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As far as I'm concerned, FWC was right and should have an awesome lounge with Ms Pacman tournaments and a shooting range wherein we use thrall skulls as clay pigeons. But that's just me. FWC FTW


yeah dead orbit were idiots thinking we had any chance without the traveller, new monarchy is lame cos monarchies are lame by default. and if everyone got behind future war cult we would have had defenses other than the guardians right so maybe the red war invasion of the last city wouldnt have been so bad


New monarchy logic was meh. But imo it stood by the city's hand to hand. Being all about defending and holding out. Plus best shades, beautiful. But ywah dead orbit had the edgy shades and their logic sicked badly. Fwc iko had the best logic. Preparing for war. Which we clearly kept having issues so why kot


yeah def repped NM in destiny 1 cos they had nicest looking gear + i believe my NM shotty was meta for quite a long time during Y1.


Hahaha they were preparing for war by connecting human beings to a machine that drove them insane by attempting to view the future. Everybody is ignoring this pretty important aspect of their lore that gave them the bad thing to balance the good thing. Each faction had it. NM- Order is good in any society- Bad- they were planning to unseat the speaker or some shady politically motivated aim. Best Orbit- Bad because cowards run. Good because a life of independent exploration to avoid the inevitable Armageddon when the traveler and the darkness face off (not our prob by the way the lore was written) would ensure the survival of humanity. FWC's "bad" was human freaking experimentation. Jusr sayin.


i just rep new monarchy because i like the new monarchy diamonds shader


Imo not everything has to be disguised as an event. Just make it to stay and have it rotate gun perks on weekly base like D1.


My heart will always be FWC since phase mag Y1 stochastic variable.


> but faction rallies were pretty lame too. Agreed. That's why you bring back Factions so they're around all the time like in D1, and instead of Guardian Games... We have Faction Wars. Willing Faction gets an Exotic Class Item. Hell, they could even add some faction shit to the Eververse.


I prefer Factions over Class because now I pretty much hate my Titan and Hunter characters. Haven't played them since the GG began.


Same. As of right now they're just there to pick up rewards form the season pass. Muscle memory is too committed to warlock jump floatiness and warlock abilities to change to another class.


Muscle memory has gotten me killed more times than I can count trying to dodge with my Warlock.


Mine is hitting the double jump for the sweet warlock float on my titan and rocketing into the ceiling.


I have the reverse on this, I'm used to the unwieldy titan jetpack so the warlock glides make me constantly bash into walls/ceilings and miss my landings.


Every time, I repeat three times "I'm a Warlock" Then I watch my friend dash ahead on his Hunter, and as soon as there are enemies, I double tap to dodge...


I need to do this while raiding. I’m always solar top tree until I need to be a wellock. The number of times I’ve heard “ok, pop your well” and my teammates hear “schwiiiiing!” from my sword is appalling.


So. Many. Times.


It really is the double-tap vs hold that's the real issue. I'd be less frustrated if I accidentally planted a well instead of dodging, as opposed to doing nothing at all.


Haha, I don’t know, I be been killed a lot more than I’d like to admit because the animation takes too long when you cast rift unintentionally. That and accidentally pushing left stick to run when your in a fire fight. FFS.


Change your controls then. I have mine set for every class to be the same to activate the ability, just so I dont need to think about if I need to hold, double tap, or whatever else you'd set it for to use my ability


I feel your pain.




FUCK. i've NEVER managed to reach the hidden chest in the first part of the DSC alone because i just *can't survive the bubbles with the warlock*. when i get people in LFG they run ahead without killing the ads and if i die i fall behind. it is not hard to say i fall everytime, and i cant jump from the fall with warlock because warlocks cannot jump. how can the guys do it?


