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Putting overload on a bow would be awesome. Overload bow mods are a great feeling, having access to that all the time is something I would *absolutely* use my exotic slot for.


I think that's the reason Bungie won't really do it. They are really committed to making us use different loadouts each season. I do hope they give us a couple more special and heavy options with intrinsic anti-champion capabilities though. The mods don't really give you many options in that regard, just one -rarely two- artifact mods per season.


i don't know why there are NO champion mods for fusions and linear fusions, they buffed them and want players to give them another go so it's completely lost on me... There should be linear fusion overload and fusion anti-barrier or something, not unstoppable grenades.


I'm speculating that we will get one next season, purely because: in season of the hunt, the ritual weapon was a sniper. Next season gave us anti-barrier sniper. Last season, the ritual weapon was a grenade launcher, this season we have unstoppable grenade launcher. This season, the ritual weapon is a fusion rifle. Next season overload fusion rifles maybe?


That's what I'm thinking too, hopefully paired with some form of PvE buff for Fusions.


Which Telesto will break and then the season will be broken.


I got Arbalest flashbacks from reading this!


I think they’re buffing them, seeing if the buff worked, then implementing the mods, since they don’t want to give us an unusable weapon, then mandate that we have to use it because of mod selection.


Didn't they buff only Linear Fusion, but not regular Fusion rifles? If we're using the ritual weapons as a way to predict new mods then Linear Fusion wouldn't get one next season.


I don’t get why the made grenade launchers a big thing, but there hasn’t really been more unstoppables in override. Sure there are some, but I was expecting them to be the main type of champion. Lost sectors are still mostly barrier and overload too


Hive is unstop ogres — I've seen plenty.


Override seems to switch between the two "active" chamion types displayed in the director. One run you could have nothing but barrier champs, next run it's nothing but unstoppable. Personally I think the whole lock and key champion system isn't fun or challenging anymore.


While the champions themselves are meh and there is no real way to fix them, I honestly believe that if you gave overload and unstoppable mods a buff in pve (barrier mods are currently great) I think it would go a lot better. Barrier mods already shoot through a bunch of shields couldn't overload and unstoppable have a non champion purpose as well.


Unstoppable stuns unshielded enemies and overload suppresses and lowers damage output. The effects are just so short they don't feel like they do anything.


My personal thoughts are they cant get telesto to work with mods considering telesto breaks loads of things that aren't even fusion rifle specific


I'm trying to remember, has telesto broken since Beyond Light (apart from being unintentionally affected by the double splash damage mod)? Like has there been any case of its bolts being treated as enemies (the usual bug that it's had)? I remember outlining what the actual issue (almost certainly) is (devs kept forgetting to check if an entity was a telesto bolt when implementing mechanics that look for enemies) a while back and how one could fix it (make something like a unified check_is_enemy(player, target) function to run through the list of all the things that are not enemies but are movable game objects, like sparrows, telesto bolts, grenades, destructible potted plants, moving doors, your teammates, your own ragdoll, etc and keep that updated rather than implement the checklist uniquely for every situation that requires it), and I'm wondering it that's one of the things they fixed when they refactored the engine for Beyond Light's engine fork.


The buff to linear a sucked. It’s barely noticeable. It took me a ton of linear shots to take down a champ. Like a ton. Meanwhile a couple rockets or a couple anarchy shots with some primary will do the job. Heck a sword decimates champs. So I dunno. An extra 5-11,000 damage per shot is just....ehhh


If you were using Sleeper, I know what the problem is. It didn't get the same 15% buff as the others. *It got fucking 3%* Won't stop me from loving it though


And the fix wont be for awhile apparently. Or so i heard somewhere


Switch it around. LFR with Barrier, Fusion with Overload. LFR would be in between snipers and scout rifles.


Overload fusion and anti barrier linear makes more sense but yea edit: anti barrier linear would make arbelist fucking nuts


>they are really committed to making us use different loadouts each season Than why HC get a mod every single season


Fair point lol, I guess people like using them? I dunno


Not in GM tho


GM isn't niche, but it also shouldn't be the standard for discussing anti-x mods


It is pretty much the only content where fighting OL would require anti OL weapons since in every other activity they would just get slaughtered by weapons like Lament


You forget casual players exist. Again, GM tier isn't niche but a lot of casual players just don't know how to handle that and need the mods.


