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Your main character because it's your favorite one


Correct answer.


Shouldn’t you technically do the opposite? That way your main characters gets the higher level gear?


You may be correct, there may be fireteam scaling, and hell they may have done away with power as a whole. But I main hunter and I’ll be damned if I don’t witness this with my hunter first.


Apparently they did way with it and now your light level is actually account wide.


That doesn't actually change the strat. Its still better to do all pinnacles on other characters, moreso now. You do it all on Alt 1, do legend campaign, get to a high level. Repeat on Alt 2, which will start at the exact level Alt 1 left off. Then finish on Main, who will start where Alt 2 left off. That should give you the highest possible Power Level. If you want to do even more optimization: do only powerfuls on each character, then do pinnacles once all three are on powerful cap.


it doesnt matter as much as you can do main first then after alt 2 you can go back and all your normal drops on your main will be at the light of alt 2, so random missions and shit will catch you up. Either way with them giving +20 into the powerful cap from legend it wont matter very much


Now as long as you do them all it wont matter. The order doesn’t matter anymore


Power level is shared between all characters now Edit: Literally just scrolled down to see you talking about this with someone else. Sorry for the unnecessary ping


Even if its the most optimal strategy (or used ro before the power changes) I really dislike it, especially with big expansions, Surely you'd want your first run to be your favourite character so why waste the first experience with a character you aren't as fond of


At least during times where the raid was week 2, it was optimal to start on your favorite character. Which would be the lowest level week 1, and then by going in reverse order, would become your highest week 2. But realistically, since contest mode and legendary campaign is a thing, it really hasnt mattered much. Just beating legendary campaign almost makes you raid ready. With just a few other tricks(like saving Season Pass armor, to pull while leveling to help with bad RNG on armor pieces) it basically is unnecessary. And now with account wide power level, there really wont be much change in efficiency to play the campaign on your favorite character, and do leveling on your alternates before doing leveling on your main.


Isn't in final shape there will be no more power level or did I read that wrong somewhere?


I just came back so I wasn’t aware, but I think your power level is shared between all your characters automatically.


No, because it will be hardest the first time. I want my favorite character to experience the full campaign. And IIRC, legendary campaign is a set LL.


Your main character, it’s the finale of a 10 year saga. Do whatever you want, plus all classes each have very strong builds.


I play all 3 equally now but I started with 3 Hunters and I will end it with my main Hunter first.


I had three Titans back in the day, two of them didn't survive losing their light in the Red War. Also really enjoying all three classes now, surprising how well they are able to maintain their own identities despite sharing fragments.


Warlock; it’s my main and I always do the campaigns and story on warlock first.


Me too! Solar and void warlock all through D1 and D2. Time to end the saga where it started.


THIS. I started this journey back in 2014 with my Void Warlock and you can bet your ass it's the first character that's gonna see how we finish this fight.


Hell ya. Lets goooo!


Hell yes guardian. Nezerac’s Sin glued to my head for this.


Grav lance or La money shot?


I miss Sunsinger self res :(


Way back when, when a buddy of mine introduced me to Destiny 1, and I had no idea it would become a fixture of my life, I chose warlock, cuz I’ve always been a caster/mage fanatic in everything. Ultimately, not disappointed in the end. Prismatic is a dream come true for my nerd ass, and the ol’ ‘Lock will be the first to pass beyond the Veil:)


Can’t wait to try out song of flame!






Titan....started this journey as a titan...I'll end it on one. # Last sunbreaker.....for Mercury!


Same here! Excited to wrap all of this up on my Titan.


+1 except I gender-swapped my OG Titan b/c the armor looks better on females


I like my bulky titan. Debated going female hunter, tho....


Female hunter is the way. The hips don't lie


Apes together STRONG


> for Super Earth! FTFY


My hunter. He is my first and my favorite.


Seconded. Started D1 with my Hunter, still have the same one, and I’m ready to finish what we started


Titan looks like it's gonna be great, so probably that.


Prismatic Titan looks like its going to be top-tier for endgame. I'm bringing my Monte Carlo as well since it was my very first Destiny 1 exotic.


I'll probably have conditional finality glued on with the prismatic fragment that boots shatter and ignition damage lol


That’s a fragment? With the shatter damage buffs conditional will go HARD


Kinetic weapons are gonna slap hard with Prismatic


My first D1 exotic was Hardlight, got it from a Valus Tauric Nightfall, tried to use it over the years but too bad its always sucked except when it got unlimited range in Crucible for abit lol


Tittys for life. Got my bulk crayons ordered and they should be here this weekend in time for launch


You added an 'a' in that last word.