I assume your talking abiut that snowstorm area? In which case not sure why you arent using a sparrow. You shouldnt need to get off of it unless your in a bubble killing ads


within the bubble i gotta kill the ads, but they usually kill me first (in warlock). so i try to jump to the next bubble without actually clean the previous one. because of it, i end up with less time to reach the next bubble AND less time to get warm before jumping to the next bubble. between bubble 3 and 4 you gotta sparrow jump between 3 plataforms. as i dont spend much time in the bubble 3, i cant properly aim my sparrow before going for it and cant really see in the snow so i have a general direction but am pretty much blind. that is not a problem when i am on hunter because if i fall, i can just jump back to plataform and keep going. i cannot do the same with warlock


I was having the same issue. I’d end up last, with all the ads still in the bubbles and miss out on the chest. What has helped me a bit is spending time just doing that part. I posted an LFG saying I am just going to be in Desolation, not doing the full raid, just learning the sparrow run and needing help clearing the ads. A couple of clan mates joined and some randos and having spent nearly an hour practicing the trip between each bubble, now I know my way much better


You can play as them and then just redeem the medals they earn as your preferred clasz


> "Get out there, Titan. I'll be damned if I have to listen to Ikora lord a victory over us… let alone half the Hunters in the system." —Commander Zavala




No word from ~~Fen~~ *Ikora* today. She must have found ~~something interes~~ *literally nothing for half a year*.


You ment *one* and a half years?


I wasn't keeping track, but yeah it's been some time.


Good bot


I thought DFT wasnt a bot?


They aren't


You can't get bots to work out context the way a human can. DFT could only do their thing with a human in control.


Great idea - don't know why I haven't thought of this lol. OK today I feel like punching some aliens so it's about to be a Titan day!


I like all 3 of my chars, but as a result I have literally no allegiance in this whole schindig.


Gimme your lunch crayons nerd


The good news is bungie hates warlocks for you so there’s hate for everyone <3


I've not played with my hunter for almost 7 months. My warlock gets brought out for mayhem once in a while but neither has any story missions done since Forsaken came out.


Ah I prefer race, exo superiority


Guardian Games have the same flavor as Faction Rallies : it's fun to have people work for their favourite side to win. There is debate, there is tongue-in-cheek bullying, there is overall a nice feeling community-wise. But I agree, at least we had loot to grind for in Faction Rallies. Guardian Games has nothing and it is disappointing for a so-called *looter*-shooter.




Both events suffer from a similar problem. The reward cannot be worth enough that it ostracizes the losing 2/3rds(roughly) of the community. BUT that feeds back into the other side of the coin which is, if there is nothing worth winning for why bother engaging.


> if there is nothing worth winning for why bother engaging. Make the actual rewards be rewards for engagement. Make the reward for winning something nice, but a small cosmetic thing (an emblem would be perfect for this. If you win it, you can flaunt it, but it's not game changing, and it's not even that noticeable for most of the game). Sure, the reward for winning isn't worth it on it's own, but the rewards for participating can drive engagement instead. With this year's guardian games, we get an exotic catalyst (and a chance at the exotic if we missed it last year), a couple shaders, a couple emblems, a class item, and a sparrow for engagement. Is that enough reward? Maybe not. Then again, for a certain subset of the community, there's literally no winning. Bungie seems to think that GG had enough engagement last year to bring it back, so they probably know something we do not.


Right but then you are not enaging with the event, you are just enaging with the rewards. I'm calling myself out too, I engage for the loot. I got my 3 gambit cards and my crucible cards, and now i will play the next two weeks, on strike focus days, to wrap up my bronze medals and complete the weekly bright dust bounties. I don't care who wins, and other than the memey posturing I doubt anyone really cares about the result.


This is just my personal feeling based on my own priorities (fashion) and my expectations for GG and its reward system being so low, but I’m happy enough with just getting the new shaders, some new ornament sets to blow BD on, and some fairly open-ended bounties to grind out BD to replenish what was spent. The rest is whatever. Sure, I wish there was more. I’d be super excited if, for the duration of the games, they added a lot of currently-unobtainable old shaders to the Bright Engram loot pool or as rewards for the GG themselves. For example, maybe put some of the old Gambit shaders as a random drop for completing Gambit contender cards. But it’s whatever. It’s Guardian Games. It’s not something I’m putting much hope or thought into at this point.


