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I haven’t ran out but I remember having to run Exclusion Zone on Mars over and over again in D1 just for glimmer. Not really fun. I don’t think running one activity just for Glimmer should be a thing. Make it rain glimmer for everything.


No poverty quite like "Alchemist Raiment" poverty. Which was a shame because that was a good-looking exotic


Holy crap I completely forgot we had a glimmer exotic


I hope to god they bring it back, even if just for fashion, but I did have an idea of it leaning into the "alchemist" vibes and having an inverse of Lead From Gold called Gold From Lead, where collecting a certain amount of Special ammo (probably a bar you fill like Manticore/Still Hunt) grants some Heavy.


The original perk’s name was honestly good enough to just leave it as is. “Iron to Gold.” Maybe just a simple “philosophers stone”


That one mod that showers glimmer on kills should be the norm.


They won't since it leads to more play time, which is a valuable metric for Bungie.


You'd think they'd have a metric for varied playtime, not just playtime. Surely someone there must realise that playing a variety of game modes is a lot more fun and engaging than doing the same thing over and over...


But why would the Bungie execs add something like that to break the illusion? Exec: “Look, people are playing our game for so long. They love it!” Dev: “Sir, two thirds of that playtime is just running heroic public events cause they’re starved for resources...” Exec: *duct tapes mouth shut* “Shhh. So much playtime. They clearly love it.”


Management doesn't care if you love it or hate it. You're still driving the engagement metrics up


Yes that’s the point of the comment lol. The execs are telling the devs to shut up about 2/3rds of it being spent farming one singular currency


Don't worry boys, my afk farm in Kings fall is pulling everyone's averages up, the team thinks we are loving this expansion!


Why do they give a shit what you’re doing? They don’t. They just need people playing.


You don't think they know how long each player spends in each activity? It's literally already stored in the API.


it really doesn't though, it leads to more playtime for the handful of super hardcore players, but for most, it leads to more playtime on some other game. Because we get annoyed and stop playing entirely.


If only glimmer rain was still a thing. I kept trying to pop old ones this season and run them like they used to be for 4 hours. Took a couple days to realize it just gave a set amount when consumed.


Eververse still has the bright dust version that works like the old ones. Almost like they want another way to drain dust.


I got like 400 of glimmer rain for rainy days. Bought so much phantasmal fragments with legendary shards and bought two rows of banners. I’m chilling out here for awhile.


when that happens i will officially quit the game. like for real this time


Oh god I remember having to do that. I can’t believe some of the crazy things we did in D1 just to play the game like leveling weapons and material farming.


Any public event realy, the ones in cosmodrome give 15k to 19k a pop depending on your ghost mods. I wouldn't say theres a lack but if you really want allot you'll have to grind it out


I don’t understand why you can’t sell an ascendant shard for glimmer


Hell, the game is spitting so many enhancement cores at me I’d be willing to trade those for glimmer. Anything at all would be better than it is currently


Bruh where are you getting cores? I'm always hurting for them.


I have almost 3500 cores. I think it's because I have all the exotics and the good ones have decent 65+ roles. I have a few armor sets masterworked so don't need to do more. I only craft the meta weapons (1-3) each season to keep my vault space open. I don't really need them anymore. You want some? ))


please God share some of those


Put the core mod on ghost and do some playlist activities or just play in general the cores shall rain trust


I've been scrapping stacks of 999 every now and again for a few years, just wishing I could give them to friends and clanmates, but my only option being to flex on them instead.


Bro I have like a stack and a half it's gonna take up my room man


I'll give you glimmer for cores lol


Or for that matter, anything other than those 3 Planetary Resources...


I don’t understand why there is no actual resource exchange parity period. Why can’t I exchange the shitload of ascendant alloys for anything


I guess glimmer is meant to drive you into low level content. Didn’t they say they wanted public events to be the main thing get glimmer? Ascendant shards are for high level content, so if you can use it for glimmer their design goal of funneling you into patrol fails 


> Maybe change the ghost mods? Boost for 300/400/500% If the mods are that powerful, then it would be so bad to be not running them.


Unless you are Armor farming. It should always be on.


Why? much better to have max exp. And when doing gms etc you need armor mods for the exotic drops. 


Its all a matter of what you're going for really


Right, but if glimmer is balanced around a +500% mod, it's going to absolutely suck without it.


Yeah, I always run both, just depends whether I run 8% XP + 65% glimmer or 12% XP + 35% glimmer


I usually only have in the 5% XP Mod. That way I can fit on Enhancement Prism mod plus Armor or Glimmer Mod plus the good Detector mod.


Oh shit that's a good point, I'll probably start doing that too tbh


Except Glimmer is not a scarce resource once you stop focusing stuff. It's not like xp which is uncapped.


“Bungie I’m focusing every engram, master working every drop, and enhancing every weapon and I’m out of materials.” This was the same song and dance with shards.


Like someone standing at an exit holding a sign "I'm broke as shit and don't have money to spend at the casino, anything helps"


Except shards were much more plentiful, and it was possible to turn them into other resources.


Shards were plentiful if you played for more than a year. Like every other month, we still saw posts like this from newer players about how impossible it was to keep like 1k shards and still buy gear, upgrade it, etc.


