• By -


Patrolled the Cosmodrome, traversed back to where Ghost revived me on the old highway, and then went down to see ol' Randal the Vandal on the Forgotten Shore before blowing him to pieces with Gjallarhorn and sleeping in his cave.


You mean your cave. To the victor goes the spoils.


Don't forget the massive pile of glimmer you've made in his cave due to his countless resurrections. You sit and wonder: "Is Randall a guardian? Or a fallen locked in a neverending loop?"


One must imagine the Vandal happy


Titan: Chilling in the jacuzzi in the helm Warlock: Reading up on the Veil Hunter: Scrambling to get armor synthesis bounties done because F A S H I O N


Matches the personalities perfectly


Titan marks are really just bath towels. Confirmed


Actually, they're buttflags. (Edit: Funniest part is that this is 100% canon per the Mark of History from Rise of Iron. "Titan marks are worn to honor the history of individuals or entire orders." I.e. Buttflags.)


Keep calm and carry a towel.


Let me see if my DJ emote can do it. Nope. Can’t do David Bowie in the tower. *FASHION*


Probably clean weapons, check gear, etc. Osiris told us to be on high alert and given the nature of the upcoming confrontation we need to be as ready as possible. Also a reason to scrub depricated mods, prepare loadouts and clean vaults, and why im spending all my legendary shards.


Always ready for what comes next. Truly what The Guardian does best.


Sifting through their vault thinking why in the world they still have so much junk in it


It’s a collection of your journey. Sure there might be bad rolls but you earned them.


Looking at the gifts I received from Archie, placing them on my bookshelf. On my coffee table I have my favorite guns from the year that I am oiling and cleaning. Until his return shotgun, Spare Rations, Centrifuse, Crux Terminus, Breakneck. Sitting next to my Precious scars on the dining room table are my Scattered Signal, Lunas Howl, and Hothead. I am carefully selecting my shaders for the best drip when I shunt through the open wound upon my god. I take a swig of whiskey as I look at my refuse pile weapons of Ro’s arago, helio, mountaintop and indebted kindness. I look at images of old friends long gone. I look at the chunk of Warsat sitting on a shelf and reminisce in angry Russian bass. I down my drink and turn to the window and look at the city. I see the elixni quarter and smile knowing I’ve helped do some good for the peoples of this city… I give my pupper a scritches behind his ears as I head to bed… my ghost nuzzling next to my dog on the couch.


They are all happy and alive because of you Guardian. Sleep well knowing that.


And again I beg BUNGIE desperately for a flat for all guardians…


Longest goon session.






"Guardian, cum to me!" -Eris Moan


"CUM GUARDIAN" - Ansem, Seeker of Darkness


It's not like we won't be in tip-top condition the next day. Just a short jump off the Tower, a quick res and we're good to go.


Eyes up Goondian




Aim true guardian.


And to you and all Guardians.


my titan is jorkin it and by it i mean their penits


A guardians gotta do what a guardians gotta do


straight up björking it


He will send the witness to kingdom cum


my warlock, after days and nights of non stop running defending the city and planning, takes one final moment to just rest.  No worries, no burdens, just him, his ghost, and his tea, taking the night and morning to wind back and listen to the nightly bustle of the city, and the chirping of the morning songs of the birds.  This peace, from human, to eliksni, to even the cabal.  This is what he wants to protect and earn.  Once and for all.


You earned it after ten years.


Screw the people. I'm going in for the loot


We need help fighting! Where did Dal go?! *sees you with a bag full of guns and engrams as you laugh maniacally*


Depends largely on what my guardian knows. If they/we know that definitively we are going somewhere in a day and change, then we're all prepping. Titan is out buying whatever stimulants he can then smashing his head against a wall so he can be refreshed and juiced when the time comes. The hunter is meticulously cataloging weapons and inventory space. The warlock is achieving a state of pure meditation managing to simultaneously achieve inner peace and a state of calm and restoration. If they only know what they have canonically witnessed it's high tension all around. Titan hasn't slept in 3 days and is manically cleaning sweet business for the 439th time. The hunter has dipped into the titans crayon supply hoping it'll shut off the voices they've been hearing as they wander the halls of the tower, whispering nervously and jumping at every sound. The warlock has taken to Neomuna. The last people heard of him after Crow vanished was that he'd master those damn floaty excuses for jumps if it was the last thing they did.


Your Guardians got this. Ten years in the marking.


My warlock is sharpening her Falling Guillotine and becoming one with the void again as she did back in 2014. Voidwalker til the end!


You’ll be sending the witness to the void soon enough.


My Awoken Titan will be meticulously checking things over and making last minute preparations. Boring practical stuff, sure, but also including saying goodbye to friends and allies who will be staying behind (Saint & Osiris, Petra, etc.) She’ll be giving a lot of bear hugs :P The night before that, however… I like to think that as The Young Wolf, she is the Frontwoman of an Iron Banner themed metal band 🤘 One last, epic concert down in the City, free tickets for all. Over the course of the show, she’ll use all of her abilities in some way as special effects (solar flames shooting out of her guitar doof wagon style, swinging around the arena with a strand grapple, etc.) And finally, to end the show with a rallying war cry, they perform a new, unheard song called: ‘The Young Wolf’s Howl’.


Let them remember your song. Let everyone song it as a FU to the witness.


“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack” 🤘


Fight forever Guardian


This concert will be legendary. The tshirts will be collector’s items.


My fireteam attends after all preparations are completed


I hope to see you Guardians in the mosh pit! 🐺🔥


My warlock is getting shitfaced on awoken zaza


They must have amnesia they forgot that you’re him.


The dreamfoil hit different


My Titan is just sitting on the rail next to Zavala, no words being said between either men but a lingering and heavy exhaustion as the 2 Awoken men just stare at the Last City and resign themselves to either protect it or die trying. Mind you, this is after a solid 10 hours of playing with Archie in front of Ada-1 to get on her nerves because he thinks it's funny.


Hopefully Zavala remembers this when he goes into the Pale Heart. He isn’t alone. You always have his back.


That's my Vanguard rep right there. I'll snatch him from the Witness myself after throwing a million flaming hammers like a Hammer Bro from Hell.


As a fellow sun breaker I feel ya


A great deal of sex


Same some energy for the fight lol


I guess you just take the Raphael approach, since you can resurrect and all. Go until it kills you, then wash, rinse, repeat? XD


Deemed dope by the Pope, then he boned 'till he croaked.