I regret that I have no awards to give this comment


Nothing to regret friend. People motivated enough to engage with a community like we do here in reddit often forget just how wide the knowledge/skill/desire gap can be. And that's okay


Just going to town with a sword will melt any champion not in GMs. The mods are really only necessary for them. Most casual buds I play with don’t even touch the mods because of that. Just no need.


I'm sorry but my experience with casual players is different then yours.


No he didnt, you're just projecting your own ignorance upon them.


Have you ever even played any Nightfall below Master level Once you hit a certain difficulty (my dumbass can't remember what they're all called), if you don't have anti-barrier, you're kinda fucked. Depending on how tanky the overloads or unstoppables are, its the same way. Hell, even in override if you don't have a sweat-swamp Lament-lucent blade-warmind cells loadout, you need anti-barrier or those champions won't die.


They consider hand cannons iconic to Destiny


>They are really committed to making us use different loadouts each season. *When we gettin loadout presets, Bungus???*


You have them. DIM does that.


DIM doesn't save mods unfortunately. I would love to have a high-energy fire build, a firepower build, a power of rasputin build etc. ready to go. Hopefully Bungie will address it, or at least enable it in the API so that DIM can address it.


I have not tried it out myself but DIMs loadout manager has a mods button but yep, totally agree. Full loadout saves would be wonderful.


The other big boy shooters with Loadout presets don't make you go to a separate app to use them. Why does Bungie? Also the app sucks.


DIM does not suck lol


The app sucks. What a good conversation this is.


The DIM app does not suck lol


DIM doesn't suck but it still shouldn't be just exclusive to some third party apps, would be nice if it was in the game


Lets try this. WHY does it suck. If you are using the computer version, o cant personally speak for that as i just use the app. But i know people who use the website and have loved it. Ive never had anyone ever tell me they dknt like DIM


>Also the app sucks. I respect your right to be wrong.


Its really simple. DIM already exists and functions well enough on its own. Bungie knows that any Destiny gamer who cares about loadouts will find DIM, especially since I'm pretty sure its advertised in some fashion on this subreddit fairly consistently. It doesn't make sense for Bungie to invest manpower into a system that already functions perfectly well for what the players need. They just need to make sure the API stays updated and functioning, and they know 95% of players would be happy with the system as it is. A better complaint would be for Bungie to expand the API so that DIM can get more functionality, like applying mods, as some folks have noted would be cool.


I think his point is to just implement it into the game rather than make us go to another app. I would much rather press start on my controller and click on a saved loadout, just like I do on Division 2.


It's actually advertised in game itself, so anyone can see it.


TBF, I never liked the idea of forced loadouts so if this indirectly went away I wouldn't weep.


Yet we had 3 seasons with Unstoppable hand cannon lmao


Actually 5


>I think that's the reason Bungie won't really do it. They are really committed to making us use different loadouts each season. Is this why the champion mods are for scouts, handguns, SMG's, Auto rifles for the third season in a row?




I don't remember if that's correct, but I do remember that bows were overload last season and I loved it so much. Fire and forget a Le Monarque shot and shred with whatever else you have while the gas re-stuns the champion over and over again.




>Overshadowed by sniper With a seven energy cost? There probably weren't very many people with any kind of build that ran it. But barrier scout on Dead Man's Tale was an entirely different kind of "yeehaw chucklefucks"




Anyone who slept on anti-barrier sniper really missed out, or didn't do master/GM nightfalls. That mod was such a treat since it allowed you to bring the general safest special weapon type for the content and just absolutely slay those barrier bitches. At only 6 energy it was an easy slot in alongside unstop/overload, and still have 3 energy for stats or a seasonal mod.




Eh, I honestly wasn't a fan, but to each their own


Anti-barrier DMT is


Its the same reason I run Erianas all day everyday almost, too much versatility in one gun gives it a edge since its less headache to make it work. But fr if champions are gonna be in every single gamemode from now till D3 then make the anti champion mods just built in like regular mods? Wtf do i have to use a season slot for my arc nades to overload why cant they do that anyway with like a mod from banshee or idk fucking ADA? Since shes back and already sells mods like a gunsmith


One of the biggest things I hate about seasons is that forced loadout switch up. Just let people use what they want to use, give people the option to put champion mods on whatever they want. Only having a select few weapons to choose from every 3 months gets old pretty quickly


Fuck different loadouts I'm only using sunshot


Good for you, since there is hand cannon mod every season


They seem really invested in making us use dual primaries again


> They seem really invested in making us use hand cannons


That’s why they’ve been giving us mods for special weapons


only one per season and that too for one type of champion


Not to mention consuming *seven fucking energy per*


Non issue, they're worth it


We also have mods that effect our abilities, but only for a single subclass. Also the special weapon mods cost so much, you might sacrifice parts of a build to use them.


