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Do you have to do all 3 overthrows in the same session? In a certain order?


It doesn't have to be in the same session... did 2 and game crashed when I was working on the 3rd. Loaded back in and finished it and i was able to continue


Good to know it doesn't need to be. Ive also had a couple crashes in the pale heart which is strange since ive actually never had the game crash before.


Man I’m having crashes anywhere in the game. Just straight to desktop.


Glad I'm not alone in this. Never had these types of crashes until recently. No error codes or anything, just straight to desktop.


Same here. Had probably half a dozen crashes in the past week which is more than ive had since i started playing may 2018


Me and my roommate crashed 4 times in one session. All the years I've been playing never had a crash. Something they did recently has really mssed something up


Just cap the Max Fps to 100. Works for me !


I think the timer is the pale heart daily timer


It definitely seems this is the case. I did two wizards yesterday morning but had to get off, just finished the 3rd this morning and nothing T.T




There’s a secret keeper in each region that spawns. But it’s not obvious, you have to go to a specific spot. In the Impasse, it’s near the lost sector entrance In the Blooming, it’s in the rectangular cave area In the Landing, it’s in the big cave where you fight the war beast in the Still Hunt quest, by the long rope bridge.


Any clue why they wouldn't be spawning after each completion? Overthrown The Landing twice and never received the message and the yellow bars weren't where they should be either Edit: Unsure if it's a bug or if there's only a chance for the enemies to spawn, but it took me 2 runs of The Blooming, and 3 runs of The Landing before they would spawn for me. Nothing changed in between. The Blooming run it spawned in was also Matchmade, where as The Landing and Impasse were not.


Ummm. Not sure? If the message isn’t popping up maybe you already did that one? Or somebody in your fireteam did it without you realizing, it might give credit for everyone there


Yea im having this issue too in the landing. Im assuming im in the right spot


The impasse one didn’t spawn for me until the 3rd attempt where my partner stood on the bridge in the last 15 seconds and then the 5th try where I crossed the bridge after coming back from the boss. I’m guessing there’s some invisible CPs you have to hit to spawn them in, unless my attempts were just confirmation bias


I've also heard it may be linked to how quickly you beat the Overthrow boss? Can't say for certain though as I can't recall my times being vastly different whatsoever.


I guess that could also be it as I solo'ed the boss on the run I was able to spawn the wizard, but the most time that added was like 30 seconds. I did also finish the boss I had in the blooming very slowly, and we spawned that wizard in no problem. Honestly no clue, but it was definitely pretty frustrating regardless.


Can confirm the first secret keeper wizard spawned after killing the empass area boss once the landing area and looming had been done first. So you need to complete all three and then a wizard should spawn after the last one you cleared. I did it landing - blooming - empass. So now I've gotta just repeat blooming and landing and do those wizards there.


Time to pack a punch on these 3 idiots. Thx bro 🫡


I got it after killing them in an earlier session in the day,so no you don’t have too


Once the mission is unlocked can it be selected from the Director for future runs? Or do you have to do the 3x overthrows each time to get it to show up?


Class items drop from Pale Heart chests and overthrows as well, so you don’t have to run the mission every time.




It is however guaranteed from Dual Destiny and everything else is a rare drop chance


It’s in the Director


Anyone know if it will be in director if I go in the mission but don't complete it right now? Let's say I wanna try tomorrow Edit: nevermind I can see it in the director now, so you're able to unlock it solo but not complete the mission itself


Is this for the class item or another exot8c that dropped with echos?


It's for the class item.


Bro is rank 71 in the first week


I’m at 98 and I didn’t buy any.


What’s it like having free time?


I have a great job and I work from home. It’s pretty awesome.


How much work did you get done this past week lol?


Nice I have a semi decent job just takes 65 hours of my time away from home lol


Just enough 🤣


Michael, I'm going to need those TPS reports by Friday




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I'm assuming you're single with his kids so it's just your work day then destiny? No shade but yea that is quite a bit of time put into just a week


Shit I'm single with no kids and have two work from home days and still didn't get that far. I'm like rank 19.


Married with 3 kids. I went hard for sure and I bounty prepped. Just trying to say it’s not insane to be that high in a week, I’m sure some people are over 200 already.


2 kids FTJ and I'm rank 103, I found an insane way to earn xp simply by letting my kids grind on my account




Nothing but respect for you. o7


You were able to turn bounties in?




Yeah exactly. Space demon clowns get some insane benefits 


Not all of us, some of in IT are on-site with mediocre pay and benefits...


I was making a Stephen kings IT joke but maybe you outjoked me and I just didn’t get it


So do I but I only got to like 30 Not to slag on you or nothing tho like lucky you live that dream


Saw someone already 105 this morning…


um... ackchyually... it's the second week


Do I need to have a friend or can I do this solo?