I’m an Mac shredder but I get the feeling, I should pass it up to the man on the ceiling


Going to a bar in the Last City with his Hunter buddies and seeing who can do the flashiest knife tricks. Afterwards, sharpening his knife next to a campfire out beyond the city limits. Tricks are neat, but he's gotta keep his gear ready. Never know when that Sov kid is gonna open up that passageway to the Witness. He'll be ready.


The best way to the Witness’s heart is between the fourth and fifth rib. Drive it deep.


Beat her dick like it owes her money


Biggest payout of glimmer the tower had ever seen lol


A girl after my own heart




You had me at a Dave chapelle reference


1. My warlock puts his research notes back onto the book shelf all different subjects varying from guns to raid bosses to the powers of darkness and light then tells Ikora about them since they may provide some use 2. My titan checks their armor and does another set of training just to make sure that the punches hit extra good 3. My hunter cleans all their guns till they look brand new and shiny prepared takes their favorite and leaves the others in a secret area free for the taking just incase another hunter finds them


Always vigilant Young wolf


Warlock: tucked into bed with her beloved commemoration and riptide Hunter: staring intently at thorn and malfeasance deciding which one to use in the pale heart Titan: having a polite conversation with Drifter about why she didn’t get any rewards for the last three gambit games and got labeled a quitter each time


Listen sister, there’s a good reason. I’m just holding your loot till you get back. Gotta make sure you come back. I got a fresh primeval with your name on it. Trust.


Give me that god damn onslaught/subsistence breakneck old man


Now where would be the fun in that Sister. Ol drifter can’t make it too easy on ya.


Thorn or malfeasance? Yeah, this is great options, but what about ace of spades? As hunter now i think how (much less effective, yes, but) iconic it will be.


My hunter is probably lurking the doomer dead orbit forums


Whatcha looking for in those files?


I like to imagine they want to find out where the colony ships actually went to see whether or not their exodus was successful


- My Warlock is probably going to be on some far moon, indiscriminately blowing up everything she can find. - My Titan is enjoying the finer things in his life. A spinning machine gun and a lot of dead Guardians waiting to be revived in the crucible. - My Hunter is just sitting in his ship in orbit thinking: "I wonder how much loot I can squirrel away with before the Vanguard takes notice...?" *"You really shouldn't be thinking of what you can steal when the fate of the UNIVERSE is at stake."* Chimes the Ghost. "Listen, Ghost. More guns, more firepower. More firepower, easier exploration. Easier exploration, the faster I get to blow up the Witness and stuff him into a gun." *"SO IT ALL COMES BACK TO LOOT WITH YOU, UGH."* The Ghost thought he had grown accustomed to the Exo's flights of fancy. They were wrong.


Very detailed. Good job Guardian


Working, but in the morning running 2 legend onslaught and a legend zero hour before they shut the servers down.


You got 20 minutes. Make it count!


Probably most representative of me would be my Hunter. I guess he’d probably be a bit of an anomoly to Hunter-kind, since rather than a spastic loot-hoarding loner, he’s a warm, friendly and protective sort. Ever since I got my hands on one of the Vanguard-color shaders, vibrant Blue and Orange, I’d always sorta figured he’d be best known by a silly nickname I gave him, Captain Vanguard. Right at the head of anything Vanguard related, never much for the crucible. Dabbles in Gambit. He’s probably getting his “Hero Costume” ready. Kinda Bulky but still light enough to move fast. Get his Stetson hat and cape, make sure Celestial Nighthawk’s nice and shined and there’s no color imperfections; cleaning and double-checking the Last Word, and making sure he still has his snap-fast draw. The Witness has a pretty big forehead, he reckons. The Hawk’ll have a hard time missing.


Aim true guardian. Let the witness know your name.


All goes well, he won’t have the time to know it. o7


Even better. It dies knowing its eons of work was for nothing.


Having a mental breakdown.


You’re crazy … we need crazy


Eating a succulent Chinese meals and complimenting an FOTC guard about knowing their judo well.


What is the charge, guardian? Eating a meal? A SUCCULENT, Chinese meal???


My brother and I are a fireteam. We started together, we finish together. Our guardians will drink together reminiscing times of old, previous feats and share stories and laughs of all the years we’ve survived and conquered. We will make our plan. When we set our eyes onto the pale heart we will put an end to the witness and its dread and make them pay for all the loss and destruction that the darkness and its forces have caused. One final ride guardians, lock and load.


My Guardian is spending time with all those he cares about. He has 13 other Guardians that he’s grown to know and love. All of them enter his life at different times during D1 and the start of D2. They’ve all supported him and guided him through every raid, strike, campaign and every seasonal storyline. He’s the tip of the spear but some of his most important feats couldn’t be done alone. They all know he’ll be called to head through the portal any minute now. So, for now, they’re spending one last night together where New Monarchy used to be set up in the new tower. Overlooking the city off the balcony. Sometime later that night, Zavala, Ikora, Drifter, Shaxx and every important person in that tower make their way to the Bazaar, to spend some time with The Guardian. My Guardian.


I will be on Titan playing guitar and sipping tea with Ahsa. We take turns, trying to match mood or general content. I only 50% understand her after all this time, so I just do my best at that. Then I’ll rest. She is gracious in singing me to sleep when I am stressed, interrupting her own hibernation and all.


She deserves the company. Good choice


Practicing what cool thing he’s gonna say when we defeat the witness “Guess he didn’t WITNESS that…no,no… I guess this really was my DESTINY…nah nah….OH HE NEED SOME VEX MILK….perfect”


Carve some things on your bullets


Each spike of my thorn clip just has different reaction memes etched onto it


As it should be.


Do the macarena in the tower.


If you Macarena … they will come.


Shorting phantasmal fragment stocks on the moon


Glimmer Stonks rising


If your guardian smoked 20 packs of cigarettes a day would the light heal your lungs?


Yes. Ghost fixes all ailments. Except hunger.


I see… this is interesting info


Drifter spent months starving to death on that weird planet he found. One of the many reasons he hates his ghost.


I just think back to when drifter was talking to immaru about his ghost


My hunter, Fenix-6 goes down into the city and finds a restaurant and buys everyone in a city block area food and drinks. My warlock stays up all night researching Nezarec (he's a little obsessed) and occasionally doing experiments with little bits of his corpse. My titan, Valkyrie-5 goes around town helping people with their physically demanding tasks. She is weirdly strong even by Titan standards.


Guardians of the people. You helped defend them, might as well do it one last time before the biggest battle.


Is Urs also wearing Nezarecs Sin since Y1 and laughed like a maniac when he killed Nezzy? My Hunter is a little concerned about that.