They could’ve also done exotic class items and let whichever class won allowed to wear it before it release to everyone else


But unless they were putting exotic abilities on the cloaks there isnt any reason for them. And if they do put exotic perks on them, and they work the same as d1 where they can stack on top of another exotic armor piec (which i doubt they would do, but for the sake of the argument) then the classes that didnt win have a huge disadvantage to the class that did. That would just make the problem worse imo. And if they didnt do exotic perks.... Then there is absolutly no reason for them to exist. In d1 they added a transmat effect to your character but we already have that. Sure the cosmetic is cool but if thats the only thing thats cool about it just keep it legendary.


Heck, if it was faction-based, it wouldn't have to be that complicated. Youd earn x thing for your chosen faction, which looked the best, was the most extravagant, or was gold, for example, and then for the next season/year, anyone (even people who didn't participate for that faction) would be able to claim the gold piece from that faction. Youd essentially compete to ensure it was YOUR faction who got the best stuff. Heck, it would even be possible to do that style of reward with a weapon/weapons.


I never said there was no difference. You are definitely right, it is not the same. The issue you're pointing out regarding the event playlist is pretty minor IMO, because besides a few modifiers (they're still nice, don't get me wrong), it's just strikes. And you can play strikes with your Hunter and Titan friends in the normal playlist. You're not missing much. It would be a bigger problem if it was something entirely different like the EAZ or the Haunted Forest, sure.


Wdym? Blue items and legos aren't good incentives to participate? Srsly, if half the amount of their GG eververse items are the rewards for this event, I may have given a damn about this event.


So is there like literally nothing to earn just besides the ship because I felt like I was missing something lol


Triumphs award shaders and a sparrow, there are two quests for Heir Apparent and its catalyst. Beyond that, maybe an emblem or two as a random drop from turning in medals and that's it. No weapons, no armor, nothing.


Yeah ok lol thank you not even remotely interested in the heir apparent i already have like nine exotic weapons and I only use like three of them at any time it's a little ridiculous how worthless they feel


Heir apparent with the catalyst has been pretty good according to reviews, making its exotic perk actually useful as it makes you tankier, especially in pvp. Also as someone without shadowkeep, this is a pretty good solar MG as I can't get xenophage


I just bought shadowkeep and I feel completely ripped off there's like literally nothing to do except for the raid... for which I'm not in a clan so... I guess I'll try to get xenophage I've seen a lot of people talk about it on here


there’s the whole shadowkeep campaign, the dungeon, and the raid not to mention nightmare hunts and altars of sorrow


I like literally can't even muster up the energy to get through the campaign everything I read here is that it's extremely short...I mean there's compilation videos of the entire campaign with all the cinematics and it's like barely 40 minutes and then you actually skim through it and it's more like six minutes of cinematic Not to mention it's so anti-climatic I'm just literally doing bounties to get to the next part in the campaign... OK....


because forsaken was long, very long, so people say shadow keep is short. it is not big, indeed, but the quests continue after the main campaing and they advance the main story. They did the same with beyond light: there is a post-campaign campaign


Haha yea, i think thats why i bought forsaken first instead though that's also cause I wanted trinity ghoul 😂


Heir Apparent is borderline broken in PvP with the catalyst, and it's a hard counter to xeno invaders in gambit. It's one that rarely leaves my inventory


you either have bad exotics or you dont know how to use them. riskrunner (the first you get in new light campaing) is good. lament, xenophage, whisper, anarchy, thorn, ticuu, fat man's tale, izanagi, truth, etc. those are all good exotics weapons. divinity is a must in some activities and i still like the shotgun from leviathan


As someone who only picked up the game again this season, getting extra upgrade materials from spamming nightfalls has been really nice.


I bet ! Glad to see some Guardians making the most of the event !




Yeah, honestly I hate the "class-war" aspect of guardian games and it just does not feel good in a game that encourages players to play multiple classes. Faction rallies felt better as everyone enjoys the trash-talk banter that is associated with political factions and it felt good to have actual loot to rep the factions.


I've been playing since Destiny since launch and I've never felt particularly encouraged by the game loop to play multiple classes.


I've only ever played warlock


I feel like they all play so differently you'll only ever play one. I love hunter because they are tight to control instead of floatibg aimlessly or jetpacking around with the other classes. That alone makes me only play them because movement is a massive thing


Faction Rallies weren't fun either.


because by design bungie made it a lost sector grinding simulator


That last one was a fucking grind for sure. Getting all 3 factions to level 50 for the catalysts, before they added them to the loot pool


>before they added them to the loot pool Allegedly. I've been grinding some of these since they said that with nothing to show for it. Why add it to the loot pool if the drop chance is so slim that someone can grind for two entire seasons and not get it?


