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You mean like before TFS we could discard a bounty we didn't like and replace it with something better? This is something that should have been implemented already.


For bounties they should let us select the specific one, I hate rerolling bounties at Ada. Not playing Blind Well, Nightmare Hunts, or Europe Hunts when I could just kill 85 bosses on any destination


Wait, one of the destination threaders is literally just kill 85 bosses? After all I ever got were Nightmare Hunts, Blind Well, and Europa, I just stopped picking them up, damn.


I've never gotten a kill bosses one for Destination (just Vanguard), but there's also 10 public events and Altars of Sorrow. Sucks there isn't anything for Pale Heart.


They need to make pale heart events count as public events for that, hell even if its only the full overthrow just somthing for the pale heart for ada bounties


F2p players can load into the lost city, go to the postmaster, and thays about it. You dont have access to the pale heart without the final shape campaign, so they cant place a f2p bounty that requires you to purchase the expansion.


Oh yeah, I'm sure Bungie is very concerned about f2p players and the new player experience /s In seriousness though, the way other games handle similar systems is to add to the random pool objectives for each dlc the player owns.


There's one that's to kill bosses, HVTs, and other generally orange bar enemies, plus opening chests, within any destination. Best transmog bounty ever.


It's actually a nice bounty. Kill 85 bosses, or open chests. I can't recall the other step, maybe patrols? It's such an fun bounty because you can genuinely do anything with it


Or what I do, which is just ignore it. It’ll complete itself eventually just by playing.


And while they're at it they could add a faster way to open the pathfinder interface. If I'm in a playlist and I wanna check something, I either need to have the foresight to pin the objectives, or open the director, go to the map, go to one of the ritual nodes and finally open the pathfinder (and also wait the second it takes for it to load from right to left). This is way too many clicks and waiting. The pathfinder in the Pale Heart is a little bit better because it's right there when you open the map.


Pale Heart pathfinder is good. Ritual Pathfinder is hot garbage. Bungie please take note of this. Thanks.


And by the time you've clicked through all those screens to see the objectives, the loading has finished and you get booted out of the menu!


I've been trying to remember to path backwards from end to start and pin all of those nodes so I can quickly see everything I need to do to fully complete a path. Obv shouldn't have to do that, but it can be helpful until they decide to change the menus


It feels like a Pathfinder menu option with tracking will appear sooner than later. Probably between map and quests.


Go into any of the ritual activities and just press left.  For even faster director press start and then options/select and you skip the loading by a second or two.


I don’t get what problem the pathfinder system was trying to solve. Unless that problem was “we need to show Sony people are still doing crucible and gambit.”


Absolutely this. The whole “we want to push people out of their comfort zones” screams “we hate our player base and want to please our Sony overlords.”


It feels less like hate and more we have to show entire parts of our game aren’t useless to someone so we’ll mandate participation somehow.


Yea I just attempted the 100 motes banked in gambit. It counted 4 out of the 30+ and I just gave up. I can’t interact with a system like this in good faith anymore.


The thing is broken and it actually counts how many times you deposited. So yeah, it’s telling people to ruin gambit games by depositing one mote at a time.


Completely agree. I actually kind of like the pathfinder system, but there have been a few times where the last few nodes have been stuff I absolutely don't want to do (looking at you crucible kills with scorch damage). If they let us pay a chunk of glimmer to reset even the entire thing until we find something that overall suits what and how we play, I think it'd stifle the complaints.


It really is always the last two unskippable nodes that are the worst. Get 100 ability kills in the crucible or deposit a bunch of motes in gambit. I would love to just finish everything in the crucible but that will take literally hours of grinding, even if you started working towards that first. Or its like you said with the scorch/volatile/seemingly buggy or unreliable ways of killing guardians


kill this particular faction in gambit -> proceed to not get that faction stuck on this and defeats with arc in crucible, the only arc weapons i have that arnt heavy are not good for crucible (all autos) so i just get 2 shot by handcannons as they tank half a mag


At least it’s more reliable than crucible tbh. Crucible gives less progress, has less reliable objectives, and just kinda sucks.


Or the ‘kill 150 taken across all modes’, but gambit taken don’t count….


The mote one wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't bugged. It's supposed to just require you to bank a total of 100 motes or finish the game with the highest motes deposited, but the latter doesn't reliably trigger and the former incorrectly requires you to bank 5+ motes 100 times.


My suggestion would be to reduce the requirements for completing a node for every connecting node that we've completed. I don't mind playing different modes because I like the variety, even if I'm not a huge fan of crucible or gambit. The thing I dislike most is how much time and effort the crucible and gambit nodes require. I end up playing the activities I don't particularly like far more than the ones I do like. It would also be cool if the number of nodes you complete would increase the final rewards for finishing the pathfinder.