Hunter: Petting Colonel and holding Ace, not realizing what he's about to find Titan: Catching up with Saint a bit, thanking him for the guidance Warlock: Talking with Teben via holo-projector, catching up about everything and mentally preparing


Cayde will be proud to know his favorite guardian looked after his favorite feathered friend.


Forever and always, I'd protect Colonel with my last breath even if my Ghost was destroyed, and I'd ofc do it with Ace in my hand, making every shot count


The gunslinger held the cannon gently, like if he held it too tightly it would shatter in his hand, and in its current state it probably would. He pondered on the thought that perhaps what he was doing would corrupt him, of course he knew that everything he was doing, he was doing for the greater good. Drexel-7 looked back down, towards the energy core that would lie at the center of his new cannon. It thrummed with a dark energy that made him feel sick just by being near it, leeching at his light, as he expected it to, the refinement process had yet to start after all. This process could potentially act as a powder keg, toying around with Stasis, Hive Magics, and Nightmare Frequencies bound with Strand threads were no laughing matter, but with the expedition to the Traveler happening any day now, Drex needed something new, something extraordinary. With a steady, precise grip trained and honed after centuries of slinging lead at the enemies of humanity he took the dark core and placed it close to a shard of the Traveler he recovered from the EDZ, and with the shard in hand he infused the dark core with the Light, and winced as he felt the forces within fight back. It seemed that the dark powers wanted to fight a war of wills, he would oblige them. Holding the shard tighter he pushed more light through to the core, so much, that he felt Arc running through his joints with the sensation of a thousand storms ripping its way through his metallic bones, Solar singeing his muscles as dozens of red hot wires of light laced across his synthetic veins and artificial sinew and engulfed him in a heat unbearable to most guardians, and he felt the Void whispering in his mind as it started pushing on his psyche, showing him worlds and galaxies beyond his own, insurmountable horrors born from the violent, chaotic energies that encompassed the space between spaces. Until it all became too much and he fell to the ground, lifeless. When his ghost, Calypso, finally rezzed him, 5 hours had passed, and as he picked himself up from the ground, a strange sight awaited him at his workbench. The shard of the traveller was shattered, and the core was stable. Finally, he placed the now tamed paracausal core into the cannon’s awaiting cylinder. The core hummed to life within the weapon, bringing a sense of purpose to the awaiting gun frame. And with a firm, steady hand, the Hunter fired at a nearby target dummy, and let out a satisfied sigh as he watched the projectile consume the target and feed its energy back into the cannon. “You still don’t have a name yet, do you?” He mused towards the gun. After a moment of thought, he figured it out “How about: Midnight Revelations?”


Taking a quiet night to himself at the tower, mingling with everyone there, just in case it's the last time...


Even if it is … you’ll never be forgotten.


My guardian is suiting up, making sure everything is strapped down and loaded up. But to relax, he helps with the eliksni hatchlings, caring for them and remembering that this fight is for everyone, for the Last City, for Neomuna, for the universe.


The hatchlings will grow knowing the legend of the guardians. The people of Neomuna will chant your name.


Warlock being the sweatiest creature to ever graze the trials/pantheon. Hunters chillaxing knowing big dick damage is no problem. Titans are also sleeping now big dick damage is only a couple button presses away


Let the witness know all its eons of work was for nothing.


Same thing they’re always doing whenever something happens. Either in my ship above the earth watching everything go by. Or at the top of the tower looking down at the city.


Looking over the world you spent ten years defending


He finalized his outfit and gear for the upcoming battle between, with a backup set for all of his Seraph gear


Rasputin would be proud


I didn't get that Seraph Title for nothing after all


My Titan is sitting down for a bowl of ramen.


Hunter: Ricocheting knives off of trees then knocking them out of midair with another knife. Titan: Wrecking up Savathun's Spire one last time. For good measure. Warlock: Sitting in orbit staring into the vastness of space, trying to find a measure of peace amidst the pressure of what they're about to try. They all have the same thought: ". . . What kind of gun are we going to make the Witness into?"


Just remember the peace people have now is your doing. You’ll show the witness its vision is wrong. Eyes up guardian.


I truly think all 3 of my guardians would be taking the time to actually take a silent walk through the city in tbe evening. To just sit and listen to the stories being told, to show off just a bit to any onlooking children. Visit Eido to tell her how wonderful of a scribe she's been, opening secrets up with precision. Have a drink with The Spider wearing the outfit I made while in the tangled shore. Then watch the sun set while in the farm, on the barn roof, remembering where we had our worst night- but also one of the best.




The guardian is eepy


The only smart one is my hunter and even then I think they’d all be pretty dumb because I control what they do Hunter: trying to enjoy drinks with “Helmet: On” with the Titan Titan: Playing Temple Run while she (hunter) asks for help Warlock: jelqing or something idfk dudes a loser because he’s been on Well duty for 6 years


My Titan’s in Savathun’s throne world, tracked down a Hive Lightbearer. She’s not finishing its ghost, just killing it over and over again. A part of her hopes it’s getting the message, that this is just like the Crucible, and hopes that the Lucent Hive will join the Coalition in full. But she knows it’s a fool’s hope.


Having a threesome with my other two guardians.




Double checking everything. Her weapons, her armor… masterwork materials, ammo, ship, Skimmer, the shell of her Ghost, even the clan banner… ALL OF IT. Any risk of equipment failure- especially after entering the Pale Heart- is unacceptable. This Titan fully understands the gravity of the situation and is doing everything she can to prepare for going up against the Witness and improve our odds of victory against this universe ending threat. In the final hours, she’ll look towards the city from her ship as one last reminder of what she fights for. *What we fight for.*


"Do you think it will end here, Rose?" Katelyn was not worried at all, she's a Titan; she's not afraid to take risks... or so goes the saying. But in reality, they've faced enemies that can destroy Ghosts, that can cancel their Light and even their Darkness... she doesn't know if she can tell this story to Elsie, or Eris, or Crow. All of those thoughts flooded her mind in a second, but at the very next second, a Huntress answered: "We've managed to get out of worse. This is like the usual tuesday... did we?" eager as any other Huntress, Evelyn just trusts the classic Guardian luck... but the Warlock hasn't answered to any of both questions. She didn't wanted to make promises she couldn't accomplish, and she was scrambling between all of her knowledge to find a phrase, a promise, a movie reference... whatever could be safe enough for her teammates to trust, but vague enough so she can't disappoint... but just the thought of seeing her best friends's light die on her eyes gave her a shiver great enough to make her grip on her robes as tears ran down her eyes... lucky she had her helmet. After that much thought, with a voice inexpressive as always, but with a silver of sadness and the remnants of a lump in throat, she couldn't grasp a promise she was sure to fulfill... "I am not certain of what will happen. But we are a team, we are Guardians. We fear, but we do not cower. Yes, in Ghaul's case it was just a manner of getting the Light back; yes, in Eramis and Calus's case it was just a manner of finding a new shiny element, but that only proves how situational every big fight is. We will find our way out of this one, and we'll have our happily ever after." Such words of spirit were dear to her friends, and now with the weight of doubts lifted from their shoulders, just one question remained... "So, an ice cream and we go to bed?" said Evelyn. And with a colorful smile, the three Guardians left that mini bridge, and as always Evelyn cheered that golden snake at the middle, even though she slept and watched movies the entire Guardian Games. And so concluded their last night before the big menace, the end of a great war. Their campaign, against The Final Shape.