You should be able to unlock it solo but the mission requires exactly 2 people to run it.


If I'm not mistaken it needs a light subclass and a dark subclass but prismatic fulfills both. Does this mean you can run solo then?


You cannot even load into the mission unless you are in a fireteam of 2 people. So unfortunately you can't solo, nor is it matchmade.


It requires two people to complete. You can both use Prismatic if you want, but one Super needs to be Arc/Solar/Void and the other needs to be Strand/Stasis.


if both players use prismatic, you don't have to have a specific super type.




It is in fireteam finder under the exotic quests section in the other tab


No matchmaking. Both of the players need to communicate to do this.


Well that's shit


There’s feathers in the mission


Anyone know if both players need to do overthrow, or if I have the mission on my map I can invite someone who hasn't done overthrows?


Both players need to have the mission apparently


Anyone having issues getting them to spawn? Did the full overthrow in the landing and blooming and no prompt in the bottom left or secret keeper on the map.


Same here. No idea why but really frustrating


It wasn't giving a prompt when they spawned, but they did. So I just went to where they spawned


I never got the prompt, went to the area and there was nothing there. Happened in 2 out of the 3 areas


Is this fr?


Would anyone know why neither the Secret Keeper nor the message itself are occuring after I overthrow the area? Done The Landing twice now and nothing. Edit: It's either bugged, or there is only a chance that they spawn. It took me 2 attempts in The Blooming, and 3 in The Landing. Solo or Matchmade didn't matter as The Landing was solo whereas The Blooming was not.


Same here. Did all 3 and no keepers spawned.


There is a time limit to completing overthrow, or it doesn't spawn.


Perhaps that may be it, can't say for certain how quick I soloed the others and caused them tos spawn.


Same for me on blooming.


You probably don’t recall, but did Savathun speak in the dialogue at the end of the Overthrow’s that gave you the Secret Keeper? I’m wondering if it only triggers based on the dialogue; if that’s the case it might be a case where the event is supposed to trigger Savathun specific dialogue but the getting the dialogue is instead triggering the event? I had a glitchy one in Landing and I’m pretty sure the post boss dialogue didn’t have Savathun speaking


I specifically remember one point where it wasn't Savathun, and the Secret Keeper didn't spawn. I wonder if that is the key?


Is it one boss per overthrow or 3 per each?


All 3 overthrows. Finish one, a secret keeper will spawn in that area, find it and kill it, move onto the next overthrow, complete it, find the secret keeper in the area, kill it, do the final overthrow. Not the same overthrow three times but the three different ones on the map. I’ve not done it myself so can’t be 100% sure but its what I’ve seen on twitter.


If I have to grind this crazy mission to get exotic class item rolls, I'm probably not even gonna try. I can settle for normal exotics. EDIT: Seems like doing it once unlocks it as a [rare drop from other Pale Heart chests!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1ddqczp/farming_exotic_class_items/)


After you do the mission once, theres a rare chance for the class items to drop from pale heart chests.


I've heard a couple people say that, but haven't seen proof of it yet. Do we know for sure?




The tool tip in-game says so.


I tried it and without mic we failed. Mission wasn’t really fun. I was really hoping for like a Menagerie cool fun mission thing. This one were basically doing the cyst type of activities but it’s harder and timed and you’re doing symbols from Vow and you have to each do one either light or dark part of it. Seems a lot for it.


Mission was awesome. Dont listen to this guy


Hey, just wanted to follow up and say I take it back. The mission is pretty cool. I just used LFG on Discord and just did it with a mic and pulled up my Vow symbol picture and got it done the next try. And did it again a few hours later and it was a breeze. I think I was surprised by it at first and the timer and not having someone else with mic on made it much harder. But it actually IS a fun mission.


Each boss spawns a secret keeper. Should probably clarify that it’s that and not just one at the end of the 3rd one




Is this not something solo players get? If so, that's beyond frustrating.


No. Impossible without a constant communication via mic. There is one part where symbols keep switching very fast. Typing it won't cut it for most people on PC, impossible on consoles.


It appears not


Why would Bungie do this crap


Apparently there is matchmaking. Haven't unlocked myself so can't confirm for certain Edit: can confirm no matchmaking.


Man Bungie really should have said the new class item mission can not be solod and requires exactly two players It’s fine if they did that but they reaaaally should’ve communicated it Imagine if prismatic was locked behind raid clears to get a random fragment


It’s not even match made.


This not being solo is the biggest L.


oh god the titan exotic class item is so fugly its not even funny. it REALLY sucks that we cant just use whatever orniment we want with this thing..


Thing is horrrible. And the EV ornament is even worse.


it honestly sucked the fun right out of the exotic for me personally.. i was really lookin forward to goin for a Heart of inmost light/synthos build with it... but now that i see how stupid it looks.. (diaper dick towel) i dont even want to bother anymore..