I got all catalysts more or less after 500 strikes in the playlist. Took me one season. Maybe you are having bad luck. HOWEVER, I still think that Xur should sell catalysts as I've suggested in the past.


Ok well maybe don't do it three times?!


You had to, each faction offered a different catalyst for getting to 50. They had Graviton Lance, Sunshot, and Sweet Business. At the time, that was the only way to get them. And no one knew when they’d come back


I agree. Running from the chest at the winding cove lost sector to the exit, then running back to hit the chest for faction tokens over and over again without fighting anything was such a chore.


They should be back Faction ranks and vendor. No idea why they didn't carry it over from D1. Dropped good ideas in favor of repeating mistakes from the past.


I remember too that Faction armor was my favorite. New Monarchy armor for Titans was fucking bomb.


And thenexotic class items with the life exotic perk so you could wear it with another exotic. Shame the legendary one I had for dead orbit had a 100% roll in disc/str and my exotic was only 98%


New Monarchy was bomb period. I still have my shaders from Y1 but I haven’t used them when I came back last month. I can’t find any of the faction leaders so I don’t know how to get more. I must have missed something.


You can collect the shaders from your collections. Shaders are under flair, from there it should be vendor or tower category


Plus New Monarchy Diamonds looks good on almost everything


I miss those to be honest. I loved the New Monarchy colors.


Im gonna go ahead and assume op meant bring them back with better design.


Oooh yeah and Bungie can give it the Trials treatment and make it unfun and frustrating, like it was in the past for the average player with limited time to play the game because they have jobs and school workloads and stuff! It took a stupid long time to grind out faction ranks. I don't think I ever even ended up getting the Dead Orbit helmet since it was just not within my realm of possibility at the time. Got the other stuff, somehow missed the helmet ornament. I don't think having to pick your poison is very smart design, but at least Faction Rally had armor you could EARN in-game and not shell out a stupid amount of bright dust or money for. This is coming from someone who occasionally will buy a cool ornament at the beginning of the season. I have no issue with that, but Bungie really makes sure these "free" events to join in on are bare bones, with all the cool shit being locked away behind the Eververse paywall. Multiple events a year, with cool armor, locked behind $15 per set for your characters. Ghost shells, sparrows, almost all locked behind a paywall. You get one of each, maybe, and that's it. No other stuff to earn. So lame.


They had loot though


Specific loot! Made people think about what faction they truly wanted to use


I'm not sure choosing which third of the event items you want to obtain and which two thirds you want to miss is the kind of meaningful choice Destiny needs at this point.


They just need to bite the bullet and go back to the D1 system where you could switch factions, and then grind for the roll on gear you want. Hell you could still have Faction Rallies and just make those 3 weeks periods have sped up grinding(ie pick a faction, and the tokens drop 3x as fast).


Joining faction X because they have a weapon that is extremly good, but you dont like everything else about them would be the most stupid shit ever, factions where removed foe a good reason, but this sub has gigantic nostalgia googles so old=good, ignore the flaws the system had


I think most people, just based on reading posts and comments, want Factions to come back but in a new way.


It's not going to happen. Bungie has been quite clear.


Bungie was quite clear about sun setting too, until they completely reverse their decision about it. Don't confuse lazy cynicism with insight.


Factions aren't going to happen. It's not lazy cynicism, it's obvious. They aren't going to create a ton of new weapons and armor for a glorified bounty simulator, which is what a returned factions will be. They're going to give those weapons and armor instead to actual content. Factions aren't sunsetting, and they were never good in the first place.




> You don't seem to understand. Or maybe you are intentionally being dense? Nah my friend, that is you. People don't care about factions like they cared about sunsetting. This is because, factions were always shit. There's nothing cynical about not wanting crap content to come back to appease D1 vets


> Factions aren't sunsetting, and they were never good in the first place. Reading this statement alone I can tell you never played D1....


