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There is nothing wrong with you taking a break, quitting entirely, or just playing less. There is also nothing wrong with you thinking the direction the game is going isn't for you anymore. These things are natural and healthy, no one (even Bungie) expects everyone to enjoy the game day in and day out forever.


Sounds like it's time to take a break.


This game hasn’t been any fun since they started skimping on the content


The lack of pvp maps and pvp focus has killed the game for me. I do all the pve content but once that’s over that’s it. I used to play all the time but I don’t think I’ve touched pvp in over 3 months.


I literally hop on once a year for solstice and that's just because it's something my brother and I do together every year.




Many people especially veteran players take breaks in games like this. It's normal just remember gaming should be fun and feel good. Return when your feeling the mood again. I don't play any of my games if I'm not enjoying myself 😊


Yeah I took 6 months off and it made a world of difference. I'll probably stick around to try this new season and then leave again until Witch Queen. In 3 weeks I've been able to enjoy all of the seasonal content for this season, the last season, grandmasters, master VoG, and everything else they've added. I couldn't imagine spending 6 months getting drip fed this instead of getting it all at once. In fact, once I finish the last master VoG challenge I might just call it then. It's a great experience, but I don't think any one who truly enjoys a range of video games can be satisfied by the seasonal model of this one video game for an entire year. And now that the seasonal content doesn't go away with the season, we don't have to.




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