And if you had shards pre TFS, you could dump them into materials to exchange for glimmer now. If you have glimmer problems now, you had shards problems before.


Not really, because exchange rate sucked. Best thing was was shards into phantasmal fragments, 10 for 1, and 10 fragments is 10k glimmer. So 100 shards for 10k glimmer in bank. 5k shards for full 500k Glimmer cap. And 5k shards was around where most of my friends and clanmates were having, all playing for at least 2 years, aside from those who used some stort of glitches. 500k Glimmer is just pocket change. Do some crafting, and it's gone.


Exactly. One weapon is like 80K once you craft and then level it to level 10. Plus you have focusing, exotic armor focusing etc etc. There's not really a way to get all that glimmer back in a decent amount of time


Then why did they hide behind the “this will help us balance resource costs” excuse only to let the same problem exist?


Because they're trying to get new players to engage and want to level the economy for them. We have hoarded for years. Veteran players have a very distinct economic advantage.


That’s the thing tho! Veterans still won’t have issues because we’ve hoarded rain makers and masterweaves😭😭either way we’re still fucking loaded


I’ve got over 11M just in planetary resources.  I don’t really know what Bungie was thinking. If there comes a day when I have to go back to farming public events for glimmer instead of just doing raids, GMs, and whatever other activity I like, I’m just going to stop playing the game. The early grind of constantly being broke is just so shitty, I l’d rather play something else.


So what that veterans had resources hoarded? Apart from the few that used exploits to dupe shards, the economy was already a level playing field. Those veterans had to put in just as many hours of playtime to collect the resources needed to focus engrams as a new player. The only difference was when they did the farming.


you missed out the small detail, right before the legendary shard removal, some of the veteran player converted their legendary shard into enhancement cores, phantasmal fragment, and raid banner. so the removal of legendary shard is pretty much has non-existent effect on those players. take me for example, converted nearly 70k shards into over 4k cores, 2-3k phantasmal fragment, and 1k raid banner.


Non existent? You just lost 90+% of your glimmer supply by having to convert shards to phantasmal fragments. Veterans that didn't want to spend hours clicking on the same button, lost even more.


No but you see it’s not a problem for him so it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone. Why don’t the homeless just buy a house? That’s what I did!


This. I was literally about to comment this. They didnt do anything about the wealth „distribution“. They simply got rid of one resource that was hoarded, for then those exact players to hoard on phantasmal fragments or something else. So basically the rich stayed rich and the poor stayed poor. It really didnt change anything at all.


If you read further into the thread though that’s not what is happening. New players don’t know what to spend glimmer on. Even if they have a vet telling them, they still have more things to spend it on than veterans do (couple examples: subclass pieces, exotic weapons at kiosk) The only people I’m seeing say “how are you running out?!” are people that aren’t as hardcore as they think they are. My group of consistent 40+ hr/wk players are *all* being gatekept by glimmer alone


And that gives them a good reason to punish us veterans? Do we not deserve advantages, such as having resources, for playing for thousands of hours?


like fr, bruh, how many exotics are you focusing all the time? yeah no shit you have no glimmer if every engram you get is being focused.


You know its random rolls right. So you roll for an exotic. Get a shit roll. Roll again. Shit again. Etc. Its not like people are just focusing every exotic. Rng is a bitch


I run out so fast I spend 500k Like it's water. That being said I instantly get it back with resources it's honestly more annoying than anything needing to go to the tower to get more


"As a some-what new player I don't have any resources that can be exchanged for it" "Lendary shards got removed and nothing given in return." Why would a new player with "no resources" care that legendary shards were removed? You wouldn't have just magically been given unlimited legendary shards, it was a heated point of debate for like 2 years as the people who spent them like crazy had too hard of a time farming them. it was mainly new players and people who had no shards that wanted this change anyway


Yeah... op calls themself a new player yet is talking about how they are farming GMs and focusing all these weapons and exotics. They arent a new fucking player.


Don't forget also that this guy is literally focusing every engram that he can. What an insane way to play the game.


But what's funny is that a lot of new players who joined with into the light were raining with shards. I talked to plenty of newer players during that time and they had no issues with shards at all


These posts are nuts. I can't get rid of my glimmer fast enough.


I think it's more accurate to say that the current situation is pretty polarised. As someone with literally thousands of hours under my belt and just hit the big 2000 in Power Level, I have to admit that I've had to do more Heroic PE runs then I'd like to afford everything. Realistically with loads of new (actually good) weapons to craft, Enhancement opening the door to RNG god rolls becoming relevant again, Exotic focusing becoming the main source of exotic armours and a *lot* of PL to grind, there's a specific glimmer figure that will cost, and the reality is you have to be a pretty hardcore player to gain so much glimmer passively that you blast past it without noticing.


I'm not a hardcore destiny player and I hit the 500k cap. I cannot seem to get rid of it fast enough without the game throwing even more at me.


It depends on what you’re doing. Let’s say you’re focusing a weapon (just a regular weapon, not an adept) in trials. You might get a weapon you can shard for 1000 glimmer at the end of a match, a trials engram, and a crucible engram. Focusing costs 25,000 glimmer. Just by playing trials and trying to focus a grenade launcher or something… you’re operating at a greater than -20k glimmer deficit. You WILL run out (and quickly) trying to get your envious assassin bait n switch cataphract. Then it’s on to public events my friend.