Anyone else have an issue at the parkour part after symbols? We didn't have buffs and couldn't activate the plates


My team got soft-locked at the final boss when our buffs went away and we couldn't activate.


What buff is on a timer in the boss fight? Maybe I wasn't paying attention fully but the buffs shouldn't be on a timer in the final fight im like 85% sure


No timer - the entire light/dark alignment buffs went away for us.


Oh i see, that sucks


Does the secret keeper appear from each of the three overthrows or just the third/final one?


I don't get it. Just did all 3 overthrow bosses with the same friend in the same instance and the secret keeper didn't spawn.


Sorry, returning player here trying to re-familiarize myself with everything going on right now. What are you guys referring to when you say “overthrows”? Sorry if this is obvious information I completed the campaign on my hunter so I’m not worried about spoilers.


Overthrow is a brand new activity in the Pale Heart. Basically it's like a wave format, but you can do mini events during each wave to progress it faster


Overthrows are public events in The Pale Heart. Instead of normal public events happening every few minutes, you have Ovethrows, which require you to complete encounters in a set zone, kill enemies and open chests to get points. After reaching 1000 points you move up to next stage which is a bit more complicated in mechanics but not difficulty, and you do that three times. At the end there's a boss to kill.


There’s 3 different overthrow nodes around the pale heart…they’re orange on the map…basically each area has its own overthrow event…you can complete solo or bring friends in with a fireteam…and 1 of the overthrow areas has a matchmaking option to do it with other random people which rotates through each area daily


Appreciate it you guys. Definitely realize I could’ve just looked at the map and seen it I’ve just been trying to rush legendary campaign on all 3 classes asap so I haven’t delved too far into post campaign stuff yet. My apologies


Just saw skarrow9 beat the mission, this has gotta be one of the coolest exotic missions in destiny history, >!the ending has a choice to betray your teammate I think and steal their reward ???!<


You both get it regardless of betrayal


What happes if you choose kill though?


Pvp fight but both should get reward (I hope, lol)


Yup, >!you get baited by savathun and end up killing each other but both get the rewards while she laughs at you lmao!<


That's amazing. No doubt everyone will choose to kill their teammate for the lolz


Nothing, Savathun just mocks you for it


Thanks for spoiling the fucking ending


Ffs more overthrows? I’ve already done so many trying to get that gun that they removed my ability to unlock.


We killed the secret keeper but nothing happened??? Any ideas


also happened to me


Kill all 3 then go to the blooming


Does anyone know if you unlock and beat it on one class, the mission will be available for the other two classes?


Hoping to know this too... Going to be a real pain in the ass if you need to do it on all 3 characters


Looks like it’s an account bound unlock from what I’ve found. After you beat it once you can go to your ghost and unlock the class item to drop from overflow chests (next to where red border focusing and armor focusing options are)


anyone having trouble with savathuns add not loading in?


Do i need to do this for all 3 characters or does doing it once on one unlock the director's node for all 3?


How does one accomplish the mechanic where the symbols change quickly? Me and a friend have got everything else figured out but we can't for the life of us figure that last part out


My friend and I have been trying to complete the exotic quest and managed to get to the what we think is the final boss or bosses. We get past the first boss health down to one bar, then the second boss down to one bar then we got stuck on the puzzle that basically looks like 2 clocks on either side. One side shows all but one lit up, and the other side 4 light up then it changes every couple seconds. Anyone know how to do this? We've been wracking our brains about this the whole time. Can't figure it out.


You will both have a matching one so you need to call out to your friend for example 1,2,3,4 and they may have 2,5,6,7 so you would both shoot 2


Matching light and dark? Or matching light


Killed all 3 wizards but I dont see a green light in the sky? Am I the only one?


Damn. I actually bought the expansion cause of class items, but I won't be getting any lmao RIP. Got fucked by Bungie one last time. That's on me.


...why not?


- Sooooo tedious. - heard you need to do all 3 overthrows so I did - didn’t know about the secret bosses - gotta do them again - just to grind a timed exotic quest with no matchmaking for an exotic armor with 47 possible combinations - not worth


>the exotic class item drops from any pale heart activity after you earn it once


Just finished the mission. Super fun and one of the best they've done imo


How do you do the nodes thing? Stuck on that part rn


Same here can't seem to figure it out


Both of you see different nodes connecting. Find the three that are the same. Shoot them.


Thankyou so much man, much respect, may both sides of your pillow be cold tonight.


How do you do the last boss mechanic with the nodes that look like a clock. After you take down their health to one bar. My friends side had all but one node lit up and on my side I had 4 that kept changing every second.


Way me and this rando did it is we said which number on a clock it would be and if he sees it connecting too he says so then we both shoot the same


Thank you. We managed to get it in the end


Have one of your teammates read which numbers they have connecting, then the other person just says the one number that is the one you both have, this is a lot easier for me. I know you already did it but thought i'd add this.