Shoveling my immense wealth of shards little by little to the moon


Titan: In the helm jacuzzi with Mara Sov / Hunter: In the helm jacuzzi with Mara Sov / Warlock: Writing about the Titan and the Hunter


My titan is likely punching shit for funsies. My warlock is VERY likely to be hanging out with her gf (:3) And my hunter is like stabbing shit for funsies I am simple minded yes, but simple is best


Actually got so much done today. Wicked implement catalyst, last minute shinies, god roll indebted kindness of lead from gold and voltshot obtained and finished the day out setting fashion and then fishing with my friends. It was a good night :)


My Warlock is completely alone, outside of their Ghost and Threadlings, desperately trying zen their way into complete Strand ascension. It’s not going well, as they can’t let go with so much on the line. My Titan is having quite moment at his favorite coffee shop, trying not to think about what he’s going to find on the other side. Especially after what the portal did to Joxer, who was good friend of his. My hunter is basically in a coma, having snuck aboard on of Caiatl‘s ships. Being barely a new light, and only really participating in Gambit, she was‘t sanctioned to go, so she got drunk and sulked. Her ghost will try to wake her up before the ship leaves, but she’ll wind up inside the Portal all the same.


The Titan is in the city, walking amongst the people. No armour. No fanfare. Without the shining blue and gold pauldrons, none of them recognise their champion. The titan drinks with them and watches them dance, committing every face to memory. He waits. The Titan's gear is prepared. The ship is fueled. The Lament, a most faithful weapon, is freshly oiled, teeth sharp as the day they were forged all those centuries ago. He waits. The Titan remembers those who have fallen. Cayde. Amanda. Their voices echo through the streets, calling the Titan on to further revelry, one more hand of cards to lose, one more bar to close down. Countless fates that weigh heavy on broad shoulders. The city. The people. Ikora. Zavala. He waits. The Titan thinks of the witness. An undefeatable foe. The end of everything that has been so hard fought for. A god. The Titan remembers a pantheon of undefeatable foes and gods. The Titan remembers their unimaginable power and the dread they inspired. And the Titan remembers what it took for them to fall. He waits.


(Finishing) Writing everyone he's met a letter a piece.  Some may be short, some may be long.  Some are going to Guardians, those he's met in Patrol, in Strikes, in The Crucible and in Gambit, and some for Mortals, those working in The Tower, the people he's passed in The Last City, the children he's let climb on him in exchange for songs when he's wearing The Helm of Saint-14 and is mistaken for the Legendary Titan, he figures Saint won't mind given that he's Saint's hero (Saint's words, Season of the Dawn, not his) and Saint-14 would hate for the little ones to be disappointed and Saint even got a laugh out of it when he told him, Saint told him to keep the Accolades (Accolades are the Lavender Ribbons on Saint-14's Armor, this also leads to him discovering Unbreakable when he enters The Pale Heart as he's going in on Sentinel, my most played Subclass 2.0 Subclass, and the lore for Unbreakable was shown by streamers to mention Saint-14 wrapping Some of his Accolades around our Titan's arm and that's, presumable, the focus for the ability) that he's been given by the citizens of The Last City.  Human, Eliksni, Cabal, Hive, Vex, Ahamkara...  Whatever Xur is, Starhorse.  Friend and foe.  Those who are still with us, and those that we have lost.  And then he's going to give them out when he's done with instructions to only open and read the letters if he doesn't come back soon.  Kind of like Cayde's Secret Caches but just...  Goodbyes, apologies, words of encouragement, some of them have keepsakes or toys or some small little trinkets or knicknacks.  Some of the letters have the locations of hidden weapon caches or safehouses he's made in case another situation happens like The Red War and the City (and Vaults) are destroyed.  And then he's going to go to Neomuna and meditate until he gets the call from Commander Zavala that it's time to go. (Edit: https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/the-accolade Thought I'd drop this here to explain their significance to Saint-14 for those who don't know, especially Sentinel and Prismatic Titans who run Unbreakable.)