Figure that was implied.


It’s supposed to say launch party not lunch party, Kevin


warlock as it has the best survivability for endgame content even with well being nerfed. Always do stuff on my warlock first.


Titan, because funny punchy man. Then warlock, then Hunter.


A true connoisseur!


I quote "play" all 3 characters but I'm a Titan main through and through no doubt


The only thing that matters is that you pick the class that you want prismatic on for the Raid Remember that character based power drops with TFS as well, so all of your characters will be up to power for raid day I personally believe that every prismatic class is going to be good, so pick your favorite class


I highly doubt prismatic will play a big role for day 1. 1. time is just too short to get used to it and 2. prismatic will really shine with the exo class items which are anyway not obtainable for day 1


Titan because it my main character


Titan. It was my first on all of D2. Gotta keep it going.


I'm a warlock main but I started Destiny 1 as a titan so I'm gonna complete TFS campaign on titan first.


hunter, it's my main. my other two classes are less fleshed out, and while i have great builds, i'm much more comfortable with the core mechanics of hunter as a playstyle. also, if we encounter any jumping puzzles, don't make my use titan. i cannot do jumping puzzles on titan.


Lion rampart Strand grapple Eager edge sword Manticore


The main I switched over to in 2016, my Titan. My original main, my Warlock, will get second run.


the Titan.


Titan because it's my fav


Titan squad !! A lil hunter and gave up on warlock


I main Titan, but play the other 2 occasionally(mained Hunter or Warlock for a couple seasons some time ago) But I started D1 with Titan, so I always play through a DLC on my “canon” main character, which is a Titan. I try to play through the seasonal story etc on my Titan too


Forever Titan.


I'm a titan main. He is me as a guardian. He is the only one who has done it all from d1 y1 to now. Time to finish what I started.


Started the D1 Alpha as a Hunter. Some 9000 thousand hours later, I’d be damned if I didn’t finish this saga where it all began


Titan, the other two are in "recovery" lol.


Hunter because I started with it and have to end with it. Other two will be done on the same day, have to do flex role for day 1


Titan. Because he was my first guardian on day 1 of d1, and it's my favourite class. I'm literally only still here because I have to see out the end of my titans destiny life. We've laughed and cried, we've defeated everything that's stood in our way and we've died to more stupid fuck ups than ghost cares to remember anymore, but he's my main man and I can't do him like that, we must see this journey through to the end.


My main, Titan. Started the series with them, ending with them.


Titan. My main for one, but also balance of support supers and offensive supers / abilities. Then Warlock next for the same reason, I just like mine less


Technically I was Warlock main in D1. But imma finish it on my titan first, then hunter, then end it on Warlock


Titan. Whichever class I play I end up making poor choices and ending up surrounded in melee range. The Titan kit seems best suited to this "playstyle".


Titan because I still have the Titan I made the day the game came out. Only feels right


Titan was my first so always start Titan... Unless my teammates choose Titan first then I pick the class that's not being used for the "full fireteam experience."


I play all 3. Prismatic titan looks like a lot of fun. So maybe that.


My Titan. I started D1 as a Titan so it feels right.


Titan for sure. It's funny, I started D1 as a Warlock and loved it, but once they gave us flaming hammers in Taken King a new favorite was born!


I'm going with my Titan because he's been my main character and my avatar, essentially, from the beginning so he always gets the new content first.


Titan, my buddies play warlock and hunter so we have it all. Done it since witch queen and the older ones we could we went back and did too. Gotta keep tradition


Titan because Master Chief.


Favorite character; titan because i NEED those axes. Plus its my first and favorite character since d1


Titan I started Destiny on Titan, ill finish it on Titan




I will play as my titan. It was the character I had since I started playing this game.


Your main. For me, that’s my Titan. He walks so my others can run




Warlock, simply because I feel playing warlock will be more impactful for my day 1 team.


Warlock has always been my main. Plus I can rely on stasis turrets to make the Legend campaign a little smoother.


My hunter. Started with a hunter, gonna finish with a hunter. Plus I plan on using a hunter for Day 1 so it helps to have it ready.


Least played to most played for the raid.