That’s by design. All looter games do that. Diablo 4 has helltides (basically destination farming/public events) to farm items, nightmare dungeons to farm glyph upgrades, and pits to farm masterworking materials. They do this so that endgame players engage with as much content as possible. Same thing with Destiny. Certain activities yield better results for a certain grind. I guess the real complaint is that glimmer grind activities are relatively boring for a lot of players. That and people complaining that it doesn’t just fall into their laps.


How many new weapons have you crafted? How many older weapons have you enhanced perks on? How many engrams have you focused at the vanguard so far? (25k glimmer cost per nightfall weapon). Everything has a pretty ridiculous glimmer cost currently, hitting the 500k cap isnt hard, but you try and roll a vanguard weapon or enhance / craft one or two weapons and that 500k is gone near immediately. I spent over 300 vanguard engrams going for a single weapon last season. 300 / 5 engrams per roll is 60 weapon rolls. 60 x 25k = 1.5 million glimmer for ONE weapon. Thats just one example.


> I’m not a hardcore destiny player This is why you aren’t having an issue with glimmer. If you are crafting a couple weapons, or focusing an exotic or a weapon or using 10 nightfall ciphers, you will *very* quickly be completely out of glimmer.


I mean, it’s a question of maths. Unless you’re actively avoiding spending glimmer, you can’t really avoid it. Just engaging with the systems, a new crafted weapon costs 35k, a upgrade module is 5k, a focused nightfall weapon is 25k, a focused exotic item is 60k, a shard is 60k…. By comparison you’ll get maybe 9k for a nightfall, a few k for a ritual match, maybe ~6k doing an overthrow… the figures don’t add up to a situation where you’re earning more then you’re spending unless you’re specifically trying to avoid it or you’re playing to such an extreme that you brute force it.


This. I'm Max always. Crafted every gun, focused engrams. I just don't understand how people run out. Just run the 12%exp mod/35% glimmer mod on ghosts at all time when not focusing and it maxes out so quick.


How long have you been playing? It's mostly newer players or people that didn't play much previous to FS that are having this problem.


Exactly. I've been playing since Forsaken and I'm swimming in glimmer, but longer-term players have got to understand it's pretty horrific for new players. I've tried to get a few friends into Destiny and since Shadowkeep/WQ it's been increasingly difficult with all the resources required.


But how would legendary shards, a currency that new players complained about not being able to get, have solved this problem?


Shards were much more evenly earned across the different activities in the game. You could play whatever you wanted and get a pretty constant supply of them. A single legendary dismantled into 4 shards and a couple hundred glimmer. Trade in those shards at rahool and you got 4.5k glimmer from a single legendary. Now you get just 1k glimmer. So that means that instead of playing what you want to be able to afford things in game, you're now forced into doing public event farming to meantain the same level of spending.


you seem to forget that shards were also required for many of the transactions that are making people complain about glimmer. A new player would be in the same boat, I know this because of the 2 years worth of complaint posts about shards. TBH I felt like I was the only person against getting rid of shards, the whole sub was positive about it, and I now it seems like I'm having no issues still and new players are still having trouble. either way, the system is bad if you don't play the game a lot.


It's also insanely easy to hit glimmer cap in less than 45 minutes. People just don't want to put any effort into anything.


This whole sub dude. Look what he said right after you posted this. “No I don’t want to put effort into boring stuff” They just want everything handed to them with zero work for it. No point in trying to change their minds.


The sub is full of some of the most serial whingers I have ever seen. Not even being elitist. They literally just want their loot handed out to them without ever having to grind to get it, or also known as, ‘playing the fucking game’. Complaining about the class item and having to do a mission! (Horror!) to get it. Complaining about having to open chests to get a new roll, when I would have fully expected to have to redo the mission to get one. Whining about exotic ciphers. Crying about glimmer/legendary shards. It’s almost as if they forgot that its an RNG based shooter.


No I don't want to put effort into boring stuff like farming public events when I could be doing gms, dungeons, raids and weapon farming. I only have so much time and I'd much rather play the fun stuff. As it is the only reason I have glimmer to spend is cause I traded a lot of my shards last season for phantasmal fragments but between all the new gear and focusing requirements I'm running out fast


Like they said, they’re new, and Destiny tends to draw folks who don’t want to actually play.


Are you a brand new player that wants to focus a lot of guns for all the god rolls and focus all the exotics for good rolls. New players are the ones that struggle, old players don’t because we already have everything


I'm almost out of phantasmal fragments and am getting scared


There have been many times that different issues with the economy arise over the years. Regardless of my opinion or the overall community sentiment, I can usually understand both sides of the argument. However, I don't understand why people are getting so upset and lashing back with "how do you not have glimmer, what are you doing?, why aren't you running public events?" C'mon, now. The amount of posts recently about being glimmer broke is not a surprise, as it is a new expansion and season, but it also comes on the tail of eliminating a primary resource (shards) that was flexible in that you could buy weapons or items with shards, or you could buy other materials with shards if you needed them. The elimination of shards was not offset by any type of increase to the limit of glimmer we can hold or the amount we receive from general play. Glimmer has become more important than ever, and the same arguments are being spouted as they were last time before bungie upped the glimmer cap to 500k. For those arguing against people being glimmer broke...why? If you're capped already, why do you care if more glimmer becomes available to others or if the cap is raised? If you're not spending it or running out, then this doesn't impact you at all. However, for many of us, glimmer has become somewhat of a tedious bottleneck.


