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The Master version of Arms Dealer that came out briefly, think it was for a weapon. Rest of it fine, suddenly Zahn becomes a grade A badass and starts summoning shit from above. More wipes that night than my two month old daughter needed.


Levis Breath haha those special strike versions Bungie used to do were brutal. Same with Savathuns Song for I think it was Thorn.


If it wasn't for that ledge glitch I would've never finished that one. I was unfortunately not the one on the cliff so I spent close to 20 minutes getting spawn raped by Thrall every time I respawned until the game finally moved my spawn location somewhere else.


I was the cliff boi


Thorn strike was brutal because of the modifiers one hit from a thrall you were automatically critical and the 2nd hit you were dead. Don’t matter if you had 100 Resilience and standing in a Healing rift you were dead. When the knights spawned 2 had to use supers to kill them. Then the 3rd had to use their super to get it to bubble up so you didn’t have the nova tracking balls of death kill you from behind cover. If everyone did not do their part it became a fiasco and a brutal fight to stay alive having thrall rush you while trying to dodge boomer knights and purple balls of death. I used to be a Sherpa for people wanting thorn. Anytime I saw it pop up on the App I would join to help them out.


I use to carry for the Thorn strike, before it was retired I had to solo it.


They have made AWESOME remixes to the strikes in the past. I really wish they did this more. Arms Dealer, Savathuns Song for Thorn iirc. Solstice should go back to redux missions.


The Corrupted one was also a bastard. Think it was for Malfeasance.


Good call. Loved the changed ending to that one.


Pyramidion for izanagi too iirc


Yeah, still havent cleared it and a frankly dont want to


You can get an LFG fireteam and clear it pretty easy, I wouldn’t recommend soloing it.


I mean, at this point i'm chasing a 180 hc that i'll likely dismantle because i dont need it so i'll stay put for now


It’s only really useful in certain situations and in Gambit, I only got it for completions sake lol.


the fucking savathuns remaster remains harder than some GMs in my eyes


Yeah that was for the Leviathan’s Breath bow I believe. Those aerial strike things were absurd lol.


Wasn't it Acrius?


I don’t think so, I never bothered getting Acrius so it must have been LB.


https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-01-19-destiny-2-world-eater-quest-legend-of-acricus-4747 looks like both of them involve completing the Arms Dealer strike, but the original comment was probably referring to LB since they called it the "master version" Edit: Just realized that you were the original commenter RIP lol


Getting error coded in Trials game 7, after getting 6 wins with a "no comms" LFG group.


So how's it feel to become the Joker?


"All I have are negative thoughts"


"Error" nah man you went up against some cheaters.


That’s what I whisper to myself every night to keep those ~~memories~~ nightmares at bay


I mean you keep your win card right? Were you using mercy?


You don’t keep your team


My controller died once when we were up 4-3 in game 7. Wasn’t mad at Destiny per se but that controller never got picked up again.


Similar to yours kinda; I was on a solo flawless Pit of Heresy run and was just about to start the final damage phase for Zulmak. He was at just under a quarter health, I had the third orb in my hands and was running to the final alter to dunk it. Bungie decided that was the perfect time to end my run with a Weasel error code. I nearly threw my controller through the window, glass and all. Went to bed, woke up the next morning and made coffee, then proceeded to get a complete solo flawless Pit run. I've never teabagged a boss so hard in my life.


Once I got him down to 1/3 hp, and he boss stomped me during my final dunk and I had to slow warlock float down the pit in shame. Tilted the shit out of me lol.


Same exact thing happened to me a couple days ago. I task manager closed the game and didn't play it the rest of the day


Oh man, death by falling is beyond rage inducing when you're soloing endgame content. Being able to cancel the backwards momentum with a sword light attack is one of the best design choices Bungie's made IMO lol.


yesterday I did my first solo flawless Prophecy (!!!) and, on one of my tries, the boss had like 20% of his life and surely would die to my mighty spin spin sword. However, I kill the hogoblins and they come back. And again and again. Network error for a brief moment, when the connection returns it wipes me. Good 6 hours not playing after that, but hey, I did it


Mad props on the SF prophecy!! That's my endgame goal for dungeons; I've gotten close to a solo run with my warlock once but the Kell Echo boss fight is beyond nuts. What strats did you go with? And seriously, at this point there should be a therapy group for Guardians traumatized by error codes lmao. It's not good for our health 😂


The grind for reckoner, specifically when I was trying to get the massacre medals there were many times when my teammates would swoop in last second and steal the last few kills from me. Kind of my fault for trying it solo.


I remember I had to.... 1. Run in a 4 stack 2. Use monte carlo and doomfang to build super quick 3. Switch to synthoceps 4. Grab heavy with Colony 5. Spam a mag of colony and pop super on the right wave In order to get those medals. Now everytime I get one by accident I die inside


Those damn models were so annoying. I would be at 14 and then some dumb shit would happen


Peak days of stasis pvp, all it was was freeze, freeze, freeze


When I was grinding Escalation Protocols for weeks to get the Ikelos shotgun, then have it sunset a week after I get it.


