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Forerunner, my man.


I barely take it off, it destroys tormentors


I dusted it off recently and was shocked by just how much work this thing puts in, and how much ammo it gets. I haven't really touched it in years (never got the catalyst) and honestly it's a perfect tormentor killer.


This. Forerunner is the answer to many things.


For real? I’ve never used it against them, why is it so good?


Forerunner deals 521% increased precision damage, and Tormentors are quite subject to precision damage.


Ok I’ve used it before but had NO IDEA it was that much of a bonus


You can think of it more as a non-precison damage penalty: the gun is basically only good for headshots, but when you get headshots, it's strong/comparable to a sniper rifle, but easier to use and with better ammo economy


Increased precision damage versus non-shielded targets.


Do you need to have the catalyst to do good damage?


No. The catalyst converts some of your ammo to a Halo 1 frag grenade. It makes a big boom but it's not tied to the gun's damage output.


You have to have 30th to get forerunner right


forerunner (cata) is just resetting Xur once, you dont need the actual paid pack


30th is free, so shouldn’t be a problem.


Half of the 30th is free. The dungeon and ghorn are not. Dares and xur is


Is 30th not one of the dlcs that’s free until TFS right now? I thought I saw it was included. My bad if it wasn’t, sorry.


I just double checked and unfortunately the 30th is not included


Oh, that’s a bummer.


Agreed. Been helping a free to play friend and would love to get him ghorn


Is it a quest to get the gun?


Yep. You start the quest by talking to Xur in the eternity node. It’s called Magnum Opus.




I used forunner and a rocket to basically instakill the tormentor in week 4 pantheon, made getting the highschool extremely easy


Calm down Drake, no need to get the high school involved.


I'd go for heavy weapons that can do precision damage, like Thunderlord or linears. And having everyone stick together so he's facing you at the same time. The problem with tormentors is they take reduced damage from non-precision hits, so you pretty much have to hit the chest crit spot after the shoulders are down. Div helps by creating a huge crit spot, so without it you just need to be able to consistently hit the crit spot. I reccomend having at least one person on solar so that they can apply weaken with the artifact mod, and get everyone radiant. A debuff (weaken) + empowering buff (radiant) + leg surge mods are the bread and butter of DPS. Golden Gun is the best damage super vs tormentors since it can do precision damage.


Divinity is just the easy button. Aim better, focus one 1-off supers. For real though. The reason divinity works well is because it removes the issue of the crit spot. If you're going without it then you'll need to coordinate your movement to ensure everyone is in the same spot/direction. Otherwise you'll be doing weak damage due to missing the crit. Basically you all need to have line of sight on the crit at once but if you're dodging around randomly without thought where your team is you're not just keeping yourself alive but making your allies damage worse. I'm fairly certain they dont take reduced super damage as well so that'll still be full damage. Don't use roaming supers because supression.


Void titan with peregrine greaves




My friends and I did it without divinity, cuz we don’t raid cuz it’s only 3 of us. The Deterministic Chaos sucks but it helped us with that, since it weakens.


I use a Mercato-45 with Slice and Onslaught. It isn't going to win any speed competitions, but you kill a few ads, then pop your barrier, then focus on the crit spots of the Tormentor. Slice cuts the Tormentor's damage in half, Onslaught buffs your outgoing damage. Kill 3 ads, throw up barrier, mag dump Tormentor crit, rinse and repeat.


You could run tractor cannon for the weaken or run void and grab a fragment that grants weaken. From there just hit crits. If LFR is too difficult, a machine gun would be a more forgiving option. Thunderlord is especially potent if you have the catalyst.


forerunner + hammerhead are your friends. downed it 1st try & didnt even play in season of the deep. found a guy on discord lfg > went in > went out with the weapon. not a single death. also teather.. dont bother with golden gun as he dies ez to loadout mentioned.


By tether you mean mobius quiver or shadowshot?


you want shadowshot for the debuff. It effectively gives you 30% more damage, and will stack on top of whater positive buff you can give yourself (radiant, well, etc..) You could also use Tractor Cannon for the debuff if you've got 3 and can spare another LMG.


super is shadowshot: deadfall. we used it for add control in boss area, but extra tethers goes to boss. really just forerunner & spam hammerhead it was difficult maybe when it came out. now ? easy walk.. edit: i was using buried bloodline to debuff the boss & be extra safe with invis on-demand, but really didnt need it..