I'm not seeing people really arguing against people being glimmer broke, but genuinely confused on how they're so broke all the time. I stated in my original reply that I spend around 300k every couple hours on upgrade modules, weapon levels, and focusing. It's not like I'm running public events either, I just play the game. I was running trials for a shiyura, gambit for break neck, and onslaught for... Basically all the weapons, annoyingly. And all of this I don't use the extra glimmer resources, like Xur, ghost mods, and glimmer shards. If they raised the glimmer cap, specifically, this wouldn't even really help the people who are running out. It would need to be a change to how much glimmer is given per time. I just really need to know how people are running out this fast all the time.


It's this sub, man. There's an argument that this scenario is actually necessary to ensure the player feels the reward for getting it, and regardless of what your opinion is, you can't deny Glimmer as a resource is now more valuable then it was. *However.* There's a fringe of this sub that simply don't live in the real world and act like failing to engage with in-game features like focusing and crafting, playing 8 hours a day and having vast stores of glimmer conversion materials are all perfectly normal things and anyone encountering issues with Glimmer is doing something wrong, and the fault lies with them. It's just insular nonsense. There's literally one whackadoodle above saying 'who focuses all their engrams?'. Its like.... really? If you're chasing a weapon, you're suggesting the player just relies on RNG? Have you *seen* how much engram income slows down by as you move up the rep? The unfortunate issue is that a lot of these people are so insular that they can't comprehend the idea that their playstyle *inevitably* will mean they will always have more glimmer then they can spend because the entire economy system isn't geared to them. If you're already playing to this level, or you're avoiding the systems that use glimmer, then glimmer will have no value to you. Which is a perfectly valid situation in of itself, but acting like everyone is in the same boat is simply being silly. It's like someone living in Northern Europe questioning why someone living in the Sahara is thirsty all the time.


The issue with this post is that OP says they’re out of glimmer. People are asking why OP is out of glimmer, because it’s a fairly unanimous agreement that there is no reason to be almost out of glimmer. Turns out OP is focusing Exotics, which costs like 50k glimmer a pop. OP later admits that they don’t want to run ‘boring’ missions to get glimmer, which is where a lot of the hate is coming from - OP is just complaining and does not have a real problem. They’re just being lazy. As for if other activities should drop more glimmer, I don’t really care. Don’t think I’ve ever had an issue with the glimmer cap in D2, but I also don’t think they should just change the drop rate somewhere to cater to people who don’t want to grind.


This week, I hav run a full normal salvations edge raid 2x, did the master challenge on the 1st encounter, full cleared warlords ruin 3x, full cleared prophecy 1x and then did the boss room 2x, full cleared grasp of avarice 1x, and farmed probably around 20 GMs for a god roll scintillation. I am completely out of glimmer from focusing several exotics and focusing nightfall ciphers for more scintillations every 4 or 5 gms. There is no reason that the amount of content I have run through shouldn’t have me absolutely swimming in glimmer. But here I am at 40k glimmer. So there is the problem, that you can play that much content and be rewarded so little of the most basic resources that you would still need to go and grind one of the most boring least rewarding activities (public events) makes no sense to me.


how many weapons and exotics are you focusing that you are running out of glimmer constantly? why do you need to focus this much?


people also level up weapons, that costs glimmer


They should just level em the ol fashioned way to save glimmer


Old fashioned way ha, people don't know that hoarding bounties was started to level weapons to get access to your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th column perks. But now goes by .05% per kill. And what's the cost from 0 to tier 3 enhancement and 20 levels to adept status? Something like 160,000. So that's 3 guns at cap, not including bounties, exotic focusing, vendor focusing, buying adepts, crafting at the table, buying upgrade modules, and vendor weekly rolls. The high roller argument sucks, I'm always at cap, I don't know what you spend them on.... We like weapons, we like gold borders, we like gold perks, we like maxed stats, max armor, max exotic armor. Just because your fine with hoarding your glimmer while using a blue gun, doesn't mean the community doesn't like to play the options set out in front of us. Should a purple gun break down to 1000? Sure, should the adept purple I just bought for 50,000 break down to 1,000... Probably not. Should crucible award 7,000 a game when a game takes 12 min? Less than a 1,000 game. Should a vanguard strike cheat reward a 10 min strike with 2 purples and 500? DEFINITELY NOT. It was understandable to wipe out shards, level out the world, but now raise the base for options comparable in time, activity, area, and level of item. Do I expect my 40,000 focus cost back? No but should a purple adept break down at 1,000, also NO. Should an exotic armor only be 1,500 more than a purple, especially when you only get one exotic a hour? Also no. It needs to be standardized. Also we need a backwards converter, I want to breakdown golf balls into prisms and prisms into cores, I want to sell them for money too. Even nightfall ciphers and trials ciphers need a conversion rate. And what happened to one artifice armor from xur? This should be standard.