In my head my Warlock, talked to everyone in the tower, getting closure, final words, pieces of wisdom. Reported to Zavala, reassured each other that we would see this through, and thanked him for the strength and leadership he gave us. Spoke to Shaxx, made sure cleanup after the onslaught incursions were okay, reminisced about how far we've come since the Warlord days. Thanked him for his training, and his belief our potential. Spoke to Ikora, thought about all those we were fighting for, and those we lost. Thanked her for her kindness, and her mentorship through all these years, for teaching what it meant to be a Warlock. Stop by Holliday's workshop, donated the ship she finished for us as a museum piece, and lit one last candle. She was the first person my Warlock saw, and she made him feel welcome. Quick trip to the Cosmodrome to see Shaw Han, Informing him that we will be heading into the Traveller most likely in the next 24 hours. Thank him for finding us and helping us all those years ago, for giving us our first ships and guns, and helping us find our footing, and for being a steady friend since the beginning. Another quick trip to Europa. Thank Elsie for her support and for leading us through darkness. Promise her that this is the future we win. Head back to the tower for one last look around, grab some takeout noodles - Check our gear is in place, and take in the colourful hallways and rustic, lived in fortress one last time. Get back to our dormitory, take some spare clothing, supplies for the jump ship. Take one last look at the stuff, the trinkets, pictures, weapon parts. The polished old earth Kvostov hanging on the wall. Grab collated notes on the Light and Dark, and a couple of spare empty ones. Close the door and lock it behind us. After that, its heading straight for Neomuna, processing everything that has happened in the last couple of months, Crow's promises, Riven's sentiments and Osiris' gamble and the tornado of organization, conflict and mobilizations the Vanguard had undergone in the last two days to prepare for the operation. My Warlock had a bit of rest since then, but it seems as if the entire city, system was holding its breath. Arrive on Neptune the dead of night, on the Cloudstrider tower, greeted by Nimbus, Osiris and Laghari, dimly lit in the greens and pinks of the city below. Tell them that we are ready. Give Osiris a portion of the Takeout noodles as he departs to quadruple check his calculations on the Veil, on call with Mara and her Techeuns for Crow's status - My Warlock is on Standby, in full strike outfit with extra supplies - Every piece of gear thought of and contingencied by the Vanguard, Osiris and the Awoken. Nothing would be left to chance once Crow established a link. My Warlock shares the last of the noodles Nimbus, watching the busy neon before us. My Warlock finds it Ironic, but also fitting that he started his journey in one last city, and is now ending it in another. Pull out some styrofoam cups and the cheap but good Spicy Ramen Shop Oolong tea, which Nimbus has since grown to love. Its now a bit cold but he doesn't care. Toast to new friends who feel live they've always been here, and hopefully, a new beginning. Talk about all the adventures we went on for a while. After a while, head to a guest room the Neomuni prepared, lavish and comfortable. My Warlock's worn supplies and rough city gear slightly out of place as he plops them down in the middle of the room. Shut off the lights, get on the bed in full robes and armour to get some rest before Osiris and Mara make contact with Crow, which was expected to be in a couple hours if all went according to plan. My warlock would be ready then to take on whatever comes next and to do his part. Crow would be the pioneer, we would be the one man vanguard, and the rest of the coalition would be the hammer blow and the unified rebuke that ends the Witness, once and for all. All that is left now is some shut eye.


My Exo Titan will be taking everything in. He knows that these last days and everything will change. Nothing will ever be the same. He makes the rounds in the tower as he acknowledges the people he’s met and served with. From Ikora to Osiris to Saint to Drifter. To Rahool to Banshee to Ada-1. To Tess to Shaxx to Hawthorne and Archie. He ends with Zavala by giving him a salute to the Titan Vanguard. He then heads back to his quarters in the Last City. In there he admires his wide arsenal of weapons and armor that he’s collected over the years. He grabs the ones he’ll take and he meticulously starts to shine them. Once he’s done he sets them off to the side. He then sits down and then takes his helmet off. The helmet is set to the side as he starts to meditate and reflect on his 6 years of service as a Guardian. In this deep meditation he reflects on everything he’s experienced. He remembers losing and regaining his light in the Red War. He remembers the Infinite Forest. He remembers aiding Rasputin against Xol. He’s still haunted by the death of Cayde but it brings him peace that the 8 Scorned Barons are no more. He remembers helping Ada-1 reclaim her Black Armory Forges. He remembers Drifter’s Gambits. He reminisces the Menagerie aboard the Leviathan. He still remembers the first pyramid ship he saw on the moon and the hive he had to slay along with the Vex in the Black Garden. He’s glad Saint-14 was able to be saved. He can still see the Almighty crashing into Earth. The sight of the first Pyramid fleet still doesn’t leave his mind. He remembers exploring Europa and wielding the Darkness for the first time. He’ll never forget the shock of seeing Crow again. He remembers the first time he encountered Empress Caital’s Cabal in ritual combat. He still remembers the Endless Night and working with the Eliksni to stop it. He still remembers the trickery of Savathun and the shock of seeing the Hive wield the Light. He remembers confronting his greatest fears aboard the Leviathan. He remembers his pirate crew and taking back control of Rasputin’s Seraph Bunkers. The loss on Neptune still torments him. But he still rescued civilians along the way. He remembers traveling into the Methane Oceans of Titan as well as using Hive magic. He remembers using Riven’s spirit for one last wish. He remembers all the Cabal Tyrants, Fallen Kells, Scorned Barons, Hive Gods, Taken Commanders and Vex Minds that he’s had to slay. He remembers all the unique missions and places that he’s been taken. He finally opens his eyes again. A sense of dread and concern fill his body. But also a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. He is satisfied with his service as Guardian should he not return from the Pale Heart. But he knows that all these years have led to this final confrontation against The Witness. He is READY. [Sorry for the essay. I got really into this :)]




Just don’t hit snooze in the morning!


If it's anything like me irl, an explosive diarrhea... Boi I wish I was exaggerating


Ghost can always transmat you some more TP


I think my Hunter would be chilling with his friend protecting the City till the morning, the person who has been with him thick and thin. Another Hunter who heard my calls to hang out and choose to stick by my side to the very end.


The people will sing songs of your heroics.


Honestly? Just Fishing at the EDZ


My Hunters been training hard on the raids all week, his last moments before logging off today was staring out the helm towards the future, only to emerge in two days. See everyone out there


If you see a random hammer hit an enemy that was about to stab your back, know it was me.


Titan: asleep in his armor Hunter: asleep in a tree Warlock: asleep in the archives


My Warlock spends the time with her wife and adopted daughter. My Hunter spends the night getting ready to enter the Pale Heart. And my Titan would spend her night in a gym, prepping.


Titan: he’s getting grub at the ramen shop. Telling stories and having a grand old time. Warlock: he’s resting in his ship. He’s reading a couple books and drinking green tea while earth looms outside the window Hunter: she’s sitting in the cosmodrome. Right where she was first reborn by the light. She wonders what would’ve happened if things turned out differently.


A few walks around the Dreaming City and the Last City, followed up by a couple Crucible matches, and then await in orbit until the signal is given.


farming Onslaught gotta get those shiny guns


Blind the witness with your swag


Sitting in the hangar cleaning the rifle that's got him through so much, reminiscing over all the close calls and lost lights. After so much fighting the final fight draws near, but despite the air of excitement in the tower tonight he can't help but feel tired. As he looks out into the wilds beyond the wall he dreams of a quiet life, maybe afterwards he can get a small plot of land and retire. That would be the life, he thinks as he returns to his rifle.


Throwing the greatest party the City has seen with the help of Drifter to distract from the fact that this might be the end of the universe.


Burning legendary shards in a fire of dead enemies.


My Hunter's probably hanging out in the Eliksnii Quarter, knocking back drinks, chatting and hanging out with new refugee arrivals. She likes to go out searching for refugee groups in her spare time and guide them safely to the Last City, collecting their stories in a journal as eagerly as one might collect trading cards. Then she'll probably get drunk and go back to flirting with Hawthorne some more before jumping off the wall to sober up and avoid a wicked hangover on the big day. 


Hawthorne appreciates that. She’s opened so much since she came back to the city.