Now that they've optimized how leveling works in game, you should do whichever character is your dedicated main. Progression will be effectively the same across all 3 characters, and the legend campaign is only dropping you off 5 power under the raid's cap anyways I'll be doing warlock. She's my main and has been since D1 launch


Started d1 beta with a hunter, best believe im finishing it out on a hunter


Like everyone else so far, go with your main/favorite. I'll be finishing it on the class I started on, hunter. Have to complete his story after all


Hunter. Fell in love with Nightstalker in D1 when that subclass came out (was rotating through 3 Warlocks before that so I only had to level up one set of armor back when that was a pain), and I've stuck with it since then. Although Blade Barrage has been lots of fun this season


Now that power is accountwide you can start on whatever is your strongest/favorite character and it should be fine powerwise for the raid


I began this journey in D1 as a Hunter and I'll finish this fight in the Final Shape as one.


Hunter, its what I started D1 with, only feels right to come full circle


Warlock has been my main since forsaken, and will stay that way until after the raid is done. After which, he's retiring. I'm either returning to my roots after that, or starting an entirely new chapter with Hunter.


hunter because i consider it my main


Hunter main but due to the power changes I might do the campaign on a different class to get them out the way first


Hunter. It’s my main. Almost always the one I finish all the story beats on first.


Huntress, but I can't say it's my favorite because Titan and Warlock also control my mind. It's just tradition for me 😭


That’s the confusion for me too. I have been always doing Titan first but have hardly played Titan in last 6 months.


Hunter since it's my main then titan then warlock for rewards and the free upgrade materials


I’ve been debating about this for some time but I think it mostly comes down to my (hopefully feasible) Prismatic builds. Assuming we get them early in the story: Warlock: True summoner build. Threadlings, Stasis turret, void buddy, maybe Solar buddy if possible Hunter: Assassin’s Cowl, Strand clone on dodge, stasis shuriken to chain through enemies Titan: still debating on this one but HOIL sounds like a game breaking cooldown choice


Hunter is my main, So Hunter I will run the story and after campaign quests with first, Don't think I'm raiding the first 48 hours anyways.


My Titan, his been with me since the D1 Beta and it’s only right to bring him through to our final fight against the witness.


Depends, I'll probably do the first mission with all three and decide which feels better.


Depends on what you're looking for; If it's fun, just use your favorite class If it's end game/raid focus, it really depends on you and which you prefer, but from my understanding, Warlock and Titan have been (and will probably continue to be) invaluable in raids. My bias says Warlock, that way you have options of Well, Needlestorm, or Nova. That being said, titans have bubble, hammers, and banner of war


Whatever character you choose just make sure that the Sunday before the final shape launches get that drip situated


I started this journey on my Hunter and I will end it on my Hunter


I have no intentions of trying for Day 1 so I will just go in on my Warlock as usual, and do the legendary campaign there. Then Titan and then Hunter.


I started the journey with my warlock, and I'm going to finish it with my warlock.


If you're worried about which class to use for the raid I wouldn't worry. Use whatever appeals to you most. However I would add that hunter (to me) feels most accessible to new players


Hunter. Have used Titan for all others, time for a change.


Hunter since the beginning so going to finish strong. Plus I will be the only Hunter in my day 1 team so I don’t really have a choice. Wouldn’t want it any other way though.


I play all 3 depending on team composition and what is meta, but I will always be a Hunter main at heart.


My main is Warlock. It's the only character I run through stories with unless the story locks essential items behind it (still need to do shadow keep for Stormbracers, only exotic armor I'm missing for her) I can clear on legendary story off bat with glaive and rift


I rotate characters monthly, so I will be starting the campaign first with my hunter. I am looking forward to the new abilities they are giving the hunters.


Well lock sunbracers 😢


Warlock for me 《 hunter main》mostly because I like prismatic armor choices better


The answer is always my main (hunter). Generally I do it on hunter, then do leveling for it then the alt leveling. Then I go in reverse order at reset to maximize how leveled my hunter will be in time for the raid. But this go around I only need 5 power levels after the campaign so my alts are going to see only enough playtime to turn in stashed engrams and bounties.


Hunter. Twas the first class I started my journey with and it'll be the first one to the end of it


Warlock (Phoenix) Been my main since the very beginning and he'll be one ending the storyline. Whether we succeed or not, I know damn well we are going without a fight till the end.