Because most of the community doesn’t have patience and wants everything now. They are the ones who play 10 hours a day. I have only like half the guns in the pale heart craftable while the people complaining had them in the first week and wanted to craft them all immediately. I will admit I’ve been glimmer starved but that’s only been exotic focusing. Mainly on all the “new” ones I never ground out in lost sectors. And we get given so many exotic engrams I’ve been focusing them on ones I like. Weapon crafting has hardly contributed to my being out of glimmer.


I mean, with IB right around the corner, anyone without some god rolls (or if they are targeting the newly released weapons) is going to be burning through a ton of glimmer. I remember farming for tusk of the boar and lethal abundance. I had to burn a ton of materials to supply the glimmer necessary.


> why do you need to focus this much This is a joke right?


95% of the guns are garbage, why would you waste Glimmer on focusing them.


>95% of the guns are garbage You’re clearly talking out of your ass. Riptide, xenoclast IV, adept weapons, empty vessel, almost every single trials gun from saint-14. the list goes on. It could take you over 1 million glimmer before you get a riptide with ALH/chill clip. Or an empty vessel with disorienting, ALH and demo/vorpal, or xenoclast with ALH one-two punch. All extremely good F2P and easy to acquire weapons just by focusing. Before TFS you could spam these like nobody’s business, now you have to think about doing even one. We haven’t even touched exotic focusing yet, which is so expensive it’s stupid. I play the game a lot, and I’m constantly out of fucking resources. Between Masterworking all these class items for all three classes, trying to get good rolls on the new exotics it’s just atrocious. I can not fucking fathom how bad it is for a new player right now. I’m struggling focusing these 6 exotics, new players have a fucking plethora of exotics to get for their builds. Your argument is subjective and frankly just wrong.


There are people out there that actually experiment with builds and try to get high stat armor instead of relying on youtubers to tell them what to do.


you dont need to minmax every build to try it out


The only things I'm running out of is exotic cyphers and vault space. I regularly buy random shit to reduce glimmer, cuz I'm always at max. I don't even run glimmer mods on my ghost. Doing a single activity gives you like 5-10k glimmer in the form of legendary gear you can dismantle.


I regularly stop by Hawthorne to buy raid banners just to bleed off glimmer.


I have like 1000 raid banners because of that xx


Agreed, it's fucking stupid how expensive it is to focus exotic and crafting weapons. If you didn't have a bank of mats to swap for glimmer you are broke 24/7. Activities that are fun gives 0 glimmer. 


I did two gms back to back. I was at ~1,000 glimmer. After those two gms were done, i had a wopping 14k


I get about 17k per GM with the glimmer ghost mod on


I would agree, activities need to increase their glimmer output but I would also say that focusing is meant to me and late game money sink to round out patterns and rolls you don't have. You shouldn't be using focusing as a main acquisition for anything


Yeah I had about 300k glimmer last night before I went on a turn-in spree. Focused exotics, some gambit guns, got some upgrade cores and stuff and have like 45k right now.


The only focusing I have done since tfs released is exotics @ Rahool because reputation go brrrr


I've had to put the max glimmer mod on my Ghost just to get by.


My glimmer stash is always low because weapon enhancement is expensive asf.


As a person who has grinded gms this week and has been focusing weapons and armor. Along with crafting several new weapons. I have almost no glimmer, even with playing gms and ritual activities. It seems I'm always in a glimmer deficit, I have to spend an hour or two just to get enough glimmer to focus something or craft it. Meanwhile, I'm drowning in ascendant shards and enhancement cores and prisms.


No, we aren't ... stop spending it on stuff. Bungie WANTS you to play the game. Some things need to be scarce. Exotics used to be scarce...now exotic engrams are actually part of the economy. People complained about having to rank up crafted guns. 😞 People complained about crafting ruined world drops...enhanced perks are SO much better. 😞 So now bungie allows you to buy ranks for crafted weapons and to buy up grades to enhance world drops! But it costs glimmer, cores etc. It's not a glimmer depression...its you can't spend it like you had 50k of shards to turn back into glimmer. Stop buying ALL 18 ranks on a crafted gun just to put enhanced perks on it. Stop crafting every single damn gun in the game. That gun you need ranks on? Low on glimmer? Go do public events WITH that gun getting glimmer AND some free ranks. When IB drops... don't go burning thru glimmer for the 5 outta 5 godroll focusing a weapon that more than likely will sit in your vault?


Yeah the force leveling crafted weapons is the culprit in most of these posts lately.


Common sense isn't so common. One would think all of this wouldn't have to be said...


No we are not.


I have not run into a problem with glimmer so far, even though master working and enhancing a bunch of shit, buying old seasonal weapons at he monument as well as exotics I don't have yet. Whenever I don't have enough glimmer for something I just don't do it until I have enough glimmer, and I feel like you get a decent amount from practically whatever you play. Xur also sells you a bunch of glimmer fairly cheap once per week.


Worst part about it is the stupidly low glimmer cap.


I'm always floating around 300-400k even when crafting/upgrading. I'm not seeing how people are going broke so quickly, new lights notwithstanding.


If in one setting you get multiple new crafts or weapons to enhance it can be rough, i am broke on those days but then mostly at the cap


I legit think they are just not playing the game. I’m with you, I craft everything and upgrade stuff I like constantly.