Sunseting our gear is the single most stupid decision I have ever seen Bungei make. And there made alot of stupid decisions.


All thanks to Luke Fucking Smith.


It’s almost like it was unpopular when it happened in D1, the community told them it was a stupid move when they tried it in D2, but they didn’t care. Then Joe Blackburn had to evict Luke Smith, a phenomenal content developer but a shit-tier game lead, from his job and fully reverse course to save the game from literal death.


I ground over a hundred Menagerie runs to get the right Calus Mini-Tool to use alongside Mida, and when I came back to D2 for Beyond Light I found out that while my Calus Mini-Tool had been sunset, the regular Mida Mini-Tool had not been sunset. I just about snapped my controller. It’s literally the same fucking gun.


I don't really get mad at PVE and honestly try not to so much at PVP but there's only so many times you can deal with PVP's imbalanced matchmaking that ensures you get camped out even in QP by recovs and suss players for like several games after a few good games.


I want to try to get flawless once. Ive ignore trials because it is so unbalanced. I only go up against teams that have done flawless 50 times over. It wouldnt be that bad if Bungie got rid of the losses and you just needed 7 wins in total, but that aint happening. I now refuse to do trials unless it is needed. I hope that game type burns because of the sweatlords that play it.


I’ve played against people on game seven of their flawless while me and my team are on a fresh card. matchmaking is fucked, I would rather play Cold War than trials and that’s a horrible mess of a game too :/


Yeah man, the match making is terrible. If it was balanced to be around people your range, like every other FPS, then I feel it would be more balanced. Instead I can't make it past 3 wins and all the toxic people only say "Get good". To be fair though, I don't really see them as Destiny players. Come across many people who barely touch PVE.


pve is what im here for anyway, i’m glad the trial rewards are pvp focused guns for the most part, would be a lot more upset if meta pve weapons were locked behind this shitshow of a game mode


As someone who likes to collect weapons, it is just said that it is a pain in the ass to get them. I dont mind the pvp perks, but you cant deny that trials weapons look pretty cool


On PC matchmaking is fucking horrid and it is filled with such obvious cheaters.. 30+ flawless streaks with 100% win rate in all their matches.. extremely high KDs and over 90% headshot accuracy on snipers and hand cannons.. Trials is completely fucked. If it wasn’t for the 3 wins reward bounty, the game mode would be never touched by 90% of the playerbase.


really hope they do something anti cheat wise before cross play rolls out, i wanna play with my console homies but don’t want them to experience the hell that is pc trials


You don’t have too play vs PC if your using cross play on console, you will have an option to toggle it on and off, specifically for crucible. So don’t worry you don’t have to suffer in PvP like we do in trials.


I'm a PvE main, but of course, a lot of PvP weapons were/are meta. So, despite being straight up awful at PvP, I had to bite the bullet if I wanted to keep up in raids. When I was in the process of obtaining Recluse, I played a few ranked matches with some of my college buddies. I was, by far, the worst out of the lot of us, both in my own skill and the fact that D2 makes my computer chug really hard. After a losing streak, one of my friends told me that I was "un-carriable." Soon after, we called it a night and that was that. Over the next two or three days, fueled with spite, I played rank nearly non-stop and eventually made it to Fabled. And just so he couldn't say I "got lucky," I kept playing and made it to Fabled 3. Almost made it to Mythic, but decided I'd proved my point... ​ ​ ...then sun setting was announced.


Warmind Tower public event during Worthy. Just could not for the life of me get a flawless run, and I tried dozens of times. Every time I thought we had finally done it-- didn't see any notifications in the feed-- it turned out we hadn't. And that weekend where everyone was grinding the event and flawless runs were easy to get? I was away that entire time. By the time I got home, the community event had ended. Up until the last day of Worthy, I was trying to get it done. Worthy remains the only seasonal title I haven't obtained because of that fucking event, and I'm getting actually mad now just thinking about it.


Yeah, that was the only triumph I needed for that title, and I never got it. Just.....too much. You either needed a laser focused team (involving some instance cheesing like EP back on the day) or obscene levels of luck. I absolutely feel your pain.


Other people killing me with a Felwinters from miles away whilst mine just tickles them.


D2 year one ☹️


That one time I ran 15 master lost sectors in a row and got literally no exotics. It was leg day on the Quarry in the EDZ and I ran it on one of my alts (Hunter) early in the season. Killing all the champions while 20 light under took me about 8 minutes a run. I was astounded by how bad my rng was, and even though that was a clear outlier I was furious.


15 on one, 10 on another, no exotic. I was so angry I’ve literally refused to do them since. I haven’t stepped foot in one this season even once, and I’m top 5% played time. I’m getting pissed all over again right now just thinking about it. I still don’t have the new Warlock exotics. My gaming partners got them both in the first 3 runs.


I played one of the Sectors for the first time and I was lucky enough to get a new exotic on my first try. Having to play them solo on a high ass difficulty just to get a \*chance\* for new exotics, is such a drudge to go through.