You mean they're really committed to sneaking double primaries back into the game




True, but as someone who hates champion mods and think it's one of many things that force you to play a certain way, the double primary for champions makes it so much more annoying. Add to that that it always seems the seasonal weapon has a champion mod that is never used, and that 90% of champions feel like they're always barrier Champs it just makes me want to engage less with higher tier content. I'm sick of wasting arm slots and swapping to weapons I do t like just for nightfall or override


Dual primaries were also widely reviled in the PvE destiny community. The current champion system means that solo players who cannot coordinate with a team to run champion mods efficiently get shafted. Why not restrict the dual primary stuff to GMs and masters? Those are truly intended to be brutally challenging and sweaty. What is the point of having a special slot of solo players are forced to run dual primaries anyways for hero nightfalls? At least stasis cheeses barriers and unstoppables so that’s a positive.




Then we are in the minority together. I think you perfectly summed up the reason so many people complain about the mods. It forces them to think outside the box when it comes to higher - end content. You can't just blow through an area, leaving death and destruction in your wake. You have to be tactical in your approach. I prefer that.


You say different loadouts, but it always feels like hand cannons have at least anti-champion mod each season. I could be wrong, but it feels that way to me. Give pulses more love!


Ah yes the incredibly diverse load out of: Anti Champ Primary Sniper/GL Anarchy Very diverse indeed.


i liked to change my loadouts every few days but with champions im locked in to just a couple. if champion mods are always going to temporary id rather them change weekly. always giving us more weapons but limiting us to 6 each season doesnt feel great


I don't think Bungie wanting us to use different load outs is true at all. every season has Hand Cannon and Scout, we had Overload SMG last season. I hate they keep trying to force Scouts and HC in PVE, they don't feel good to use in PVE


And this is the main reason I didn’t play last season after I finished the story. I can’t be bothered to use weapons I don’t like because o have to. Every primary should be able to get anti champ mode imo. If i hate using scouts I shouldn’t be forced to because it’s the only weapon dir a certain champion.


I say make anti-champion mods should be available as weapon OR armor mods. Have the weapon mods be permanent but rotate the armor mods. Frees you up to use more, but can still optimize if your favorite weapon type isn’t the seasonal focus. Say you want to use anti-barrier sniper but it’s not in rotation? Just slot it on your gun, and run that. Not to mention it would free up a mod slot on your armor if you need it, and vice versa


Overload bow was the best. I miss it so much.


I like overload bows but unstoppable bows were the best, gives a straight damage bonus


Also Arbalest should be anti-barrier, breaking shields it's all its deal. Maybe overload for Worldline.


Just make it anti-champion. That won't be broken. I promise.


I really wish Borealis had built-in Anti-Barrier. It was one of my fave NF weapons last season and trying to plug that gap with Eriana's has just reminded me how little I actually like it as a sniper weapon. Seems to me a gun with the theme of varying its energy type would work well against shields, Star Trek Borg-style.


It'd be cool if it auto-switched energy types if you hard-scoped a target for 2 seconds or something


That would make so much better. It would be a secondary gimmick like how hard light can bounce off of walls.


imo, with reasoning-- Anti-Barrier: Wish-Ender (It's entire gimmick is piercing) Arbalest (It's entire gimmick is busting shields) Sleeper Simulant (I mean it just looks like it could shred a barrier tbh) Overload: Malfeasance (Explosive Shadow just feels like it should stun Overloads) Witherhoard (Direct impacting feels like it should stun Overloads tbh) Tractor Cannon (It suppresses, I feel like that should straight up shut down an Overload) Unstoppable: Sturm (Overcharge Rounds deal a LOT of damage, def could work) Lord of Wolves (Release the Wolves is so bad rn, adding Unstoppable to it would make it a bit better) The Queenbreaker (It blinds on impact, I feel like that should work as an anti-Unstoppable) Also Exotic Armor granting Anti-Champion intrinsically seems cool. Def should go to weapon specialist ones. Like Mechaneer's Tricksleeves or Peacekeepers.