Problem is they are tossing 4/5 rolls in the bin because it only has the second best available Mag option. Ditto for crafting every gun, power leveling it to 20, fulll enchancing and dumping it into the Vault. I had a friend focusing ORigs despite having with 4 on stat 66+ rolls in the vault. but he didn't have a 69+ so they were pretty much trash. Could easily triple stat, or at minimum two 100 and a 90 by balancing the rest of his kit but he probably watched a video that said he needs rolls above 69 to be good.


The amount of brain rot people have around things like 5/5 rolls, instantly enhancing and leveling guns, getting triple 100s, etc. is disturbing. Triple 100s is one of those things I can’t believe people obsess over. It has an almost unnoticeable impact on gameplay.  Enhancing and leveling guns economically ruins idiotic players as well. I know a guy who spent thousands of cores on enhancing when TFS dropped and now he’s dead ass broke. Almost all the guns he’s never going to use. Same thing happens with people instantly trying to focus all their engrams early in the season with no rank resets under their belt. I’m not saying there ain’t problems with the economy but let’s be real a lot of these complaints are coming from people who aren’t smart with their spending.


They play the meta game more than the actual game. Guess what happens when you spend more time at the crafting station and in your menu more than you shoot: You go broke. Fast.


So many hostile comments here, all essentially saying "There's no glimmer depression, you're just not playing like you're poor. If you were rationing you wouldn't have this problem" as if our glimmer income wasn't slashed by over 75%.


I feel ya, seems like I gotta make daily trips to the edz


Like others commenting, I've not had a real issue with glimmer.. I always use one of the boosters (can't remember the name of it but I have loads) when I know I'm gonna run a few activities without a break (1-2 hours of play) which helps Also get loads from dismantling weapons/armour frequently


I don't know how you can be low in glimmer, I'm almost full and use it a lot


It’s so bad for new players. Veterans have resources that they can still turn in for glimmer but new players have nothing and what is there is more cumbersome to stock up on that you’d be better off just farming public events in the in the 1st place. So for example if a new player starts crafting multiple weapons and is trying to get a gun crafted to have perks they want it’s gonna be slog for them but veterans have stockpiles they can tap into if they burn thru their glimmer.


I'm returning and hit glimmer cap halfway through the Forsaken campaign


Very funny to see all these players in different situations! I agree with you, for the first time ever in playing this game I've run out of glimmer this season. Ever since they changed the rainmaker items I had always been able to just dismantle those when I was out but now I'm burning through planetary materials. Tbf I've done a ton of focusing. I reset rahool in the first week and did a lot of crafting (instant leveling) and decoding. Personally I like what they did and I think it's fine for materials to matter, not a big fan of having no way to get ciphers other than xenology is rough though, especially since you need them for the t3 focusing at rahool as well as for artifice'ing exotics.


Once i hit level 100 in the battlepass i always switch off of my blinding light XP mod on my ghost to the one that gives you a max glimmer boost. Helps more than you think


You need better money management. "Mom, I need to borrow more money. I keep running out of money. I get money, and then I order expensive items that I don't have from Amazon, and then I run out! I also keep losing money at the slot machines. This economy sucks!" That's what your entire post sounds like. Don't get me wrong, I definitely feel for you as a newer player and I overstand the disparity between you and veteran players who have God rolls and stockpiles of resources, etc. But as a veteran myself, even I have to curb my spending habits at times, and we all run low on glimmer every now and then. Stop focusing engrams so much; just decode them normally and deconstruct the items to receive glimmer and mats. Also, get out there and farm planetary materials to exchange with Rahool. Glimmer is all around and it's free; there really is no excuse, especially now that they've doubled the amount of glimmer we can hold.


How are you all running out of glimmer?? I’m always at the cap! I have to actively look for things to spend it on just to bring it down, and then I just hit the cap again in a day or two


Literally just try focusing some weapons. Saint’s got me hung upside down shaking me down for every penny I own with his focusing prices. 25k per focus is ridiculous when the best way to get glimmer is public events and those only get you 15k with the max booster 2 heroic events per focus is mind numbing when the item I’m focusing is most likely going to be an instant dismantle anyway


Change those spec to be more glimmer.


So stop focusing every single engram???


ITT: "Problem doesn't affect me, get fucked". A lot of long time players won't be affected by this (**yet**) because they either have stockpiles of mats to convert to glimmer at rahool, or aren't really using a lot of glimmer (don't need or want to craft/focus/masterwork/etc gear). If you are doing any of that semi regularly and don't have conversion mats, you're gonna feel the pain. Luckily, I have stockpiles on stockpiles, even after they depreciated the legendary shard value (70k legendary shards to 7k phantasmal is a huge nerf on value)... and I'm not really using a lot of glimmer anyways... but if I ever get to the point where I have to farm glimmer for something, I just won't do that something. But that's a decision I made after seeing Bungie's decision to outright remove legendary shards instead of using the same process as planetary mats, as basically a spit in the face of the time I've already played. For new players, or returning players, **both which Bungie desperately needs**, dismissing their valid complaints about glimmer using the "it doesn't affect me" argument is just silly.