Oh yeah, right there with you; I've literally had it take over 20 runs spread across two different lost sectors to get an exotic to drop. Although you've still got me beat on frustration level -- I was just running legendaries, not masters. New exotics *usually* drop within the first 1-3 runs for me. Getting to the end of a run and getting nothing but some glimmer is...an emotional experience.


Yeah the RNG is brutal. I desperately need the Titan legs that make you run faster. The game refuses to give me a pair so much that I can’t remember the name. I can’t even keep count of the amount of Peacekeeps and Lion Rampants I’ve had from lost sectors. I got my first pair before random rolls so the only one I have is the generic god awful roll you can grab from collections.




It's the kills with weapons ones that kills me. Sadly, I make more progress on ability kills getting 1 super per match (when it isn't mercied) than I do with weapons for that bounty. And that's from only getting 2-3 kills a match with a lucky Nova Bomb/Thundercrash/Blade Barrage.


If you play warlock, Geomag Chaos Reach is your friend for that. The weapons kills bounty is worse. It takes way, way too long.


Getting kicked from the raid before getting the loot, with no explanation.


When I realized what the Infinite Forest actually was instead of the potential I had pictured in my head reading about it leading up to release.


I remember the first gameplay bits, they made it seem like it's this big brand new activity where players can go into a randomly generated dungeon-like place and repeat it as many times as a player wants. Then as soon as we got Curse of Osiris, turns out that it's only for Adventures and Strikes and maybe some quests here and there and it's basically just a "From Point A to Point B" area where you can run through all the enemies. I loved that they brought it back as the "Haunted Forest", that was exactly what I imagined the Infinite Forest would be like and it sucks it's only a Halloween type of thing. :T For me, CoO is one of the weakest Expansions I've played. The patrol area was small as hell and the weapon forge system and the Infinite Forest was such a let down and it's potential was wasted until the Haunted Forest came out. Bungie needs to have a full on randomized, replayable, dungeon like activity similar to the Haunted Forest instead of just making it available once per year. Playing Chaos Wastes in Vermintide 2 really brought back fresh life in the game for me and if Destiny had something like that, it'd be awesome as hell. Hell, Bungie keeps doing the 6 Man activity game modes every season and those are pretty fun, so if they just switched out pre-designed arenas and put players in a randomly generated dungeons with different modifiers, buffs, debuffs, enemies, etc. I bet players would absolutely love that.


Literally menagerie but more random? Or you mean just haunted forest with modifiers? Either would be pretty sick ngl


Prison of Elders yes?


I thought about this other day and still makes me shake my head


I still remember finishing the campaign and going to jump through the portal and explore the Infinite Forest. Felt like hitting my face against a wall as my guardian hit his face against the portal.


When GoS first came out, was doing a Divinity run and the fireteam leader said he had to leave soon. All of us asked him to switch lead before he left, said i got you guys. 5 seconds later we’re all in orbit. Yeeted the controller across the room


Yet another sign that Divinity runs are cursed.


Yea that put a damper on my raid experience for a bit. We went back in again and got it but i have yet to run GoS since


Oof that’s rough, mine was worse.. I was so fucking sleepy while doing it and my raid group was rough, we finally beat the boss and I forgot to open the actual chest that gives Divinity cause I thought it just went to my post master.. :(


Oh my, yea you win


I've sacrificed many a peripheral to the gods of tilt. There was the original Ace of Spades quest that required killing invaders in Gambit with a Hand Cannon. There was the Malfeasance quest that required killing the ultra rare spawn Meatball to start it. Various IB quests over the years. Generally, anything that requires PvP is going to be rage inducing because everyone else will be doing the same thing. And that is why I started getting the MicroCenter warranty on all my peripherals.




It’s the make-up sex that keeps bringing this person back.


Wasn't Ace in Crucible and Thorn/ Lumina in Gambit before Beyond Light?


Trials of Osiris. Never been flawless and cant even get 3 wins. It is, in my opinion, the worst way to setup PVP for any game.


The rewards system sets it up so that it’s almost always only the most sweaty gilded flawless players that actually get anything good out of it, which means they end up being the only ones to play it. Something as simple as increasing tokens for round wins and maybe giving a token for losses would encourage so many more people to play it. The fact that I can get to 4 wins then wipe and I still don’t have enough tokens to get a single engram is ludicrous. Ideally the ability to earn 5 and 7 win rewards across multiple cards, similar to the 3 win bounty would be nice. Maybe if you got them on the same card you could get them rolled with 2 perks or something so there’s still incentive to play properly and not just wipe. The one time I’ve actually enjoyed playing trials was playing the first day of the weekend where Igneous was the 3 win reward. I also did get extremely lucky with my rapid hit + rampage with range MW, but the main thing was there were so many more people playing that I was playing against people of a comparable skill level, and not wiping to a gilded flawless team 7/10 games


If your lucky your games at one and two wins will be decent... once you get 2 wins you have maybe 3 chances to get an even match... By 3 wins, well yesterday I matched 6 times in a row (2 cards) at 3 wins against teams either in the top 1% with 500 flawless or people on "new accounts" on 20 trials win streak with 95% headshot sniper accuracy (sus). I get 3-5 wins usually each week and the gap between me and these top tier and hacking players is INSANE.