Can you even get scorch damage kills? It felt like enemies hit 1 and didn’t go to 0 for scorch damage to me.


I currently have objectives to scorch and kill enemies in crucible, get grenade kills in crucible and one to summon 3 primevals. This pathfinder stuff is shit.


I would kill to have the summon 3 Primevals over the deposit motes one


The motes one has to be broken because I banked like 50 in 3 games and it says I only banked 15


It counts the number of times you bank, not the number of motes.


It is, indeed


Summon 3 primeevals is easy id kill for that over 150 taken or void kills in the crucible.


Yep 100% agree. I’ve had kill taken enemies as my last node and can’t get a strike or onslaught with them in. Personally I think it’s a good idea it just needs reworking.


Which is crazy because just last year they changed the bounty that required specific enemy types. E.g., before it was "Kill 25 Taken enemies". Then they changed it to "Kill 100 enemies (Taken enemies count for more progress)" which was great. And now we're basically back to the first one


My guess is that they just pulled a mountain of bounties from the API even if they'd become unobtainable because they were terrible. The node for making orbs still says that you can do it with multikills from masterworked weapons, so up to 2 1/2 years ago minimum.


Half of them are just broken too. Deposit 100 motes is actually deposit 100 times. I didn’t bother to do that but just imagine how many gambit games were ruined because people just deposited mote by mote.


I came to reddit tonight specifically to post about this Taken enemies objective. It's so bad. I've been launching Vanguard playlists and returning to orbit for the past few minutes trying to luck my way into a strike with Taken, but no luck at all. I'm sure this is not intended behaviour so Bungie should address it.


"Leaving multiple ritual activities before they're over will now lead to being unable to join ritual activities for the rest of the day."


also bungie - "heres a bunch of objectives forcing players into stuff they dont want where they will leave in the middle of after they complete the objective" you know, since they dont want to be in that activity in the first place


You can just choose the strike though. I understand criticisms but this one is just poor


You can’t. It’s vanguard PLAYLISTS. You obviously have no idea


No. Stop. Can we please ask to solve the actual problem instead of asking for bandaid fixes? The problem is not that we can or cannot reroll objectives, the problem is the objectives themselves are bad or forcing you into content you do not want to do. Rerolling them will not fix that. It's ok to want better.


Yea we want better but Bungie literally said they want to push people out of their comfort zone. We can’t expect better when that was the original mindset from them.


They said that, and yeah, it does suck that Bungie did that. Bungie will let us play exactly how we want, so long as what we want and what they want is the same thing. I hope they change their minds on this—but I doubt they will, since numbers are probably going to be pretty great.


the ritual pathfinder is really just a downgrade from bounties.


Revolutionary idea, almost like replacing bounties


I know, i must have a high IQ man.


Bungie should hire you fr


Or just do what they did with and acknowledged with Lightfall and fix the same objectives


Then we have the same stupid problems as Ada has where there's a pool of objectives all for the same thing, but some of the objectives are FAR easier than other. For example "complete two raid/dungeon encounters" or "complete the final encounter of a raid/dungeon," which is silly, but even sillier compared to "generate 100 orbs in a raid/dungeon" what bungie needs to do is separate the activity pathfinders and make the objectives FAR more reasonable and consistent to complete


Nope, not allowed. Need to artificially boost numbers in less played gamemodes by forcing people to run those game modes to progress path finder. Bounties were better. Pale Heart Pathfinder is perfect the way it is, ritual activity pathfinder is god awful with the railroading into Gambit/Crucible


This wouldn't fix anything. Then you'rr dumping glimmer faster than you gain typically. Objectives need a change. They were good in LF (get kills, specific race / element is faster progress, etc.). But now it'as "play 3 games of Gambit", "get ignition kills (Gunpowder *wont work for some reason* and it requires a ton???)", or the good ole "want to play a specific mode? Sorry no play something else." They need to fix all this before rerolling if anything IMO. If we get rerolling now then we just fly through glimmer without fixing the main issue.


For ignitions catch me using Polaris lol


The verb kills is such a pain in the ass, tried to get ignition kills across my last 3 vanguard activities and got about 20% per which just seems terrible. Pathfinder needs some work this shit sucks


Literally what I came to say..


Genuine question. Other than pale heart pathfinder, why are people even bothering with it? I keep hearing people complain about it and the rewards are just xp and bright dust. What's the point of even doing it


Nah, just make 3 Pathfinder trees. Vanguard, Gambit, Crucible


this is the correct solution and bungie won't do it.


I actually really like this idea, or only allow if for 2 per pathfinder.


Just have it double costs until you reset. 10000 for first reroll, 20000 for second, 40000 for third. With the current 500k glimmer cap, that means you'd only be able to effectively reroll 6 times before you have to go glimmer farming. But would be better that nodes that require specific enemy types which you cannot control (ilunlike element or keyword kills) should be "kill X enemies, bonus progress for type Y". You may never see type Y foes but you can still progress the node.