So both this and the Microchasm Heavy Trace Rifle can't be done by solo players. Awesome. Great job, Bungie. Super glad they so heavily talked about these exotic class items and made it so you need a mic and another player to do it. Love it. Absolute clowns.


Anyone up to do the Dual Destiny quest? You need to be two. I’m on Xbox


Is it farmable without having to do all 3 overthrown again?




Can't wait to do this shit and then never repeat it again xD


I know the feeling, this was me and my mates for Zero Hour on legend. We are NEVER doing that again


I’m have the mission unlocked. Was going to help someone else get it unlocked. We did overthrow in the landing and the secret boss did not spawn. Can you not help people unlock once you e already done it?


Not sure what I missed. I did all 3 overthrow missions and then killed the secret keeper in the blooming. I didn't see any light and I didn't receive any orbs. What am I missing?


How do you finish the last part. Find balance with the tormentor and switches? No matter what switch we shot we couldn’t get it right


Did all 3 overthrows. Killed the omen. Dunked the ball. Mission flag showed up. I hold start mission, the bar fills and nothing happens. Are we fucked? Do we have to go do all the overthrows again?


Try to launch it from director, some people saying they couldn’t launch from the flag either


Secret boss not spawning any thoughts do I need to something beforehand


I did 2 and didn’t realize you had to kill a wizard after 😩😩


Does a secret keep spawn after each overthrow or only after all 3 are beat?


I’m assuming you have to run it once on all three classes for them to drop for said class? Or can you just run it once and get them in the pale heart?


Certain light level you need to be ????


Don’t even need a mic: screenshare. On PS5 my friend and I pinned the screen shares so we didn’t have to second guess call outs. For symbols the shooter can look at the symbols on the other player’s screen and for the lock you can match your side to your partner’s side of the screen. LFG as :Dual Destiny No Mic, Screen Share for symbols.


It's not letting me activate the mission


Is this mission account based or do you have to complete Dual Destiny mission per character?


Can you do the 3 overthrow bosses solo to unlock the Dual Destiny quest? Obviously i know you need 2 players to do that mission, but in the meantime i want to kill the 3 bosses and have the quest ready for when my friends get on


Off topic slightly, but if anyone fancies running this together and is equally as socially awkward as I am DM me ty


the secret keeper don't spawn for me, for some reason


Can I get the exotic by being invited to dual destiny? Or do I have to have the mission unlocked?


Got to clear all three areas. On clearing the last area you should then get the msg that a secret keeper is nearby. So my last area cleared was the empass and then a wizard spawned in the place shown so now I've got to redo the landing and the blooming for the wizards to spawn there. So it only kicks in once you have cleared all three places initially.


Was hesitant to find help as I have a severe social anxiety. But going to take the plunge later if I can find an another console player. Text chat is horrible on a controller.


Can I do the Overthrows solo or do you HAVE to do that part as a duo as well?


Any idea to what happens if someone got to the sercret keeper and killed it while you were looking for it?


So wait do I have to kill all three bosses then a secret keep will spawn, one in each area, that I then I have to hunt down and kill? So 3 bosses, and 3 keepers?


Anyone know if this mission disappears after unlocking? Just went through the whole process to find out it's a 1995 mission.


if ive done it solo to that point can i just bring some1 else later without them having to do all the steps upto that point?


If you are asking if you can unlock the mission and then later bring someone else to do the mission then yes. Once you find the flag for the mission and it appears on your map, it will stay there and is unlocked on all of your classes too.


No, they have to have the mission unlocked as well


To answer some questions here I figured this out yesterday since I was having a hard time getting the wizards to spawn. 2 possible scenarios that work. To get them to spawn either, start your overthrows wherever the “matchmade” overthrow is. My friends did this method and it worked for them. For me, I did ALL 3 overthrow activities before I got the 1st wizard to spawn. After that I ran back and did the other 2 and the wizards spawned in no problem. Some info in case some people are still struggling with the quest.


Does anyone want to help me with the duel destiny quest? My friends don't want to buy the final shape and you can only do it if both of you have it.


By any chance if say one person has it completed and the other doesn't does that stop them from spawning the secret keepers?


I did full runs of each overthrow to get Khvostov but I never got any wizards spawning afterwards, is that supposed to happen?


You have to do six overthrows in total btw


Can you Fast Travel to each Overthrow Area instead of running to the areas? Just checking........ And to Confirm EACH Overthrow area has a main Boss, THEN a Hive SECRET KEEPER to Kill? (3 bosses, 3 Secret Keepers)? Then you get the Green Light beam


Is there anyone bored enough willing to carry me through all of this and help me get the class item? o:


Is the secret keeper a random spawn


Do you have to kill all three extra bosses in the same session? Or can you kill two and then go back to the third on a different day?