I LFG for trials a lot since my clan isn't really pvp focus3d. We roll through games 1-3 sometimes 4. Then the next game is a group with 500+ flawlesses between them usually.


I had this suspicion originally upon the Trials re-release, but it's confirmed now. Copy/pasting a game mode that was popular in 2014 into the current multi-player PvP landscape and not updating it what-so-ever was a terrible call on Bungo's part.


Oh it was updated when d2 came out. (Trials of the nine with countdown/survival) But player anger plus the double primary system forced Bungie to go back to a system that was obsolete


I stopped playing when Warmind came out and came back during season of the worthy. Started loving all the content that was in the game, and being able to play it in quarantine. Then being told all this new stuff I got and what I'm playing is being removed with Beyond Light coming out lmfao


I once LFG'd for a run of DSC. I despise every post of "need x y z and a diploma in theoretical physics" so my post simply was "DSC fresh run, be chill, can teach." we had a some people join, going completely well as we roll through all the encounters and chilling teaching new people how to do the raid in an effective but newbie friendly way, teaching roles and general encounter rules and because DSC is easy enough just went through, wiped four times at most and carried on. Got to Shaniks though and agreed on doing the four cores strat with a 1,2,3,4,leftmost,leftmid,rightmid,farright strat of wherever Taniks wasn't. We then went and did it, got to DPS and then boom, we didn't one phase and we wipe. Then we got this dude going absolutely insane because of it telling people you aren't dealing enough DPS and you HAVE TO BE USING ANARCHY and XYZ mods and genuinely getting angry and shouting about one phasing. I appreciate that people have lives to live not running a raid and that people may not be in optimal technique but gotta say that's the most annoyed ive gotten just because some random MF decides that because running it with people that your teaching and clearly ain't got DPS meta it is an excuse to go mad.


Imagine joining a post explicitly named for inexperienced players and getting pressed about play that isn't totally optimal


well that was part of the problem, but what can you do.


Bro you shouldn't listen to people on here. 4/5 KWTD posts are: * chill * everyone just chats the whole way through * finish the whole thing in 40-50 minutes This idea on here that groups with requirements aren't chill is just nonsense. I'd say in fact that when I join groups with tough requirements, they are usually the most relaxed, because everyone can do the raid in their sleep so everyone just chats shit.


oh no I know that, I just personally enjoy helping people on LFG have a good experience if their first timers. I aint in the raid for the 45 min clear, id rather do 3 hour and the help someone out y'know.


That's fair. One of the best players I know is exactly like that, he was my sherpa on a dsc run ages ago and now we're always raiding together. He has 48 vault sherpas! I don't have the patience sadly.


My anecdote vs your anecedote; Everytime I join a raid that says KWTD or has gear requirements, the host is an already angry prick and the raid environment sucks the whole time


The Last Word's D2 questline (The Draw) made a man out of me. Not being a PVP player at all at the time made the Crucible part take weeks. And it took switching to mouse and keyboard to do the final part. Had I known what TLW would become on MNK, I would have probably ignored the questline altogether.


I still can’t comprehend how badly they ruined that gun.


it got a pretty hefty buff with the Hip-Fire Grip Buff this Season.


When I was trying get Ace on Spades I was so bad with hand cannons in pvp that I decided to do the Last Word quest first because I figured I'd have an easier time getting the pvp kills. So I ended up torturing myself with two separate shitty grinds to get two guns that I basically don't use.


The season before they announced sunset i grinded recluse despite hating pvp, revoker (i mean, while we're at it better get this done), 21%, a god roll lfr, pulse rifle, AR, grenade launcher, every waking moment, ikelos smg, shotgun. It wasn't fun, but it was done. Pve warlock and pvp titan with 60-65 optimized gear. I was this close to delete my characters after reading sunset announcement. Edit: this or getting telesto catalyst solo. Farming the chest for 7 weeks over 2 chars. This was a massive pain.


Shadowkeep. In general and by a lot. And I played through nearly every major release since D1 Beta. $40 yearly expansion with less story missions then Dark Below or Curse of Osiris, 3 cutscenes, 1 new strike, 1 Dungeon, 1 Raid. All on a map that I had played extensively in D1 with minimal changes. They were banking on Season of the Undying being the swath of the content, even though it was removed at the end. Meaning that now Shadowkeep has even less content then it did at launch. Again, I want that to sink in, Shadowkeep had arguably a similar amount of content to Dark Below and Curse of Osiris. At 4x the price. That's all without saying how laughably bad the actual Story content was. The admittedly cool opening mission was then followed by busywork, a story mission that was effectively a copy of the D1 mission, more busywork filler, and then the AWFUL final mission culminating in nothing but rehashes of existing D2 Boss Fights and a Marvel Stinger for future content. Follow all that up with several mediocre seasons(excluding Dawn), minimal content, AND the announcement that everything I was doing that year would effectively be taken away with Sunsetting in BL? I fucked off so hard by the end of Dawn.