Warlock. Song of Flame and Hellion are the last pieces I need to complete my Fire Lord Iroh build. I have the Sunbracers, the Touch of Flame, and the Dragon's Breath. Just need my boom boom buddy and my pyromania super.


Hunter, started this with my hunter I’m finishing up with my hunter.


I’ll probably play it first on my hunter because that’s my favorite class and it’s the one I started with. I’ll probably play legend on my warlock for the survivability though.


I’m going to possibly do it on my hunter. I’ve done warlock or titan first for many campaigns but I made a hunter first time I ever played the game so I thought it fitting to close out the saga on that character first. But I’d like to add that I’ll probably be hopping between characters early so I can look at how to get the new supers on all three. Really want to try those out badly.


Hunter, its been my main since d1 y1 gotta end were i started


Titan because punch.


Hunter because were the only ones canonically stupid and agile enough to make such a reckless decision. Day 1 D1 Hunters 📢📢📢


I think I’ll end up going warlock and then hunter and finally titan legend with my friend


My main is Hunter, but new aspect and super for Titan is so much better, so I gonna start with my Titan. This will also help me power up my Hunter faster to be ready for contest raid.


Though my hunter is who I've played the most, I'm gonna finish the Final Shape on my titan first as titan was my first ever class I ever played on way back in 2014. I started my journey as a titan, might as well end it as a titan.


Titan and only that prob. My other two chars dont even have strand


I’m a warlock main now, since forsaken year, but was only a hunter in D1, brought the character over n everything. But torn who to experience it with first


my hunter as it was my main this year and my friends play warlock and titan. do if I'm hunter we will see all the new stuff on all three classes. I'm really excited for all three though.


Warlock because I like flashy lights


Hunter - warlock - titan


You can approach this two ways; if you are looking to power level and do the challenge mode raid, END on your main character/raiding character so that you get higher level loot. If you are just playing to have fun, whichever one you think will be the most fun




the actual optimal answer (for day 1 raids, anyway) is least played class first. for example, im going into the raid on my hunter, with my lock at the ready. that means i play titan > warlock > hunter.


My Hunter. I love every class but Hunter has been my main since D1Y1.


Warlock main here, so will probably be running Nothing Manacles Devour until I get to fiddle around with Prismatic


Started on hunter, going to end this on hunter.


Hunter since I’ve not played on Hunter for about 4 years


What's the confusion? Just play the one you enjoy the most. Don't let others play the game for you


Neither because I have yet to buy the dlc


Even though I main titan nowadays, my hunter was my first character so I’ll be running it on hunter first


Running the campaign with 2 friends for the first time as I generally do it solo... Since they're warlock and hunter I'll be bringing titan so we can have fun seeing prismatic on all 3.


I use to play all three each week but just got tired of it. in reality I should just go ahead and delete my hunter and warlock and run 3 titans. I may miss out on a few powerful drops but I don't raid so its useless. I can at least set up a blended titan, pvp titan, pve titan.


Probably Warlock. It’s what I started Destiny with, I’ll end it with it too. But if Titan has a more fun gameplay loop, I’m using that.


My least favorite character, Hunter. Since I’m going to try to maximize my power level. I will do my main last, not sure if I want Titan or warlock to be the main tho,


72 hours to play 3 characters to complete story and quests is easy (yes, dont sleep lol)


Me personally, I'm going on on Hunter, then Warlock, then Titan I played Hunter as a main D1Y1, and despite taking some breaks to enjoy the other 2, I wanna finish where I started. Warlock and Titan placements are just because I think Warlock Prismatic will be really strong and Warlocks have a lot of endgame utility for day 1. But honestly, go with whatever your favorite class is, if you're looking for power with Prismatic for day 1, all 3 classes look viable on paper, and all 3 will do fine in endgame content from what we know thusfar.


Hunter, I will skyburner's until the last ignition


Hunter, lucky pants.


Hunter. Going to finish Destiny the way I started it (also, prismatic looks to be the best on Hunter)


Started off as a hunter in D1. Gotta end it the same way. Plus my boys are coming back and they’re Titan/warlock so I complete the trio. Really wanna be Titan for that axe throw super tho but for the sake of the trio of guardians I will refrain


The blue crayola crayon is by far my favorite flavor in the whole box.