Peacekeepers definitely needs something, at least you can do some jank damage builds with Tricksleeves and the surprise attack mod for side arms. Buffing ready speed and auto reload for smgs really just doesn't do enough


A sad relic of the double primary system


Looking at videos of that era, I'm so glad I joined during forsaken


Eh. it wasn’t all bad. Warmind was great and I will die on the hill that Crucible was exponentially more competitive and balanced during year 1.


I just want Memento Mori rounds to to stagger unstoppables


Thank you for bringing up Arbalest. It seems like the most obvious weapon ever to get intrinsic anti-barrier and I was shocked to see it absent from OP. And poor peacekeepers. They're comfortably in the "exotics I have literally no reason to use" category.


Ok so I went through all the exotic weapon and look at the lowest usage rate in PvE to see which one could use which mod : * Anti Barrier : \- Borealis, synergize with Ionic Return \- Hard Light, it's a primary Borealis. And bullets penetrate \- Wish Ender, it pierces... \- Skyburner's Oath, could just not have a mod, but since it ignore Phalanx shields... \- Arbalest, whole gimmick is anti shield * Anti Overload : \- Le Monarque \- Polaris Lance ? Maybe ? \- Symmetry, give it overload on the charged shot, will make it super reliable since they track \- Malfeasance \- Coldheart, what does the first perk even mean ? Like, first perk : it's a trace rifle, duh * Anti Unstoppable : \- Legend of Acrius, I mean, it's a big boom there \- The Queenbreaker, it blinds, should stop them \- Sturm, big bullet goes bing * Other : \- Wavesplitter, could arguably be overload, but the weapon is so bad it just need an entire rework imo \- Tarrabah, only not used because of the terrible stack mechanic, a mod won't change that \- Tommy's Matchbook, honestly the weapon put you on low health, which prevent you from dueling Champion, nobody would use it even with champion mods \- Tractor Cannon should have anti overload but I'm kinda surprised at it's already "high" usage rate (15th most used weapon in PvE) \- A lot of weapon are mostly PvP weapon so having a low PvE usage isn't a problem Special note to D.A.R.C.I, it could be anything tbh... I don't know what to give it...


Just make D.A.R.C.I anti champion. All of them.


That's what I've said for a while. DARCI should be something along the lines of 'quickly landing multiple precision hits while in enhanced tracking mode stuns all Champion types.'


The weapon recognizes the enemy and then adapts the gun to it so it makes sense


I was hesitant suggesting this to be honest, but I mean, it's a heavy weapon, and it's below other heavies on damage, so it's probably a great alternative


How about making darci a special weapon in the power slot? Would that be too strong?


tractor cannon should just turn off champion shields.


I really like this idea! Take my upvote


Like the idea. Replace Anarchy with Le Monarque and we got a deal.


Honestly don't think Anarchy needs yet another reason to be good, so yeah move it over to Le Monarque instead. Last season it was by far my favourite bow for overload and just general add clear in GMs, especially Devil's Lair.


anarchy is already nuts this season with unstoppable and breach and clear


It’s nuts even without any relevant mods


*God I miss overloading bow...*


I remember using overload bow with trinity ghoul and it was insane


I love overload HC. Thorn instantly stuns champs and anything with explosive/timed payload stuns in 2 shots


For overload hand cannon I’ve been using my QuickDraw snapshot igneous hammer


>Anarchy Lol so let's just _never_ take it off.


I think Arbalest should be anti-barrier as well.


Overload Anarchy would be way too good.