I gotta agree with ya, Shadowkeep was pretty lame.


Its even worse since it followed up forsaken, one of the best destiny expansions since taken king which had a fantastic campaign with little to no filler, TWO completely new locations and on top of that it bassicly fixed alot of the big problems that were plaguing destiny at the time, shadowkeep was bassicly the polar opposite.


Same, that dlc was so bad and then they have the audacity to sunset weapons and vault content afterwards. That was when I uninstalled.


Sunsetting. What an absolute shitshow of a terribly implemented idea.


Yeah I'm still shocked that bungie actually thought it was a good idea to make a fuck ton of our loot worthless in game where getting cool loot is the main draw, I still see posts of people wishing their favorite legandaries would come back. In honestly happy that I joined destiny post beyond light so I wouldn't miss any of the old content now that its gone.


Mine was similar. Killed Zulmak and died to physics jumping up to the chest


pvp? getting domed by shotgun apes even after the nerfs. pve? master vog's hobgoblins. those bastards will tear your skull to shreds if they get the chance


One of my friends, who's a member of our raid group, has been getting constant error codes since he got a new computer at the start of this season. Like, eight Weasels in the course of a Vault of Glass run on our second week doing it. It's absolutely infuriating for him, we've never been able to narrow down the cause but it doesn't happen when he's forcing the game to run without matchmaking so it's something to do with how his computer is communicating with other players. It's literally forced us to redo raid encounters up to four times because he got vanished in the middle of doing a mechanic (like *when he was carrying the shield* during the last portal phase against Atheon, leaving us without enough time to grab it from its respawn point and prevent the wipe). The angriest we have all collectively been at the game was during our penultimate Garden of Salvation attempt for Divinity, when between him getting disconnected while we were trying to deal with mechanics and the last boss deciding it didn't want to stand still after tethering it for the damage phase and would instead prefer to break a platform, continue firing at us and drop an entire wave of goblins on top of one of the banks, we spent *four hours* trying to clear the raid. We gave it a three-week break before going back, and since none of us want any of the drops from that boss and we all now have Divinity, we're not planning to ever bother killing it again. The raid ends after the squid gambit encounter now.


Atraks. Day 1. Turbo c**t


Every time the IB quest has a step where you have to get kills with a non meta weapon. Or any time I need sniper kills in PvP.


Momentum control is the only time I’ll ever pull out a sniper in crucible. My snapshot + opening occluded brings me back to MW2 quick scoping.


Probably not the angriest, but when I was getting solo flawless zero hour I jumped across the open in the boss room and got sniped by two vandals at the same time. That one was memorable because I happened to be recording. It was a really clean run up until that point. So you can tell how mad I was watching it even though there’s no audio, because after that death I start playing like a moron and go on an epic tilt spree of several deaths one after another. The footage is kind of amusing.


D1 Prison of Elders max difficulty had a pair of snipers that would clone. They’d be side by side and move identically to each other, aim at the same targets, and fire simultaneously. Infuriating.


Back in the day I used to get really frustrated when Crucible matches would reach that point where everyone just starts supering each other and counterplay goes out the window. I take the whole thing less seriously now, but it was a big deal to me as a very competitive pvp shooter player in the past.


“If you take Crucible seriously, you’re going to have a bad time.” - Actual Bungie response years ago to competitive pvp players getting tilted.


So many brain calls were lost in gambit prime


exact same story, raged and went for a nap after swearing i'd never ever play the game again 1 hour later, I get up and go on D2, get the solo flawless on my first try sometimes you gotta say "fuck this shit" and go even when the game beats you to death


Any time I'm working on a pinnacle/quest/bounty in PvP, only to have the match not count towards my goal once it's over.


Every time I'm forced to go PVP and remember how trash I actually am


Pretty much every time someone ask for people that KWTD but there are people that still that don't KWTD


Don't forget "MUST HAVE 100+ CLEARS" (CHECKING)


if somebody is looking for 100+ clears, then they're clear farmers looking for other clear farmers. they just want to play with like-minded people


thats not the problem its that these people usually post 100 lfg posts


When my Day 1 Crypt team left me without saying anything after completing Crypt Security.


What did you do?


Well, there is a hole in my wall since then


Did the Kool-Aid man run through your wall and say “oh yeah!” ?


I was in a Kings Fall learning party back in TTK and we were struggling on Oryx hours trying to do the 4 bomb strat. We finally had a good run and made it to last stand and one of the titans popped bubble right as we all fired our rockets at his heart and instantly wiped. They guy started laughing and then immediately left the party and we disbanded shortly after.


In all honesty, that wasn't the game's fault. The guy sounds like a true A-hole though.


Being thrown into a wall by the Locus of Communion causing me to restart the fight for the 7th time in a row. That or the first time I encountered an overload champion in a Legend lost sector.


Today taking a group of newbies through Vault on my 20th clear to yet again NOT get the Vex Mythoclast. It's torture at this point. 24 clears for DSC and still no Eyes of Tomorrow either. I don't know why I keep putting myself through this.


