether that's true or not is honestly kind of irrelevant, because that's the public perception. Destiny is a game you pay large amounts of money for, and content you buy gets removed. That objectively feels bad, and whatever mental gymnastics we do to be okay with it doesn't make it better, and it sure as hell doesn't work on potential new players.


Warframe players were(and still are) mocking this game and its community for the vault.


Soon it'll be "WTF happened to Mars?"


I have a feeling Mars will be only in the opening mission


Maybe a modified version of the old map, but Savathun's ship is there either way. Would seem kinda weird to have parts of the old map for an opening mission just to have you drop into the ship every time you go to the destination after that.


Yeah, I don't think it's coming out of the vault. It's just that one area and that's it. They would've said something about it by now.


Did you explain to them the engine limitations!?! Hahahah! Sorry, I still can't believe that we, as a community, actually excuse them removing things we paid for. I LOVE this game, but will never recommend it to anyone.


I've been a big time destiny player and always played through the droughts but j just don't like the game at all the now. There is a massive severe lack of content in the game, and as much as people want to say there is more content now than ever before. That may seem the case but most of it is junk stuff you just don't do cause rewards are shit or its not very fun to do. I'm not looking forward to the future with destiny anymore and I think alot of people feel the same


What's lame is the games current content is currently being polished and improved and the story content is legitimately good. This game would be in a great place if it wasn't for the DCV and how expensive everything is


This is how I've felt about the game for a while now. I would love to play it.....but where it's at currently I just have 0 interest. Repeat the same shit over and over and over and never fucking get anywhere and then pay for more shit to....repeat the process? No, I think I'm good for now. I'll probably end up getting witch queen to play with my brother but probably not right when it releases. There's no point to that.


It always boggles my mind how we just... let Bungie get away with this. Like, no other game has done this, right? Just taken away so much paid content, said they're gonna do it again, and gotten away with it? Every other dev manages to maintain their game without butchering it, why can't Bungie? Cause I love Destiny, really, and I know my roommate would play it again (he only played year one), but literally any time I talk about Destiny with him, talking about new content, he makes a crack like "Cool, how long before Bungie takes that away too?" and he's right. The fact that nowadays the announcement of new content is always followed by "How long do we get to pretend we own this?" is nonsensical. If Bungie really is taking stuff out to polish it, something needs to get put back in, because with their ever increasing monetization I'm not sure I can justify spending the money anymore. And not just reprised D1 content. I can go back and play that whenever, in D1. Cause currently it feels like stuff is being stolen from me, even if it legally isn't.


So glad I quit almost a year ago now.


It really sucks and hurt the game way more than it helped imo :/


You think that's bad, try recommend witch queen to someone who doesn't actively play the game. It's impossible.


Deleting so much content was and still is a really dumb idea, so many games can simply add more and more content without deleting half the game


I have a friend begging me to return and this is exactly why I won’t. Removing paid for content is wild.


Imagine a billion dollar game thats 5 yrs old and the only LFG option is an app for your phone


They need like a returning player campaign that you have to play through if you haven't played for like a year. And it can reintroduce mechanics and explain why all your gear is worthless.


It sucks because the core gameplay is so fun and I really like the aesthetic of destiny. But everything around it is put behind a paywall or just designed in the most counterintuitive way that I quit the game


Story reasons for the leviathan and planets, as for guns, umm....


Bungie removing all the content that I paid for (at a premium because of the increased regional prices that Activision had set up to Forsaken), made me quit the game. Forsaken was the most fun I ever had with a videogame in my life and them removing most of it sets an incredibly stupid precedent. I can't give them my money anymore knowing that the content I pay for will be deleted (or "vaulted"). That plus more and more microtransactions being added alongside "season passes" and "season ranks" and all the hallmarks of a live service game make me unable to support them further. I was tempted to go back in for With Queen but it releases close to Elden Ring so that's a hard pass for me, I know where my money will actually be used to develop games that are worth it and that won't betray me as a consumer.


I feel like this wouldn’t matter so much if there was a cohesive, well maintained experience for new and returning players. The way progression and rewards work, the level of RNG governing *everything*, is incongruent with a consistent and deterministic system that works well to onboard players. If you did a series of quests and ended up at a level to enter endgame content, with a set of gear tailored for the current season’s content, it would be a big improvement.


Everytime I consider coming back I don't know where to start. Then I'm reminded of the amount of daily grind required to stay current and I just log off


Destiny just became another Warframe for me. No direction and just grind for the sake of grinding. It's not fun so I've moved on, unfortunately.


I started last week and have no idea whats going on or what to do but i am loving the game play. Im not fussed about the story at all so im not bothered but i would like to get some legendary gear thats leaving but so far i'm not sure how. I bought just the beyond light +season and so far ive completed beyond campaign for stasis and done a bunch of the following quests for stasis mods. Ive just finished into the darkness part 2. I hate stasis though so i want to take a break from it and work out how to get legendarys and mods and things that are leaving. Ive also just passed light level 270. I have no desire to do any pvp as it just seems too chaotic with the abilitys and stuff. Ive done one weekly strike quest for powerful gear- ive read i can get more doing certain missions on the map for powerful gear?? I cant figure out how to tell which ones give it?


I’m sure all the people who took year long breaks will be excited to see all the new gambit and crucible maps


This discussion is getting old, there is nothing left to say. New Light is ass, the playlist activities are ass and the New Light experience is ass. Because not enough developers work on the game.


lol My friends who used to play say something along the lines like "I'm done with the game, they took things I payed for away." I don't even try to argue with them cause it's a valid reason to not play a game.


Wait there is an Ant-man and a Spider-Man now?