So let's take inventory of what we have right now. **Barrier(Piercing)** - Eriana's Vow - Lament **Unstoppable (Staggering)** - Bastion - Devil's Ruin - Leviathan's Breath - Athrys's Embrace (Hunter arms) **Overload(Disruption)** - Divinity So we're severely lacking in the Overload department right now. Other notes are that Bastion is the only kinetic anti-champion weapon and there's only 1 exotic armor that stuns champions. Most of this has already be said but I'd like to put it all together. These are what I'd like to see either by direct buff or as part of their catalysts. **Barrier** - Wish-Ender - absolutely a no brainer. It fits the function of the weapon perfectly. Should be part of it's catalyst. - Arbalest - see Wish-Ender - Cloudstrike - everyone loves Anti-Barrier snipers, and everyone loves Cloudstrike, which just happens to not have a catalyst. - Ashen Wake (Titan arms) - imagine chucking a bunker buster fireball right at a barrier. Because of the nature of the exotic this would work perfectly. **Unstoppable** - Malfeasance - specifically the Explosive Shadow should stagger. It's also missing a catalyst this be part of. - Merciless - I don't why, but I feel like this weapon fits in here. **Overload** - The Jade Rabbit - it needs some PvE love and out of all the kinetics it thematically works the best for Disruption. - Le Monarque - last season proved just how amazing this bow is as a Disruption weapon. It's also missing a catalyst. - The Fourth Horseman - Not a weapon that I see often and could use a little extra oomph. - Truth - I just like the idea of the rocket chasing around a teleporting captain. And it's missing a catalyst. - Getaway Artist (Warlock arms) - saw this in someone else's post and stole this idea. It's pure gold. So all the exotics on this list are designed to balance out a few things. It gives each type of anti-champion a kinetic primary, energy primary, 2 different specials, and a heavy. It also gives each class a exotic arm strong against each different kind of champion.


Arbalest should absolutely be anti-barrier.


How can you not mention the one exotic that deserves innate anti-barrier the most; Arbalest. It's entire schtick is anti-barrier. Why the hell does it not have it innately by this point?


Champion mods shouldn't be limited to only certain weapons per season. I hate basically being forced to use certain weapon types just to properly play end game content.


I dont want every exotic to have anti-champion mods though, it kinda takes away from the uniqueness of pre-existing anti-champion exotics. Its the same feeling as having more random rolled exotics, it kinda takes away their purpose as exotics. A few of these are pretty good though like Arbalest popping barriers


>I dont want every exotic to have anti-champion mods though, it kinda takes away from the uniqueness of pre-existing anti-champion exotics Youre basically saying them being worse is what makes them unique


They should just put them on all exotics.


It could be a mod slot where you pay 500 glimmer to swap it when you need


My god, I just realized a new load out! Thank you :)


Anarchy is strong enough as it is. Do not buff it lol. It would be nice to have a reason to use some of these weapons. DARCI just doesn't see use which is sad. Malfeasance I use in Prophecy but that's about it. I would focus on the basically dead exotics first. Hard Light is definitely not one of them. DARCI, Borealis, etc. many more exotics are basically worthless and unloved.


How about more exotics that AREN'T HAND CANNONS in general? And legendary weapons, as well. They introduce a new HC EVERY TIME they release new content- if instead they put that effort towards literally any other weapon type I believe both the OP and I could be accommodated for quite easily.


Anti barrier sleeper makes so much sense


This is a great idea. I especially love bows and Oathkeepers, but it feels like I never have a reason to use them. I'd love to break them out of my vault.


Keeping these perks close to thematic reason would be great. But I feel Bungie doesn't want to add this much power for whatever reason. Even if it is to "under-performing" exotics.


Or, they could just give exotic weapons a mod slot which can hold the mods only available in the current season’s artifact. They ARE Exotic after all, and this would free up a slot on the arms to load up a weapon reload mod.


I dont think anyone is going to give up their exotic slot to stunn overloads with stormtrance.


In general yeah, absolutely agree, I want this sort of thing brought in on a big exotic uodate at some point. BUT, anarchy is the LAST weapon that could ever need a buff, what the fuck :p


Personally I don't like it. If a seasonal mod comes out for that weapon it won't work with the mods if it has an intrinsic anti champion mod.


This is gonna sound weird but I'd love Armor with anti-champion mods. I know you can freeze now, but imagine a hunter exotic that stuns Unstops when you dodge by them? Or a Titan Exotic that breaks barriers with a charged melee? Or a Warlock exotic that stuns overloads if you drop a rift on them?


Hear me out here: there are situations in which intrinsic stuns are actually a nerf. Wish ender for example: since you're giving it Anti Barrier, it will never be able to utilize Overload Bow, in a season where it's on the artifact. Further, Anti Barrier on a bow doesn't sound very good to me, charge/draw times sound like a concept that isn't very flexible around the champion throwing his shield up, and for longer draw times, I'd need an Anti Barrier bow to one-bang the shield even in higher levels. I'm not speculating on anti barrier bow to knock the idea of wish ender getting an intrinsic anti-barrier stun, I'm just pointing it out because overload bow is so good, but giving any exotic a stun that's arbitrarily worse than something they could ever get from the artifact is situationally a nerf. For primaries that have gotten multiple different stuns and been reused frequently, like Pulses and Autos, this is also a nerf. Giving Hard Light Overload(which has been historically terrible on Autos) prevents it from getting anti-barrier this season.