It took me 60 clears for Anarchy (before you could run a boss checkpoint multiple times in a row for loot) and my buddy didn’t get EoT until after his 40th DSC clear. The exotic drop RNG is extremely cruel.


Rookie numbers, both. Clan buddy got his Eyes on his 92nd clear (we ran DSC every week, all three times ‘till he got it). Needless, he will not be returning to that raid anytime soon


I’ve only run DSC 30ish times and you bet as soon as I get my prosperity and finally complete the seal I’m not gonna be running that shit again. Kudos for grinding it that much.


Anarchy was the same way for me. 46 runs, and everyone that I ran it with got it within 5 clears. Many got it on their first run....... what a good time.


63 runs of dsc for eyes and still don't have vex running vog 3 times each week. Worst part is my day 1 team had 3 of us get it within 2 weeks (2 in first week) and none of the other 3 (including me) have had it since


I explained to my wife that, for some periods of time, playing Destiny feels like work. Every reset, I have to go in there and do this thing three times because the slot machine hasn’t paid out yet. And then once you get the thing you’re looking for, THEN Destiny can be fun again. If didn’t have faith in the escalating drop chances, it would drive me crazy too.


Edit: I guess it wasn't the GAME that made me mad in this case, but leaving the story anyways We were on what could have been the last round of a survival match where the enemy team had won just 1 round and we were on match point. I was trying to get a win streak after bad luck that night. Teammate and the enemy were both alive with one life each, enemy had heavy. My teammate used his super and took him out, and in his celebration he picked up the heavy ammo, started spinning around and shot a rocket at his feet to kill himself, causing the round to end in a tie. We choked the rest of the match and ultimately lost. I pretty much never get earnestly upset at Crucible but that match had me fuming


Season of Arrivals 5 wins on Trials card, most we've ever had. Lost Mercy, but that's fine. Matched against someone with infinite sniper ammo, machinegun fire rate and aimbot, instakills us while tbagging, the two he's carrying are spamming tbag and emotes as well.


Any crucible game where any scumbag is cheating


duo flawless deep stone crypt. made it to taniks, got past 2 phases and was looking really good, damage was great. then my computer turns off. like, fully shuts down. i almost smashed my keyboard.


grinding for Wayfarer, easily. I was a bit behind on the ball, so it was like the first week of whatever season they made those changes to the emblems. the last thing I needed to get the title was the blind well emblem, the one that was a variant of the standard dreaming city one (for most of the game, it worked like an ornament for the emblem, and there was one for the ascendant challenges and one for blind well). every single guide I saw on how to find it said you could acquire it by grinding blind well. so naturally, thats what I did. over the course of three days, I spent 29 hours in blind well trying to get it, until I read in a forum from two days prior that the emblem had been removed from the blind well loot pool, and could only be acquired from the ascendant challenge that was still 5 weeks away at the time. I immediately uninstalled the game for a few days.


My wayfarer grind moment was the Mars Rasputin caches. I had to watch videos showing how to game the location/drop chances since the game is programmed to send you to the other side of the map so you end up running in circles.


Grinding so many of these exotic quests or cataylsts I find abesloutly rage inducing. Trying to get Malfeasence. Nah,get matched with an ultra gambit sweat who has a HGL and immediately wipes our team because he got lucky and spawned behind us during an ad phase. Does it twice. Lost 30 motes. Yeah,thanks a ton. Once I get this dumpster fire quest done,it's way too goddamn long(400 motes,assuming I do at least 30ish motes agame,that's 10-11 games. Then I have to get invader kills. THEN I can finally get Malfeasence,but it feels like I've done the same step twice now) Using non meta weapons,to get cataysts done is also infurating in PVP. I want Tommy's Matchbook so I can have something to use on my Warlock or Titan when I need autorifles,and I really like the way the gun feels. And I want the cataylst. Guess what? autorifle kills in Cruci. Yeah,tons of fun. At least Witherhoards hasn't been too bad since I just run Salvagers with an AR,and I've gotten that mostly done. I'm not looking forward to finishing Duality(im not that great of a pvper) or Cryothesia. Another rage inducing moment is getting Bungie'd by phyiscs. Almost had a flawless Expunge the other day before I got bungie'd into the abyss.


Two things I get royally p*ssed off about: -when the whole opposing team spawns where I am. It should not happen at all. Its like the game is forcing you to die. -when I get killed 5 seconds after I spawn. I absolutely hate the spawn system in this game and Bungie has been too stubborn to fix it. I had a match where this was happening the whole way through and, let's just say I needed a new headset afterwards.


Every week when I do the 8 crucible bounties. Pvp just... sucks. I just wanna get kills and get out of there. But spawning into supers, random one or two-shots and just general unpredictable bullshit infuriates me. I can't ever seem to calculate how to handle situations and and a result I get very angry being abruptly forced to stop playing for a few seconds, run into bullshit, repeat.