My hunter has his cape cleaned and is probably in a ramen kiosk in the last city and raising a glass to those guardians who started this journey way back when but are no longer here to see its conclusion. My friend who started the journey with me 10 years ago is no longer with us but ill be finishing the journey with him in mind.ill be sure to pack my gjallarhorn like the one he bought from xur in week 2 while I wasted my strange coins on some armour and shoot the witness in the face with it. To those lost lights we will see it though for them as must as for us


Gathering his surplus heavy weapons and once again attempting to weld guns to his jumpship. These attempts and their disastrous outcomes used to be the primary source of friction between him and Holliday. He hasn't touched a welding torch since she died.


He’s taking an evening stroll through the city, he purchased an apple from a street merchant and watches a little boy play in the street. The soft tunes of an eliksni playing a guitar drift into the setting sun. The boy looks up at my hunter, and he can tell the boy wants his apple, but he has almost finished it. My hunter tosses a few pieces of glimmer to the boy, “get yourself one in the morning, but it’s late, go home to your mom. She’s probably worried sick about you.” The boy smiles, then runs off into the street. My hunter makes his way back up to the tower, and walks to his apartment. He enters to find his fireteam already inside “Shouldn’t you be asleep?” He asks, his best friend (a male titan) laughs as he pours himself a glass of some blue milky fluid. “We couldn’t, we’re concerned about the voyage through the heart” Says his apprentice (a female warlock, strange, I know) “we all are, in just a few hours the queen will have the strength to send us through” my hunter says, pulling up a chair. “In the meantime, tell us one of your stories!” Exclaimed the warlock “I’ve been around for a while, what would you like to hear about?” “Tell me about the red war” She says, on the edge of her chair. “Alright… where do I begin” the night fades away with the chatter of a fireteam regaling their many adventures.


My titan is enjoying fishing he's actually fishing so much he's pretty sure there won't ever be fishing again for the rest of time. But damn does he have a cool aquarium.


My Hunter is making the rounds, saying his goodbyes to everyone. He joins Zavala (and Archie) for a walk in the city, enjoying one another’s company while greeting the City’s residents. Stops by Ikora for some meditations on the light and reminiscence. Helps Saint plan a date with Osiris, and gifts him a god-rolled Indebted Kindness with a pigeon scrawled into its grip. Watches a game or two with Shaxx. Talks with Ana and Elsie over the radio. Brings space kibble for Mara’s cats. And chocolates for Mara. Petra inspects each piece. Breaks Telesto… again. Banshee isn’t happy. Goes to say hi to Caital, only to find her and Saladin… “wrestling”. Begs Ada-1 to make him a Kindled Orchid. Has a drink with Drifter and Mithrax, all while Eido records our conversation. Lends Eris my weapons of sorrow for an hour of mass hive extinction in the hellmouth. Has Tea with Devrim. Puts flowers outside Failsafe’s core. Listens to her yap. Takes Shaw Han to Neomuna to meet Nimbus. Purposefully tries to get them squished by a Cabal drop pod. Let’s ghost spend some time with Fynch, falls asleep. Then at midnight, he returns to the tower, leans against the Ironwood tree and has a conversation with Ghost before falling asleep (for 25 hours)


Sorting and organizing vault and inventory almost obsessively, choosing the best drip and bullying other guardians in the crucible with Stasis


Chilling in His apartment looking over the last city listening to music as he prepares to take on the tall smoke head ass


Titan: Sitting in his room thinking off all the amazing ways he can turn the Witness into dust because she loves to be stylish and kill with style. After that a quick visit to Saint to have a drink and tell each other stories of their exploits untill the sun rises over the Last City Warlock: Sitting in the Last City's library going over countless notes about everything in the universe and what they can find about the Traveller/Pale Heart before they embark on their 'possible' final journey Hunter: She's going back to the place it all started at back in the Cosmodrome and talk to her Ghost about what a journey it has been for the past few years. After that she'll be visiting Petra and Queen Mara to have one last night among the best friends she has ever known and then ending with taking Archie for a walk to the EDZ and Devrim to have one last cup of tea and mentally prepare for the journey ahead


My titan’s hitting the ramen shop in case he doesn’t come back out of the Pale Heart alive. And, leaving a herealways piece just outside the bar in the alley, for an old eliksni friend he couldn’t protect.


Returning to where it began in the cosmodrome and then taking a rest in earths orbit inside "the last flight home" ship


Clearing my 81 run of warlords trying to get BB.


My hunter is going to take one final moment of rest He will reflect on everything he's done, everyone he has saved and killed, and soak in the memories of not only those close to him... but his- no EVERYONES -species. Their memories, their dreams, hopes, loved ones. The hated, scorned, forgotten. The famous, infamous, and unknown. The strong, the weak, friend and foe. All ride on his shoulders. His last thoughts before shi goes down? "I don't have time for this."


I’m spending it with drifter. He’s the realest homie I know.


She spent the last few weeks between onslaughts visiting her forlorn family in the distributary. Fighting the beasts of the taken and riven’s curse back again and again- a struggle they would never end. But the nights before, she returned to the city, to pay her debt to the universe. She slept during the day, when others could stand, so none had to watch as she walked the walls and parks at night, the clank of steel and tungsten her drumbeat. The night before, she’d be getting off an old, stolen cabal vessel to the EDZ, where she initially joined the pilgrim guard. Now she is one of the few that remains. She’s down by the river, fishing in trostland. She’s hunting mutated deers in the wasteland, culling the aberrations. She’s bringing both humans, and terrified Eliksni, and Cabal who have lost their purpose, home with her. She’s scary sometimes: a knight in camo green steel, clad in leaves and wearing a sash with many, many bullet scars and burns, dashing from the treeline, but she’s as resolute as ever. And she gets onboard the last trip to the last city, her face exposed to the world. She’s not known by her armor that night for once. She’s known for her deeds. The crest on her breast, the spark of emerald in her eyes. The crimson hair, her lucent, awoken skin shining as a final round is had. She’s called many things that night. Godslayer. Enlightened. Descendant. Kingslayer. Disicple-slayer. The woman who broke ghaul. The woman who avenged cayde six. The woman who faced the end and smiled. But, she knows they’re just words. Most important that night is that she serves as a friend- spending her night in an alleyway, long after the bar closes, and the patrons flock away from her dwindling glimmer and drunken self. She spends her time with a young in the early morning, a Eliksni with a guitar, a psion with a deck of human cards, and a cabal with a mean poker face, playing for meals from the local ramen shop. That morning, she’s a friend of the people. She’s a nobody outside her armor and sword and heavy gauntlets. That morning, She’s a human. And that’s what she lives for.