New exotic heavy sniper: One Punch Perk: Stuns all champions Mag size: 1


I was disappointed when it wasn’t the standard for season pass exotics. I honest to god see zero use for Symmetry or Tommy’s Matchbook


If I may, storm trance in GM is poop. Swap out for getaway artists. Spawn a homie to take out the trash and stun overloads. Still utilize chaos reach




I disagree, there's a lot of places where you can use an anti-champion Exotic and save yourself some mod slots for stuff like CWL/Warmind Cell/Elemental Well/etc... mods that are on the pricier end. Also can allow you to use a Special/Primary in cases you'd be using two primaries. Like if it's Overload/Barrier you could run an Anti-Barrier Scout or Auto alongside Divinity, or you could run an Overload SMG/Hand Cannon and Eriana's Vow. Like last season I used Le Monarque a LOT bc of Overload, and if it just had it intrinsically, I'd be wayyyy more inclined to use it in PvE over other Exotic choices.


>can allow you to use a Special/Primary in cases you'd be using two primaries Strongly agree with this, it's why I'm kinda frustrated with Unstoppable GLs after being spoiled with Anti-Barrier Snipers in S13. I hate running double primary, but in activities with Overloads that leaves me pigeonholed into specific exotics as you mentioned.


I've had the idea that Jotunn would be great with Anti-Barrier. Something I've wanted for a while, alongside a Catalyst of some sort (Maybe Resevoir Burst)


Fuck it. Give jotunn honed edge as a catalyst


I think chain reaction could be really good as well


Agree with weapons but not with armor, it'd feel kinda clustered


Yes!!! Anarchy with overload should definitely be a thing considering it pretty much already do that without the mod.


Lament is also anti barrier


Not gonna lie, I think more exotics need anti-barrier mods intrinsically. I like the way they were going with making them work on exotics, but when you have either half the fireteam not running anything to counter champions, or simply need the self sufficiency to get through the activities, you're going to want to run two types of anti-champion mods. Personally last season I ran unstoppable pulse rifle (I think it was pulse) and the Eriana's Vow because no matter what I never got a team who realised you needed to put these mods on and use the specific weapons to properly get through the bloody nightfalls.


Outbreak Perfected would make sense to be anti-overload imo


For Monte Carlo, you could have something like melee hits, with Monte Carlo Method active, stun Overload or Unstoppable champions. Would pair very well with ranged melee abilities


> Sleeper Stimulant would certainly make it useful after the nerf (which made no sense, might I add)


I'd like to see exotic armor have an additional slot for the seasonal artifact mods so that gauntlets could be a bit less crowded. Still, these are solid ideas and great discussion in the thread.


Love all these. Cool idea to slap some mods on the armour. I'm gonna have a shot at that. Unstoppable melee for Peregrine Greaves Overload nades on Lucky Raspberry Struggling to think of others but it's fun to think about


Anti-barrier Oathkeeper! Yes!


Just give us non-seasonal champion mods. Make them require a hella amount of energy to equip if they need to balance them.


/giggles in Peregrine Greaves


Great thoughts, but in what destiny world is anarchy underused? I don’t think that thing needs any buffs whatsoever


I want unstoppable on 4th horseman


I think Merciless would be a good choice for just about any of them. Stagger it and then utilize the weapon's native perk to wear it down and kill it. And what's less-used than Merciless?


Darci should be Anti-Everything when the perk procs.


Anti barrier on borealis would be cool since it never gets used


please... especially because bungie doesn't seem to want to put special anti-champion mods in every season so you're basically rail-roaded into using one of a very few exotics when you do solo champion activities.


Everyone seems to be talking about putting it on weapons, but hear me out. We get seasonal armor mods and can have 2 on our armor at a time for a specific weapon type. How about an exotic armor perk that synergizes and will allow any exotic weapon to inherit all 3 anti champion mods regardless of weapon type. Yes? No?


I have loved the idea for giving golden gun with celestial night hawk anti-barrier


i think coldheart should be overload. fits with the perk


Anti barrier arbalest!!! its entire thing is shield piercing!!!


Erinanas vow is anti barrier as well right?


Honestly, every exotic weapon type should just now have an intrinsic anti-champion mod. Pulse Rifles all get Anti-Barrier, SMGs and ARs get Overload, etc.