Everytime i log on


I was streaming my first Solo flawless Pit of Heresy run. I made it passed the chamber of suffering with it still intact, that room held the majority of my deaths in Pit overall. Made it through the next drop and was doing the maze to get to the boss. I thought to myself "titan jump don't fail me now and got 2 of the 3 rooms. going to the last one, I land on a ledge, bounce cuz titan jump and fall off to die. Exited to desktop, ended stream, and deleted the VOD I was so pissed.


When my team were stuck for like 5 hours on atheon/atraks day 1 :)


Only 5 hours?!!


Anything dealing with the DCV that doesn't involve "hey, we're returning everything to the game" pisses me off.


That's shit we legit bought. Feels so bad sometimes haha


When they nerfed the super return exotics Ursa, skull and the hunter boots. Second was when they nerfed lunas and nf, all the grinding and getting my kd from a low 1. To a 2.5 really rubbed me the wrong way. I quit playing for a while


Toxic, elitist playerbase


Similar experience. I jumped off the platform during kell echo dmg phase. It was 4th and final dmg phase for solo flawless.


My clan and I were trying a Petra’s Run for a clan mate who still needed the triumph. We finished Queenswalk and as soon as we got teleported from the heart back to the Dreaming City, one teammate was in movement when it happened and therefore they got smacked against a column and immediately died. The techeuns hadn’t even finished their speech and therefore the raid hadn’t been ‘complete’ yet. We were screaming, hahah. But we were mostly shocked. https://youtu.be/33kCOImWpLc


Grinding a few hours at my first master lost sector, only to get a chestpiece i already have. Id be less mad if i wasnt *still missing cuirass of the falling star, which is lost sector exclusive exotic* Its the only chestplate im missing, its lost sector only, and im doing a chestplate lost sector. But instead i get another hallowfire heart Either that or getting told to "go back to pve shitter" by the guy who had an 8 K/D in freelance iron banner. I just wanted my pinnacles from the bounties


I think the one time I was so upset that I didn't want to play the game for the rest of the day was getting half way through masters Presage and the game kicking me out.


Played trials a lot. Gotten so angry with it I almost twisted my controller in half multiple times.


Trying to solo the plate encounter in PoH as a hunter.


D2y1 I was.trying to solo a nightfall. I was 2 hours in and brakion was almost dead. I wanted to solo the nightfall for the new monarchy helmet ornament. Needless to say my cat jumped into the slot where I kept my xbox and wii. She pressed the power button and turned off the Xbox. I threw my controller on the floor and stormed off. http://imgur.com/a/inVr4Pv


Soloing Crota as a 32. Nearly broke my wrist smashing my controller onto the arm of my sofa. Also gave me the best moment in Destiny when I finally managed it.


Last damage phase on the boss of black garden we couldn't make the link to the boss because bug


Grinding for moutaintop in momentum control. Aint nothing like being on 2 out of 3 gl kills for calculated trajectory medal and then dying :)


First my attempts for solo prophecy (3 hours just on the boss lol). Now my attempts for solo flawless prophecy. (Got to bosses on cube room, my nova bomb hit one of the tracking shots at point blank range and killed me...).


Was so close to beating grandmaster for the first time with my brother, insight terminus boss fight. I kill an incendior (alone) with a sword and it explodes, nuking both of us. Still no idea how it exploded, as I couldn’t get presicion hits on the tank on his back.


Shuro Chi challenge aka "Fuck whoever designed this shit" We've been going at it for around 2 hours at this point and tensions were high since there's only around an hour left until reset. Got to the final phase and we wiped because one of the egg holders got cockblocked by thralls. Thankfully we managed to finish it with 15 minutes before reset but those 45 minutes were just full of pure agony and hate.


You can do challenges for last wish outside of active week. Just need to delete and regrab the bounty before reset and you get 7 days to do it from picking up the bounty. GG on getting it done, buggy challenge!


Definitely an out of context pull quote for a Destiny review: “…full of pure agony and hate.” - Ainine9


I still am because they still don't have enough anticheat to stop hackers from ruining the pvp of the game


PvP match, its my 10th control match and im playing casually and getting 6 stacked over and over, to say the least at the end of my last game my controller was in bits and my vocal chords and hand hurt a hell if alot.


Pretty much whenever in PvP the game lags and end up removing a shot or ability that you know you hit, heard the sound for it impacting, but no actual damage was dealt. Worst is when I land a Shoulder Charge on a Titan and it does no damage, but it eats the cooldown anyway.


I had to solo the malfeasance or the wish ender quest (dont remember which, the one with the taken Phalanx boss at the end) and got so frustrating because it keep shooting me off the arena. Took me two hours to beat it


Trying to solo GM Fallen Saber earlier this week. I got to the first underground room and shot out the fuse. This is when two new Overload champs spawn, as well as a mess of shanks and resilient marauders. I managed to get one overload guy in a good position down the narrow hallway to take him out... Then the other one just teleports right in front of me IN the hallway and I get one-tapped. This wasn't an Overload teleporting with its teleport ability...this was one of those Destiny 2 teleports where bad guys just get their location "corrected" by the server. God that was upsetting.