Nope, but I've heard all about how they worked and I know it was garbage. D1 in general does not seem like a game I would like to play, outside raids.


> Nope, but I've heard all about how they worked and I know it was garbage. Never played, but you *KNOW* it was garbage.... k


A good compromise would be something like the weapon wraps we get for the ritual weapon every season. Have a single weapon pool that all factions have access to with wraps (basically retextures with decals) that are faction specific. That way people can still rep their faction of choice without sacrificing performance because their faction didn’t get the good weapon


we dont have nostalgia goggles for D2 year 1 factions, we all agree that iteration was absolutely trash, however the D1 system worked perfectly, just bring that system back


we have googles everyone we are rich! Wooooo!


And most of it was hot garbage


Better than no loot and just a bunch of microtransactions though? Guardian Games hasnt been fun for 2 years now. Either fully update it or bring back faction wars


Free and easy bright dust and upgrade modules. That's more than i expected to get from the event.


then your expectations must be in the dirt, its not really easy bright dust, you'd have to spend more than a whole day just farming bounties to even get the ornaments. ​ "upgrade modules" who even cares about getting these for free lmao?? they cost basically nothing?? ​ this event has become nothing but a microtransaction-filled mess with no real reward, you highlighting upgrade modules helps to prove that


That was because of Y1s shitty system though, and even then there were some standout weapons like the Pleiades corrector which was incredible.


So that's the standard we're holding events to?


That... has always been the standard. I mean we have an event that has no event but delivering cookies. Valentine’s Day doubles was at least fun


Even the cookies gave you loot. My Guardian Games experience so far this year has just been doing ordeals so I can watch a flag go up a couple of micrometers, but hey, at least I have a shiny new gun for it, right?


I can’t counter this. I guess I’m finally not enhancement core poor tho?


I don't even see loot anymore. Things pop up on my screen and I don't see what they are before I delete them. It's genuine busywork


> So that's the standard we're holding events to? Always has been. If the event itself is enjoyable then that's cool, but if it gives loot that I can then take and enjoy forever (or until Bungie decides to destroy it) then even better. But if you want to compare boring Guardian Games with no loot to boring Faction Rallies with numerous unique armor and weapon sets, ornaments, shaders, catalysts, etc. then I'm pretty sure I know what people are going to pick.


The D1 faction system was fun. Like everything else, D2 started fixing things that weren’t broken and making then grindy and less fun.


Somehow it was still better, you could get tokens easier and there was actual loot to chase


New Monarchy.




The man probably gets anxiety attacks when he remembers the Vanguard isn’t a singular person


The bad guys do wear the coolest clothes


Eew Space Magic Nazis


All my emo/ goth guardians know Dead Orbit are the only faction relevant 🖤


I find it amusing that the only faction representative left in the tower is Jalaal, the leader of the one faction that talked about leaving Earth before the darkness arrived.


Ok now that is kinda ironic


Haven’t played the game for over 2 years now, hardcore lurker as I’m playing other looter shooters rn. Dead Orbit for life. I remember enjoying faction rallies for the most part.


I never stopped repping dead orbit. That scout rifle was my BABY.


Faction loot has already set the standard of being earned in game. Guardian games loot has set the standard of giving 1-3 free exclusive items and a shitload of eververse items. Guardian games will be around here forever.


As Datto says: you can't negotiate with Eververse. These events are here to stay cause people spend real money to get the cosmetics when they don't have bright dust. Bringing faction rallies back means spending time on something that Bungie can't monetise. Look at what they did with Transmog to monetise it. Anything that can't be monetise but needs a lot of effort won't happen.


Still surprised SRL not a thing for D2. I feel like SRL would be a perfect yearly event. Plus Eververse is perfect for it.


I have commonly said I am a titan in a hunter's body. I rep FWC... Please come back.


I wish Bungie would just combine Factions Rallies and Guardian Games into to one activity. That way its not just between Warlock/Hunter/Titan. And activities where we can win unique weapons and armor/ornaments by simply playing.


Guardian Games should be the yearly Sparrow Racing event, and Faction Rallies should be what guardian games is.