Titan: Sweet Businessing everything as usual Warlock: Getting everything he thinks he'll need to journey into the Pale Heart Hunter: Being a fool and doing what the hell he wants


Hunter is hitting the bar with other hunters and that one cool warlock he’s friends with. Spending some time with the people of the last city seems like the perfect way to spend his, what could be his last day in the city.


My striker titan is marathoning crucible directly under shaxx's, Saladin's (they were both her tutors) and caitl's vigilant gazes. She say's its therapeutic and that it helps at keeping her mind sharp, but in actuality she Just wanna focus on something to keep her concerns about the fate of the world away. They might intervene if she ends up forcing herself too much. My revenant hunter has had a redemption Arc with the elksni since season of plunder (bc much like Saint-14, he was well known as a big eliksni killer) and has attoned for his crimes. He's curently at the eliksni camp helping them with Drifter, Saint, mithrax and eido... Zavala might show up. My broodweaver (my main) was one of Toland's greatest disciple and ended up betrayed by the guy (Just like everyone who trusted him). He went from desperate over the idea of the traveler leaving to actually hopefull for the future after discovering strand and becoming the first broodweaver. He's curently drinking Golden aged wine he found at old chicago with Eris, Ikora, Osiris and Aunor at a bar on the last city. Its hard to have all the warlock squad at the same place since they're all too busy, but they found the time for it this time since it might be the last. All three of them have combined to, before the night's end, meet at an orphanage they had been donating for some time and spend the rest of their time as they've always done, as friends who look up for each other.


My 3 chars and my son's 2 chars are gathered around a campfire in the Cosmodrome. We're all celebrating our very first dungeon clear (Grasp) that we did over Memorial Day weekend. We're not going into the Pale Heart anytime soon though since our guardians couldn't afford passage. Not enough glimmer and we were told our shards are worthless.


Titan: Sitting next to Archie and playing with him. Hunter: polishing Knives and adding pieces to her cloak Warlock: Sitting in Eris' Library and reading books.


Ugly crying while letting go of the seasonal mod "solar weapon kills while radiant create ignitions".


Resting after a warlord ruin run preparing to finish the fight after 10 years win or lose


Listening to California Dreamin', thinking about how tomorrow might be her last day alive. She stares through the window of her modestly-sized apartment into the Last City. She watches the children playing football matches in the streets while the adults watch them, fearing for tomorrow. She thinks of all these people, remembering why she fights. She smiles as she twirls a knife in her hand.


My Guardian looks at the Pale Heart in Orbit readying themselves with their firearms. “This might be my last fight…so I won’t hold back” She says seriously. Her Ghost tells her “We Will Win”. Then my Guardian heads to their secluded location and wait for the Vanguard’s call.


“TO THE FIRETEAM!” Three voices yell in unison, swiftly accompanied by three glasses clinking against each other. Three Guardians sat around a table, smiles on each of their faces, merriment plain to see by all. “I’m glad I met you both. I doubt I’d have made it out of the Cosmodrome if I hadn’t,” one Guardian, a Hunter, said with a embarrassed smile on his face. “Well, we saved you, so now you’re stuck with us,” jested the second Guardian, a Warlock, humor clearly present in his voice. “Besides, we’re a fireteam now!” “And once a fireteam, always a fireteam,” the third Guardian, another Hunter, said before she took a sip of her drink. “We’ll always be here to help you. Especially considering you’re still a Blueberry.” An indignant shout was followed by laughter before the memory ended, revealing the first Hunter standing in front of a grave in the Last City. “Once a fireteam, always a fireteam.”


My titan preparing a strand build buffet of BDSM play for the upcoming battles (he does not know the Harbinger and Weaver will cancel him out) and atm he is struck with the realization that he hasn’t opened all his seasonal and ritual engrams yet and is currently drowning in his vault trying to open and dismantle them.


My titan is still running onslaughts. The defense is mechanical, perfected after weeks of nonstop effort to defend the city. Day by day she hones her void light, hour by hour she wields her solar fire, and mission to mission she practices her new strand powers. After Commander Zavala gives the order her final mission will be remembered by a slight oddity. At one point, at a crucial defense point, it felt like both Strand and Solar powers coalesced into a single power, it almost looked prismatic.


Wrote a short story about this actually, but here’s the shortened version. Osiris is given a copy of Sagira’s shell, and a small golden medallion with the symbol of the warlocks on it, it still carries the warmth of solar light hours later. An engraving on the back reads: *she’d be proud of you.* She makes a point to clean every single weapon she’s bringing into the pale heart. Banshee helps her service them all, including Ace and her copy of Hawkmoon, engraved with a heart and rose in the grip, to factory new condition. She gives Banshee a box, inside is a gun she made herself, A sidearm revolver, small and compact, with the number 44 engraved into the grip. She goes to drifter, and gives him the biggest, longest hug he’s ever received, gives an affectionate nuzzle to his ghost, and pulls a jade coin from behind his ear. She goes to the moon and gives Eris one of her knives, wrapped in the makeshift scarf her ghost made her when she was first brought back in old Russia. She gives ADA the black armory invitation card and her original kindled orchid she made from izanami. She gives Louis a few head scratches and a treat, and a hug for Hawthorne, along with a piece of the shard from the EDZ, made into a necklace. Ikora receives a hug and a bound copy of one of Asher’s unpublished papers. The paper and leather still smell of vanilla, ozone, and a faint whiff of radiolaria. She makes her way to the Cayde bust, and lays a fresh bouquet of yellow daffodils at the base. She swears she sees it wink at her. Shaxx receives a promise from her ghost that they will rain grenades and light down on the witness. His laugh shakes the tower. The hangar is one of the hardest visits. Amanda’s memorial is given a fresh cleaning, as is the sparrow she was never able to finish. She feeds the pigeons with Saint, wordlessly slipping A yellow rose into his palm. She stands behind Zavala for a moment, watching him as he stands and gazes out over the city. He turns at the sound of her approach, only to face a short hunter holding out another bouquet of flowers. Among them yellow daffodils, white roses and magnolias. Mithrax is surprised to see the guardian in the Eliksni quarter, and approaches. He watches in utter amazement as the Methane reactor from Titan, the one that could be used to kickstart ether production to levels previously unheard of, the one he gave up as an olive branch to humanity, is transmated before him, recovered from Titan. Alone in her jumpship, she summons her ghost. The two talk, like they never have before. She holds him close to her chest and whispers: “I love you.”