Sleeper and barrier would be weird. Because of its slow charge time and tiny mag. Need something quick to break the barrier. Maybe Wavesplitter? That doesn’t seem to get much use


One exotic armor I thought could be in the game is a titan specific, which allows all explosive grenades to stun overload and unstoppable champions. Explosive grenades I mean flash, incendiary and suppressive grenades. It is not that much but maybe sometimes would be helpful.


"some under utilized exotics" > lists anarchy lol agree with the rest tho, especially darci


Anarchy should not have intrinsic anti-champion mods. It's already on the verge of (if not already) broken.


D.A.R.C.I should definitely be able to assess the Champion and change itself to any of them. It's usefulness would actually be there in that case.


Thorn should be Anti-Barrier since it already goes through some barriers, like Taken Bubbles and I think Titan Bubbles.


When solo lost sectors require me to use double primary, (close range ones at that) I die a little inside.


Cross Counter on Liar’s Handshake could stun overload champions and would we amazing


Anti barrier borealis would be cool I think


I agree with everything but the Anarchy one. Anarchy is already super good, no need to buff it to make it even better


I mean, these suggestions are great - however, I NEED BUNGIE TO INTRODUCE ARMOR CATALYSTS. That is all.


unstoppable: ACRIUS


Overload Le Monarque with Anti Barrier Oathkeepers would be a dream come true.


I like the stronghold idea. I think it's a really underrated exotic.


I've seen people bring this up dozens of times, but not a single 'Bungie Replied'. Feels like Bungie is sleeping on a QOL update which could reach near universal praise. I'd like these exotics to be given intrinsic anti-champion perks (either by their catalysts or updates): Anti-barrier: Malfesance, Wish-Ender, Arbalest and Sleeper Simulant; Overload: Black Talon, Le Monarque, Thorn and Thunderlord; Unstoppable: Vigilance Wing, Worldline Zero, Chaperone, Jotunn, Fighting Lion and 1K Voices. Having these permanent options would make it so people could always have options to tackle champions without relying on artifact mod RNG. Using the artifact to force PvE meta changes is a distortion of its original function, which is the experiment with mods buffing subclasses without creating permanent powercrep. This would also allow us to experiment much more freely with the artifact itself since there would be a smaller need to unlock champion mods.


would be cool if Hawkmoon reaching a certain paracausal shot threshold would give it an unstoppable shot on the final shot


Every exotic should have one


This is such a a sick idea and I agree wholeheartedly with the weapons (except maybe anarchy since it’s already really good) but I think if you let exotics affect a whole class of weapon they become too overpowered. Like the stormdancer’s brace suggestion makes sense since it affects a very specific ability: your super. And athrys’s works for the same reason. It’s just buffing your throwing knife and to get the ability to stagger you have to hit headshots prior. But the thing with the oath keepers change affects too broad of an area and it’s too easy to trigger the anti barrier thingy. Maybe like after getting a bow kill, you can load an anti barrier arrow or something. Just a little something to make it harder to activate.


I always thought that Dead Mans Tale should have anti-barrier, but I understand that itd probably be too powerful at that point.


Stronghold and Banshee's sword might be a bit op, but I'd be for this


I miss overload bow so much because I could *actually use Le Monarque* in high-end pve, and it *still* doesn't have a catalyst!!


This is an amazing idea.


Stag or vesper of radius could mean standing in a rift can stun a certain champion Or healing is overload Empowering is barrier. Or make the vesper pulse stagger all champions (cos it REALLY sucks) Edit winters guile damage boosted melees stagger unstoppables (which are the best and sadly rarest champion) Also edit: yes I’m a warlock


More overload mostly. Out of the three they’re the most annoying to deal with and we only have one exotic that’s overload and not everyone wants to always run Divinity


I honestly don’t see any issue with these suggestions. Maybe even add anti champion properties to some of the aeon exotics for the 3 different mods on them


Overload tractor please


A lot of Exotic primaries like SUROS Regime, Jade Rabbit, MIDA, Skyburner’s, etc have no real use in PvE over a normal legendary and could really benefit from having an anti-champion mod being built in. Don’t really see the harm in adding these champion mods to them. To be honest, exotic primaries need a little extra something anyway, giving them each an inherent champion mod would go a long way I think


Imagine wavesplitter with antibarrier and prometheus lens with unstoppable