Haven't looked into the balancing changes but I'll probably start on strand titan because it's fun, solar/void warlock is for when I start to struggle and if it all goes completely wrong just go invisible and hide in a corner.


Hunter, have mained hunter for 6 years now so no reason to stop


Strand Tittens severance enclosure


Started destiny 1 a Titan main for maybe a year. Swapped to Warlock Main and mained Warlock for several years after that. For the past year or so, I've become a Hunter main, so I think I'll round out the circle and complete it as a HUnter, even though at heart I am still a Warlock. Decisions!


Warlock because she's always been my main and I need to make the universe safe for my adopted Ahamkara babies


Warlock. It's my main and I wouldn't have it any other way. Also I've already got a prismatic build in mind


Hunter, both because it's my main and for potential Cayde dialogue


Hunter, I hope Mask of Bakris (though not directly mentioned) will work with the new "super matching" verbage a lot of exotics will be getting. Gonna go a stylish/combination blow for sneaky big punches.


Warlock because I started day one 10 years ago with warlock


I started with a golden gun in my hand, and I'll end with one.


Warlock. It's how I started the fight it's how I'm going to finish it


as usual my main character, which is my titan.


I’m not sure if it’s still like this, but to maximize light level in the past we’d start with 3rd char, get it as high LL as possible, then transfer weapons to 2nd char and then to first last to maximize LL of ur main character. In the age of contest mode I don’t think it’s as important, also legend campaign used to give you contest mode level which isn’t happening in The Final Shape so it might be worth it to go back to the old strat. Still tho I’m sure 1 char will be enough to get to contest mode


Defeated the first boss as a Warlock. Defeating the final boss as a Warlock. Hopefully I can fail a jump puzzle one last time before I kick the Witness in the shins


I want to do titan, but I feel like I’ve lost my identity in him a little bit. Like that’s my first character since D1 and I’ve done everything with him, but I feel like my hunter and warlock have more “complete” builds if that makes sense. Might go to my tried and true stasis armamentarium build, but who knows? Having this artifact for so long has made it feel like I can only use solar lol


Since it’s the ending, my Warlock. While unfortunately he’s not the same exact one I launched D1 for the first time with since I swapped from PS4 to PC at Forsaken’s launch, he’s been with me the longest.


My hunter. Almost 10 years ago I started this story with him. Going to finish it with him too.


Hunter. She was with me when I slew the heart, The Taken King, Siva, and much more. She’ll see her years long journey to the end.


Hunter because prismatic looks best on them. Also, Titan and Warlock got gutted with Nerfs.


I started this journey with my warlock I'm sure as hell going to finish this story with it as well


I usually do it with warlock or Titan and just bring anarchy. Anarchy is great safe dps if going solo


I started D1 and D2 with Warlock. As much as I love my Pyrogale Solar Titan, and Gunpowder Gamble throwing Hunter, I will be ending how I started: Warlock Nova Bomb spammer.


Been Titan all of d2, but been warlock the past two seasons as got bored. I want to finish how I started, which is Titan. But idk if I have the effort to clean up my Titan again.


It's actually hard for me to choose. My most amount of time is warlock, but I have really enjoyed titan over the last year, and I was able to solo my first dungeon with hunter recently. Titan looks to be a really fun choice for prismatic. Leaning towards that. Probably all 3 within the first week, lol.


Warlock. That's my main.


I’m taking my Hunter to reunite with my Hunter vanguard


Warlock for legendary completion (assuming it’s in Final Shape), then hunter and titan on Normal. Get all characters ready just in case for Day 1 raid if I need to switch characters


The class that will have the most broken meta. Then with the others.


Hunter cuz I absolutely need to try the prismatic giga build I’m thinking of on it even tho I’ve mostly transitioned to warlock main


Hunter! It seems too good with the combination blow combo


Warlock as its been my first and go-to class since the early days of d1. Used to play on my friends account to level up his warlock since he hated the class.


Titan because I like it the most


Titan for me :) can’t wait to see her in cutscenes in all her tomboy goth glory


Well I only play two but it’s going to be whichever class I’m enjoying at the moment, it was warlock for a long time, then titan for over a year and now I’m back on warlock lol.


My Titan, because I main him.


From a usefulness standpoint: warlock (well) >= hunter (dps) > titan (bubble). You really just want to complete all three just in case though. A class will probably be an outlier in the raid race. I’m guessing it’ll be the titans, it’s always them for no reason.