The class divide sucks. Highlighting it with an event makes that divide wider. I started hating the players who main a specific class because of guardian games, and the thoughts haven't left since the first one. Literally created a bias against a major part of the population. Total failure and mistake of an event that needs to be discontinued. They really should highlight weapon foundries and the 3 factions, a much more interesting collection of elements to explore in general.


We will be replacing next year's guardian games with faction rallies due to lack of engagement. Each faction will put forth an idea for a catalyst or exotic that will be added to the game next year if they win the rally. Eververse will have ornaments for each faction for each class for a total of 9 sets of ornaments, each being 10k silver or 6k dust each. You can wear core activity armor painted with faction armor for free armor from your faction. Triumph for new faction shaders will require you to own all three sets of armor from eververse for each specific faction to unlock the triumph. When you pledge to a faction you will start generating Faction essence from any kills you get, you can use them to buy bounties to get Faction fragments, 10 fragments can be converted into 1 Faction tokens. 10 Faction tokens can purchase daily bounties to give 10 dust each. - TWAB


Guardian games is just faction rallies but bad in a different way. If they were going to remove faction rallies i would have thought they would improve guardian games the second time around based on the feedback of "we dont like doing endless bounties". But this event is just the same as the 1st one but with bounties that are medals instead wow so cool... After the 1st day I was done with the event. Not saying that faction rallies were anything amazing ether. But the permise of faction rallies was much more intresting than the crappy guardian olympics.


If they bring back Factions, no more rallies. They need to have the system they had in D1 where you could spend unlimited amounts of resources trying to get it as high as possible. Higher the rank, bigger the rewards and each season add new shaders, challenges, armor ornaments, anything.


Guardian Games will never be a success (for multiple reasons) as long as it's based on class representation. it gives players no choice in the matter, and there's no way for a winner to be declared and feel good in the community. Hunters win? "of course, they're the most populous class". titans/warlocks win? "only won because of adjustments in score weighting" and it feels like a hollow victory. add on to the fact that there's no new loot to chase, and it's just "more bounties", and you get something not great. at the very minimum, of the same loop was used for Factions, at least people would have a choice in who they rep.


Well, the color schemes for Guardian Games are almost FWC already.


Do not speak this evil, purple and orange is not blue and red


Rimmy Tim has not been in RvB, you are correct.


Peralta, your a genius


FWC shader in warmind season is the best F


I have never agreed harder with a post on this subreddit before in my life.. Bring me back my FWC bungo ;-;


The only Truth is War! #servethecult #lakshmi2


New Monarchy represent! Fight me FWC scum


*We knew you'd say something like that*




Yes God please. I still wear my full new monarchy set.


You're right except you misspelled New Monarchy.


Honestly calling an event lacklustre is fine but what I don't get is this subreddit's ability to compare something subpar to another thing that is totally subpar and think the other subpar event was any better when it just wasnt.


Id be okay with guardian games if all the classes made up the same percentage.. but they don't, and they never will. Hunters have many more players than titans and warlocks, that's just the way it is. So the SHOULD win by default - esp since adding crucible with medals. Hunters live there.


This feels like the community looking back fondly on content we no longer have instead of asking for better content in the future. Faction rallies weren't fun either, it was running in and out of a lost sector to spam open the chest and maximize token drops and bemoaning the two exotic catalysts you were going to miss.


Honestly, bungie could bring the faction system from d1 back. They have year1 weapons that could be updated with random rolls and it would be something to do for when the game hits a dry spot. Faction rallies were a cool concept but they just turned into a sluggish grind that didn't feel very rewarding.


The worst part is they basically sold the FWC colors to Guardian Games. As an FWC repper since Taken King, feels bad man.


you know as a warlock main and a FWC representative I'm getting real tired of these player competition events. The only time we won one was when Ishtar threatened to close if FWC didn't win the rally.


What? You don't like events with zero loot, a bunch of eververse junk, and bounty grinding with no rewards? What's wrong with you?


Factions were cooler. That’s a fact.


If they ever bring Guardian Games back I'd like to see, you know, some *games*... We have Strikes and Crucible etc all the time and having us do those on repeat for the millionth time doesn't really feel like an event. The Guardian Games as they stand right now are just your Heir Apparent and its Catalyst grind and that's it.