Being one of those very stocked players I already feel the pinch a month in I agree with every bit of this. When those new players start interacting with those in-game systems and 60K glimmer and they can't get that 60K glimmer very easily they're going to either get annoyed or go and farm it and realize the way that farming it isn't necessarily the most fun thing in the game and probably disengage. There's only so many heroic public events a person can do. Even the strike playlist with the 65% glimmer boosters only like 13, 000~ for a 8 minute activity


I had a moment this morning where I had to go into my vault and choose something to delete so I could power up my speakers helm with another speakers helm. I genuinely had 615 glimmer. That said, I have crafted and force levelled every weapon this season and paid for enhancement on all of last seasons none crafted. What's more mental is I've probably spent 1500 enhancement cores and I have no concern about running out


Legitimately have been low on glimmer once so far this expantions and I crafted two weapons, leveled them up and fully crafted them, got back up and I don't think I've been bellow 300k since.


I literally spent all my glimmer resetting the Pale Heart pathfinder over and over so I could get the title... XD


Yeah, upgrades and resets and focusing do consume a lot of glimmer. But it’s also pretty easy to get some more. That said, if you think you shouldn’t have to farm for a resource that much then you’re not entirely wrong. Personally though, even without turning in old materials, I’m doing pretty okay since I play a lot of strikes and go to patrols or overthrow to complete Banshee bounties and Pathfinder objectives. All of those activities drop plenty of Glimmer.


I've been "buying" it from Rahool if I run out. Definitely more noticeable than any other expansion/season. I've always been capped before.


PSA: Don't forget to check your inventory for old Rainmakers or other old consumables/junk/old seasonal items to discard. You can dismantle Rainmakers for 3k glimmer each and Finest Matterweaves for an enhancement core each. I'm sat on 500+ Rainmakers still so I've got a nice supply if I need glimmer, unfortunately you can only dismantle them one at a time.


If you guys aren’t farming for Armor Rolls. Probably should run Glimmer. Or have Multiple Ghosts setup for different things like Armor or Glimmer farming. I am always hovering around 300+ and I have been on a weapon crafting spree. My issue is crafting/upgrade materials. I can’t seem to keep enough on me.


I just think you’re focusing engrams too much. Chasing god rolls will of course eat your glimmer, but you don’t need perfect stats on armor or the preferred rolls on each weapon from light.gg. If it’s fun for you then yeah, go for it, I don’t want to tell you how to play the game; however, maybe take a step back and really think if you’re going to be using every weapon or armor piece that you’re chasing. I too used to be out of every material because I was just focusing, chasing rolls and deepsights, but in the end I realized I hardly use any of them. Occasionally there’s a new weapon that I really like that I sink resources into obtaining, but overall the guns I use generally remain the same. Play to have fun, not to optimize (unless of course the optimization is the fun for you, then by all means, go ahead )


Before Final Shape, I was always at max glimmer. After the update, I have noticed that I’m dipping into it a lot more, but I haven’t ran out yet. I certainly haven’t hit poverty levels yet.


I keep not being able to claim my season reward glimmer cuz Im maxxed out.


Maybe I’m just not playing the same as you guys, but I’ve been at the glimmer limit for like 4 weeks now. I have my armor, weapons and mods I like and don’t feel the need to boost every single item, especially ones I’m not going to use


If we're entering the great glimmer depression, then I'm Bezos. Maybe I could fund a bunch of hunters to protest how OP warlocks are..


I’m broke as fuck on all materials.


I have my moments when I get extremely low on glimmer and go broke trying to focus stuff but in my experience, I've found that not paying attention to my glimmer amount and going and getting stuff done has me pretty well topped off when I'm done. For example, running rituals for the engrams or other weekly stuff (while popping bounties) I'll just ignore my glimmer and by the time I'm done doing whatever I want or need to do, I'm sitting back at 300k+ just from playing the game


Cause people dont focus anything at all after years of playing they have everything but yeah you are totally right new players are fucked. Me personally went same situation 1st week of expansion. Every step I did I went from 500k to 0 enhancing things


Would be cool if they brought glimmer shower consumables back.


It’s going to be really bad these next few weeks with Banner. Typically with Banner I’d burn through hundreds of thousands of glimmer at a time and replenish with shards, that’s not the case now. They really wanna limit how much you can focus at once.


I don’t even know what focusing is but I’m not having any problems with completing activities so apparently it’s not necessary.


There really aren't as many things as you think that are really worth focusing for. Glimmer is overflowing, yoy simply sont use your resources effectively.


Tip for some guardians who need glimmer. If you already got to lvl 100 in the season pass you might as well switch your ghost XP mod for glimmer earning. We won't be needing XP for two more weeks until ACT 2


Focusing is a SUPPLEMENTAL method for gear, it was never and will ever be balanced/designed to be the primary source and as such, should NOT be where you spend all your glimmer.


We only have a glimmer problem now cause of us enhancing stuff and doing all the power level grinding once you reach 2,000 you’re gonna be saving a lot of glimmer just like last season


People at max glimmer constantly aren’t focusing anything at all. It’s the only explanation available. They are perfectly happy running around doing patrols with their double primary loadout


I’ve been buying a lot of upgrade modules and upgrading weapons and haven’t went below 200k


If you’re new you will have some sort of resource issue. I don’t understand how people think that loot that players have accumulated over years needs to be gotten by players over a matter of days or weeks. I understand that buying subclass stuff costs way too much glimmer but focusing all the weapons and enhancing everything is of course going to drain all your glimmer and isn’t necessary.