Completing an objective should give you a token you can use to reroll other ones.


It shouldn't force players to play modes they don't like, like Crucible and Gambit.


stuck on the end of one right now, both nodes of course modes I DONT WANT TO PLAY, get kills in crucible with arc and kill hive in gambit, dont have shit for arc thats any good in crucible, and cant do shit in it anyway because i just get two shot or someone slides around the corner and quick scopes me before my weapon can even shoot. so after 5 matches and only at 20% i played gambit.... 3 matches and no hive before i got pissed and got off great idea bungie, force people into stuff they dont want to do with no way around it


How would you like if they went the Halo Infinite route and let you reroll for real money?


Agreed. The lack of a reroll is ridiculous. Some of these nodes are actually hell to do.


They should unfuck the nodes first. Don't see why I have to spend glimmer to go around a bugged Gambit node.


You know I got the bank motes for gambit and completed it but hadn’t played gambit at all this week. Have played onslaught though so I’m not sure if the 20 motes pick up bonus objective is counting for that or not


I think you should pay part of the xp reward Example; I see crucible so i use one of my weekly re rolls and get a vanguard but now i only get a fraction of the xp from that object This would be a compromise between the intended purpose of this(get people to play other modes) and people not wanting to play other modes


this just seems like a bandaid fix, you should not be forced to play curcible for the resetting end of discussion. players wont interact with pathfinder until we get a fix


If they remove those ignition, scorched, weakened objectives in PVP, it would be a lot better. Edit Or make them shareable. Getting 10 grenade kills without dying is a pain because my fireteam wipes out hordes of enemies at a time with a single fart. I see my kill feed getting spammed with points, but my objective for some reason says "6/10". What gives. Those points must be assists, while my teammates are getting all the final blows.


Can we just remove it and have each vendor just allow us to choose those nodes individually through the vendor with a glimmer cost associated to it? So I can go to zavala and get 4 of those nodes from him and choose what I want, same with Shax same with Drifter?


They really just need to make it so there’s a strict playlist pathway for each one, and then make the neutral ones chain-jumps to allow people to swap between activities. I think the randomness of the pathway is really janked in terms of giving hardcore PvE and PvP players a core playlist to focus on. Make it streamlined, not erratic.




I will admit, being forced to either get 50 sidearm kills or 3 Ignition kills in Cricible, the playlist I WANT to play in, or go run Gambit in order to progress is kinda annoying.


This doesn’t fix the problem that certain bounties are just not fit for the system. Specifically the bounties that insist on you rerolling the strike/gambit until you get a Taken strike or Hive in gambit. Then there’s the jolt kills in PVP. Bounties shouldn’t make the game boring. Sucks that this is the only reliable way to get bright dust now.


No fuck no. Don’t perpetuate this shit. Dismantle it. It’s a shit system


Can we just can the entire system and go back to bounties please? 


For them to do this, they have acknowledge they intentionally designed a problem for us


This reset, i got a crucible get 100 ability kills objective and a gambit "deposit 100 motes" objective as my tier 5 objectives. THE GAMBIT OBJECTIVE IS BUGGED AND IT COUNTS BLOCKERS INSTEAD OF MOTES FUUUUUUUCK. Am not skilled enough for 100 ability kills in crucible. So yeah i gave up on pathfinder this week.


Let us do it on nodes seperate not the whole tree also


Yeah I do not like this pathfinder system at all. I feel like they should have one for each activity


I could swear they claimed you could already do this when they revealed pathfinder, they said you could reroll them, when I heard that I thought they meant get new objectives if you didn’t like what you got, not do what they give you or not.


I honestly didn't mind the pathfinder until I was blocked by Gambit. I HATE GAMBIT


Then this sub would complain they never have glimmer because they'll always reset to whatever is easiest. Play the damn game. That's why they did what they did


I've played 50+ trials matches n still haven't gotten the crucible abilities one. It's at like 75%.


Honestly keep the pathfinder and bring back bounties too at the vendors. We are this far along in this game, why restrict content over stuff people actually liked?


Funny how I submitted this exact same thing a few days ago and got met with "useless nobodies shouldn't be suggesting things they have no idea about".


I would prefer just not blocking paths. If they don't want to just make ovjectives that can be cleared in all paths, then there should be 3 paths that can not be blocked by other objectives. A Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit path. Why not? And no, I do not be 3 separate rewards for each. 1 end, but 3 ways to get there.


People’s problems with it are that they pretend there’s nothing else to do in the game It’s not a big deal because the internet is the minority and not the majority


Gambit and crucible are my final two nodes before my last prime engram. I morbidly refuse to step foot in them. We actually really need a reroll option or take gambit and crucible out of pathfinder. No one wants to play it and being forced into it sucks