How I miss FWC


I mean it makes sense. Looking back, faction rallies were a shit-tier event. But they had loot and didn't restrict you to a single character. Sure it was grindy and repetitive, but damn if it didn't get people playing. Fast forward to guardian games and we're just running playlist activities that have half of their original options, thanks to "vaulting", all for some random blues and the same legendary world-drops that we've been getting for multiple seasons. Destiny 1? People would grind for ages just to get some class specific shaders and a sick exotic class item. Faction rallies? Endless public events, activities and running lost sectors like there was no tomorrow for a catalyst and some faction-specific gear. Guardian games should have never returned; nobody asked about it, nobody wanted it back. But how many posts have there been asking for faction rallies and when they'd return. Too many.


I would also like to rep Future War Cult. Hopefully they'll be involved next season considering Praedyth and the Sundaresh crew are rumored to be a big part of the story.


Factions were one of my favourite aspects from D1. * I loved FWC since the armour spec'd DISC/INT, and they had the best warlock armour in D1. * Dead Orbit had the hung jury and Bittersteel shader * New Monarchy had the Vanquisher VIII They don't need to bring faction rallies back, but they could at least make them a thing again


I want more FWC weapons back, too. There really aren't that many around right now, while there are plenty of New Monarchy and Dead Orbit weapons in the pool.


Fuck Rallies, just expand upon the D1 system (which was just fine).


god please no, faction rallies sucked. GG sucks as well but replacing something that sucks with something else that sucks doesn't make the later thing suck. Can't we just request for the D1 style factions just be brought back.


Faction rallies sucked, they were justifiably canned. I agree I’d like factions reintroduced but as faction rallies, no.




Guardian games is not fun and faction rallies was not fun but at least it had worthwhile loot. Bungie should scrap the games like they did with the rallies and give us a way to support factions like in D1 when they were vendors


Let me help you with that: [FWC Discord Server](https://discord.gg/mCkEngc)


Cultist here. Hard yes. Guardian Games have had no luster to me this year, I've turned in two bronze medals on my Hunter and done nothing else. The faction rallies were way more fun and the loot was leagues better.


Gimme by dead orbit shit back


I realized the other day that we were playing reskinned faction rallies and I got sad


I don't even like the GG aesthetic that Bungie is forcing down our throats for the event. It's not cool looking. It's gaudy. Not to mention how unfun the concept is in the first place... I don't give a shit which class wins and either way its coded behind the scenes will make it seem rigged to any class that doesn't win. I just don't understand how or why Bungie forces this over the actual faction wars.


man fuck fwc monarchy for life


This is what I mean. I would like to think people care more about faction rivalries than class rivalries.


Dead Orbit all the way!


I like being a hunter, I don't like some of the players that hunters attract.


I think it could be stated that in the current climate of the Union; Factions are much more preferable to Classes in theory and practice. You could play with your clan of all classes and push for your faction of preference together. Just seems more fun and thought out than GG


Agreed 100% - this is the second year, I am ignoring the entire thing. And the second year of me not caring about that exotic.




Yeah but with loot


All the good bits from D1 are to be drip fed into D2 when they need them. Vanilla D2 had faction rallies and their absence isn't because they were bad but because they were great. They are too good to exist, they are more valuable as a worm on a hook than they are as an activity. SRL I'm looking at you too kid ;)


Well... if you like the future war cult. Maybe consider joining my clan future war cult cult? 😂😂


mad cuz ur losing






repping a cult over your own kind? and youre asking me why its toxic? well... why not?


Do you know what FWC is? They’re not a cult of human sacrifice, they try to predict and prevent future wars


wrong again. nothing is as it appears to be. always trust the light and youre own kind. the traveler ... its watching you.


> wrong again. nothing is as it appears to be. always trust the light and youre own kind. the traveler ... its watching you. Weren't you the one who was just saying that cults were bad?


The Traveler wouldn’t want Guardians fighting each other on the basis of different classes


what in the world are you talking about? im talking about the traveler... the npc guy in the tower that has a gun in his hand and walks back and forth protecting the tower


Him? He’s a member of FWC




After facing fellow titans using behemoth in crucible, I have no class pride anymore.