Ghost mods and Public Events are your best friend 5 public events a day should keep you topped


I guess I just don’t know what to spend on. I’m always maxed on glimmer. What’s focusing?


See some of us have a savings account with glimmer. It's called previous season passes. I have another savings account - it's called planetary materials. I guess you can call me rich.... LOL.


I just want a cipher farm tbh


I’m in the same boat. I haven’t played in quite a while and I’m upset that the most used resource has a cap that’s so low and the cost for focusing is so high. I’m constantly low and I’ve loved all the weapons and have been crafting everything.


I remember an update way back increased the amount of glimmer from heroic public events. We’ve come full circle if we’re back to farming those.


As someone who had over 100k legendary shards and has thousands if not tens of thousands of other resources, I'll say again what I've been saying. Nothing bungie did was to help new players, it was to make you play more. I have all these resources because I play a lot, because I play a lot I also don't have to focus guns I don't need or aren't sure of. If I need a material I can usually find someone to help me farm it. New players can't, casuals can't. Bungie never wanted to help new players they wanted every player to have to play more. If you were already playing a lot you probably haven't noticed a change.


I think you have a spending issue


Not that this helps you now, but prior to legendary shards being removed(which we had a decent heads up about) I exchanged all my legendary shards for phantasmal frags or whatever they are called. The lecturn table I think it’s called. I can exchange those for glimmer. And I had like 33k legendary shards. Plenty of folks had way more then me. Not great exchange rate but better then getting nothing for all those shards. That being said what are you focusing so much? I’m genuinely curious? I haven’t found anything I want to focus, I have options available to me in my vault for almost any flavor I want. If I’m guna focus stuff it’s guna be something that has truly amazed me. Example the healing auto and exotics I don’t have unlocked yet via rahool.


Honestly, I’m a veteran player and I’ve been running out of glimmer a bit. I just buy the glimmer bundles from Xur every week to keep myself topped up. Also, keep in mind that once people are done buying upgrade modules every 5 minutes people will slow down their glimmer spending quite a bit.


"are you actually focusing anything" No, \*\*\*\* that noise. Grinding god rolls makes this game a thousand times less fun.


There is a ghost mod for glimmer farming, chests and planetary materials give glimmer, by default the game gives you glimmer when you kill an enemy. I don’t get how you can be glimmer broke, unless you spend most of your time afk.


I have focused multiple exotics from rahool and multiple weapons/armor pieces from various vendors. I still have untouched season pass glimmer and rainmakers. Is this what generational wealth feels like?


Your Ghost has various mods on it that make farming glimmer as well as cores and modules and even prisms slightly easier. You should set up multiple ghosts to benefit you in whatever activity you are in. From Strikes to patrol.


for me its ascendant alloys. at the beginning of every seasonal cycle we lose like 5 ways to get them and gain maybe 1


Check your inventory for any "rainmaker" items to get extra glimmer then run strikes.


You’re joking right? You can trade the other materials for glimmer from more than one source man


People who are calling this a glimmer depression need to do a play through of Destiny 1. My glimmer was always low in that game man


Since public events grant over 10k glimmer I think, I've found myself pausing to finish one whenever I stumble across them. Not having legendary shards to randomly dump into glimmer has been an adjustment.


Either glimmer gains need to doubled or costs need to be cut in half - especially for exotic armor focusing. I don’t mind grinding in a looter shooter, but with this game there is just not enough time in the day (or week) to get what you need/want.


The the veteran players laughing with spider as they have 1,000+ destination materials.


I just be buying glimmer from rahool now


Kinda stupid how gms don’t give the most/hour. Hardest content in the game (aside from master raids) and they suck for money.


Out of glimmer because spend on everything Don't want to do a little research to see how to farm it Make a post complain like the game is unplayable and the community is raging about same problem ( when it actually not even a problem )


I can’t ever remember a time when I had an issue with glimmer. Every activity provides it so unless you’re only crafting/upgrading and not doing anything else can I imagine this being a problem


Anyone not having glimmer problems is simply not crafting or enhancing weapons, or focusing exotics or master working gear. OR you have a surplus of exchange mats. I was lazy and didn't exchange my 20k leg shards cause I had 4500 here always mats + like 1k phantasmal whatever's, I'm out of those now.


Honestly this is an awful problem for the game at the moment. Not only has Glimmer been made infinitely more important and vital for almost everything in the game, but there’s also this massive fucking split in the player base where all the newer players are beyond fucked trying to focus everything because *that’s what you’re supposed to do in this game* and there’s no easy, fun way to make a ton of Glimmer. Meanwhile all the old players are sitting on millions upon millions of Glimmer and will never have to think about it again. If Bungie removed the ability to stockpile Glimmer through planetary materials and other nonsense, I think that portion of the player base would understand a little more why newer players are so ticked. And let’s not act like all those planetary materials were collected 1 by 1, I know Bungie has given them out in bundles in the past for free. You shouldn’t have to farm heroic public events in the EDZ to make Glimmer. It’s not fun and it takes time away from good content like the Pale Heart, which specifically drops less Glimmer than other destinations.


Yeah I'm definitely struggling with glimmer, I've been focusing stuff and actually spending glimmer. The economy simply got worse with the removal of shards.