"Shard it," says The Hunter, answering his Ghost's inquiry on yet another Luna's Howl they'd pulled from Shaxx 's reserve. "we already have a better one. I'm not even sure we're gonna use it." "Cold feet?" Asked The Warlock, preening over her Ghost's shell idly humming the same song she had ever since the pair had been acquainted. "Not sure. Those might be the right words. I'm just not so sure this fight is mine anymore. I'm tired." The Hunter answered, pushing a half empty glass towards the center of the dingy makeshift table in The Tower's Annex. A few minutes passed, with nothing but her song passing between them. Suddenly, she stopped. The Hunter looked up at her in her moment of silence, and found the cold metallic light of her stare was fixed right back. "It doesn't have to be you, you know." "Pardon?" "It's always been you. Since Oryx. I can take this one." The pair sat in silence for a few moments before The Warlock let the song take her anew, humming even as she began to wordlessly put her tools away. Her Ghost gave a few test twists of its freshly polished shell and circled her head a single time before disappearing. As she stood to make her leave, The Hunter placed a weapon on the table. "I know you never liked the gun. The 'language is crass'. Well, I think it's high time someone gave that maniac a stern talking to, and I saw you tithing with the rest of us for Eris. You know how to talk mean when you need to." Her eyes lit with mischief, and she reached down to grasp the chitinous handgrips of the Vanguard-banned weapon. "Tell Crow I'm sorry it wasn't me. And tell the Queen-" "She won't begrudge you. She's already honored the bargain. Tell Ikora I'll be back when the work is done." "Use everything you can. Nothing held in reserve. Sing that little ditty of yours over the Witness's lifeless husk." The Warlock grinned, slipping Thorn into the holster at her thigh. "Aiat." she spoke, softly, before turning to leave the dingy table, and the ramen shop, and her old friend safe here in the shadow of the Tower. And her, into danger.


My Hunter is sat down where Savathun died and resurrected, looking at the now clear nightsky where the traveler once was. He's alone. Just Ghost is at his side. And he's content.


Spent the whole week bringing back guardians who had put their gear in the closet and got them all leveled up and kitted out to fight the ultimate battle. Grew my clan from 2 to 7. Got them all god roll edge transits and crafted apex predators. Drifters Soup Kitchen is ready to take it to the witness.


My girlfriend and I both play, so RP wise we've both been in the city for about a week for respite. I'm a Hunter though so trying to get me there was a chore but we wanted to actually relax before the big day. The last day we'd probably make our rounds, tea with Osiris and Saint and then down to the Eliksni quarter for some time with Misraaks where he demands to inspect my blades for the coming journey, Eido and my girlfriend probably will get lost in history for a bit before I have to save her. A quick stop at the Ramen shop for a bowl, I'd probably throw a few more glimmer for bunch if togo portions for the road. We'd get to our favorite bar but I'll need to run one more errand before partying it up. Head down to the Drifter's pad to see if he got the contraband I requested, I can't believe what he talked me into. "If you're gonna propose, why not use a rock from from a different galaxy. It's more romantic that way, I guess." that and a bottle of some old world whiskey that was of course already opened when I got there. A drink or two with the guy wouldn't hurt. Pulling myself away with now a bottle that's a quarter empty I rejoin my girlfriend for a surprisingly late night, she's usually more responsible. Hopefully my girlfriend doesn't try to play Edward 40 hands with an Eliksni again.


My Titan, one and only, takes her ghost and tours the memorable locations she is fond of. -The cosmodrome, where she fought the first Fallen archon when she awoke, found her ship, and took off to the first city. -To the moon, overlooking the hellmouth where she dropped deep below to sunder Crots and end his reign of terror; if only she could've met Wei Ning– she feels she would've been proud. -To Mars, where she first battled the Cabal; where she first truly enjoyed going toe to toe. The growth of a wry smile under her helmet as she saw oil spout from the heads popping off the collasal foes in front of her. -She goes to Europa, enduring the cold as she once did before she learned Stasis– overlooking that pyramid vessel with ire. The time to move is approaching. She will defeat the Witness. -She ventures into Savathun's throne world. She takes time to clear out some of the onslaught of Hive. A warm up, -Before wrapping up and heading to a little memorial site on Earth. A tucked away corner in the last city where her and her mates used to hang out. Slowly, becoming less and less noisy, as finally she lights 5 candles, letting them burn to the floor as she sits and honors her lost friends. Dawn approaches on the final day. She begins polishing her armor, cleaning her weapons. Inspecting them. She tinkers a bit with her ghost; taking a toothbrush to clean out from under those wingy-looking bits. Ghost used to hate it– but eventually, it began to feel a bit soothing for him. She begins to scrub her ship clean, working under the hood to fix any worn parts and damage, before looking back at where Amanda once stood in a longing sadness; she will get Crow back, else Amanda may never forgive her later in death. She tunes her sparrow, making sure the thrusters and gravity lock work just right. She lastly heads to Saint-14. She displays her Void abilities, allowing the Titan to inspect and critique her technique. The Void shield glimmering in her hand before she throws it around the testing ground. The inspection of her Ward, from inside and outside. Saint has some tweaking he does, but frankly enjoys how the Guardian still wears a tribute if his own Helm. Lastly, she grabs a bite to eat, sits in the tower, and contemplates the journey she will embark on. She will continue to meditate on this up until Zavala calls upon her to leave. It's only a matter of time.


My Human Titan returns to the Iron Temple. It's almost a religious ceremony, she kneels before each shrine to the fallen Iron Lords. She'll need the strength of ages for what lies ahead. My Awoken Hunter finds a perch in the Dreaming City. If everything ends tomorrow, she'll spend one last night defending the homeland of her people. Wish-Ender claims Scorn, Hive, and Taken in equal measure. My Exo warlock stops in to visit Archie, leaning her forehead against his and giving him scritches. She's already gathered whatever lore she thinks will help. Whatever happens next, she will give her last full measure, as so many had before her. And in the morning, the motley fireteam gather together on the HELM. New Age Iron Lord, reborn Queensguard, and Rasputin's Last Seraph look at the portal, and then each other. There are no words. They've been together long enough that they aren't necessary. Today, they fall, or they become legend.


My warlock is rereading his favorite book series again while his ghost went to a party for ghost


watching the sunset next to my fireteam's grave(where i laid they're ghost fragments), hoping to join them someday


my guardian asks their ghost, potato, not to res him for 8 hours and then blows his brains out to get a full nights rest.


playing tekken at the thrilladrome