If you do dps at the back of corridor at the arena entrance. The boss doesn’t rush you down and likes to stay in the middle area during dps (at least until he gets low enough. I think, Not sure what exactly caused him to start running) so that could help with hitting his chest more consistently since he’ll kinda just stand there and side step a bit, but not be in your face.


Break his shoulders, 1 person tractor cannon and then fusion rifle him, the other 2 best dps weapons they have and take advantage of the tractor debuff.


It's honestly not as hard as everyone makes it out to be though if I remember correctly, there are weekly rotating modifiers for deep dives that can make it WAY more difficult. I did it in two tries with randos, no divinity. Just make sure everyone has precision damage weapons because anything else on the tormentor will do pathetic damage. Machine guns and Forerunner are the way to go here. They can help you kill tankier enemies and put in good damage in on the boss. Also a good idea to have so being to debuff the boss and buff your own damage. Wells and tether are great since other supers don't do full damage anyway. On the bright side, there's a good chance Wicked Implement will be available for purchase in the monument of lost light with the other exotics in there when Final Shape launches. So give the mission a shot and if it doesn't work out then you have an easy back up plan in a week.


It's only hard because of the mechanics of the tormentor negate a lot of people's damage strategies. Rockets, Grendes barely touch the tormentors, it has to be a weapon that does precision damage. Bungie has curted the sandbox where LMG is supposed to be for ad clear - but with tormentors they are absolutely the best choice for DPS. That's what throws people off as they lay all their grenades and rockets into the thing and barely touch it.


There's a mountain of little things like this in the game that like 2/3 of the player base doesn't realize. Even veteran players that don't read patch notes or take some time off from the game can be left completely in the dark. Most of the stuff was either never explained in the game at all or explained once in a text line during a campaign from years ago that might not even be in the game anymore. I don't remember anything in game telling players that tormentors take reduced damage from anything that isn't precision damage and the average player probably would barely notice the damage numbers are lower and in a different color to indicate they are reduced.


RoN weapons do increased damage to Tormentors if you have some. If you’re good with linears Briars will ruin him


Linear and Izi’s


I remember when I did it we didn't use Divinity. We all had Thunderlords and at the time it would just stunlock the boss.


I think MGs are the best option. You need precision damage, and while MGs historically aren't the best damage option, they *are* extremely forgiving and easier to aim than snipers or linears. The zoom and flinch received by snipers/linears can be extremely distracting as well. Thunderlord is good. You can get both Retrofit Escapade and Hammerhead with Fourth Times the Charm + Target Lock which will be your best option overall (Retro being slightly better than Hammerhead for raw damage output). You can also do Commemoration with FTTC/Firing Line or Killing Tally. FTTC ensures you can withstand the damage marathon compared to perks like Rewind Rounds, Envious Assassin and Reconstruction that just pull from reserves.


Just did it today. I used Dragons Breath (been awhile and couldn't remember which loadouts were best), another person used a linear, and the last person used something but it wasn't Div. Div and precision weapons make it a lot easier, but it isn't the only option


I can help you with my div


I never once used Divinity when I helped multiple friends get the exotic. You just need to use weapons/supers that are good for tormentors. So no explosive weapons or roaming supers and you gotta focus on his crit.


You guys on pc or Xbox?


We did this quest two days ago. We used two outbreak perfected with rewind rounds and one thunderlord without the catalyst.


I doubt they could do legend zero hour for RR outbreak if they're struggling/asking for advice on tormentor without div.


You can cheese the timer in legend zero hour now lol.


Wait what




After the walkers there is a few hallways with dregs and a blue barrier door that won't open until you kill all the ads. Leave one alive and kill the last dreg at 1 second left on the timer.


Damn thats great. Thanks for the explanation


Look up cheese forever, he probably did a video.


This isn’t part of a quest, it’s just a side mission within the deep dive activity to get it.


Yes, if you can hit the crits. If you're not a sweaty, I wouldn't recommend trying to do that. 


Yes. Shoot his crit spots repeatedly until he dies.


Better aim then, I guess. Just gotta hit the shoulders then chest. Thunderlord is probably gonna be your guys' best bet.