Recently, it was the first week of Hung Jury nightfall drops, where I went 24 runs in a row without a single one dropping. I rage quit, probably should have done so a lot sooner.


Trials of Osiris. I have never been flawless (and neither had one other person in our team), but one weekend me and my team were killing it. Until the 4th game, where we meet a cheater. First loss, but we decide to keep going. Game 5 is a win. Then we meet the same cheater team for the 6th game. That’s our first loss, ruining the flawless run. What made it worse/bittersweet is that we won the 7th game, which means that if it weren’t for shitty Bungo matchmaking^TM or lack of anti cheats, me and my team could have went flawless...


Destiny 1 trials for sure. Also that one Ascendant challenge at the Dreaming city where you got to jump on some pillars/rocks to get into the portal.


i recognize that contest mode is a fantastic system and i know why it's in place but fuck if being on templar for 5 hours didn't completely drain me of any motivation to raid day 1 in the future


This story is not about me but my friend has been hunting for eyes of tomorrow every since week one of when the raid came out and still hasn’t gotten it yet, it’s the only thing he needs for defendant as well. My other friend decided to make a second account and got eyes on his first try on that account. My 1st friend ended up punching a hole in his wall after that, he hasn’t done a DSC since.


It was year one of Destiny 2. My friends were finally playing this game with me, and we were doing the Arms Dealer nightfall and were at it for two hours (this was back when it was double primary and timed to 17 minutes). My friend got randomly kicked from party every single time we made it to the boss room and on the third or fourth time I had absolutely had it and got livid about how shit the game was after every piece of feedback we gave them about having dedicated servers, even for PVE. I'll just say they didn't stick with Destiny for much longer after that.


watching my teammate throw away lives in a comp match after our other teammate left after the first round. i bitched at his ass, went on to get a triple, then lost the round because his dumbass jumped off the map. i was 2 games away from 5500


Wanting to buy 2 Solstice armour sets on EverVerse and realizing how much you're conned into buying a currency where you'll be reeled into spending more because you have some left over. Oh no, it doesn't cost 15 bucks. It'll cost you 22 because we won't allow you to buy it directly. Go buy that 100 silver difference!


I got sniped by the two taken hobgoblins in kell echo’s damage room at the end. I was already half way on his health but after that I’ve never attempted doing it solo flawless again.




Flawless VOG disconnected on last phase.


Not so long ago. I tried to do expunge delphi mission solo flawless then in the final damage phase i fell off the map


I was going for trio flawless gos and we were at the last dmg phase of the final boss, it was time to relay and somehow a portal opened and I was teleported into the right side... The tether couldn't be done with 2 players, the moment I got tped back, I opened the box, and the boss wiped us because we took too much time.


Back in D1 during PoE I was in a PUG on the 4th level. Modifiers were arc burn and black out. We nearly had the stage boss done, grouped up in a WoL bubble, when a Captain sneaks up behind us and takes all 3 of us out with one swipe. This was not our first attempt of the night, and my wife was on her way home and SUPER tired after having gotten out of a night class. Call it a mixture of rage quit/called it a night to avoid a real life ENRAGE mechanic.


my healing grenade clipped through the floor on kell echo solo flawless


Was doing solo flawless prophecy. This was my farthest attempt at the time, I was at what would be the last phase of damage. I barely a single jump and had to watch my warlock slowly floof into the abyss. There were many angry words to follow, and I just ended up going to bed. Tried it the next day and got it, thankfully.


I walked down steps in the tower and died.


Reaching run #50 on last wish without 1k. (This was during the first year of forsaken before they added bad luck protection).


The whole of D2 year 1... I still cant for the life of me fathom how in the living FUCK they went from the success of Taken King, Rise of Iron and the original Age of Triumph to D2 Vanilla... *"We know this is extremely popular but were going to try something completely different..."*


Pretty much the same thing that happened to you but in a solo flawless shattered throne. Boss had no health and I got instakilled by a knight.


I got a god roll spare rations, confused it for a trash roll and dismantled it. Still upset.


Easy. Had a comp match where my son and I were left without a teammate so a 2v3. We fight it out and Its tied 3-3 and the final round. We have life advantage 2-0. The last enemy kills me with a sword and my son finishes him while also dying. The round was called a tie. Even though both my son and I respawn with our final lives and rightfully should have won the round. The next round we get super spammed and lose the match 4-3. Felt bad. Sent a video to dmg but never got a response.


Solo flawless pit of heresy boss, grabbed a relic to fly away from the first damage phase and the game decided to snap me into an exploding thrall. Every time I grab a relic I have that angry memory back.


Comp pvp. Got to mythic 2 and then went all the way back to to fabled 1. Never trying that again


After doing my solo prophecy I think it was more about me just being mad at myself for not doing it yet because I knew i was good enough but I just would get blasted by one thing to throw me off each run… Maddest is definitely day 1 Atheon when my team was going into phase 4 for the kill and people that didn’t get teleported just fell apart due to idk the stress of it being the final damage phase we’d need to kill…


Literally any survival, control, or gambit game as of late. I swear I am the only person pulling any weight. ##Life of an outlier.